SffttTS TO THÏ SWEET The age of the girl doesn’t count when it cotres to candies; big and little they all love i t The candie* that we sell are made of pure unadulterated sugar and flavorings, and consequently no m atter how much is eaten there can be no harmful effect. Take home a box knowing that it is the_purest candy made. CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. Buy Now! Buy at home and keep the money going. We have reduced prices on granite ware, aluminum ware etc. Start the year aright and buy now. > Cross & White Will choplTuesdayg. Thursdays and Satudays.^J O. W . FR V M Ì Celery Beets Corn Peas For Garden and Field S E E D S o r P R O F IT SEEDS O F PLENTY BUSICK’S ¡tored to Eugene Sunday to vie* th» roiDS of Ralph Pierce’« garaa which burn«! a»rly Saturds« morning. Mr Pierce is a broth*-' of Mrs F rauds Kiser. They wei.i | by way of Coburg and called a t the home of J D Wigle, and also called on Dick Morris, who i* quite illi The ' party returned home by wajppf Junction City and Harrisburg.' Mr and Jffra August Sperling and Mr and Mis Farm er Rice made a business trip to AlbaLV Mondays Our telephone central office at Hi rrisburg is being moved from the Hubbie building to the old F i r s t National Bank building. -------• ----- Shedd Born on Easter Sunday, to Mr and Mrs Elmer H Morgason, a 9 pound eon, their first son but third child. Steward P Arnold of Browns­ ville, has brought his saw over and is sawing wood on the Arueti place. The Odd Fellpws are to have a convention here April Otb, ano the Rebekahs are getting bust about serving a feast for them. A son has lately arrived at tb f home of Mr and Mrs N Kennedy Mrs Dora Davis is about as prouri of it as its parents, for it is her first grandchild. Mrs Dawson has been staying with Mrs E H Margason for a few days. Fred Nitzel, who is attending school at Monmouth, with two ol his friends, visited during the Easter vacation with his parents. O M Thompson shipped a car ol hay lately. m e Luristian Endeavor society held their business meeting at tin U P church Monday evening which was followed by a socia time. Mrs I Pennell has been ill witl a cold but is hotter at present. Mrs S P Brock, who has hem ill. is slowly getting better. Hon Robert S Acbesou and fam ­ ily were Albany callers Iasi Thursday. (Taken from the Shedd Y isito i of March 30th.) The union revival meeting ha> passed into history with a tota; number of 79 conversions and re­ clamations. Sunday morning at the union service held in the V P hurch, there were 28 took mem- ership, 19 of these as a direct rt- ult of the meetings. In the even mg in the Methodist church 22 joined the church, 30 as a direci result of the meetings (Bro Vai •Vinkle m ust have made a typo­ graphical error some place in thie socount.—Editor). Many rnort will yet line up with both cburcL- Salem klbany BUSICK’S F irst Door W est of St Francis Hotel. Pbone C O D Orders 77 RETAILERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES SPECIAL—Only as long as Fancy White beans 18 lbs « - ,90 present stock lasts, will not re- No 10 Pearl Shortenining . 1.27 .65 I No 5 Pearl Shortening place when this lot is sold .65 No 5 White Ribbon Diamond W cocoa 1-2 pound COFFEE regular 25 cents, special 17 No 2 Flag brand kidney .30 3 lbs American Club per lb beans, regular 20c 2 gor 29 5 lbs American Club per lb .29 No 2 Flag string beans reg­ .44 1 pound Hills Red can ular 2 for 35c, special 2 1-2 lbs Hills Red can per lb .43 .35 5 lbs Hills Red can per pound .42 3 for No 2 string beans. Moun­ 1 pound Schillings .47 tain Lady, regular 2 2 1-2 lbs Schillings per pounn .44 for 35 cents, special 3 for .35 1 pound Power co'fee 32 Libby canned beets, fancy 32 1 pound WaJco quality regular 25c 44 1 pound M J B .45 3 pounds M J B p"rpound special 2 for 42 Potted tuna fish, regular 40 5 pounds M J B per pound .31 20 cents, special 2 for TEA No 2 1-2 grapes, regular .49 35 cents, special 2 for .39 1-2 pound Lipton’9 No 2 1-2 Revere pork and .78 1 pound Lipton’s beans, regular 25 cents .33 1-2 pound Tree tea .39 special 2 for .30 12 pound Folger’s 12 ounce beef roast, regu­ .55 1 pound Folge ’s .£5 lar, 35c, special 2 for .63 1 pound Tree tea Far West medium red sal­ CRACKERS mon. regular 25 cents, .49 Fresh crisp sodas per pound .16 special 3 for IXL soup, regular 12 cents Fresh crisp picnics per pound .16 .23 Fresh crisp Grahams special 3 for .21 Ready Maid soup, regular .45 Large Tru Blu sodas per lb .20 II cents, special 3 for SALAD OIL Snyder’s soup, regular 12 .27 cents, special 3 for .35 Pint Wessons Small size Pierce pork and .65 Quart Wessons beans, regular 2 for 25 1.17 1-2 gallon Wessons .27 1 gallon Wessons cents, special 3 for 2 30 Alta baking soda, regular .35 Mazda, per pint 10 cents, special 3 for .25 Mazóla, per quart .65 1.17 These goods will not last long Mazóla, per half gallon 2.30 at these prices. Don’t be dis­ Mazóla, per gallon appointed. Buy early. BREAKFAST FOOD TOBACCO SPECIAL Thursday. Friday and Saturday. 