“ N O W -A - D A Y S Shedd SHE LL ACCEPT YOUR GIFT Last Saturday afternoon and GL1DLY -evening the Linn-Benton Count» if it is a box of our delicious Odd Fellows’ convention wae he)U candy. It is as wholesome as it nere at the VV O W hall. Therr were 226 all told »vho were pres­ is delicious and after tasting it ent at the convention. Then you’ll want more. Everyone •vere representative« and delegate- dotes upon our choice confec Iroin Albany, Halsey, Brownsville tions. They are always so pure, Corvallis, Lebanon, Sweet Home, Crawfordsville, Alpine, Alsea, fresh and delicious. CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. Buy Now! Buy at home and keep the money going. We have reduced prices on g ran ite ware, alum inum ware etc. S ta rt the year aright and buy now. Cross & White $ 4s zi\ Will • Imp Tuest!,i vs, T h u rsd ay s and S a tu d a y s .^ es» a z>\ zb Ä 4S O. W . I K I M 5 & SEEDS OF PROFIT SEEDS OF PLENTY In ln> su re that you a n 1 {retting seed That has been r ir e f u lh selected, th o ro u g h ly c le a n e d and properly tested Bill SEEDS HI I SEED STORE. W •* e re m aking a sp ecialty o f m ail o rd e rs a n d * i»e to serxe tliosi* u ho eon not c o n v en ien tly d e al with th e ir local iiteich an ts. \\ e will he gla I to sem i von a catalo g . A TTENTION FARM ERS! r h e r e is a scarcity o f good horeeia in the Vailed, a'¡'i d io n will give the m a tte r .a serio u s th o u g h t 'e u will i e dize that new i* t he tim e to ra ise h o rse s Ini,' for the dem and th at is su re to com e. I. will sta n d for sei vice in Halserv, th e c e le b ra te d P tir i d Perclm ron .............. Digestin'. #15 to in su re . M ondays at Brow nsville F rid a y s at Rowland J. W. MOORE, Owner. O l.ii' mit II ilsev Drug S to re fry an Ad in the Enterprise says the Good Judge I H arrisburg, and Scio, and of i ourse nearly all of the Shedd Odd Fallows. The meeting was called to order by President A T Grugget, and W W Poland gave an appropriate address of welcome whjch was re­ sponded to by A T Gruggett cf Corvallis. The program was then rendered as follows: “ Why the Linn- Benton I O O F D istrict?’’ by J K Weatherford from Albany. “ Why the Endowment F und?’’ by W F Moore of Browmville. ‘Why I Became an Odd Fel­ low.’’ T A Logsdon of Corvallis. Then followed the grand ban­ quet. After being called to order for the evening session the conven­ tion was addressed by Rev Geo H Parkinson of Corvallie, on the subject of “ Politics” viewed from the standpoint of Government, Industry, and Religion. One of the delegates from Halsey said it was the best address he ever heard in his life. After this came the “ Recitation of Unwritten Work and the E x ­ emplification of Signa. H arrisburg was expecting to put on the initiatory degree, but for some reason which our corre­ spondent did n ’t get, it was exem ­ plified by another lodge. 1st Degree work was exemplified by Sweet Home, 2nd Degree I» Alsea, and 3rd Degree by Alpine. After the conclusion of the even­ ing session a second banquet was served which was thorouhly en­ joyed by all, even if some were a tittle under the weather and not able to take on more than two men's oidiuary rations. The next convention will be held at Alsea, and the Alsea lodge promises them a feast °l deer meat, as it will be during thi open season when the next semi annual convention meets. There was a fast game of basi ball at Shedd last Friday between the Albany College Freshmen and Shedd High School which resulted iu a score of 16 to 9 in favor of Albany. The Shedd Jersey Club is m a­ king preparation to try for several prises so as not to retrograde from he good work of last year J C Clay is the leader of all club work in the community and W H McConnell is the Jersey Club eader. Mrs A B Dunlap of Albany, spent the week end with Mrs Will Dunlap. Mr and Mrs R C Morgason, Mrs Dawson, and Neva and Roth Large took in the basket social at the Oakville echool house last Friday night. H erry Freerksen spent last Thursday in Albany visiting re v ­ ives and transacting business. The “ Prairie Rose“ was given it Shedd the second time S atur­ day night, April 2, with a large attendance. C C Purdy is on the sick list. We understand it is yellow jaun. dice. Miss Effie Walton bas taken Mrs Daweou's place as nurse at the home of Mra Morgason. F Y Warner, who has hern »orking for ) B Cornett, has gone .o the McCredie hot springs. Rev Reid went to Portiaud last week to atteud the Uuited I’reeby- :e n e u c o n feren ce. A man can get a heap more satisfaction from a small chew of this class of tobacco, than he ever could get from a big chew of the old kind. H e finds it costs less, too. The good tobacco taste lasts so much longer he doesn’t need to have a fresh chew nearly as often. A ny man who use9 the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. 