T h e H a ls e y E n te rp ris e held next Tuesday April 26, at Salem in 4 sonic Temple. FVBLISHED“ EVERY THURSDAY This meeting will be of more & I than special inter ?st. R •- Pau * CHAS. BALLARD, Editor____ | lus, sales manager, will tell of all m o a D l s u matter O? saïes made the paît > • ar and un- ♦ Entered M -------- tober 3, 1912, at the postoffice at Hal- usual conditions of the general eey, Oregon, under the Act of March markets. W I Staley, treasurer, t ______________ will report on financial condi­ a, 137». $ Devoted to the material upbuilding of tions, and C I Lewi3 will tell of ♦ the organization work and new Halsey and surrounding country and Linn County generally. Subscription memberships. rate 11.60 per year in advance On account of the many impor­ r r r ■ '■ * tant m atters to be discussed, it ADM INISTRATOR'S FINAL NOTICE is thought this meeting will be more largely attended than any Notice is hereby give that the under­ signed. as the adm inistrator of the es­ previous annual meetings. Can I Get My Money Back? An Independent Newspaper Ï ACRES On the PACIFIC HIGH WAY. Chas Kay in ‘A Village Sleuth.” * Youthful Star a Detective in His * $ Latest Picture. the investm ent are unusually complete. IF VN INVESTOR who has purchased direct from us wishes to « realize cash on his notes prior to the m aturity date, we simply arrange Charles Ray rea'izes an ambi­ "holdings t i olher investors. Our ^ ^ t o ^ l i n d tion in ‘‘A Village Sleuth, ’ com-' plan is a perm anent policy. There .s a steady demand for tins sound in g to .th e Rialto Theatre next . t Thur®ay, that roost of us havej security. cherished at some time or other WE PROVIDE A PROMPT AND READY MARKET for our 8 per in our lives. Confess it. Havn t 4 cent Gold Notes in the event that a holder wishes to sell. Ex^ e ^ loI,a you ever «anted to be a great de­ « tective and solve a bathing m ur­ + care is taken by our organization to make these notes a liquid invest­ der mystery? * _ ____ - ment. In the picture, Charlie is a All under cultivation except 2 acres ol tim ber, good 5-room house, large tarn and all necessary outbuildings, a good well at the house, family orchard in d berries, woven wire fences. This place it between Albany and Tangent in d ■ to a good buy at »9500. (X). Terms. W ILLA M ETTE VALLEY LAND CO «03 1st National Bank Building ' __ Albany Oregon 3sk MEAT MEAT MEAT! Prime meat, the kind you can chew, that is the kind we sell. Beef steak 16c to 20c per pound, oth er meats in pro­ portion. S * country boy with aspirations to 1 become a second Sherlock Holmes. His efforts to nab the raiders of his fath er’s water mel­ I on patch, resulting disastrously, 4 resulting rather disastrously, he « leaves home and secures a job as chore boy at a fashionable health 4 resort. There is a combination $ robber-murder mystery looms up, $ and Charlie not only solves it, $ but wins the pretty girl in the $ case as well. I Thomas H Ince produced “ A I Village Sleuth” for Paramount * release and Agnes Christine $ Johnston wrote the story. $ Winifred Westover is the leading woman. Jerome Storm directed. I Methodist Church Ñutes i Safety and 8 per cent Annual Returns. STATES POW- H. M. B y lle s b y F is c a l & ifififfx flfx f fA.fxfXfxf> tate of C. D. carter, deceased has filed b is Final Account in Said Estate M atter w ith the county clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and the county court has by order fixed Monday, the 2nd day of May, 1921 at the hour of 1 o'clock p m of said day for the final hearing of said account and settlem ent of said estate Any and all persons having objections thereto are hereby notified to be present a t said tim e and present the same. W. G. carter. Administrator. W eatherford A Wyatt, Attorneys for Administrator. t $ THIS QUESTION i« on® of the acid tests which every careful person should apply to investm ent propositions. IN THE CASE OF THE 8 PElt CENT GOLD NOTES of Moun­ tain States Power Company, provisions to insure the m arketability of C om pany A g e n ts Byllesby Engineering and M anagement Corporation Engineers and Managers SUNDAY SCHOOL Problems of Poverty and * Î .fAf.-.f.-.f Wealth. Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Luke EXECUTOR’S SALE OF REAL 12: 31. PROPERTY. HALSEY MEAT MARKET Money is a great blessing or a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That great curse dependent upon ho« in compliance with the provisions and CHE FURNITURE HOSPITAI vou get it and what yen do with directions of the last Will and Testa­ it. The words miser and miser­ Renovates and makes feathei able are close kin. He who has ment of Seba H. H arker deceased as adm itted to probate by the County nattresses, old furniture anc naught but a hoard of material Court of the State of Oregon for the nattresses made like new. treasures is the most miserable Couuty of I.inn and recorded in the Bring them in or phone 261-R of men. Not money i s e 'f but Record of W ill, of said County, the un­ dersigned a , such Executor w ill from .28-130 Ferry St. Albany. Ore. the love of it ‘ is a root of all ! and after Saturday, the 30th Day of kinds of evil ” Financial rules April, 1921, a th is place of business in for Christians t arn diligently, I the City of Halsey in «aid county. pro I tpend thoughtfully, save s y s te m -R " 1«« »eU PriTllte “ ,e for CMh- ",,b jcvt to confirmation of said Court tin illy, give generously. follow my real property ot said estate, An interm ediate League was to wit:- organized last Sunday evening FIRST TRACT: Commencing at the N. W corner ot with nine members present. Caleb G ray's I). L. C N ot No 2369, Thirty of the voting people and running thence W. 55 Rds. and ltl zave Bro and Sister Cook a very links to a corner on the E line of the agreeable surprise by meeting at D. L C. of C J. B. Crosby; Thence S. on he parsonage Tuesday evening Slid line 96 R'ls, and H links to tb eS E Kryptoks Cleverly Conceal thi for the regular weekly prayer corner o( said Crosny's claim; Them e "act that the Wearer Need meeting. A fter a very good ser­ E to a corner on Caleb G ray’s W line. Thence N to the place of be­ vice the Epworth League held ginning. containing 33 acres and 56 sq louble Vision Glasses. more or les, and _ being __ ____________ - - _ situated in In improving the appearance, their election of officers which , rds. resulted as follows: Pres. Glenn rps. u and 1 « s. of R « w of the Wii- ind conserving eyesight. Kryp- Frum: 1st vice pres, Clarice lauiette Meridian in Linn County. Ore. oks are a priceless possession. SECOND TRACT; Gourley: 2nd vice pres. Grace! Beginning at a point 23 17 chs. W of Robinson; 3td vice pres. Ruth the N R corner of the S. E. '« of N. W Frum: 4th vice pres. Alberta of Sec i, in Tp. I t s of R 3 W. of Koontz: sec, Grace Kirk; treas. l b - Willamette Meridian. Oregon and Merle Straley; organist, Geral­ running them e \V. n 58 chs. Thence S. dine Cook; chorister. Pearl 7.. ■> ch«, Thence E 6,58 chs; and thence 1 A L B A N Y OAC6 Pehrsson. And then came a fine N 7 ‘8 ch* *° beginning containing 4 50 acres more or lest in Linn County Harold Albro. social time. Oregon M anufacturing Optician. The Booster S S class met in a Dated Match 31. 1921. lawn party on Mrs MornhinWeg’g Win. F. White. iregon Growers Co-operatise lawn last Saturday afternoon Executor aforesaid. Association Meets in with nine members present. It Amor \ Tussing Atty for Executor. 3-31 to 4-2 Salem. was the time for election of offi cere and Agnes Hayes was elect­ Members of the Oregon Grow ed president, Georgina Clark rs Co-operative Association liv secretary, and Elsie Reynolds ig in the Halsey district, have treasurer. Those girls are good Fine Dress Shoes a Specialty eceived notices of the annua1 feeders and a big feed they did 501 Lyon Street, AJb.ny, Oregon, jseticg of tfcs ÀHociatioQ to be have. $ .f.-.fAf if. if c ffiif The U. S. Postal D epartm ent lias discontinued fn r n ia i- . mg Post Offices w ith G overnm ent Stam ped Envelope» with Post Office and delivery address printed upon them except in lots of 500 or more. T h e S ta r E n v e lo p e S e r v ic e , HALSEY, OREGON Will furnish envelopes o f g o o d quality with name and address on the corner at the following prices on all orders received before May 1st 100 eizj 61x31 65 cents 35 50 25 25 The above prices in elude postage in the first and second zones Send C ast s n th yonr order. Envelopes, same size and quality as quoted above with business c».rd on the ciruer at prices given below—For this month only. P r ice f< >r B u s in e s s E n v e lo p e s 1000 15.25 500 33.00 250 32.60 For postage in first an 2 - 2 5 Order Now * VH 3 E X C E P T IO N A L O f T ‘• u b ir y t io n i may be n e w e r renr wel »»«•» ft s-n IS 5 0 3 3 FOR A SHOOT T IM E O NLY A ll renewal eubacrlptiooe w ill be extended foe c M «fss* o f W anted —The address of all farmers who desire name» f h o ir f& rm a F .n v a lr in a for