t ALSEY ENTERPRISE H A LSEY , LIN N V OL. 9, NO. 33 COUNTY, THE HALSEY STATE BANK I). TA Y LO R, Vice-Pro B. M. BONI). Cashier PREPAYM ENT EARM LOANS No commission mortgage, no Life Insurance. $1.50 PER YEAH 1921 W e H ave . i EVERY THING O ptical OF INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE E Y E S T R A IN Is th e Cause uf Many For Sale— Seed corn. Interest paid on time certificates of deposit We invite your banking business years. 11 X Capital and Surplus $34,000 We added th e “ P R E ” to paym ent and w ill Ioan you money for ten or A P R IL HALSEY NEWS NOTES 1 ALSO ITEMS HALSEY, OREGON C. H. KOONTZ, P res. OREGON, twenb You can, but do not h a v to pay on the principal annually. See J. M. and H. M. Hawkins. Albany, Oregon. T he First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ Is a good place to deposit your savings. 4 percent in teresto n savings accounts th at run three m onths, six n o n th s or a year. In terest paid sem i-annually. J R B Mil- Some of the boys have started II y o u r e y e s g iv e you tu rtle J er P lio u e 2 X 5 H a ls e y . 3- ItHf , tbe sw m im in g se a s o n a lr e a d y , ti n e | your J i- v' ire a n n o y in g J >i i. i W ft.ni Relteve Y ob x For Sale_D uck eggs lor setting of them was in twice last Saturday . Bancroft Optical Co. / -1 lor 12 Mrs \\ V C arter. 4-21 Last Saturday afternoon the 1st St. V Albany. l'bone 4hl « Dr. E. W B arnum , D entist, >>t Junior Scouts, accom panied hy R ev 1 Intel H alsey every T uesday and | Cook the Junior Scout M aster, took a.hike out near C u tte r’s gravel pit I Mrs P utnam from V an couvtr, Thursday. Miss E thel C om m ons is reported taking th e ir «¡upper w ith them and W ash, cam e up F riday to visit cooking it out there, retu rn in g just with Mrs J A Stevenson. in the sick list. I’rof E nglish w ent to Corvallis 'efore dark. The reception for the new m ° m . o spend th e week end. T J S kirvin and Andrew Brown hers th at joined the church during Mrs J M Porter has been on tin ach took a load of young people, the late revival meeting in the sick list for a few days. Members of the sewing club, with ’ 11 I, Straley ami fam ily wer> Mrs Brown ami Mrs C lark to Cor- M ethodist church was held last Vlbanv callers S aturday. 'allis lust S aturday m orning. F ridi^’ evening. A fine tim e is Mrs T I M arks w ent to Etigem They went through the O A C reported. A sm all program was Saturday for a visit with her siste iiiildings ami then ate th eir ¿ in ­ rendered and refreshm ents of ice Mrs Fred A pplegate. ter, took in the sights of the eream and cake were served. Mrs Ellen H ayes, a sister of Mr town and then cam e home. They We reported last week about the I, A. Stevenson, arrived from Port report a line outing. two dope fiends who broke Dr land for a d a y ’s visit last Friday There is to be a goat riding at M arks’ window. The sam e two, Miss Dorothy M iller from Cott>ig> Howard and M orris the O«ld Fellow s’ hall next Satur- George trove came down and spent th W hite, on Friduy threw a knife I iv night. Prof Patterson, Prof week end with her (» rents. through a $250 plate glass w in­ English nnd F rank Gibson will try Chas P Poole from L eb an o n dow in Dan M ason's srore in heir skill at sticking on, and we vas a culler in H alsey Tuesday Junction C ity, and it seems th a t inderstand the goal is in line con- tt looks good to see him again. lition, having lately been sheared they did it th a t they m ig h t he a r­ George Alford from K a»ti«burg tnd there will be no surplus nio- rested ami sent to the penitentiary latne down S aturday and returnei lair for them to dig their fingers where they hojed to receive m ed­ Sunday. • to to help them to hold on They ical tre a tm e n t fur the m oiphine K A MeCnlly and fam ily am Tney were arrested and ill th ree have our sym pathies and h a b it. 0 A E on n e tt from Eugene, wei f there are any broken bones and taken to Eugene. W hat the o u t­ Halsey callers .Sunday. ve Imar of it we will announce it come will be rem ains to be d eter­ B M Born! and wifp ami m other mined later. iter. n-law and sister-in-law wer. dtoppers in Albany S atu rd ay . Mr and Mrs E B l’enland am Mrs Fred Robins were Albany -hoppers last '1 htireday. Mr St« venSviu fiom Sun F ia n - ■isen, arrived here M o n d a y morn mg, for a vi-it w ith his m o th e r. Mrs I. H W allace of Portland 'attic the la tte r p art of th e wiel. tor m visit with her parents, Mi Plows, Peg to o th harrow s, Disc harrow’s, S p rin g and Mis ltcctor. Mr.~ Josie Sm ith went to C anin ooth harrow s. Pollers, both kinds. 'h e foie p a rt of the week to visil C ultivators, 2-horst* hih I a 7-tooth 1-horse. tt the N S Sm ith home for a shot Miiiiuro sp re a d e rs, th e best (h ere is by test. time. T h o T itu n l(l-2otractor. E x am in e now on m y floor. J a s Rector, who h a s t e n clerl - L ¡-2 h p en g in es nnd c re am se p a ra to rs. Conic in ing in a drug store in Jeffer son tor several m outh . has rs tu rn e o mil l o o k th em over and wo will sw ap with you. to Halsey. \Ye have