Haber Shoe Repair Shop tteaa C HJKoontz was an Albany caller Wednesday. Mrs Stevenson was taken to Eugene Wednesday for treat­ m ent George Dannep’s smiling face from Shedd was seen on our streets 1 stTuesday. Mrs G riffith of Eugene, a sister of Mrs E C Miller, stopped off Monday between trains on her way to Tangent T M Bennett and fam ily from Tangent, spent Sunday at the E C M iller home. Mrs Opal Higbee returned w ith them. The J M Porter house was put under quarantine fo r smallpox Wednesday. Mrs Porter is the one who has i t We potice in one of the Albany oapers that Lewis R Mason of Shedd, and Miss Allene Bayne of Halsey were on Tuesday granted I Geraldine Cook assisted by othy Sherling. a fine lime. E. L. STIFT and SCN Dor­ The girls report F U R N IT U R E C E A L L R S Brownsville and D rifte d Snov. Two doors north o f the hotel. Carries everything in Furniture, flour at D H Sturtevant’s. Christian Church N otes Am prepared to do all kinds of also PIPELESS FURNACES. Don’t forget the Sherling sale shoe repairing. Satisfaction next Saturday. (Gleaned from the Bulletin of guaranteed. D r and Mrs T I Marks drove A pril 9 .1 JEWETT the COBBLER. to Albany Thursday. The Passion Play pictures will Mrs F Fisher underwent at be shown next Saturday evening 215 217 Lyon Street. Albany. operation fo r appendicitis Tues at 8 o’clock. day at an Albany hospital. Some are planning to go to nPMTlQTDV D"' HAROLD e J ack ' U L n ilO llM son 304-305 1st Na­ Merle Cummings o f th Turner fo r the state convention. tional Bank Buildin. Albany, O regon. United States Surveying Corps, The Loyal Bereans are begin­ passed through Halsey last F ri­ W ithout pain. Late nerve­ ning a series of 13 studies on the day on his way to his home ii Bible. Some of the titles of les­ blocking method. Albany. sons are: How we got our Bible; ¡The Old Testament confirmed; M r and Mrs Glenn Stevensot from Portland and Mrs Roj God’s purpose in the Old Testa­ KARL A. BRAMWELL. Prop. Keeney of eastern Washingtoi ment. (Any study in the BIBLE are visiting at the J A Stevenson is of advantage to young and old. Suits' Cleaned And Pressed. Get busy w ith your Bible and you home. LAUNDRY SENT AWAY on MONDAY w ill not be led astray.—Ed. Remember a fly killed now w ill do away with thousands ol State Secretary Swander w ill them in July and A ugust Cal preach next Sunday evening. t license to wed. on the R&wleigh man and get i The C W B M met at the home W ILD E Y LODGE NO. 65. Lyle and Donald Sherling left can or more of insect powder Thursday noon for the ir new [of Mrs John Pitman Tuesday at Regular meeting next Satur­ it is guaranteed. H S Winkle nome at Troutdale. They went 2 p m w ith Mrs Wells as leader. day night. man, the Rawleigh man. 4-14tl yitn their aunt who had been New Mexico’« Big Turtle«. The Woman’s Study Club en /isiting at their home. Fossil turtles. gome of them not joyed a very pleasant afternooi Miss Hattie Dannen o f Shedd, leg« than three million «nd others on Thursdav of last week at the who has been making an extend­ seven million years old, have recently Electric H aircutting. Massaging been found In San Juan county, north home of Mrs J W Moore. Th* and Shampooing. ed visit with friends in the mid- ern New Mexico. Remain« of extinct lesson on Flower Culture and A r Cleaning and Pressing lie states, returned Thursday turtles are rather common, but moNi tistic Planting was interesting^ evening and is visiting her sister, of them consist of many small pieces E. C . M IL L E R badly crushed and flattened or other given by Mrs Templeton an* drs E A Starnes. wise damaged. The remarkable feat Mrs Stafford, a fte r which tw< ure of many of those lately dlacovered appropriate musical number; Boy Scouts Initiate In New Mexico Is that the bony hox Office 1st door south ol school house were rendered. Mesdames Fris like shell Is almost as perfect as when Halsey, Oregon. bee, Mayberry and Walton wer* Wayne Robertson, Albert It was occupied by the body of the living animal during the tertiary amt Dealer in Real Estate. guests of honor. The hostes Heinrich, Truman Robnett and cretaceous periods. No less than ft Handle» Town and Country Property, was assisted in serving deliciou Wilbur Norton were initiated in- specimens were perfect enough to he liv e him a call and see if he can fix Identified and described by specialists refreshments bv Mrs Walton M the Boy Scouts last Tuesday the United States geological sur­ you up. The next meeting of the clu night. Wayne Robertson was of vey. Sixteen of them are new to sci­ w ill be at the home of Mrs Sid Appointed leader of Patrol No 2. ence and have therefore been given n e y j Smith. Mrs Moore wil C H Koontz and D S McWil- new names. handle the lesson on Oregon’: iams as committeemen were DR. A. R. P IN N E Y wild flowers. present. A fine program was Electrical equipped; office Th« Dr«»« Problem In the O rient The Pleau-Lyon Dramatic C< •endered and the meeting ended The Yokohama Reform aaaorlatlon Room 401 First National Bank Building arrived here last Saturday ant with a feed consisting of sand­ recently sent a communication to the Albany Ore, mayor requesting hl» co-operation In made arrangements to play twc wiches and lemoRade. endeavoring to prevent coolies and nights here, Monday and Tue? workmen appearing In public places THE YOUTHS’ COMPANION Methodist Church Notes with Insufficient clothing to conform day nights. On Monday nigh and the with western ideas of propriety. The they rendered “ The Eternal Tr, enterprise association's spokesman Stated that SUNDAY SCHOOL angle’ ’ which illustrated th- the reason for the request Is the pres For 18.75 per yenr. Bible teachings about work. enre of a large number of foreigners Christian way of deali , Frank Kirk, Mgr. couldn't kill a quail on a bet, turkey cater to the world. The propri I spiritual health. was all they could find for meat on etor is a man who knows wha “ Far and away the best prize that memorable day. They had been on a diet of clams so long that mayhap true Christianity teaches, and s< I that life offers is the chance to even turkey tasted like food to them far as w ’ were able to judge wa; work hard at work wo#h doing.’ ’ But that Is no excuse for wishing the A ll work done promptly and w illing to give any one credit foi blamed thing onto posterity and mak | — Roosevelt. Ing It a sacred duty to gnaw a bundle •easonably. Phone No. 269. honestly try in g to walk in th* The secretary’s record showed of concentrated flddlestrlngs on the Savior’s footsteps, but he has nr I an attendance of 108 at Sunday last Thursday of every November.— DR- E. S. D O N N ELLY use for the counterfeit (hypo­ Topeka Capital- 1 school last Sunday. Surgical diseases of critical) type under any guise A t the morning church service Eye, Ear, Nose snd Throat Spreading over North China, with There was a fa irly good housi I the in fa n t son of M r and Mrs C the speed of a hurricane, la a horrible auAssna wiTTeo the first night. The seconc I E G ille tt was baptixed. calamity of suffering and starvation, o l First National Rank Bldg, Albany. night they rendered “ The Con A t the evening service Mist of pestilence and death—all due to vict,” but owing to a steady fa! Leone Palmer was received in ti the moat terrible famine the world has ever known. The following cable from Artistic Piano T uning of rain all day and a cold, disa the church by confession o! Admiral Taal Ting Kan, paints the greeable rain and wind at night 1 faith. gruesome picture: A R TH U R COLE, Albany. Ore, "Five northern provinces ars famine the audience was small. W< .eave order» with Woodworth Drug Co. Last Friday evening about 125 ruined Whole districts living on wish them well wherever the> I people gathered at the church to wseda snd leaves Selling or drowning Albany. Oregon. children. Whole families committing may be in the future. ALBANY, OREGON. do honor in a royal reception tc suicide. Children suffer most. Cala 55. Town or Country $5 I the large company of ne< mem- ratty so colossal Is hard secure fund; •s. A fte r some songs in tor adequate relleL Epidemic feared w. • I which everybody took part, wi In spring.’’ Tirad) I listened to some fine solos b\ DR. R. H. HARRIS TW ELFTH EPISODE. No matter how "hard up" you may 1 Mrs B M Bond, a fter which Mr Thursday, April 14th. feel, you are rich In comparison with I Bond an 1 the pastor introduced the starving peoples of Clitna and OTHER MEN’S SHOES.’ the young people to some laugh Armenia. You know that you can B a k r Bun d in g . A l b a n y . able games. Then came th» easily help fill a few plates on the bh relief table Fifteen thousand peoph Thuraday, April lia t , Benjamin B. Lampton preaent, refreshments, ice cream and are dying In the Chinese famine dis I cake which was served by th* trlct. But for the accident that you wer* I'HE HALSEY ENTERPRISE and the : immittee, Mrs D Taylor, M r born on this side of the globe, one ol WORK SHIRT Wedgewood Stoves and Ranges. BARBER - SHOP. I. 0 . 0 . F. 75c BARBER SHOP W. J. Ribelin We can now sell you an honest full cut double stitched work shirt blue or gray at the low price o f 75c. Or­ der by mail, we pay the postage. If for any son you are satisfied we ffladlv refund giaaiy reiui money. Chiropractor rea­ not will y your much ‘ F. M. GRAY, Drayman. RIALTO THEATRE Chiropractor ‘LOST CITY.” X-RAY “THE WESTERNERS” The Photoplay of the novel by Stewart Edward Mornhmweg. and WTh " : P A Ä Big W estern Picture that is bound | « « * .« - to please. TH IR TE E N TH EPISODE “LOST CITY Comir.g Soon. “THE PURPLE RIDERS” Rialto at Harrisburg Saturday The Big Super Special “Trumpet Island.’ other ladies „4 ™ .. even to three helpings. The Standard Bearer girls held their regular meeting at the par­ sonage on Tuesday evening which was led by Clarice Gour ley. Fourteen o f the girls were iresent and took part in a we rendered lesson. The pastoi read some interesting letters from some missionaries on the Alaska field. Some very fine ceireibnwnU were wrv«i by them might have been you— Westor Leader. Well saM But for the fortune ol birth In a favored sone, one of then might have been you, or yours The | American public Is tired of drives—«' It Is often »«Id—but It will be ye* mor- tired before fsmlne gives way t< I plenty, death to life, or a chwnce for] life, and chaos to order. In less for túnate parts of the world Tired? Of course everybody Is tired But others are «ven more tired of 1 hunger, destitution, disease, snd «11 the | horrors that go with famine and de •traction Being tired Is no excuse for closing either ears or pock»*« tc | ths eriss and needs of helpless psopls —Morning Oregonian. — OREGON FARMER one year for $1.65. c . C. B R Y A N T ATTO RNEY AT LA W ¡01 New F irst N a t’l Bank Bldg, Albany, Oregon. Amor A. Tussing LAW YE R AND NOTARY B rownsville . O regon