E. L. STIFF and SON Last Monday evening a num- The li a 1er is Mrs \. esley. F U R N IT U R E D E A L u H S - her or of young pet,pie people pwunvu planned and ______ _ i ■ ner 'avt:i everything in Furniture, lawyer and notary Brownsville and Drifted Snow executed a biithday surprise p r also FIFELESS FURNACES. | dour at D H Sturtevant’s. ty on Miss Helen Arms! on,r. B rownsville . O regon Watkin’s goods forsale at Mrs Games were p'ayed until a late W edgewood Stoves E Taylor’s. 3-3 to 3-31 ! hour. Refreshments were serv- Shoe R epair Shop N Leave orders for 16 inch slab ed and they all report a hue and R anges. Two doors north of the hotel. I wood at the lumber yard. tf time. 215-217 Lyon Street, Albany. Word has been received from J Am prepared to do all kinds o! E E Gourley was an Albany M Hawkins. Linn County Chair­ shoe repairing. Satisfaction caller Friday. W a s h ln g te n .- 'T h e D r H arold E. J ack - guaranteed. __ „ J W Moore and family spent man of the Chinese Relief Fund nppuiiiteil h our 1» DENTISTRY son 3tM-.H>5 1st N a­ Solicitors, that we can receive JEW ETT the COBBLER. the we*k end in Albany. h e r e : let th e Phil tional Hank B m ldin. A lbany, O re g o n . R B Mayberry shipped a car of prunes and wheat; if any one ippinen he fre e .” wishes to contribute either of the Without pain, Late nerve- T h is w as th e key­ hogs last Thursday. n o te of a speech by blocking method. E B Penland transacted busi­ above articles they can be left at C o n g ressm an I'd the post office where they will be ness in Albany Monday. w a n t J • K ing o f Illi­ Born to E E Gourley and wife picked up later and shipped in nois, (K epuhlii an) BARBER - SHOP. . . Thursday morning, a fine girl. bulk. V.’r" I i ■ in w hich he rev iew ­ K A R l. A. B R A M W E L L. Proo. The contest in the Christian Mother and child doing well. ed th e A nierlenn oc­ P R IV A T E O F F IC E Sunday school between the Wild­ c u p a tio n o f th e la- Mrs Harry Commons lately Suits Cleaned And Pressed. F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S la n d s from th e first visited with her mother, Mrs 1 cats and Gunpowders culminated illy to th e p re sen t LA U N D RY S E N T AWAY on MONDAY P R IC E S R E A S O N A B L E in a draw, so both sides will have 8 Sprenger, in Shedd. C ongressm an g(j. tim e. l ie d e clare d F m . F r e n c h & S o ns th a t t h e U n i t e d Mrs Opal Higbee from Tan­ to help furnish the feed. It is w a rd J . King S ta te s w as honor ALBANY OREO. probable there will be a picnic in I. (). O. F. of Illinois. gent, is here this week visiting b ound to g r a n t lu- connection with it also although . w ith o u t f a r th e r delay, her friends and relatives. dependent W1LDEY LODGE NO. 65. of an In- H W and Glenn Chance and I am not speaking officially in C ongres lim a K >f ing Itep Is u b one Regular meeting next Satur­ llcan g la the a sin g n u m b er THE HALSEY ENTERPRISI Profs Patterson and English the matter. We hear the school c H re ouse u rg in g quick action "1m lire ____ and the drove to Crawfordsville Sunday. more than reached the goal they on P h ilip p in e ind* pendems*. Mr. day night. f a bill w hich pro- set before themselves at the be­ K ing 1» th e n u th o r OREGON FARMER Prof English’s mother, and hi» vide» th a t w ith in <>n< y e a r th e P hilip- one year for_$L65^^^Mw brother and wife from Eugene, ginning of the contest. BARBER SHOP pine governm ent, u n d e r p re sid en tial Late Tnesday Sheriff Kendall p ro c la m a tio n , m ay a ssem b le a conven­ came Sunday to visit him Electric Haircutting, Massaging was notified that E B Fenland s tio n and fram e a eon»H tutlon. C. c . B R Y A N T The parties that borrowed the automobile, which was stolen and Shampooing. A fte r th e c o n stitu tio n is ra tifie d by dngletrees from a wagon stand­ Monday night from his garage, the F ilip in o people th e P re sid e n t may attorney at la w Cleaning and Pressing recognize th e Philippin«- Islands a s "a 201 New First N at’l Bank Bldg ing by my store, please return had been left in the mud nearly s e p a ra te a n d self-g o v ern in g nation. ' E. C . M IL L E R them. G W Mornhinweg. h e tr a n s f e r of a u th o rity is Io he Albany, Oregon. two miles from Shedd. Mr Fen­ T com w ithin one y ear. P rovision Lyle Grimes had an operation land was notified and he went Is m pleted ade for sa fe g u a rd in g A m erlcun In­ w . J. Ribelin jerformed on him Monday in and got his car. This was one v e stm e n ts in