Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, March 24, 1921, Image 4

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• 1
Charity Grange Items' _
The age of the girl doesn’t
count when it corres to candies;
big and little they all love it.
The candie# that we sell are made
of pure unadulterated sugar and
flavorings, and consequently no
m atter how much is eaten there
can be no harmful effect. Take
home a box knowing that it is
the purest candy made.
all ufficers present and a goollv
a tten d an ce of members.«- Three
can d id ates were balloted on for
m em bership aud will be initiated
n e x t m eeting. T his will be our
last all day m eeting u n til next O r
E A Kizer and M eredith Kizer
w ent to the b ills the la tte r p a rt of
last week and tini-bed th e ir c o n ­
tra c t of cu ttin g W illiam Pence’s
w ood.
A F arm Bureau m eeting will be
held in the G range h a ll n e x t F ri­
day evening.
We are c e rta in ly
learning to
sing some hard and
songs at the singing school. T he
school will have its tw elfth lesson
nex t S atu rd ay night aud the teach ­
er hopes by the end of. the six ­
teenth lesson to have the class
half way through the book, and
we have learned to sing all the
gongs by note as we cam e to them
w ith th e exception of two or three
rounds, which the teacher said he
would not have us take th e tim e
to learn.
Next S a tu rd a y n ig h t the lite r­
ary contest closes with an oyster
feed, It is n ’t known yet which
side will have to furnish the feast
| hnt we will all go prepared to en -
Buy Now!
Buy at home and keep^the money
We have reduced prices on granite
ware, aluminum ware etc. Start the
year aright and buy now.
Cross & White
Smith Bros.’ Market
T h e G ran g e m et
S atu rd ay
w ith
Fresh and Cured Meats Always On i«-y u.e fe^t .m ...«tier «inch side
furnishes it.
Hand. Also Other Meats in Season.
T h o llalscy E n te rp rise h as liiatle a rra n g e iu e n ts
with Tin? Crowley P u b lish in g C om pany to club
th e E n te rp rise with th e ir M agazines w here a n y
o f o u r reader» m ay want two o f th e Magazines
T h e s e M agazines a re all sta n d a rd p u b licatio n s
and weN known and in each co m b in atio n be­
low von will actu ally get both M agazines an d
th e E n te rp rise for less th an th e re g u la r price
o f th e two Magazines.
Bi‘h>w we give the n u m b e r ot each com b in atio n ,
I h e re g u la r su b scrip tio n price ot tin* publica­
tion nam ed in th e com b in atio n and o u r p rice
to r both and the E n te rp rise o n e year.
! J /i s Coffer C rpires ^ i p r i i • f i r s t .
Mrs W adw oith of H arrisburg, is
No. lG ood Housekeeping S3.(X) Pictorial Review J3.no Bothw itli E n terp rise$3.TO
giving music lessons to Sylvia
. 4.00 Pictorial Review 3.00
No. 2 Cosmopolitan
Thom pson. Anu» P en n ell, Lydia No. 3 H earst’s . . . .
. 4.00 Pictorial Review 3.00
. 4.00 M o t o r Boating 3.00
G regory, and G ail T routm an.
No. 4 1 le a rst’s ..
. 4.00 Good llousekeepng 3.00
J E P ain ter, who was badly No. 5 Cosmopoli tati
hurt, last week by Mr B a rto n ’s
No. 7 C osm opolitan.. 4 (M) Ilearst’s .....................4.00
bull, is slowly recovering.
No. 8 Good Housekeeping 3.oo H arper's Bazar.
7 65
$ Will chop Tuesdays, Thursdays and S a tu d a y s.’# ) Mrs a d e Ider hus returned No •> H arper'» Bazar. t,,oo Pictorial Review. 3.00
W ‘
W ; from a week’ a visit in Ash- No. 10 H earst's .......... 4.00 Motor ..........
ir land.
W e are glad to note th a t the No, 12 H ears’t s ................. . 4.1X3 H arper's Bazar.
m county road north of Shedd, which
¡has been cloned all w inter, is now
¿p i m ien for traffic.
The T angent H igh School put
on th e ir play, “ T he T ra il of the
Lonesome P ine” a t Shedd last
S aturday night.
