s w l l i s tu i h L a v\ L L i The age of the g irl doesn’t count when it corres to candies; big and little they all love it. The candie* that we sell are made o f pure unadulterated sugar and flavorings, and consequently no matter how much is eaten there can be no harmful effect. Take home a box knowing that it is the purest candy made. Í ! Marion K incaide from O A C »¡siting through the East- lion with hi* uncle and aunt. B I Tin* H alsey E n te rp rise hits m ad e a rra n g e m e n ts Schick and wife. with T h f <'rovvley P u b lish in g ( o m p an y to club Cecil Q uinby has bought him n new drag saw. th e E n te rp rise with th e ir M agazines w here an y T h e lite ra ry contest closed last o f o u r re a d e rs m ay w ant two o f t h e M agazines S atu rd ay n ight with a big oyster Th ese M agazines a re .all sta n d a rd p u b lic atio n s stew furnished by the aide of am i well known and in eac h c o m b in atio n be­ which E A Kizer was the leader, {'here was an abundance for all low you will ‘Actually get both M agazines and and gome of them had the nerve th e E n te rp rise id r less th a n tin* re g u la r p rice to send up th eir dishes for two or o f th e two M agazines. more helpings. O u t of considera­ tion f ir the feelings of the sing, ing teacher and C I* Kizer we will not say how m any times they did pass' up th e ir dishes. Some of them took an advantage by fu r­ nishing larger howls ( I will re­ member th a t the next tim e I go to an oyster supper—-E d ito r.) and it really d id n 't seem like they were getting go much, for the ones who dished up the soup filled the dishes full regardless of size. The soup was prepared w hile the sing ing lesson was going on. A good tim e was enjoyed ami the part \ did not break up u n til after m id­ night. I! P Schick and wife and daugh­ ter were H arrisburg and Halsey visitors S aturday. Below we give th e n u m b e r of each c o m b in atio n , -Miss E thel Q uinby from O A C th e re g u la r su b scrip tio n p rice of th e p u b lica­ spent the week with her parents tion nam ed in the co m b in atio n and o u r p rice returning Sunday. She and • fo r both a n d Hit* E n te r p r is e im p y ear. Georgia Weber from Brownsville were two of the seniors who went to P ortland to enjoy the annu No. 1 1 ■ o.l H ou-ek -.-ping on P ictorial R eview i.i.o i Both w ith E n te r p r is e $ 5 / O A C senior field trip. No. 2 C osm opolitan 4.00 Pictorial R eview *.00 6.1 Last F rid ay evening th e C h a ritv No.' 3 l l e a r s t 's ........ 4.00 Pictorial R eview .1.0 1 6.1 I G range com m unity was organized No. I l l e a r s t 's ........ 1.00 M o t o r B oating 3.00 6.1 | for farm bureau work w ith twelve No. 5 C osm opolitan 1.0O Good H oiisekeepilg .100 6.1 m em bers present. C P Kizer wa« No. 6 l le a r s t .s ........ 1.00 O v a l H o u sek e ep in g .1.00 6.1 1.00 lle a r s t's .................. 1.00 elected president and Mrs B M No. 7 Cosm opolitan 7.C Satudays.MX Miller secretarv-treasurer. A dairy No. s i ,ootl I lo u se k ee p in g .1 00 H a rp e r's Bazar. . 6.00 No. 0 H a rp er's llaz.ar------ 6.00 Pictorial R eview .. 3.00 MZ herd im provem ent project, su b d i­ No. e a r s l's .................... l.o o M otor ............. 6. (MJ Mz vided into a cow testing associa­ No. 11 lO C H osm opolitan 1.00 H a rp e r's Bazar 6.0 0 . 1.01) H a rp e r's liazar. 6.00 MZ tion, eradication of tuberculosis, No. 13 H e ars'ts MZ and m arketing will be led by Mrs MZ J H D arrah, A wool and m ohair MX m ark, ting project will he h«;idni [ by P Kizer. '1 he p o u ltry im- orovem ent project will include culling projects and the m arketing of eggs, led by Mrs H arrah and ¿■¿-■¿••e-A* - Mrs Ed Kizer. The farm bureau m em bership project will he led bv Mr and .Mrs Miller. CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. Buy Now! Buv at home and keep'the monev going. We have reduced prices on granite ware, aluminum ware etc. Start the year aright and buy now. Cross & White Smith Bros.’ Market Fresh and Cured Meats Always On Hand. Also Other Meats in Season. ,/ / u s O //e r ferprres Will chop T uesdays, T h u rsd ay s and ,7 irst. O. \ v . F R U M J lows, I to tooth harrows, Disc harrows, Spring teotli harrows. Kollers, both kinds. Cultivators, 2-horse and a 7-tooth l-horse Manure spreaders, the best there i« bv test Th,.Titan K ^ o tracto r. Exam........ ,„v II««,r. h 1-2 i p engines and croam separators. Come in and look them over and we will swap with you. , J “ ,i,ve 0,1 ,,nnnd hand 1-k ,, e n g in e , a lso a-h S to v e r e n g in e a n d 1 grinder. W ill sell cheap. These are some o fth e things. O rd e r repairs Now. G -W « M ORNHINW EG IM PLEM E N T STORE Y o u S a v e IVEoriey” p Í 1 ft I says the Good J udge A n d get m ore genuine s h e w ­ ing satisfaction, w hen y o u /use this class of tobacco. T his is because the full, rich real tobacco taste lasts so Jong, you d o n ’t need a fresh chew nearly as often. A nd a small chew gives 'm o re real satisfaction than a big chew of the o rd in a ry kind e v e r did. A n y m an w ho uses th e Rea, that’“CCO GhCW teU y o u » up in two styles '7 -J • W-B Ct r IS a long fine-cut to b acco T C U T is a sh o rt-c u t Tobacco L)»k for some special club rales that we hope to have for you before very long. Shedd ■ W ednesday evening of last week C ounty Agent fleym un held a com m unity m eeting and organized an auxiliary farm bureau with V W Poland pre* and C II Ha vid- son pee protein. The m orning wax. d ¡voted to a discussion of the com­ m unity program , and in the a fte r­ The revival m eeting at Shedd noon the program as outlined « a i has been very successful, and adopted. I he project* under­ 'here have been fil men, women taken and leaders named as fol­ and children who have joined the lows, Dairy cattle im provem ent, erad i­ churches. Geo Coon vi.-ited friends in Al­ cation of tuhete il<-*is, hu || organ, bany Sunday. ization, and co- perative m a rk e t­ Boil* seem to he fashionable in ing; Leaders were, C C Hixon, *| C Clay, C W Mals.m, and E G I th is com m unity, R C Morgason having them on his knees and Pugh. ¡G ail T routm an has them on her Soil im provem ent; \V W Poland and C H Davidson lead».; face. W A Sellwood, a Y M C A work- drainage, fertilization and soil I er from China spoke in the Mtth- analysis. a- ». end o u t of the crate and c lim b out and down. E verybody sea h i ' d , including the editor. A: Other a tempt to ship the anim will he made tonight. A m ong o ther things done at tl F a rin -is Bureau th is afternoo w as the appointm ent of John Pug ' ' airm an of the Com m ittee for tl: e x te rm in a tio n of rodents. Begii iug \p r il first then- will he a cot t st to see who can get the moi scalps, of moles, gophers, rats an squirrels. A b o u n ty of 2 l-2c will be pai on rats, 5c on squirrels, and 10c oi gopher and moles. The Contes closes in tim e for the Community I'air in the F a ll; anyone unde sixteen years of age can enter But it- must, he understood tba there m ust he no buying nnd sell ing of sc a lp s’ and anyone foum doing so will he counted out The scalp of the ra ts, aquirreli and gophers must include the eari Hl I the -C lips id t h e n u d e s w ill Bovs and g irls' club w ork; Mrs odist church lately on the condi­ E V.' Shedd, leader with Mrs W P tions in China. On A pril 2nd the 'P r a ir ie Moore, A ssistant; pig, poultry, ind calf clubs projected. Stanley Rose" dram a will h given a \ an W inkle is in charge of fair.ex- i ond tim e at Shedd and we preditf bibits from these clubs. J f* cirtv . a good attendance again. a id C H Davidson are in charge Mrs J B C ornett has l>e<-n v isit­ of the beef calf clubs, and W H ing at the home of her d aughter, McConnell of the Jersey c a lf clubs. Mrs E II Morgagni). Certified seed; R G H am ilton (Taken from th e She Id V isitor 'e ider. I he plan is to grow certi­ of March 23rd.) fied w heat, corn, oats, and pota- Shedd wa« treated to another tl CJ. hull • • i n l a s t i, i g h t . o r . • i. «•'>u*i-t <»f sh n iwtse. Rodent c o n tro l John I'-.igh. 'th o se down at the ileimt were. C II Davidson sold to the d e a d e r, J II McConnell, assistant W H McConnel had sold one of t unity club leader HougHts coun­ | A plan sim ilar to the Lake Creek his young hulls to a man in C<>os ty five ewes with a p air oi lambs project was adopted. C ounty an«l hail him nil crated up with each e w e . W h i n people ic Culling dem onstrations; C lar­ m il ready to ship, but the bull ob­ other i m s of the state w ant good ence Brown, leader. T he goal is jected just as Io- was Iteing Ion led -luff they are learning th a t ong 3 poultry deuiouetiatioue a year. into the car, aud broke the trout place they u-au get it ia a t tihedd i Z/i ;