The Halsey Enterprise An Independent Newspaper PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY CHAS. BALLARD, Editor n - i" -y *"" Entered as aecond-claaa matter Oc tober 3, 1912, at the postoffice at Hal eey, Oregon, under the Act of March 8, 1879. THE FURNITURE HOSPITAL! Renovates and makes feather mattresses, old furniture and mattresses made like new. Bring them in or phone 261-R, 128-130 Ferry St, Albany. Ore. CERTAIN ADVANTAGES Of Partial Payment Investments WE DO NOT KNOW jf any other partial payment plan for in­ vesting that equals ours in convenience, lairness and financial i etui ns to the investor. \N INVESTOR ON OCR PLAN undertakes to purchase a defi- nite amount of «old Notes of The Mountain States Power Company at the rate of $5 (or more) per month, llo obtains the notes for the same price as the cash investor. He makes a first payment and ie- eeives an ownership certificate upon which his subsequent payments are endorsed. DURING THE PAYMENT PERIOD each deposit as made earns interest for* the investor at the rate of 6 per cent per year from the date it is paid in. When the payments are completed the ownership certificate is exchanged for the Gold Coupon Notes, paying a return ot 8 per cent a year. IF AN INVESTOR cannot, or decides not to complete his pay­ ments, he has the privilege of withdrawing his funds, in which case ho receives them hack in lull with 4 per cent interest added for the time the Company has had the use of his money. There is no forfeit­ ure or loss. - . ... Coquille Dairymen Stand by Ore­ gon Co-operative league. At a meeting of over 100 dai­ rymen, all members of the Ore­ gon Dairymen’s Co-operative League, at Coquille lately, the - ' - - ~ ~ ----------- following resolution was passsed Statement of the Ownership, with only 6 dissenting votes: Management, etc of the Whereas, there are many false Halsey Enterprise. rumors being circulated by those A* required by the Act of Aug. 24, 19- who are not in sympathy with 12. farmers co-operative marketing Published weekly at Halaey. Oregon Managing Editor, Charles Ballard associations in the state of Ore. Halaey. Oregon and which are apparently de- Publisher. Cherles'Bal lard, Halaey. Or. s gned to injure the confidence Owner, Charles. Ballard Halaey, Ore of individual members in the Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders holding one per minagementof our dairy mar­ cent or more of total amount of bonds, keting organization. Whereas we recognize that the mortgages, or other securities, None. Charles Ballard, Business Manager country is going through a gen­ Sworn to and subscribed before me eral period of alter war adjust­ T he steady accumulation of wealth by this method will beat this fifth day of April, 1921. ment which has meant to the [Seal] b . M Bond, dairy industry as it has to many Get-Rich-Quick schemes 9 9 9 times out of 1000. Notary Public. My commission expires Septemter basic productive phases of agri­ culture a deflation on the market 1st 192,1. value of product of 100 per cent ADMINISTRATOR’S PINAL NOTICE or more in a period of 12 or 14 months time, and whereas we be­ Notice is hereby give that the under­ signed, as the administrator of the es­ lieve that without the concen­ tate of C. D. carter, deceased, has filed trated co-operative action of far­ his Final Account in Said Estate Matter mers through co-operative mar­ with the county clerk of Linn county, keting associations as the Oregon Oregon, and the county Court has by Dairymen's Co-operative League, order fixe 1 Monday, the 2nd day o f the Fruit Growers’ Association, M t), 1921 at the hour of 1 o'clock p. pi. of said day for the final hearing of said the Pacific Co-operative Poultry account and settlement ol said estate. Asscc ation, etc, which organiza­ Any and all persons having objections tions are operated to save thru thereto are hereby notified to be present more economic methods of dis- at said time and present the same. t ibution a larger percentage of -i W. O, carter. Administrator. che consumers dollar for the Weatherford ft Wyatt, original producer, the farmer Attorneys for Administrator. will be further forced to stand a H. M. Byllesby & Company 60 ACRES On the PACIFIC HIGH much greater deflation in his product which will mean ruin to - WAY. Fiscal Agents many of our long term tenants All under cultivation except 2 acres of Byllesby Engineering and Management Corporation oak timber, good 5-rooui house, large and farmers who are making Engineers and Managers barn and all necessary outbuildings, h contract payments on farms. good well at the house, family orchard Therefore be it resolved by and berries, woven wire fences. This this mass meeting of dairymen place is between Albany and Tangent members of the Oregon Dairy­ and it t good buy st 89500.00. Terms. men’s Co-operative League as­ W IL L A M E irK VALLEY LAND CO sembled in Coquille this 30th day 