Shoe R epair Shop Halsey Items RIALTO THEATRE E. L. STIFF and SON Two door« north of the hotel. F U R N IT U R E D E A L E R S Brownsville and Drifted Snow Am prepared to do all kinds of flour at D H S tu rtev an t’s Carries everything in Furniture, Thursday, April 28th. shoe repairing. Satisfaction also PIPELESS FURNACES. W anted— A few head of cattle guaranteed. to pasture. Ira A Miner. 4.21tf JEWETT the COBBLER. L W Byerly was a Brownsvillt A Param ount Picture. j >> FOURTEENTH EPISODE 1111(1 R a n g e s . caller Monday. Mr and Mrs C H Davidson 215 217 Lyon Street, Albany. were Albany callers Saturday. 0 W From shipped a car of 1) h H a r o i .» E. J a c k - Thursday, May 5th, son ¿04-305 la t N a- lambs and hogs Tuesday. tional Bank Buihhn. Albany, O reg o u . Ed Zimmerman from Shedo was a visitor in Halsey Saturday. SEE Without pain. Late nerve- F H Porter drove to Portland The Ape man call the beasts of the Jungle. Hun- blocking method. last Thursday. Ireds of wild beasts in their native haunts. T a r z a n --------- ---------------------- ■ Airs Alice Jones of Salem vis­ Kl s a full grown lion bare handed. The most sen- ited relatives in Halsey the latter sational him ot the season. You have all read the KARL A. BRAMWELL. Prop. part of last week. Ed T Sneed and family and Tarzan books and here’s your chance to see the Suits' Cleaned And Pressed. W L Norton and fami y drove to picture. Don't miss the last and l.A l’NDRV SENT A WAV on MONDAY Albany last Friday. FITFEENTH EPISODE of the Rev Cain from Summit, visited at the H L Straley home the latter- At the Halsey Drug Store» part of last week. WILDEY LODGE NO. 65. Jas McWilliams left Monday for Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle in ’THE LIFE OE THE Regular meeting next S a tu r­ Eugene where he expects to day night. PARTY.’, A fast and festive fun frolic in five acts. work a t the painting business. C P Kizer from the Charity- Grange neighborhood, transacted In the musical briefs of the Bert Minckley from Lake business in Halsey Tuesday Sunday Oregonian we noticed Creek, transacted business in Electric Haircutting, Massaging P J Ashton and family of Mon­ the name of V iss Gertrude Por­ Halsey Tuesday. and Shamuooing. roe, visited Mrs Ashton’s mother ter among the vocal pupils to be Exchange vour wheat for flour Cleaning and Pressing Mrs Sophia Bass the last of the presented at the Multnomah ho­ or feed a t Thompson’s Flouring E. C . M IL L E R week. tel by Rose Coursen Reed in May. Mills, Shedd. Oregon. 4-28tf 12 Miss Janet Arnold of Shedd, The base ball game th at was | Mrs J W Drinkard and Mrs C visited Saturday evening and scheduled to take place a t H a l-|p Stafford went to Corvallis Sunday with her sister, Mrs sey last Saturday afternoon be- Wednesday to spend the day Office 1st door south ot school house Andrew Brown. Halsey. Oregon. tween the Halsey High School wjt h Mrs O B Stalnaker. They Dealer in Real Estate. Mr and Mrs Glenn Stevenson and the Harrisburg High School, attended convocation at the O A Handles row n and Country Property. failed to m aterialize We suppose c while there. Mr and Mrs Geo drove to Eugene Sunday. They Give him a call anti see if he can fix it was on account of the unfavor­ report Mr Stevenson’s mother is W Hotchkiss Street of Portland, you up. able weather. slightly improved. were the entertainers. L W Twitchell of Albany was Miss Clarissa Walton, who has Methodist Church Notes in Halsey Monday. He will be been teaching a t Brownsboro, Ore, for the last eight months, re­ the shopman for the new Meat I)R. A. R. PIN NEY SUNDAY SCHOOL returned home Monday evening. Maket in Brownsville that May­ Electrical equipped1? office Making Education Christian. Buy your flour at Thompson’s berry, McKinney and Twitchell Room 4(11 F irst National Bank Building expect to open up the first of the Flouring Mills, Thompson’s Best Albany Ore. Wisdom is the principal thing, Valley Wheat Flour $1.75 per month. They purchased a build­ therefore get wisdom. Prov4: 7. sack; Bluestem Hard W heat Flour ing on Spaulding Avenue- Education has been defined as THE YOUTHS’ COMPANION We understand that practically “ drawing out of the powers 114’ and the $2.00 per sack; 4-28tf all the right-of-way between H ar­ ENTERPRISE Ercell Sneed had the m isfor­ life th at is being trained.” tune to get struck on the nose by risburg and Alford has been es­ For 13.75 per year. Christianity strives to draw a base ball W’ednesday, breaking tablished and the fences built. out of human lives all the good I it so as to necessitate the nose There is only one place where it possibilities in them. Much care! W R IG H T & PO O LE has not been established and that having to be set again. should be used by parents and LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS is at Fred B urkhart’s warehouse, Last Friday night the Boy students in the selection of HARRISBURG LEBANON where the right-of-way will go PhoneaSS Fhoue 15 schools. A child who quits Scouts held a pie supper a t the through the warehouse, and a Branches at school at fourteen or sixteen city hall. A fter the pies and committee from the Harrisburg Win T Tem pleton, Mgr. years of age is handicapped for Brownsville, lemonade and cakes were sold Halsey, l’hone 166, F rank Kirk, Mgr. Chamber of Commerce inter­ life. As a wage earner he gets they put in the tim ■ playing some viewed Mr Burkhart Tuesday in a mere pittance. He is shut out of the popular games of the sea­ regard to the m atter. from most of the