* , JA /V HALSEY ENTERPRISE HALSEY, LINN V OL. 9, NO. 35 COUNTY, OREGON, A P R IL 2s $1.50 PER YEAR 1921 r. **- a.*-** *** ** ** W THE W e H ave EVERY THING O ptical HALSEY NEWS NOTES HALSEY STATE BANK IN T E R E ST FROM EV ER Y W H ER E H ALSEY. O REG O N Capital and Surplus $34,000 E Y E S T R A IN Is the Cause of Many lll'M A X ILLS If v o u r eyes give you trouble your glasses are annoying SRL t'S . W e can Relieve You. callers one day last week. Mr and Mrs W I Ribelin and It was th o u g h t some tim e ago A ir and Mrs Chas Falk were Al­ In terest paid on time certificates of deposit Bancroft Optical Co. th a t the route o f the Pacific H ig h ­ bany callers last F riday. ;13 1st Si. W. Albany. Phone 4(,1 W e invite your banking business way was definitely settled to go D on’t ferget C L W itherow 's through H alsey on Second street, sale near H olley next S a tu rd a y . For Sale—Seed corn. R B M il­ C. H. KOONTZ, Pres. D. TAY LOK, V ice-1 ’res. but it seems th a t some ot the c iti­ H E Davis was an A lbany visitor ler Phone 2X5. H alsey. 3-10tf zens were not satisfied w ith that Saturday evening and Sunday. B. M. BOND. Cashier Dr. E. W. B arnum , D entist, at and th e question has come up Mrs D T ay lo r was an Albany H otel H alsey every T uesday aud ag ain . caller F rid ay . The Commissioners met in P o rt­ PREPAYMENT EARM LOANS J 8 M cMahan shipped a c a r of! 1 h “ r*l,“ V- FoF S a le —N etted G em seed po­ We sJd«d the " P R E " to paym ent and will loan you money for ten or twenty land last F riday and three of our lambs and hogs W ednesday tatoes, and loose bay. H D Mitz- prom inent citizens, L E W al- No comm ission m ortgage, no Life Insurance. You can. but do not have \V J R ibelin and wife w ent to uer, H alsey, Phone 264. 4-21.26 ton, M E G ardner, and E B Albany F riday to consult a p h y si­ o pay on the principal annually. D r W J T hom pson. P o rtland P enland went down to interview cian concerning skin trouble. E yesight Specialist will v isit H al­ th e m .. Hugh C um m ings of the Neber- sey soon and mav he consulted at It seems th a t there are com pli­ gall packing p la n t, transacted bus­ the Local H otel D r Thom pson will cations th a t no one here knew iness in H alsey M onday. be glad to meet both old and new about th a t have arisen th a t may Miss M aude A ckley of E ugene, patrons and look after th e ir eye p u t a different aspect entirely on made a p le a sa n t visit M onday st glass needs while in the ritv . the question. the home of John and Mary I.a Don’t fail to have him exam ine T he state is to pay 50 per cent your eyes on this visit. W ednes­ of th e cost of the highw ay, the Rue. W F C arter has sold out bis day May 4, Local H otel, all day. county will pay 25 per c e n t, and 4-21,28. the other 25 per cent will have to Meat M arket to M ayberry of H al . good place to deposit your savings. 4 percent interest on savings sey and M cKinney of A lbany, who be paid by the property owners Get R B Koch of H olley, to cry accoants th at run three m o n th s ..!« m o n th , or a year. In terest panl whose property abuts the highw ay, will move it to Brownsville and your next sale. He gives satis­ semi-annually. while all the side crossings will sta rt in business th e re . T hey will faction. nave to be made at the expense of bi th be c u t on th e road as stock C L Withemw ami R B Koch die city irrespective of w betbei buyers, while a in in who has be n of Holley, transacted business in heir property adjoins the highw ay w orking in the Nebergull Meal ' Halsey S aturday. Market will be the m an on th e in ­ or not. lio n Amor A T ussing of Brow ns­ side. We understand th a t Mr Mc­ Now if thp highw ay goes through ville, was a brief caller in H alsey .... Second street all those crossings K inney aim s to m ake bis home in I S atu rd ay . will have to be paid for by the city H alsey. at large, w hile the people owning property th a t ubuts on th a t street will have to pay one fo u rth df the ost as far as th e ir properly goes or if they only have properly on n e s ld e o t m e road they woum lave to pay t)l“’ eighth of the as- essinent. If it goes on F irst street, there he fewer street crossings to Plows, P eg to o th harrow s, Disc harrow s, S pring pay for as the property on the ' R ollers, both kinds. east side of the stre e t, a good to o th harrow s. part of it at any rate, belongs to C ultivators, 2 -h o rso an d a 7-tootli l-liorse. he railroad and there are oniy M anure sp re a d e rs, th e b>st th e re is by tost. „hree or four crossings to be b o th ­ T h e T ita n 19-20 tra c to r. E xam ine now on m y floor. ered w ith. On th e other h a n d , if L 1-2 h p e n g in es am i cre am se p a ra to rs. ( om e in it comes on F irst street, th ere will oe q u ite a strip oil Mr N aef’s an d look th em over and we will sw ap w i t h you. The Road Q uestion A gain The First Savings Bank of Albany .Oregon ‘W H E R E SA V IN G S A R E S A F E ’ Smith Bros.’ Market Fresh and Cured Meats Always On Hand. Also Other Meats in Season. properly th a t will have tu b e paid T he Com m issioners have taken and rt present w riting no one knows w hether it will go on F irs t or tiec- W o have on band 1 second b an d 1-b p engine, also 5-h S tover en g in e aud 1 g rin d e r. W ill sell ch eap . . T hese a re som e o f th e things. . O rd e r re p a irs Now. b e m atter under advisem ent G W M O R N H IN W E G IM P L E M E N T S T O R E •nd street. Mr and Mrs Githens Celebrate Their Silver Wedding. W HICH IS TH E FARM ERS Hard to tell, because well dressed Americana hail from e v e ry w h e re nowadays—from farm s us well as cities, frem every lo cality w here m en can get W E ARE next yon, w ith fine new woolens, aud sm a rt new o, s X L m .r . See » . « a . « . W . dothes of quality th at invite th e question W h o ’s Y o u r 'J a ilo r ? M. V. KOONTZ CO. ' S aturday evening, A pril V, Mi m d Mrs Geo E G ithens celebrated heir 25th w edding a n n iv ersary . C onversation and music were the aversions of the evening, after hich a bounteous supper was lerved. Those present were: Mr and Mrs V M T aylor, Mr and M rs Will fueller, Mr and Mrs Pete Freerk- en, Mr and Mrs Dick D uncan, lr and Mrs W ill L am ar Mr, an« d rs Horace C lingm an, Mr and Mr- \ I, K n ig h ten , Mr and Mrs W R iithena Mrs E lla Crewse, Mr C G ibbs, Mr W E G ithens, Mr lerle G ithens and M rsJ A Lig- ett (P o rtla n d ). Among the Ju ro rs selected for the May term of Court we find the names of J W M iller and John W isven of H alsey. Rev Cook aud wife were Albany l is t e n ! /ix /•> ¡¿Spring 4 ■ Ì- /»> is here and you will he i n - j a 1 A _tl/ terested to 1_ kn:iw the special . /»V free $ d\ offer that is made for $ /|X --a APRIL ONLY to to to D. H. STURTEVANT. $ With each Suit or Coat and Pants 3 to order to your Individual meas­ ure we wiii tfive an extra ft to PAIR OF PANTS FREE! to « Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1