Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, April 21, 1921, Image 4

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if it is a box of our deliciou
candy. It is as wholesome as it
is delicious and after tasting it
you’ll want more.
dotes upon our choice confec
tions. They are always so pure,
fresh and delicious
Having sold my place 1 will offer for sale on the place known as the,.
Johnson Lee place I and 3-4 mile west of Holley on the north of the, c
'allapooia river on
Buy Now!
Buy at home and keep the money
We have reduced prices on granite
ware, aluminum ware etc. Start the
year aright and buy now.
> Cross & White
the following described property, to wit:
7 years old
I milk cow with calf 3 yrs
1 bay mare 7 yrs, wt 1300
1 Jersey cow fresh 5 yrs
1 sorrel mare 9 yrs wt 900
1 roan cow will be fresh 1st
1 yearling colt
of July, still giving milk
A No. 1 set of double harness good as new; a set single harness; a
saddle; 1 4 shoats weigh 30 pounds each, more or less; 2 sows 1 7 5
pounds each; a light wagon; a buggy; a harrow; a hay rake; a 1 4-inch
Mz Oliver plow; a diamond plow; a 6-shovel plow; a double shovel plow;
a good garden plow; a cross cut saw good as new; a man s saw; 3 hand
z saws; a hay fork; a carrier for fork; a small anvil, a vise; a potato fork;
Will chop Tuesdays, Thursdays ami Satudays.1
O. W . FR O M
“Just Between You and Me”
says the Good Judge
H ere’s genuine chewing
satisfaction for you, hook­
ed up with real economy.
A small chew of this class
of tobacco lasts much long­
er than a big chew of the
ordinary kind —that’s be­
cause thej full, rich, real
tobacco taste lasts so long.
Any man who uses the
Real Tobacco Che< w ill
tell you that.
P ut up in two styles
W-B C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco
R IC H T C U T is a short-cut tobacco
A T T E N T IO N F A R M E R S !
1 here is a scarcity o f good h o rses in th e \ alley,
and if you will give th e m a tte r a serio u s thought
yrtu will realize th at now is the tim e to raise horses
to be in line for th e d em and that is su re to com e.
I will stan d for service in Halsey, th e celebrated
P urebred P erch ero n stallion, P ig i-till Ufl’’ to in su re.
M ondays at Brow nsville
F rid ay s at Howland
J. W. MOORE, Owner.
Oftle * at H alsey D r u g s to r e
A I. Schick and wife motored on
to Portland last Friday, where
they expect to wake their future
Grange met Saturday with
ui .stir women in attendance, the
men folks being too busy with
Cieir farm work
Visitor» were
p 'e se n t from W estern Star Grauge
and as the women bad it all their
own way a real good time was had.
Next Saturday uigbt will be the
last night of the singing school
and the teacher would like for all
the mem tiers to he present. The
class baa certainly leatued so mt
C harity Grange Items.
Mr» Ague» Struthers from Wash­
ington, is visiting relative« at d
trisnds in this vicinity.
O'A Waggener from Harrisburg,
<s helping bia father erect a new
2 p itch forks; a g ru b b in g hoes t bellow s; a sm alt drill; an e x tra good se t d ies
plates; a good De Laval se p a ra to r; a good long-shank auger; a c a n t hook; a
crow bar, sledge and wedges, ra tc h e t brace and bits, 3 fo e s, g ard en rake, sc y th e
a pinch bar. sm all crow bar. 2 good log chains: sm all ch ick en feed g rin d e r, *
grindstone som e artich o k es, a little feed and a tew potatoes.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS:—A good sewing machine, good as new sanitary couch, a wood
bedstead, good m attress. 2 sets bed springs, 2 good stands, 2 big rockers, a child’s rocker, cabinet,
safe. 2 cupboards, cookstove. 5 chairs. 2 good stove kett es, good roaster, 2 good buckets, 2 cook ta ­
bles; set of irons, bread pan. 10-gallon stone j. r. a 4-gallon and two gallon jars, 3-gallon churn, a few
dishes, 7 or 8 doz fruit jars, 2 tubs and wash bo r l, a good dishpan. and A GOOD HUNTING DOG.
