The Halsey Enterprise An Independent Newspaper PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY CHAS. BALLARD, Editor Entered as second-class matter Oc­ tober 3, 1912, at the postoffice at Hal gey, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. _________ Devoted to the material upbuilding of Halsey and surrounding country and Linn County generally. Subscription rate $1.60 per year in advance._____ ADMINISTRATOR’S FINAL NOTICE Notice is hereby give that the under signed, as the administrator of the es­ tate of C. D. carter, deceased, has filed his Final Account in Said Estate Matter with th« county clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and the county court has by , order fix el Monday, the 2nd day of ■May, 1921 at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m of said day for the final hearing of said account and settlement of said estate. Any and all persons having objections thereto are hereby notified to be present at said time and present the same. W. O. carter. Administrator. Weatherford & Wyatt, Attcrneys for Administrator, THE FURNITURE HOSPITAL EXECUTORS SALE OP Renovates and makes feather PROPERTY. mattresses, old furniture and 25,000 HOME INVESTORS î I A FEW YEARS A€iO the electric and gas properties managed by tli h o B v l l o - b v organization had very few home investors. Today about 25.0 > I citizens ot the cities and towns served own up­ wards of $20,»Mlb,0(»0 of the securities of their comoames. THE MONEY which these 25,000 have invested, has boon used to construct additions and extensions and thus to urtlior dovei- op the growth and prosperity of the various communities, Interest one and one and dividends now paid to resident investors now total one halt million dollar- a year. THE STRENGTH AND STANDING of Byllesbv managed utilities are clearly evidenced by the facts given above. These 2, »,000 people have placed their hinds in modern properties devoted to sup­ plying indispensable services in growing demand, have invested in a business which they can keep under their own personal observation. REAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That mattresses made like new. in compliance with the provisions and Bring them in or phone 261-R, directions of the last Will ami Testa- m sut of Seba H. Harker deceased as 128-130 Ferry St, Albany. Ore. admitted to probate by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Couuty of Linn and recorded in the Record of Wills of said County, the un­ dersigned as such Executor w ill from and after Saturday, the 30th Day of April, 1921, at his place of business in the City of Halsey in said county, pro­ ceed to sell at private sale for cash, sub­ If you fix your own ject to confirmation of said Court the shoes try a pair of following real property tit said estate, to wit:- FIRST TRACT: Commencing at the N. W. corner of A wonderful wearing leath­ Caleb Gray’s D. L. C Not. No. 2569, er—in fact it wears like iron. ind running thence W. 55 Rds. and 10 inks to a corner on the E. line of the Sent to any addreaa by parcel post D.'L. C. of C. J. B. Crosby; Thence S. on Price 75 cent», Heavy, $ 1 00 Slid hue 96 Rds. and 8 links to theS. E. corner of said CrosOy's claim; Thence SHOE HOSPITAL, B. to a corner on Caleb Gray’s W. line; Thence N. to the place of be­ Fifth & Lyons Streets. ginning. containing 33 acres and 56 sq. rds. more or less and being situated in Tps. 13 and 14 S. of R. 4 W of the Wil­ lamette Meridian in Linn County, Ore. SECOND TRACT; 9 C W LEGHORNS Beginning at a point 23.17 chs. W. of O. A. C. and TANCREI) Strain Ihe N. E corner of the S. E. *4 of N. W. B P ROCKS *4 of Sec. 6. in Tp. 14 S. of R 3 W. of O. A. C. and McDonald. San Jose, Ca! the Willamette Meridian, Oregon ami r inning thence W. 6.58 chs; Thence S. t. g ] $16.00 per hundred. 7 28 chs; Thence E 6.58 chs; and thence Pleaae place your order» early. \’. 7.28 chs. to beginning, containing Mr» II. C. ARMSTRONG, I 50 acres more or less in Linn County Oregon. R 1, Halsey, Oregon. Dated Match 31. 