The Halsey Enterprise An l n < l n t H wupaper E > fe c iT O * ’S . AME. • ’pVrv; S O I 11 V IS H t» K ljiY ;G IV E ^; |h a » PUliLD HED EVERY THURSDAY in ornipli'Aire with the provision* and CHAS. 1IAI.I.ARI». E d ito r E n tered a., okcuih I via m u tter Oe to b er 3, l ’J l ’2, a t th ” I*' (toffiee nt H al­ sey, O iegun, U buvi the A ct ui Multi» 3, 187«. v I ~ tu tli® niati rtftl Upb«il » n g o t H alsey and -M i .un-ling country and Linn C ounty generally Sul- h i iptmn ra te $1.50 p ti 'jc a i in advance. ♦ +.+,+,+ + +'+■+ +.+V+4- + +'4 + + + + + * * * * * * * * S * * * * * * * * + An 8 per cent Investment s In Properties you can watch i 4 * -lire- ti.iqs o t the D,» - ’»ivl dest.a- ' l l o f ♦- b® II 'ifatrfces d / rated M ad-nitteX to the County Court ’ll the d t Vr^g n for. the C' HitdJ . . |‘>1»|'|| "ant *fi> -. I ,cll A* p ri» ale> alejo r cash. *uf>- j e t l ’i i . «’olilliia-,jou of raid Court the following*feal property o f said estate, « THE FURNITURE H O S P I T A L ■ * --------. Renovates and makes feather p a n n im i mg at tfifN . . W, corner of mattresses, old furniture and Cai-lr. i.rSy'k I».. L. C ’ N o t No 2569, i®'i ruuiyug thopce.W 55 Rds. and III mattresses made like new. links to a corner, On the E. line of the Bring them in or phone 261 R. Q. 1; C. of C. J. ii. Crosby; Thence S. on 128-130 Ferry St, Albany. Ore. • s n line/*»,K-lj.ain.4 8 links to theS. E. corner of »atri'Crus py’.s claim; Thence lW 4 corner on Caleb ‘ G ray’s W l i b i v i lienee N. to, the place of be- Jrnnuj^, cjjjilamin'é J5*aerfcS and 56 sq. rds. more of t i s i and being situated in l’ps of R t W. of th e Wil- i im ellc M?Ad&n.1uJ.itin County, Ore. ' ^SE C O N D TRACT; neginning at a point 23.17 chs. W. of I lie N. E corner of the S E . 1* of N. \V. -if Sec. 6. nl Tp. 14 S. of R 3 W. of tile. WAllaniette M eridian, Oregon and r innipg thehce W-A.56 eh»; Thence S. 7 j i clfsr T hèfce li ■ h.58 chs; and thence N.«w7.28 chs. to beginning, containing 4.50 acreiniure or less in Linn County. OriHkiit: Sent In any address by parcel post ljajed Mai ch ill. 1921. • *' Will" P. W hite, Price 75 ren te, H eavy. $ I 00 < Executor aforesaid Amor A. Tussing. 3-31 to 4-28 Atty for Executor. CHROME HALF SOLES. If you fix your own shoes try a pair of AN INVESTMENT in the Gold Notes o f Mountain SU tes Power C o m p an y T m a d e ¡or two principal reasons [1] safety, and [2] regular­ ity of cash returns paid by cashing a coupon twice a yeai. MONEY SO INVESTED goes directly into the property s in the form of extensions, additions and other improvements. It enables providing service for additional homes and industries and it also en- ables the Company to do a larger business. THE INVESTOR has the satisfaction of actually seeing his money put to work in a way that helps build up his town, and con­ tributes to the welfare and prosperity of every person in it. The cash return he receives from his investment also stays in the com m unity instead of gjing outside. Our Chrome Half Soles A wonderful wearing leath­ er- in fact it wears like iron. SHOE HOSPITAL, # Fifth & Lyon« Streets. ftletfceditd Church Note® MOUNTAIN STATES POW- B a b y C h ic k s SUNDAY SCHOOL Biblu Teachings About Health. O. A. C. amt TANCKF.I» Strain Every man that striveth for B P R O C K S ., the m aster/ is temperate in all O. A. C. and McDpmUil. San Jose, CM rhinos,-->-1 Cor 9: 25. iln.ix) per huniyv-J. . - v’Vb®, l^son gives the funda- H . M . Byllesby & C om pany Please place your orders early. ' . m ntal teachings of the Bible re Mrs II. C. A R M StokifcO - garding health. Our sacred ob Fiscal Agents R I, Halsey, Oregon. ligation to God as our Creator ami dtevl’emer requires that we Byllesby Engineering and Management