I t was a good
play and well rendered.
Mrs C atherine Croft and her
dau g h ter were A lbany callers last
Plows, Peg to o th harrow s, Disc ?m rro w s, S pring Friday.
Miss Blanche E p p erly , one of
tooth harrow s.
Hollers, both k i.n d s.
our school teachers spent the week
C ultivators, 2 -h o rse and a 7-tooth 1-horse.
end in C orvallis.
M anure sp re ad e rs, th e b e st th e re is by test.
C has A rnold and his son Karl
Tin* T itan ID-20 tra c to r. E xam ine .now on my floor. tran sacted business in Albany-
L 1-2 h p e n g in es and cream s e p a r a t o r s . Con?e in la st S aturday.
Geo A D anuen had the m isfor­
and look th em over am i we will sw a p w ith you.
tune of seriously cutting his thum b
W e have on h and I second h a n d » . l-h p engine, also
I He w as helping his father c u t the
5-h S tover en g in e am i 1 g rim ier. At ill sell cheap.
strin g s of a load of sacked oats
T hose a re s «» u k * e f th e things. O rt le r re p a irs Now. chop; when he had finished he
w ent to stick the knifv into a board
© W
in the wagon, the knife “ jack ­
k n ife d ,” the blade catching the
first jo in t of his (btiriih. I'h
d<H-tor says he will ptnhably have
a stiff joint the rest of his life.
says the Good . Judge’
K ilph D anuen, was call**«! to
And y»
w iH find how
A lbany last M onday to appear
much nwre satisfaction a I«
against th e m an who broke in i"
little c f this Real Tobacco
H attie D annen’a house at his pie-
gives y ou than you ever
lim inarv tria l. T h e m an pleaded
Y o u C e t A L L F O U R of These
om a big chew of the
not guilty and was hound over to
M A G A Z IN E S and O U R N E W S P A P E R
lary kind.
the g ran d jury.
At 4.30 the
good, rich,* real to-
{rand jury had not reached a
ba cco taste lasts so long
.O O D
»O <
. H o u r T IM E O N L Y
bubacriptiams m ay be new r rcnrweal. A ll ret * a l r n h a c rir'b m s w ill be extend ed (or i t w
yt iu don’t need a fresh
L ater.
J II Bussell, indicted
«ear t re in present date o f expiration«
C new nearly as often. So
it ll o'clock Monday evening hv a
it costs you less.
new grand jury on the charge o f
(4 \V T hom pson’* son O rval who Ralph sr would have pneumonia.
A n y man w ho uses the
greeny from a dw elling, was a r­
been sick, is recovering
I teal T obacco C hew will
raigned before Judge K elly and
Harvey Pugh, knowing the
fioui the b.iedd Visitor failings of Fords and other cars
tell you that.
pleaded guilty and was sentenced
to pay a tine of fifty dollars or ot March 16th )
Put up iu two »tyiu
of larger caliber, took hi3 team
¿erve tw enty-five days in the conn
1 hompson Bros and < o h a \ e ,ancj waited at the main, mud
,/-R C1TJ.’ is a long fine cut tobacco
•y ja il. Bussell is serving out shipped this week 1 car ot Hour, hole between the road and the
R I G H T lC U T is a short-cut tobacco
i is sentence, hut it is reported 1 oi teed, 2 of oats ai d ot hay. cemetery the afternoon of the
hat he is looking for mouey from
BroadTvHf New YoriiC’ty
Ralph Malson has been very Maxwell funeral, and his judg-
ns home in H oquiam , W ash, •ick with «hat threatened to be ment was good. He pulled out
vi'h which to pay his tine.
typhoid fever
, every ear but one. He had some
He was accused of stealiug an
Ralph Damien and nearly the fun at the expense of his broth-
■strich plume fan aud a change of whole family have been down er Chas when he had to pull out
lolbm g from Mi?s H attie Dan- sick and are reported better. It his forty horse power car » ith
ieu’< home two weeks ago.
was feared for a Uuie that i two horses.
x _, .
O. W . F R UM
“Try It Out Y o u r se lf ”
Y” ,°£h
■' •*
.. j )k for some
special club rales
that we hope to have for you before
very long.
$2 25
Order Naw