TERMS OF SALE: All su m s und-r $20. cash. All over $20 a credit of six months will be g iv er;
. u -chaser giving bankable note at 8 per cent interest. No property to be moved until settled for.
C. L. WITH EROW, Owner
R. B. KOCH, Auctioneer
Will Elmore, Clerk
very hard songs as well as some 'lie leadership nt Mrs Van Winkli I > Shedd, he has fallen iu love
s progressing finely.
There an , a th the place. His wife and boy
1 ry pretty ones
twelve members and they have had accompanied him and they a ll,
H ow ’s This?
two meetings at the home of their made the trip iu a Ford.
We uffer One Hundred Dollars Tlewarr
lor «ny case of Catarrh that cannot b>
Last Friday m orning the Albany
uied by H all’s Catarrh Medicine.
The Freshmen and Sophomores College qu artet accompanied by a
H all’a Catarrh Medicine has been taken j
gave a party at the school house pianist and Pres W illiam s, visrted
by catarrh aufferera for the past thirty
Ave years, and has become known as tin
most reliable remedy tor Catarrh. H all’i last Friday night under the cha- th e Shedd school and sang several
Catarrh Medicine acta thru the Blood or peronagi-of Jack Dannen and Mies
numbers for the pupil».
the Mucous surfaces, expelling the P ol­
Maude McDaniels.
son from the Blood and heal,ng the dla
eased portions
A car of hogs and sheep were t ilk to the young people. In hia
After you have taken Hall's Catarrh
Medicine for a short time you will see a shipped fr< m Shedd one day this
great Improvement In your general
talk he showed thut according to
health Start taking HalTs Catarrh Medi­ week.
cine at once and get rid of catarrh Send
'h e U S government figures, for
for testim onials free
When the Lad e ’ Aid society every hour spent in school from
F J CHENFT A CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold bv all Druggists. 78c.
met at the Methodist parsonage the prim ary grade up it gave an
last Thursday, the cooking class average return of 19.02.
served supper fot them, consisting sjm e of those who have their
Mias Blanche Epperly and Mies
f puffed potatoes, salad, muffins doubts on ths value of an educa­
Mahelle Jones «ere guests in Al­
and tea.
tion, had better th in k it over.
bany Friday evening.
Mr and Mrs Robert Arnold
Rev Stanley Van Winkle a t­
Mrs Hannon of the Oregon
transacted business in Albany-
tended the revival at the Metho­
State W C T tj spent Tuesday in
Wednesday of last week.
dist church in Albany last Friday
The Senior class is busy practi­ Shedd. In the morniDg she visit*
cing their new play, ‘ Assisted by e 1 the school and told some of the
At a Farm Bureau meeting at
| Sadie.”
evils of the cigaret. In th e even­
Millersburg Iasi Friday night J i
The Circle ladies gave a ban- ing she met with the local ohapter
Cornett explained the object and
| f i d Tuesday night of last week at the home of Mrs Brasfield,
aims oi the association
W I) For-
I >r their husbands and children. which meeting ended with
ter was selected aa the leader ot
Thompson Bros are shipping luncheon.
the movement for the Eradication ! ¿rain from their bins at the mill.
A punching bag baa dieen added
of tuberculosis among cattle.
Mr and M rsGuy Porter of Al­
to ihe equipment of the Scout h a lf
Miss Esther Dswsou went to Al-
bany were visitors in Shedd one
and some of the boys ate getting
banv Saturday morning to spend
day last week.
so they can use it. In. the S pring
the week end with her brother,
( Taken from the Shedd V isitor the hall is going to have to be
Paul Dawson and familv.
of April 13th )
Mrs W L Pate was an Albany
moved. It is the p re sen t plan to
Rev Fred Schnell was in Shedd get a place over to w n and move
visitor Monday
C J Shedd was an Albany caller Monday atteruoon and remained the ball there and t l e n fix it up-
here until he barely bad time to and put iu a re ad in g room anti
get back to Turner for the servi- g»t a traveling lib rary and make it
1 he bhadd cooking club, uuder |C«i. Like everybody who come»
of »ervice to thecom oiiunity,