Corporation the PACIFIC HIGH exercise intelligent care fo r our 60 A C R E S O il Engineers and Managers hdaith as a religious duty. “ Be not.ileceived; God is not mocked; All under cultivation except ’ «ere* hl tpr whatsoever a man soweth, oak tim ber, g o a l ’-room house, large barn an.l all n e ie »dry outlnlilibWc«, » that ---- shall-be also reap. For he g .,d well at the holAe. family o r c h a r - f |th a t SOW eth to his flesh shall of and berne», woven wire. tenc«< ' ' Hof t i^flesh reap corruption; but he The U. S. Postal D epartm ent has discontinued fu rn ish ­ plai t- i» lielween ^J-o ii and I augelli that soweth to the sp irit shall of and is a g.i »1 buy ,t'* l'aMi.iiO. l eni,« ing Post Offices w ith G overnm ent Stam ped E nvelopes the spirit reap life everlasting. with Post Office and delivery address printed upon them W II.I.AM I'.Tl E \ U .LEY LAND CO (Continuation of the main ad except in lots of 500 or more. • 403 1st National llink Building. - y l b - 6; 7, 8. ‘ “ Wild oats take something out from the back page ) Albany ftteg-m The Star Envelope Service, - o' a man’s life that no system of CANNED GOODS HALSEY. OREGON c rip rotation can restore.” — W ill O ^ i P S ooil Youth’s Will furnish envelopes o f g o o d quality with Companion. Santa Cruz sardines regu­ name and address ou the corner at the fullowing lar 25 cents, 2 fo r .39 At the last Sunday morning prices od all orders received before May 1st I' w ill open Royal Club peas 2 fo r .49 service the following names »ere 100. si/te 61x31 65 cents .37 M eat M arket formerly .gladly welcomed into the church Festival peas 2 fo r 35 50 ” .18 membership: Mrs A rth u r Wes­ Solid pack tomatoes 25 25 “ .45 owned .by *my‘ father, ley by letter from the M E Blue Ridge corn 2 fo r The above prices include postage in the first snd second church at Melbourne, Iowa; Mrs CHOCOLATE M v / ’prices - w ill be 1 W Morgan and her daughter zones Send Cash- w ith your order. Envelopes, same size and quality as quoted above right, ¿ id the quality Janet from the Piedmont Pres- 1 pound G hirardelli’s .35 with business card on the corner at prices given b> terian church o f Portland; Mrs 3 pounds G hirardeili’s 1 00 of tln tf meat w ill be W P Wahl by le tte r from the Bulk cocoa, 2 pounds for below—For this month only. .35 I nited Presbyterian church of 1-2 pound Hershey’s cocoa .27 Price for Business Envelopes right/*? Shedd, and her daughter Wilma 1000 15.25 5. iitig for all the new members ta- with th . county cWrk of Linn connty. into the ------------------ church tn which all Oregon, — and court has has by by f toks Hl e a pi lChic - I» • S.-ion, ■ I ken .............— - - ........... .. —■ - . th» . . . v Lonotv o t - . j court the member’ and friends of th e 1 °, lir <>»«>* Monday, the 2nd day <>4 i church are urged to attend and W»j. i92t at the hour of i o clock p ,o I make w elcome the new members , 01 M,d d-r/ ' w ,be final he,rin< °‘ * * 1 ! account and settlem ent of said estat . coming into our midst. There An, , Otl p ,™ . hsvinB objettlo * ( y p f ò'fTì e tr is t . w ill be something there for all. thereto are hereby notified to be pr-esi n t L . Mr» Ribelin. while not in a “ ” ",e »» >«"•*»’ ’ »>« « « ALBANY « Harold Albro. Manufacturing Optician. serious condition, is suffering a tve.thedord a w ,.«. ilo to fp a in . i A t t o m - '- c - - You O«t ALL FOUR of These MAGAZINES and OUR NEWSPAPER Y e /° £ c h T H IS FOR E X C E P T IO N A L bubsenpuona oxav $2 25 O FFER I» G OO D FOR Order Now ‘ A SH O R T T IM E ONLY b« n ew o r ren ew al. A ll re n e w a l •u b »m p fi,'O A w ill be exten d ed fo r cn® wear fro m p eew nt d ’ »e o< f ir r s H o w , W anted — The address of all farmers who desire names - for