A U T O M O B IL E S Shoe Repair Shop Two doors north of the hotel. Am prepared to do all kinds ol shoe repairing. Satisfaction guaranteed. JEWETT the COBBLER. G L A S S E S F IT T E D BY GRADUATE 1 O P T O M E T R IS T 1 P R IV A T E O F F I C E F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S RIALTO Thursday, April 7th. William Desmond in «PRINCE AND BETTY,* *’ W e now have several good buys in Eastburn Bros. E. L. STIFF ar.d SON TWO GROCERY SIOKES i : yy Carnes everything in Furniture, also PIPELESS FURNACES. w a E a s iu i F U R N IT U R E D E A L E R S l.5t> L STB» W EE. :, Frank Kirk, Mgr. Brownsville and attended the fu­ German claims. .45 neral of Link Kirk. The Kirks We think of New Guinea as a con­ Good Creamery butter pound have been friends of Mrs Frum siderable patch of dry land in the ex­ Fancy Cream Cheese pound .35 panse of th^ southern ocean, but have for over 30 years. difficulty realizing th at If it could he Ben Sudte'.l left Tuesday of laid down on the United S tates, one .19 last week for Banning, Califor­ end would be a t Portland. Me., the Picnic hams pound All work done promptly and other n e a r Omaha, anil th a t It would Phone No. 269. nia, to attend the funeral of his blot out an area about tw ice the size Nice Bacon three pounds 1.00 reasonably sister, Miss Elnora Sudtell. He of the G erm an empire, and Including was accompanied by his brother som ething like a q u arter of th e popula­ Linn County Breeders Associa­ D R E. S. D O N N E L L Y tion of these U nited States. It ion- S u rg ic al disease» of Ted of Cottage Grove. tion Will Publish Directory, tain s vastly g reater resources than Eye, Ear, Nose and T hroat In talking with R W Tripp, the Germany, also about a thousand w hite The committee of the Linn | GLASSES FITTED Oldsmobile man of Albany, last people and 500,«*) aborigines, largely county Breeders’ Association on NatioI1aI Bank Bi.lg, Albany. Friday, he said that business was cannibals. H alf of It yet rem ains the publishing of a breeder s d i - |_____________ ________ i------ Dutch, but Its predestination to he good in his line and that he had essentially B ritish Is quite obvious. rectory held a meeting April 4th sold several machines in the last A ustralasia alm s at leadership in at the county agent’s office anti A rtis tic Piano T un ing the south tem perate zone, on lines cu made plans for the publishing of few days. ARTH UR COLE, Albany. Of«» riously parallel to those l.y which | a directory. Letters will b<; sent The Highway Commissioners G reat B ritain has become leader in the |to former breeder association Leave orders with Woodworth D rug Co by unanimous consent have de­ North. With inexhaustible coal nnd members asking them to send in Albany. Oregon. cided upon Second street a3 the Iron, she is creating Iron and steel anil their names together with the: industries and n navy of kind of pure bred -to k they art $ 5 . Town or Country $5 route the highway will take shipbuilding her own. The w ar era has bhen m ark­ raising, or certified seed that — through Halsey. There were ed by the completion of A ustralia s many who would have very much first transcontinental railroad sugges­ they are growing. It is hoped that every breeder | tive rem inder of the beginning of our preferred to have had it on First own Union Pacific. of pure bred stock or certifieo street but the commissioners de­ DR. R. H. HARRIS H ouses of Mud. seed grower will send in his cided on Second street._ Women In C alifornia are building name at once as the directory] with th eir own fa ir hands. T H IS A “ W O M AN'S COUNTRY” houses W hat is more, they are making the will go to press on May 1st and no names will be received after I SILK ' B ask IIVII.DIWO. A lb akv . bricks. English W riter Gives an Interesting The bricks, however, are of the kind that time. Already there are — Impression of H er Sister Over spoken of In the Bible as made by thv eighty pure bred breeders who THE HALSEY ENTERPRISE * the Seas. people of Israel In Egypt—I. e„ of and the clayey earth mixed with straw for a have listed their names -for pub­ As an English woman who went hinder. The straw is IndlspettaaMa. lication in this directory. No I OREGON FARMER about America for nearly three years, »nil It will he remembered how the making friends, E ast, West, South and Israelites “kicked" because It was doubt it will be near twice this ; one year for $1.65. North. I ought to be able to contrast not provided. number. A membership fee o f i the women of the two countrlea, but Such bricks are merely sun baked. $2 is charged for membership in the mor« one trav els the more one re­ M issionary p riests In C alifornia In lin­ alises th a t “folks Is Just folks" all the early days used them for building this association and those who C. c . B R Y A N T ' world over. churches and oilier stru ctu res which, wish their names to be entered ATTORNEY AT LA W American women are qnlcker a t the covered with stucco, w ere very h and­ in the directory must accompany uptake as regards friendliness and some. These 'dobe buildings were also 201 New First Nat’l Bank Bldg, kindnesses; but th e tongue-tied Eng­ substantial, w eatherproof and endur­ the same with the $2 fed. This Albany. Oregon. lish do JuSt as much in the long run. ing. as Is testified by many that still directory will be distributed to | The A m erican's m anners are more stand, unim paired by the w ear of cen- county agents, and breeders of cosmopolitan, her clothes are b etter turtea. Amor A. Tussing livestock thruout the state and b L m n CLOTH in gco put on. she has more good s to re s In W ith labor so high and m aterial« her after-dinner speeches. B ut If you likewise, the Idea of a mud dwelling, also to other states whenever in LAWYER AND NOTARY compare corresponding types—as most which one can put up for oneself, even formation is desired relative to B rownsville . O regon ' trav elers omit to do—they are “both "LOST CITY ” ‘ LOST CITY.” w . .1. Ribelin Chiropractor JUDGMENT It is a noticeable 'act that a large percentage of the men who outfit tie re are choosing □oth Craft Serge specials. Perhaps this is because they’ve worn these famous serges be fore, or it may be that they can’t re­ sist that feel of a certain wear when they handle these suits. Either rea­ son they are show­ ing rare judgment. E. M. CRAY, Drayman. Chiropractor X-RAY Blue, Gray, and Brown. $30.00 ALBANY, OREGON. the same color under tjielr skiu." th e children helping, lias li s attrnc- - — - - —- - ----- L in n county stock. I