Shoe Repair Shop Mrs J S McMahan returned th< ! fir»* of the week from a visit it Two doors north of the hotel.' portiand. Am prepared to do all kinds of Mr and Mrs Geo Alford from shoe repairing. Satisfaction Harrisburg, came down Satur- guaranteed day for a visit with friends COBBLER. Misses Hazel and Isabel Gulli JEWETT ford went to Portland Fridas for a few days visit with theii parents. Mrs Mary Robnett of Browns­ ville, passed through Halsev Fri­ day on her way home from Eu­ gene. Mrs W H Kirk returned Fri day from Eugene where she had taken her child for a surgical operation. Mrs Fanny Ross and daughter Miss Lila, started Friday from Albany for Detroit, Mich, where they will make their future home. Miss Grace Nelson, a former resident of this place, who is now teaching school in Dallas, spent the week end here visiting with friends. Miss Helen Moore has suffi­ ciently recovered from her recent illness to resume her work in the school room, has returned from her home in Albany. Remember a fly killed now- will do away with thousands of them in July and August. Call on the Rawleigh man and get a can or more of insect powder; it is guaranteed. H S Winkle man, the Rawleigh man. 4-14tf Next Sunday morning at 11 there will be a union meeting of both churches at the M E church at which F W Snyder, the state director of the law and enforce­ ment dept of the Anti Saloon ,eague will speak on the subject “ Watch Your Step.” This is /or you. Everybody come. Tuesday morning Jas Rector, who had been visiting some of neighbors, chicken houses, came into the office with some of the spoils and left them on our table. Jhe first one was an egg laid by an Ancona hen owned by Mrs L C Walton; it measured 8 inches in circumference the long way and 6 inches in circumference the short way. The other "as an egg laid by a White Leghorn hen belonging to Mrs J W Moore, measuring 7 1-2 inches around the long way and 6 inches around the short way. They made fine eating too. OVERALLS $1.15 per Pair. Men’s bib over­ alls made of heavy 220 weight blue Denim. Big and roomy low back garment with wide detacha­ ble suspenders, with inserted elas­ tic, combination watch and pencil pocket and watch chain buttonhole on bib. Think of it, only $1.15 a pair. Send us your order by mail. Be sure to state size. E. L. S T IF F and SON RIALTO THEATRE F U R N IT U R E D E A L E R S Thursday, April 21st, Benjamin B. Lampton presents Carries everything in Furniture, also PIPELESS FURNACES. •THE WESTERNERS” Wedgewood Stoves and Ranges. A p e r f e c tly p ro d u c e d d r a m a o t t h e D ak o ta B lack H ills. O n e o t th e b ig s h o w s o f th e s e a s o n . 215 ‘217 Lyon Street, THIRTEENTH EPISODE “ L O S T C I I \ »» Albany. ílfMTRTDV ° K llAROt° E- J ack - U l NII u IKI son .304-105 1st N a - Thursday, April 28th. Bank Butldin, Albany. Chas Ray in “ A VILLAGE SLEUTH ” i ttonal Without pain. Late O reg o n . nerve­ A P a r a m o u n t P ic tu r e . blocking method. A p ic tu r e w ith a ll t h e c h a r m a n d h e a r t a p p e a l _ th a t m a d e C h a s K ay t h e b e s t lo v e d A c to r o n th e p S c re e n , a m i m o re la u g h s th a n th e ''h ic k s le u t h h a d t > z \I v l i i S l v - t I I O l . fleas. D on't m iss it. Also KARL A. BRAMWELL. Proo. FOURTEENTH EPISODE LOST CITY.” Suits Cleaned And Pressed. C o m ir.g S o o n . LAUNDRY SEN T AWAY on MONDAY “THE PURPLE RIDERS” Rialto at Harrisburg Saturday I. 0 . O. F. WILD e Y LODGE NO. 65. Regular njeeting next Satur­ day night: “ D E S E R T (¡O L D ” F r o m th e b o o k b y Z a n e (¡ra y . ASKS INDEPENDENCE WITH OR WITHOUT PROTECTION M anila. P. I. — The people of the Philippines w a n t Independence In w h a t e v e r form they can get It, M a n u e l Quezon, president of the Philippine senate, declared in an ad ­ dress before th at body. "L et the Ameri­ cans In the P h il ip - ___ pines and those In the U nited tftates Manuel