the P h ilip p in e s a n d for Office 1st door s o u th of school hou»e which he came out of it with the time when the mud proved to be th e p roviding of .sailin g «totien* and H alsey, O regon. su b m a rin e b a se s in th e Islan d s by t l » oss of his tonsils. a blessing, for it was because U n ite d S la te s. Dealer in Real Estate. Thursday, March 31st Remember the special club the car was stuck in the mud W ord from th e P h ilip p in e s is liiat H a n d les Town a n d C o u n try P ro p erty . rates on the Crowley magazines that it was recovered. A crow­ th e people e x p ec t e arly independence G ive h im a call a n d see if he can fix FRANK KEENAN in , expire April 1st If you want to bar and Mr Penland’s overcoat and will lie sorely d isa p p o in te d If th ey you up. not P ‘t *t. DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR, take advantage of them don’t was left in the car but a blanket do ••No n atio n h a s th e rljxhtf* snhl < on- pressm an K ing “ to h e 'd a n o th e r people missing. 1„ peonage, even though It m ay he The H ing Wo Chi­ I J F Salash moved from the was Roy Miller from Harrisburg, a rg u e d by th e p ro fe s so ria te th a t th e ciety leaders who hid* p0 ,t office building this morning was a caller in Halsey Tuesday. condition is sim ply one of 'tu te la g e . nese Medicine Co. t h e i r secret lives unde; t > the house vacated by Geo Al- While here he called at the En­ "A little m ore ob serv an ce of the 304 Broadalbin St, Albany. ra le In n a tio n a l a n d In te rn a ­ the cloak of respectabilitj f.rd, Alford having moved ,o terprise office and renewed the golden tio n a l a ffa irs w ould soon dispel Unit Our wonderful roots and herbs subscription of Mrs Earl D Stew­ d e sire fo r e x p lo itatio n , th e fiercest foe l'KU.k Keenan is at hi. I darnsbnrg. are found in the China prepara­ o f freedom in Un- w orld today. Wm Grimes had his sale on art of Kaskela, Oregon. We ap­ •‘W hen '• e w ent to tin' P h ilip p in e s tions and have stood the test of a Wednesday of this week. The b est. preciate such visits. We would w e d e clare d b e fo re th e w hole w orld hings sold moderately well. He ye glad if a number of our citi­ th a t we w ere not a c tu a te d by «ny se lf­ thousand years to cure Catarrh, TENTH EPISODE. vill move to Hood River Friday zens would send a subscription ish d e sire o f co n q u est o r te rrito ria l Asthma, Lung Trouble, Cancer, nsgriindlzennM it, hut solely by hum an! “ LOST CITY.’2_ evening. Rheumatism. Blood Poison. Ner- to the Enterprise to some of their ta r la n im p u lses.” vousness, Stomach, Liver and ■ngressmiiu K ing ra ile d a tte n tio n Dr Will J Thompson, an eye relatives or friends who are in­ C Thursday, April 7th. fa ct th a t Filipino» a r c now- Kidney troubles, also private ail­ to tin specialist from Portland, dropped terested in this community out ra ELEVENTH EPISODE . . . isin ...„ g fu n d « I" e rec t a m onum ent to into our office Wednesday. He have moved away. A dm iral I 1' wey, w hich tic said w as in- ments of men and women. Con­ __ «1 LOST CITY.” ,Hr,.. lly a tr ib u te to th e A m erican !«•<>- sultation free. The Hing Wo expects to make professional || ns to liew ey. lie re ca lle d M ethodist C hurch N otes pic IIS Chinese Medicine Co. P 0 Box, calls from time to time. He th e cable th a t D ewey h a d se n t to »ill announce the dates of his 217. Albany, Oregon. — SUNDAY SCHOOL P re s id e n t M cK inley, w hich wuu ns New Spring Suits calls later on through the col­ The Ideal Christian. fo llow »: • la m y opinion th e s e people (H ll- umns of the Enterprise. As ye would that men should pine«) a re su p e rio r la In telligence am i C hiropractor Wednesday afternoon a young do to you, do ye also to them m ore c ap a b le of se lf governm ent lim n DR. A. R. PINNEY th e n a tiv e s of C uba, and 1 am fa m ilia r nan by the name of Everett likewise. Luke 6: 31. w ith Ninth.” Electrical equipped office Robinson. who is working for his To take, not men but Christ as C ongressm an K ing then re cite d l i e uncle. F M Robinson, was up in the model and to live every day p re am b le to th e Jo n e s law , passed Room -1(11 First Nation») Bank Building Albany Ore. ____ ugust 29 191«. and d e clare d It w as a .he hay loft getting some straw in the practice of his teachings. A definite pledge of Independence T h e co build some hens’ nests, when In other words Christianity in , rea Hide sla te d “ It Is a s It bus a lw ay s youths ’ COMPANION he slipped and fell from the loft action. Paul was not a mere I,...... th e p u rp o se of th e people of THE e U nited S lid es to w ith d raw tlm lr and the to the floor lighting on some kind theorist. He preached a gospel th s,,v. r. igntv o i e r tin- P h ilip p in e Island« enterprise of a snag which pierced the low­ with a Savior able to save men a n d to recognize th e ir independence a» er part of his body. A doctor so that they would think and act soon a s It ta b le g overnm ent can he For $3.75 per year. happened to be there, having and feel as a brother; honestly e sta b lish e d th e re in .” Con -re sm an K ing sta te d th e re wn« been called on account of F M striving to be worthy, as men „ „ questio n but Had Hie Filipino» bud W R I G H T & P O O L E Robinson’s father being sick may. of the heavenly Father e sta b lish e d Hie specified »table gov­ 1 ICKNSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS rn m e n t and, th e re fo re . It 1» th e with pneumonia, and gave him And Paul in his personal living e solem HARRISBURG LEBANON n d uty of th e P u tte d S lid es to P hone 35 , ’“ one 15 the necessary' service, and it is was an illustration of the sweet, g ra n t th e prom ised im1e|*‘lidence. Branches at houghtthe young man will get pure, strong, beautiful, vigorous B row nsville, W m T T em p le to n , Mgr. all right- doctrine that he preached. The asks independence H alsey. P hone 1*/». F ra n k K irk. M gr. The County Court has appoint­ Bible words of this lesson will be for PHILIPPINES e d J W Miller of Shelburn ls very helpful for the splendid F. M. GRAY, Jounty Superintendent of schools company of young people who M anila. — F ra n - ti succeed Mrs Ida Cummings, made the start in the meeting. cia H o rto n H a rrl- D raym an. resigned and his incumbency will May many more come ami find win, fortrter gov­ AU work done promptly and e rn o r g e n era l of | uegin April 1st. He was a for­ the Christian church they can th e P h ilip p in e I s ­ reasonably. Phone No. 269. mer county clerk ot Linn county best work in, and move forward lan d s, offered Io and represented the county in the te n d e r hl» re slg -j D f C e . S. D O N N E L L Y See the new Spring suits beau nouse of representatives in 1911. for the advancement of Christ s n a tio n e i g h t e e n ! kingdom. S urgical <1 i » ctscs of m onth« ago upon tiful in patterns and you will like He is a graduate of the Oregon Bro Cook is a very busy man. Kyc, lia r, N ose a n d T hroat condition th a t the their smart lines—in Greys, State Normal school and has S e c re ta ry of W ar g l a s s e s f it t e d Monday p m he began instruct­ r e c o nt in e n d t o 1 taught in this county off and on ing the new class of 20 children Brown, and stripes. SOI First National Bank Bldg. Albany. P re sid e n t W ilson for twenty years. He has recent­ in their new profession. Tues th a t a F ilip in o lie ly been teaching in Scio 8 schoolr. ; I dav evening he had a class of 20 a p p o in ted h is su c ­ Artistic Piano Tuning Prices cessor. l ie niude J e -W -» On last Tuesday vQUn g people for like instruction. | th e offer w hile In ' ■ Francis Burton A RTH U R COLE, Albany, Ore, the Boy Scouts went °ut ^his Wednesday night a meeting $20.00 W a s h i n g t o n In Harrison Leave orders with Woodworth D rag Co. the home of Holt and Lyle Grim thg church for everybody. It 1919. Albany. Oregon. n »m«slng Philippine independence, to to give them a farewell sen . duty of every one t. le ral said : Town or Country $5 They took ,w«en.'e’ , ^ dro^ ta ” d help our young people for they the I j o r a t ' n ri.nr w e In th e fu tu re a very $42.50. b e a u tifu l Vision W hen th e flag of - ’I have many temptations to ih. Pl.llippim rep u b lic s lia ll.b e h o ist­ C hiropractor S d games and hatl ai p l e - n t - r c o m e ed wi.. | ■ m d M t r lp e e w i l l Amor A. Tussing Halaey Item » CONGRESSMEN FAVOR FILIPINO RIALTO [BLA IS I C L O T H lN G C g ALBANY, OREGON. Scout Master. Th. orator, ot the „¡«he evenin« were Dr Garnjobst “ " ' ’„ T , Ercell Sneed. - w ' p .¡ ,| meet this with Mr« Sneed. com e floating dow n to th e stra in « of •The S ta r Spangled lla u n c r Hull flag, O ld G lory, so rich in happy and hon­ o ra b le io b le te m e n ls . will be m ade (l.eibly d e a r la-eiiu«‘- it will m ean th a t th e U n ited S ta te s will h ave k e p t its w ord to th e people of th e P h ilip p in e Inland«.'' DR. R- H. HARRIS X -R A Y C luck bank B uilding . A lsary .