403 1st National Btnk Building The U. S. Postal Department has discontinued furnish­ SALE OF REAL of March, 1921, without influ­ EXECUTOR'S PROPERTY. Albany Oregon ing Post Offices with Government Stamped Envelopea ence or prejudice do hereby withPost Office and delive y address printed upon them wish to have made generally pub­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That except in lots of 500 or more. licly known among the farmers io compliance with the provisions and The Star Envelope Service, of the last Will and Testa­ in other parts of the state and directions HALSEY, O REG O N ment of Seha H. Harker deceased as I will open the other states of the union that we admitted to probate by the County Will furnish envelopes o f g o o d quality with believe our co-operative Court of the State of Oregon for the name and address on the corner at the following Meat Market formerly firmly marketing organization to be Couuty of Linn and recorded in the prices on all orders received before May 1st Record of Willa of aaid County, the un­ owned by my father. founded on the right co-opera­ dersigned as such Executor w ill from 100 size 01x31 65 cents tive bargaining principle, and we and after Saturday, the .10th Day of 50 *• ” 36 “ My prices will be reaffirm the endorsement of this April, 1921, at his place of business in 25 “ “ 25 principle of co-operative market­ the City of Halsey in said county, pro­ right, and the quality ing. The above prices include p- stage in the first and second ceed to sell at private sale for cash, sub zones Send Cash with your order. ject to confirmation of said Court the While there may be some mis­ of the meat will be following real property ot said estate, Envelopes, same size and quality as quoted above takes which we and the manage­ to wit:- with business card on the corner at prices given right. ment of our organization have FIRST TRACT: below—For this month only. made during the period of its Commencing at the N. W. corner ol W . F. Carter. Caleb Gray's D. L. C N ot No 2569, first year in organization we do Price for Business Envelopes not believe them to be more than and running thence W 55 Rds. and 10 1000 15.25 500 »3.00 250 »2.00 links to a corner on the E. line of the to be expected through the initia D. L. C. of C. J. B. Crosby; Thence & on For postage in first and s xond zones^ add 13 cfcnts to tion of so large an organization said line 96 Rds. and 8 links to theS. E orders (or 1000, 10 cents on 500, 7 cents on 250 in so short a time when the ' corner of said Croaoy's claim; Thence The Star Envelope Service, wor d’s finance has been in such S. Io i corner on Caleb Gray's W line; Thence N. to the place of be­ Halsey, Oregon. a chaotic condition. ginning. containing 33 acres and 56 sq We furthermore realize that in rda. more or leas and being situated in co-operative organization of this Tps 13 and 14 S. of R. 4 W. of the Wil­ type more or less of confidence lamette Meridian in Linn County, Orc. SECOND TRACT; must be placed in our board of Beginning at a point 23.17 chs. W. of directors, and the management ihe N. E corner of the S. E. % of N. W. Kryptnks Cleverly Conceal the through its paid officers, of our j \ of Sec. 6. in Tp 14 S. of R 3 W. of Fact that the Wearer Need- a Fairs and we wish to express the Willamette Meridian. Oregon and this confidence in our present running thence W. 6.58 cha; Thence S. Double Vision («lasses. 7.28 chs. Thence E 6.58 chs. and thence board of twenty-five members. N. 7.28 cha to beginning, containing | In improving the appearance, How to Kill Thistle. 4.50 acres more or less in Linn Couuty I and conserving eyesight. Kryp- Oregon toks are a priceless possession. As a tested method of killing Devoted to the material upbuilding of Halaey and surrounding country ’and Linn County generally Subscription rate $1.60 per year in advance MOUNTAIN STATES POW­ ER COMPANY. Will Open Soon. ' -, BIG SUBSCRIPTION OFFER O p t e m ‘ e t r i s t . A L U N Y 0 **6 Harold Albro, Manufacturing Optician. Su&acribe (or the Eotarprite. —Exchange. t-. .. k, Dated Match 31. 1921. Win P. White. Executor aforesaid Amor A. Tusatng. Atty for Executor 3-31 to 4-28 thistles and cockleburs, dig around the plant cup shape with a knife or trowel, then have a strong salt brine Put a pint of it on the stump. It's sure death to burs and Canada thistle. I have killed ont hundieds of them hack in In­ diana. They never come back. A. Peterson Practical Shoe Repairing You Get ALL FOUR of Thane MAGAZINES and OUR NEWSPAPER y X,°YY FOR $ ia 2 .2 5 T H IS E X C E P T IO N A L Q F F g w Subscription, m ar be new -r renewal. Order Now ‘ 3 0 0 0 F O R A S H O R T T IM E 0 8 1 ^ A ll renewal^eubarnprlcne w ill be extended fo r ro e Fine Dress Shoes a Special tv SOI Lyoo Street. _____ I Albany, Oregon. W anted their farm«, 1 he address of all farmers who desire name* for Star Envelop« Service, Halaey, Oregon