L. Quezon know th at the peo- President Philip- pie of th e Philip- P'"« Senate pine» covet th eir freedom, liberty and political em ancipation so much th a t they will not h esitate to receive from the Congress of the U nited S tates complete and absolute Independence w ithout protection.” Quezon said. "If the United States, dictated by Its own interests, decides to extend p ro­ tection to the Philippines, well and good. We would accept th at as a so­ lution of our problems. If not, let us have absolute Independence In w hat­ ever form we can get It.” President Quezon declared th a t If the question were put before the Filipinos for a vote, 98 per cent would favor absolute Independence. A T EST OF FAITH (C hattanooga News.) We have frequent occasion to pro­ test against the efforts of Jap an to Impose her dominion upon unwilling peoples, yet we have thus fur failed to exemplify th e ideals which we rec­ ommend to Japan. If we should w ith­ draw our sovereignty from the Philip­ pines, In accordance with our repented promises, we could the notre consist­ ently ask Japan to follow a sim ilar course tow ard Shantung, M anchuria and Siberia. O ur plea would have a g reat deni more force If we could make It with clean hands. To say that the Philippines are cot ready for In­ dependence is merely to express an arbitrary, gratuitous opinion. It is perfectly easy to create conditions— In one's own mind—th a t no people ever could comply with. O ur delay about respecting our own pledge is a reflection on our national good faith and a constant invltutlon to Interna tlonal com plications In the fur east. BARBER SHOP Electric Haircutting. Massaging and Shampooing. Cleaning and Pressing E. C . M IL L E R W. J. Ribelin Office 1st door south ol school In use H alsev. Oregon. Dealer in Real Estate. H andles Town ami Country Properly, ijve him a call and see if he can fix you up. • Chiropractor DR. A. R. PINNEY Electrical equipped' oflice •loom 4A1 First Nktforfal Bank Building Albany Ore. IN D E P E N D E N C E OF P H IL IP P IN E S (A tascadero (Cal.) News.) , . . T he Philippines should he given absolute Independence, which is their natural right, even If we nre well aw are th at they have not yet reached the full statu re of American Ism. We ourselves have not reached It so long us we Insist upon govern Ing o th er peoples against their will I'HK YOUTH»* COMPANION and the en terprise For 18.75 per year. W R IG H T & POOI.E .ICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS HARRISBURG LEBANON I-hone 35 Phone 15 Branches al Irownsville, Win T Tem pleton, Mgr. lalsey. Phone 106, Frank K irk. Mgr It was then that the boys de­ The young women of todaj cided that something must be could break the boys of smoking done. They missed seeing their cigarets or using tobacco in any sweethearts and a number of the form, if thev everywhere would male students at the local high adopt the pledge of the Mattooi school formed an opposing organ-1 C E girls and live up to it. Bui ization to try to make out of the i the girls won’t do that. Then All work done promptly and Boys and Girls in Mattoon, 111., girls of today‘‘the kind of girls are very few now who care iI Phone No. 269. Form Mutual Clubs to Re­ our mothers were.” Each mem- the boys smoke or not, in fact, easonably. ber of this club signed pledges as some of them rather like it them- form the Opposite Sex. DR- E . S . D O N N E L L Y selves. The boys know they follows;” Surgical diseases of don’t care and so they go on (From the Sunday Democrat.) ‘‘I do solemnly affirm that I Eye, Ear, Nose-aml Throat Dan Cupid is finding his bows will not court a girl who per­ with their smoking. C L A S S E S F IT T E D The boys, if they wanted to, and arrows quite useless against sist» in il F irst National Bank Bldg. Albany. the hearts of the girls of the ‘‘Wearing knee length skirts. could break the girls of dressing West Side Christian church of ‘‘Wearing low cut waists below in the prevailing fashions of to­ Mattoon, 111, who have formed a the point where mother wore day, if they as a class would bino \rtistic Piano Tuning themselves with a resolution club not to keep company with them when she was a.»