HALSEY ENTERPRISE HALSEY, LIN N VOL. 9, NO. 32 COUNTY, THE HALSEY STATE BANK I c. II. KOONTZ, Pres. * D. TAYLOR, Vice-Pres. B. M. BOND, Cashier U PREPAYMENT FARM LOANS r \\’e added the “ P R E ” to payment and w ill loan you money for ten or twenty [year,. No commiaaion mortgage, no L ife Insurance. You can, but do not have to pay on the principal annually. See J. M. and H. M. Hawkins, Albany, Oregon. The First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ la a good place to deposit your savings. 4 percent interest on savings accounts that run three months. months or a year. Interest paid sem i-annually. OF $1.50 PER TEAM 1921 INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE EYE STRAIN About a dozen of the Odd Fel, For Sale—Seed corn. R B Mil­ If your eyee give yeu lim bi. lows went over to Brownsville last ler. Phone 2X5. Halsey. 3-10tf your glatM* are aaaoym g SEE US. W. can Relieva Yen. For Sale—Duett eggs tor setting Saturday night to participate in a Bancroft Optical C®. »1 for 12. Mrs W F Carter. 4-21 blow-out at that lodge. They help­ J13 1st St. W. Albany, Pboaa 4.1 W W Patterson went to A l-' ed put on the initiatory degree for hany Monday evening. two candidates and afterwards en­ •> Alva Wise from North of Albany J C Standish re turned Iron joyed a big feed. On their way was a Halsey visitor Monday. Hillsdale Thursday after a few dey» The boys in Halsey had »pleas­ home Harry Bressler’s machine visit whith his son Evsrett \ < had a blow-out. ant game of snowball Sunday. Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, at Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and Thursday. Miss Cleona Smith from Willam­ ette Uuiversity, spent the week io Halsey. Karl Bramwell and family went to Eugene Sunday to see his sis­ ter. Mr and Mrs L R Bishop fn m “ There’s M ore Real Satisfaction" Albany, spent Sunday at the R L I Winniford home. say* the Good Judge Mr and Mrs 0 R Stalnaker from Corvallis, were Sunday visitors at ’In a little o fth e Reel To» i the T P Patton home. bacco Chew, than you ever, Miss Mary Smith, Mrs YY H got out of the ordiaary kind., / Kirk, Mrs O W Frum and danglers Ruth and Vivian drove to Albany Saturday. E H Petrick who bought the J no Moe place (W H Campbell place) some lime ago, is moving onto the place this week. Mrs Fred Taylor from Corvallis arrived in Halsey last Thursday to visit her father, J C Standish. She returned Monday. Wanted—to sell a team of mares weight 2300, sound, and ready for harness, or will trade for light car. H S Winkleman, Halsey Oregon. Lyman Marsters from the Wil­ lamette University, came home Fri­ day to spend the Spring vaction. We understand he had lately re­ covered from anattack of measlts. Homer Mornhinweg has finished up his course at U of O and has returned borne. He will recuperate for a few days andtheu he expects to sell life Insurance. About thirty five of the people from the Methodist church drove over to Coburg laBt Friday night to hear Rev Bennard, who is con­ ducting a revival at that place. Monday while unloudiog eggs at the depot for Mr Byerly, Frank Gray accidentally stepped off his wagon to the ground and struck his head and knocked him senselest; he was picked up and taken home. Mr and Mrs Price, who have been living on the place that ouec belonged to W H Campbell are moving onto the F M Maxwell Hard to tell, because well dressed place. Mr Pike has moved in with Americans hail from everywhere Mrs Pike's mother, Mrs M E Bas­ I > nowadays—from farms as well as sett for a short time until be is cities, from every locality where ready to go to California. W C Sherling returned Saturday men can get from Portland where he made arrangements for future business in or near Portland. He has sold his place and will sell bis stock and implements on Saturday, April 16, after which he will move to Troutdale. There were a couple of mor­ phine fiends in town Monday and they tried to get some at the drug store but failed, then they went to Dr Marks and tried to get some The Dr of YE ARE near yon, with fine new woolens, and smart new styles morphine of him. Spring and Summer. See as today. We can assure you of course could not supply them and they took revenge on him by ihes of quality that invite the question [ breaking one of the windows of W /io 's J a ilo r ? hie office. Deputy Sheriff Welton then used hit persuasive powers ‘ and sot them out of town. W H IC H IS TH E FA R M E R ? M. V. KOONTZ CO. 7 1* the Came e( Maay HUMAN ILL« Capital and Surplus $34,000 , APRIL HALSEY NEWS NOTES ALSO ITEMS HALSEY, OREGON Interest paid on time certificates of deposit We invite your banking business OREGON, Smith Bros? Market Fresh and Cured Meats Always On Hand. Also Other Meats in Season. K The good rich taste lasts so long you don’t need a fresh i chew nearly an often—that's why it cotta yon I this class of tobaeeo.' I I t Any man who usee the Reel % Tobacco Chew will tell ye».,, that. t '4 At/ ap As /SMsOhe W-B CUT is J, » a-V. a long fine-cut tobacco •*•»**“, RIGHT C U T is a sh o r M t Co'f-I'dn Plows, Peg tooth harrows, Ltysc harrows, Spring tooth harrows. Rollers, both kinds. v Cultivators, 2-horse and a 7-tooth 1-horse. ’ Manure spreaders, the best there is by test / '■ R The Titan 10-20 tractor. Examine now pn my, floors L 1-2 h p engines and cream separators.- C