1921. Wm. F. White, Executor aforesaid. 60 ACRES On- the PACIFIC HIGH­ WAY. \mor A. Tussing. Atty for Executor. 3-31 to 4-28 All under cultivation except 2 acrts of oak timber, good '-room house, large Practical Shoe barn and all necessary outbuilding«, o Repairing giio.1 well at the house, family orchard 'C H R O M E HALF SOLES. Our Chrome Half Soles STATES POW- Baby Chicks A. H . M. Byllesby & Company Fiscal Byllesby Engineering and Management Corporation Engineers and Managers Paterson + -•* * ■ * and berries, woven wire fences. This Fine Dress Shoes a Specialty place ia between Albany anil Tangent 10. Don’t kick if I kick. I f 501 Lyon Street, Albany, Oregon, and ia a good buy at $9500.00. Terms you’ re worth while correcting^ WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO you are worth while keeping. 1 403 1st National Bank Building _ The Ten Demandments Of The don’t waste time cutting specks Albany Oregon Business Man. Will Open Soon. 1 will open the Meat Market formerly owned by my father, My prices will be right, and the quality of the meat will be right. W . F. Carter. Agents * '* < * '+ The U. S. Postal Department has discontinued furnish­ ing Post Offices w ith Government Stamped Envelopes withPost office anil delivery address printed upon them except in lots of .MX) or more. The Star Envelope Service, out of rotten apples.—Con tr i b -. H A LSEY, OREGON 1 Don’ t lie. I t wastes my time uted. Will furnish envelopes o f g o o d quality with ind yours. I am sure to catch name and address on the corner at the following vou in the end, and that is Strawberries and Grape \ ines. prices on all orders received before May 1st the wrong end. In setting strawberries, great 100 size (51x31 65 cents 2. Watch your work, not the care should be taken to not set 35 50 -•lock. A long day's work makes the crowns too deep, so that the 25 25 i long day short; and heavy spring rains may not force The above prices include postage in the first and second r keep out o f mv shop. For home use, the Progressive, a Halsey, Oregon. 5. Dishonesty is never an ac­ berry which w ith a little irriga cident. Good men, like good wo­ tion w ill bear at least two heavy men, never see temptation when | crops a year. they meet it. Grape vines should be given 6. Mind your own business very good care when set. It a ind in time you w ill have a busi grape is allowed to become stunt ness o f your own to mind. ed in its early life, it never 7. Don’ t do anything here amounts to a great deal. I t is a which hurts your self respect. heavy feeder and should be An employee who is willing tc strongly fertilized. steal for me is w illing to steal The vine should be thinned es­ from me. pecially the first few years. Cut 8. It is none o f my business back your canes to about two what you do at night. But it buds at time of setting. Vou Cot ALL FOUR of Thooo dissipation affects what you do Next Tuesday is the last day M A G A Z IN E S and O U R N E W S P A P E R the next day, and you only do half as much as I demand, you’ll m w,'ich ' ou can pay the first I half of your taxes w ithout being Y ? , ^ h F 0 R ast half as long as ou ,1, ped. I penalized. T M 'd E X C E P T IO N A L O F F t W I S 0 0 0 3 F O R A S H O R T T IM E O N L Y 9. Don’t tell me w hat I'd like bwhiK pti- na may h« n r ^ o r renewal. AU reoew» I •ubarWptk»®« w ill be extended for r a t » » f i r tr-'rn pce*«MV <’• tf» c i * n$r to hear, but what I ought to H W and Glenn Chance in do hear. I don’t want a clerk for i a trip Monday with the truck to mv vanity, but one for my del Crawfordsville "T retn-ned ■ V a n t e d —The address of all farmers who desire names for ar>. ith a load ol po ' their farm«. Star Envelope Service, Halsey, Oregon BIG SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Kryptoks Cleierly Conceal tht Fact that t h 1 Wearer Need Double V i don Glasses. In improving the appearance-, and conserving eyesight, Kryp toks are a prieel *ss possession. $ 2 -2 5 (D p to m e tris t A m u r o *rs Harold Albm. Manufacturing Optician. λ Order N o w .'