A »L ( r r HALSEY ENTERPRISE HALSEY, LINN VOL. 9, n o . COUNTY, OREGON, $1.50 PER YEAR APRIL 21 1921 % * % % % ♦ * ** THE HALSEY STATE BANK W e H ave > HALSEY NEWS NOTES t EVERY THING O ptical everywhere HALSEY, OREGON E Y E S T R A IN Is the Cause of Many HUMAN ILLS If your eyes give you trouble jour glasses arc annoying SHE I S. We can Relieve You. Capital and Surplus $34,000 W F Carter opened up hie Meat Harold Stevenson to Graduate Market again last Saturday. from the O AC School W C ShirliDg »hipped his house Interest paid on time certificates of deposit of, Pharmacy. B a n c r o ft O p tic a l C o . „ _______ J hold good* to 1 routdale last Satur- . We invite your banking business ila 1st Si W Albany. Phone 4bl Oregon Agricultural Collage, j ay Corvallia. Harold St***,n,on> ,ou j Alvia Leeper front Eugene, C. H. KOONTZ, Pres. D. TAYLOR, Vice-Pres of J A Stevenson of Halsey, will gpel)t a few days with hie parents, For Sale—Seed corn. R B Mil­ be graduated front the school of Henry English was a week end ler. Phone 2X5. Halsey. 3-10tf B. M. BONI), Cashier pharmacy in the spring. Mr eauer jn Eugene, Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, at Stevenson is a graduate of , Glenn Chance was an Albany Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and PREPAYMENT EARM LOANS Halsey High school, treasurer. viaitor Monday. Th ursday. For Sale—Netted Gem seed po­ Dr W J Thompson. Portland We added the "PRE” to payment and will loan you money for ten or twenty president, secretary of the Senior Teen. N ocom m niion mortgage, no Life Insurance. You can, but do not havi data, winning a college acholar- tatoes, and loose hay. H D Mitz- Eyesight Specialist will visit Hal­ ihip. ner, Halsey, Phone 264. 4-21,28 sey soon and inav be consulted at to pay on the principal annually. He is a member of Ariatolochlite Glenn Rice, C L Witherow and the Local Hotel. Dr Thompson will honorary pharmacy fraternity, and R B Koch from Holley transacted be glad to meet both old and new See J. M. and H. M. Hawkins, Albany, Oregon. -------- —— —— W — —1 if the pharmaceutical association. business in Halsey Tuesday. patrons and look after their eye He ia a registered pharmacist, W C Sherling left Monday noon glass needs while in the city. 'taving had four years experience for his future home in Troutdale. Don’t fail to have him examine it the business. Stevenson hold» He will run a garage in Portland. vour eyes on this visit. Wednes­ T he First Savings Bank of Albany .Oregon the rank of captain in the R O T Mrs Chas Whitl atch and son day May 4, Local Hotel, all day. C at the College. During the war Ronald of Eugene, who had been 4-21,28. he served in the army. visiting with her father, Grant Wednesday night of last week Pharmacy is a rapidly growing Taylor, returned home Friday Purity Rebekah lodge held course at O A C, 194 students evening. its regular meeting with the I* a good place to deposit your sa\ itigr. 4 perceut interest on savings laving enrolled in the work this There will be work in the first following people trying to maintain accounts that run three months, s i« months or a year Interest paid chool year, The demand for edu- degree at the Odd Fellows lodge their o«ats on the “ goat;” Mrs semi-annually. ated pharmacists has never been next Saturday night. Browns­ Alta Skirvin, A D Smith, Dean so great as at the present time. ville lodge is expected to be with Bilyeu, Andrew Brown, and Mrs Employers are lookiag for college them on that evening. Salasb. There had been a contest trained men. All graduates pass We understand that the pastor going on for two months which re­ a succefsful examination before the of the Christian Church has de­ sulted in the addition of 25 mem­ State Board of Pharmacy, this cided to move to Halsey and then bers, and the losing side banquet­ nakes them eligible to practice we will have two resident ministers ed the winners and the new candi­ pharmacy in 43 other states, with­ dates. here. out examination. i ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ Definitions, Not Found in Web­ ster’s Dictionary Eugene, Ore. April 12. Vio^ ent disagreements with the late Ml Webster, he of dictionary fame levelop at the University of Ore gon ns regularly as vocabulary lest» ,re called in the freshman classes hi English composition. Following are some of the more startling revisions of the English language accomplished in the last examination: “ Barnacle” —An eyepiece affect­ ed by Englishmen. “ Trite.’’—1. A kind of a fish. 2 Lining of a cow’s stomach. “ A ltruist.” —1. A mountain climber, 2. One who doesent believe in future life. “ Larynx.” —A precious stone. “ Lave.” —Gaelic for ‘‘leave.” “ Asterisk.” —1. A beautiful flower. 2. An insect. “ Clairvoyant.” —A lawyer. A Tribute Fresh and Cured Meats Always On Hand. Also Other Meats in Season. Plows, Peg tooth bill-rows, Disc barrows, Spring tooth harrows. Rollers, both kinds. Cultivators, 2-horse and a 7-tooth 1-horse. Manure spreaders, the best there is by test. TheTitan 10-20tractor. Examine now on niy floor. L 1-2 h p engines and cream separators. Come in and look them over and we will swap with yon. We have on band 1 second band 1-h p engine, also 5-h Stover engine autl 1 grinder. \\ ill sell cheap. These are some of the things. Order repairs Now. G -W Choteau, M ont.—John “ Red’’ Standish is becoming a cartoonist Hard to tell, because well dressed with a successful future if he de- Americans hail from everywhere velopa bia taleut as much next nowadays—from farms as well as year as he has the past few months. cities, from every locality where He is studying under W L Evans, one of the foremost cartoonist! of men can set the middle west. “ Red" Standish attended school m Halsev last year, and it was ihrough the principal of the school that he took up cartooning and caricaturing, which be expects to complete next winter. He is specialiting in animated cartoons for the motion pictures, such as “ BringiLg Up Father,” “ Mutt and Jeff” etc. Mr Nolan of the International Film Service Co of New York ia giving him all WE ARE near you, with fine new woolens, and smart new styles the assistance that he can. or Spring and Summer. See us today. We can asaure you of Johnny Standish was for a slothes of quality that invite the question— brief time a “ devil” in the Enter­ Y o u r ,7 a iio r ? prise office. M O R N H IN W E G IM P L E M E N T S T O R E L IS T E N ! to Johnny Standish W H IC H IS T H E F A R M E R ? M. V. KOONTZ CO. Smith Bros.’ Market ¿Spring is here and you will be in- terested to know the special I FREE $ offer that is made for | APRIL ONLY $ With each Suit or Coal and I’ants order to your Individual meas­ ure we will give an extra PAIR OF PANTS FREE! Satisfaction Guaranteed. H. STURTEVANT. Mrs E T Cross was an Albany caller lait Friday. .F i . j A