*rl. ARTHUR COLE, Albany. Ore, similar to that of the Mattoon eave orders with Woodworth Drug Co. the boys who smoke cigarets or ALBANY, OREGON. ‘‘Wearing silk stockings. boys. But they won’t do it. In use tobacco in any form. ‘‘Using paint or rouge. Albany. Oregon. fact, many of the boys want the The club is continuing to grow, ‘‘Attending danceS minus her B ab»r 1 15. Town or Country $5 girls to come out in their undress-1 according to its sponsor, Ed­ corset. “ Pulling out her eyebrows or uniform, and what’s more, tht Brownsville and Drifted Snow ward McKee, superintendent of the S S, and though a marked wearing her hair in such a style girls know that the boys like it, flour at D H Sturtevant’s. and »o they continue to drest decrease in the number of as to bide her ears.” Mrs Eldon Cross has been on DR. R. H. HARRIS 'mfttches” is noted, quite a few The girls declare they will not that way. the sick list for a few days. And thev will continue to dres local boys have given up the recede from their position until that way and smoke their ciga Wanted—A few head of cattle habit. the boys give up tobacco; rets until the King of King: to pasture. Ira A Miner. 4.21t: osick B ans B u ii . dino . A lbamv . “ Do you want to stand around and the boys say they Won’t takes unto himself his great pow James Porter attended the while some boy is smoking a cig- yield an iota until the girls learn er and reigns; then all evil doin Marshall lecture in the armory aret, or walk up the street with to dress decently. Which side ' and lewdneas wi be put dowi HE HALSEY ENTERPRISE torcibly, and all from the leas Monday night in Albany. and the him as he dangles the silly thing will capitulate first remains to be to the greatest will be torced ti Miss Barber from Eugene, was in his teeth, or do you want to seen. ____ ■ to obey righteous laws. OREGON FARMER here the fore part of the week to smell the nasty smoke” The an _ The churches for nineteen hun one year for $1.65. visit her sister, Mrs John Pitman swer is usually “ no,” and a new (Comments by the Editor., dred years have been praying The Millennium is not in full,, kingdom come, thy will b Mrs T I Marks and son Roland signer of the pledge is obtained ------- Al---- . were Albany shoppers last Fri­ It was at a meeting of the swing yet, and until it is, no one i done on earth as it is in heaven, c C. B R Y A N T Christian Endeavor society that need expect any very startling but if that kingdom should b day. ATTORNEY AT LA W set up tomorrow, there would b Karl Bramwell went to Eugene Mr McKee urged the girls to and sudden refoms. DI New First Nat'l Bank Bldg, Some thirty or forty years ago family altars erected in ever Snndav to visit his mother, Mrs sign pledges not to keep compa ny with boys who “ used the there was a song entitled The Albany, Oregon. home, ar.d the burden of thei Albert Miller, and his sister, weed ” Twenty five pledges Lips That Touch Liquor . a prayers would be Lord pleas Mrs Elmer Settle. Z^re Bigned ¡mmelüately and th« Never Touch Mine.” Had he Amor A. Tussing Mr Fuller from Portland, who club has grown by leaps and young women as a whole adopted rescind those rigid orders n bought the W C Sherling place, bounds and the girls hope to in- that motto and lived up to it. pro­ let us go back to the old day LAWYER AND NOTARY has arrived to take possession of duce every girl in town to join hibition would have oeen here when we didn’t have to do righ B rownsville , O regon unless * e wanted to .” i t He will be followed in ft few long before it w»», (heir ranks. ty f t by |)ii fw lly. F. M. GRAY, Drayman. ■ — Chiropractor X-RAY •V». *- «ft ^ftft I