2 Kelloggs 2 Post Toasties 2 Shredded W heat 2 Puffed Wheat 2 Puffed Rice 2 Grape Nuts Roman N. eal Uncle Sam’s food Cream of W heat Large package of oats Corn meal, 10s 10 pounds Graham flour 10 lbs Golden Rod pancake 10 pounds Olympic pancake 10 pounds W heat Hearts Large pkg Olympic pancake K err’s oats, large Golden Rod wheat flakes Ralston's bran Krumbles 10 pounds Olympic oats .25 .25 .30 .28 .35 .35 .35 .40 .29 .32 .35 .50 .75 .75 .75 .28 .33 .33 .20 .15 .53 .50 55 cent Corn Cake 10 cent Bull Durham 8 l-3c 15 cent Pedro .13 15 cent Prince Albert .13 10 cent Dixy Queen 8 1-Sc 10 cent Advertiser 8 l-3c 15 cent V lvet .13 15 cent Tuxedo .13 Union Leader .13 95 cent Lunch Pail Union w e are making a specialty of mail orders and Leader .87 strive to serve those who can not conveniently deal 89 cent plug Liberty Bell .75 with their local m erchants. Spear Head cut .18 Honev Dip tw ist 3 for .27 Wo will be glad to send you a catalog. Days Work plug .37 Tinsley plug 1.00 Penn thick plug 1.00 Last evening the boy« got out 't a r plug .80 CANNED GOODS nd propped up the old back ehq Clim*x medium .80 >n the base hail diamond an Horse shoe .80 5 cans tomatoes hired A M Kendall to hitch o n t 5 cans peas SOAP SPECIAL >ne of the county’s many idl*- 5 cans corn lrags and drag the diamond 1. 25 bars Royal White 1.08 5 cans apricots From the present outlook it look- 5 cans peaches 1. 25 bars White Wonder 1.08 is it we would have a good tear 1 cans Libby apricots 17 bars Crystal White 1.02 Albany.' Oregon. thia Spring 5 Ivory soap .41 No 1 Van Camps pork and I a*t Sunday a number of the beans 20 Easy Day soap 1.03 roun< people gathered at the Nit- 20 Clean Easy 1.10 No 2 Van C’s pork and beans . tel home and ate Easter dinnn Elk Savon. 22 for 1.00 No 3 Van C’s pork and beans . There is a scarcity of good horses in the Valley, o nether. Large Citrus per package .27 S h iim p p e rc sn Ralph Malena is hack iu echo < 16 A B Naptha and if you will give the mAtter a serious thought 1.00 Glass pimentoes igiin after his sickness. H'e w .29' Minced clams you will realize that now is the time to raise horses mt looks somewhat washed out. 3 Old Dutch Cleanser Frank beef broth to be in lino for the demand th at is sure to come. SYRUP SPECIAL Palace ovsters large There Is rtr r» Catarrh In this settlor. 1 will stand for seivice in Halsey, the celebrated ju >f t the country than all other dlteaaoi Palace oysters small together, and for years 1» was sup .43 Palace Car red salmon, to be Incurable Doctors prescrlbeo 5 pounds Amber Karo Purebred Percheron stallion. Digestiff. f lo to insure. >osed ocal remedies, and by constantly fa llln j 10 pounds Amber Karo .76 o cure with local treatment, pronouncef reguiar35 cents, special .1 t incurable Catarrh Is a local disease 5 pounds Crystal White .48 | trcatly t A « ‘ * Del Monte tomato sauce Influenced by constitutional con 10 pounds Crystal White iltlons and therefore requires conetltu .8c 2 Libby milk •loaal treatm ent H a ll s C atarrh Medi­ No 5 Marshmallow .60 8 Libby milk Office at Halsey Drug Store an«. m anufactured by F J Cheney 4 C o . Toledo. Ohio, ta a constitutional No 10 Marshmallow 1.18 remedy, la taken Internally and acts 2 Armour’s milk thru the Blood on the Mucous S u rfa c e 5 pounds Maple Karo .60 8 Armour’s milk minor repairs st the hall the tiret if the Syetcm One Hundred Dollars re­ Charity Grange Items' ward la offered tor any caae th at H all e 5 lbs Avonsdale moiasses .53 2 Carnation milk 'atarrh Medicine (alls to cure. Send f-w. oi the week. .-Irculare and testimonials Sugar 100 pounds cane 8.75 F J C H E N E Y A C O . Toledo. Ohio. 8 Carnation milk l.i Clarence Long and A F Rice Francia K lie r and wife, Mr» H Bold by Druggists, 75c Sugar 11 pounds cane pvuiluo colic t.W 1.00 H all's Family Fills for constipation. our Grange janitors, made a few C K iie r aod .Mrs E A K uer m Fancy Blue Rose rice 18 lbs 1.00 Price lis t continued on 2nd page. To be sure that you ajre getting seed that has been carefully selected, thoroughly cleaned and properly tested BUI SEEDS II A SEED STORE. SEED ¡STORE. ATTENTION FARMERS! J. W. MOORE, Owner. A it, « « • '• r / V .