1 Put up in tw o styles W -B C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco R IG H T C U T is a short-cut tobacco Mr and Mrs G a te Sprenger, who left for Albany last week visited for a short while with their people and then went to Grants Pass. L R Wilson is still on the sick list and at recent reports was not so well. (Taken from the Shedd Visitoi qf April 6th ) The annual congregational meeting of the U P church wa- held Monday evening, April 4tb. At that time there was a reception for the new members and a big supper, with about 100 peoplt present. At the business meeting the following officers were elected Trustees, W P Moore, G V Max well, and H K Suiker; R S Ache son was elected chairm an of thi congregation; R M Miller, sup^r intendent of the Sunday school W J Dunlap, treasurer of the con­ gregation; Mary McConnell, sec­ retary-treasurer of the Sunday school; Mrs Dunlap, pianist am Mrs J H McConnell, assistant; Fay Hamilton was elected cboris ter, Harold Hamilton, chief usb er with four helpers. One of the social events thi week was the dinner given in hoi> orof Miss Frances Freerks* n ’s nin teenlh birthday. Plates were sei for six. Her guests were th Misses Florence Adams, Edm Gregory, Kathleen McCarthy, am the Stover sisters of Albany. Be­ sides the dinner, time was spent in auto rid'ng and wild flowei picking. A new deck has been laid oi the bridge out by the Robneti place, which has been needed foi a long time. The Alpine High School pla will be given in Sbedd, Saturda» night, April 16th. Lem ard ami Helen SAtchwel are home this week enjoying th Easter vacation. Tuesday at the home of Mr am Mrs Harold Couey there was i birthday party for their littl daughter in honor of her firs birthday. ALBANY OREGON SEND US YOUR MAIL . ORDERS. .25 2 Kelloggs .25 2 Post Toasties .30 2 Shredded W heat .28 2 puffed W heat .35 2 Puffed Rice .35 2 Grape Nuts .35 No 10 Corn Meal .50 No 10 Graham .75 No 10 Olympic Pancake .75 No 10 Farina .15 Krumbles .60 5 Cana Tomatoes .60 5 Cans Corn .13 No 1 V C Pork Beans .20 No 2 V C Pork and beans .25 2 cans milk .21 j Jello .35 Pint Wesson oil .65 Quart Wesson oil .65 3uart Mazola .16 loda crackers p?r pound Best grade Peaberry coffee .33 per pound .40 Our special coffee per lb 17 bars Crystal White soap 1.00 22 bars White N aptha soap 1.00 2.35 >0 pounds Olympia Flour >0 pounds Flavo flour 1.95 iood medium bacon per lb .45 » pound pail lard .95 Granges, per dozen 20 cents, 25 cents, and .40 We pay highest cash price or cream. Come to Third & fuyon Streets at Stenberg’s Corner. Pupils of the Rowland school nd other» have been going to the »ooda flower picking .and return- ng with arm loads of liilies. The »n\b's tongue is just sim ply won- 'erful thi» year. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured Mrs B I’ Schick and daughter w ith L O C A I, a r P U C A T IO N P ns they cannot reach th e seat o f th e disease Iazel spent Friday shopping in C a ta rrh is a local disease, g re a tly In ­ fluenced by co n stitu tio n al conditions Vlhany. and In order to cure it you must ta ke an in te rn a l rem edy H a ll’s C a­ A I. Schick and wife returned ta rr h C ure la ta ken In te rn a lly and acta th ru th e blood on th e mucous s u r­ roin California the latter part of faces of the system H a ll's C ata rrh Cure was prescribed by one o f th e best ast week, having «pent the win- physicians In th is co un try fo r years It Is composed of some of the best tunic» er at Palo Alto where their boh known, combined w ith some of the best blood p u rlflera. Th e perfect com ■ * attending Stanford, They are b lna’ lon o f the In g red ie n ts In H a ll's C a ta rrh C ure Is w h at produces such iaitlng at the homes of B P w o nderful results In c a ta rrh a l condi­ tions P -nd fo r testim on ials free -chick and Mra C P Kizer of thia F J C H E N E Y A CO . Props . Toledo. O A ll D ru g g ists 78c 'ieinity, and other relatives at Hal I s F am ily Pllla for constipation Brownsville. Oscar Wigle and family were in Charity Grange Item«' pringtield Sunday visiting Mr Meredith Kizer it on the g. Vigle’s mother. early and late these days in th ­ Mr and Mr» C P Kizer were via- in terett of better road». He hut ting at the home of G T Kitchen charge of one of the county’s gra» lear Halaey last Sunday. el trucks. Dr Conk, the veterinarian of Mr and Mrs C P Kizer visitet Brownsville, made a professional with the latter s mother ii •ill at the farms o f J H Darrah , B ro w o tv iJie F rid a y , *nd E A K izer la s t I b u n d a y ,