higher enjoy­ son. They cleared over $13. In “ The Return of T arzan,” Remember a fly killed now to be shown here next Thursday ments of life. From his neck will do away with thousands of the latest development of the down a man is worth only a few dollars a day, from his neck up j All work done promptly and them in July and August. a'l ¡ Tarzan epic is presented in a Phone No. 269. reasonably. on the Rawleigh man and get a plot that simply tingles with he may command a hundred dol­ can or more of insect powder; I th rinSt p is easily the most ex­ lars a day. Education of the DR- E. .S. D O N N E L L Y it is guaranteed. H S Winkle-1 cj^jng picture you will ever have head alone makes a good man Surgical disease» of *"*i J'"* ‘‘“ ’''¡ b e tte r but a bad man worse. man, the Rawleigh man. 4-14tf Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 4 1411! the pleasure of seeing—hand-to- g l a s s e s riTTeo A Mr Beckman from Mt Angel hand fights between Tarzan and The devil is looking for educated has purchased the old Hover two full-grown, blood-thirsty li­ brains; such men can bring a 501 F irst National Bank Bldg, Albany. farm near Pine Tree cemetery. ons, a spectacular shipwreck, great deal of trouble into the He and his wife and three child­ stirring scenes in the under­ is only a fraction of Artistic Piano Tuning ren passed through Halsey last world of Paris, of w ill animals have been in a ARTHUR COLE, Albany, Ore, week enroute to take possession in their native haunts, a d v e n tu re , w hat „ he m ight . . . in the Leave or.lcrs with Woodworth Drug Co. a i . .u * great field of usefulness of his place. and a love story th a t threads the 1“ ._____ t r A Albany. Oregon. kingdom of God. Last Tuesday night Messrs plot like a vein of gold- If you The district Epworth League $5. Town or Country $5 C H Phillips, Hugh McCallum. want to be lifted out of yourself convention held at Cottage Grove and thrilled to the core, make Lester Jones and Lew Petelle, closed Sunday. Our delegates Ruth Boyd as sure that you see “ The Return of assisted by Miss report a very successful conven­ pianist, all from Eugene, gave Tarzan.” tion. One hundred delegates The Womans Study Club met an entertainm ent at the city hall DR. R. H. HARRIS consisting of quartettes, solos in­ last Thursday afternoon a t the were expected and one hundred strum ental music and readings. home of Mrs Sidney J Smith and fifty came. Those going from here were Bro Cook and Wednesday night five of the There wa s a fine attendance and with a goodly number in a tte n d ­ daughter Geraldine, Pearl Pehrs­ C usick B ank B u i i . o in o . A lbany . Bov Scoots took a hike out to the all enjoyed themselv s very ance. The lesson on Wild Flow­ son, Merle Straley, Anna Hein-j Of course everybody ers of Oregon was presented in a Edwards pises and cooked their much. Isabelle Gulliford, Grace THE HALSEY ENTERPRISE supper consisting of bacon, eggs, knew that Mr Phillips, who was very interesting manner by Mrs and the formerly pastor of the Christian J W Moore, who read an able pa- Robinson and Grace Kirk, They beef steak, potatoes, weenies, will give their reports next Sun­ OREGON FARMER cake, etc. Some of the boys de­ church here, is an extra good per illustrated by colored prints. day evening. Come out and 1st tenor singer, and they knew F urther interest was added to one year for $1.65. clare th a t rank should take hear them and you will hear more cooking lessens as he hasn’t th at they would have a treat so the lesson by Mrs Templeton something good. graduated y s t Those present far as he was conce ned. Some who displayed a hiberiam of The Epworth League served a C C. B R Y A N T were Wayne Robertson. Wilbur of them had also heard Mr Pe- beautiful specimens of the wild chicken dinner at the McCully telle and they knew that he was flowers of this locality. A fter ATTORNEY AT LAW Norton, Thomas Miller, Frank One strong on the bass: He can get the lesson several beautiful rec- building Wednesday noon, Koontz and Elliot McWilliams, 201 New First N a t’l Bank Bldg, The hostess hundred generous people partook and after the boys had cooked down quite low too. Mr Jones ords were heard. Albany, Oregon. their supper. Dr Garnjobat, the as baritone and Mr McCallum as was assisted in serving delicious of the nice dinner the industrious 2nd tenor were fine also. Their refreshm ents by Mrs Stafford. ■ hands ot good workers prepared, Scout Master, and Ercell Sneed Amor A. Tuasing came along in an automobile. voices blended finely and they The next meeting of the club will The money goes to help in the th at car-1 Wayne and Elliot took the fire certainly gave us some nice quar- be held a t the home of Mrs G T great Centenary work LAWYER AND NOTARY of Christ to the test and passed on it. They re­ tettes. We hope they will come Kitchen, when the subject will i ries the gospel B rownsville , O regon needy home and foreign fields. I be “ Industries of Oregon.1 again. port a p lM m t tuna. Chas Ray in “ A VILLAGE SLEUTH.” | ^ ^ X LOST CITY.” ‘ THE REVENGE OF TARZAN.” DENTISTRY BARBER - SHOP, KODAK RHISHING “LOST CITY Rialto at Harrisburg Saturday WORK SHOES I. O. 0. F. BARBER SHOP W. J. Kibelin Chiropractor I M en’s M ule skin ou tin g shoes oak sole and heel , $2.50 M en’s heavy sum ­ m er work shoes, wax leather upper oak outer soles tri­ pled stitched $3.25 M en’s D ress Shoes m ade of black gu n m etal w elt sole, wide toe, la st easy and n eat for m en’s wear. LOO F. M. GRAY, Drayman. Chiropractor X-RAY