T h e H alsey E n terp rise An Independent N ew spaper PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BEAUTY AND BEAST 4 + + 4 4 4-4-4- 4- 4 4 A 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 '4 -4 4 4 44"444>4v44444f4< I f t An 8 per cent INVESTMENT By MILDRED WHITE. CHAS. BALLARD, Editor E ntered as second-class m a tte r Oc to b er 3, 1912, a t th e postoffice a t H al­ sey, O regon, under th e A ct of March 8, 1879. (® . 1111. W e e t e r n .N e w s p a p e r U n io n ) Dulcie wa* the beauty, there could be no doubt about that, but whether Jim H arford or his 00, 7 cents on 2.50 versatlon followed Emperor a fter a ¡these communities are anxious time of speculative Interest, shifted for furthe r knowledge on the i he Star Envelope Service, his vast hulk so th a t It rested court handling o f chicks. However, d m tly between the two. Dulcie raised ________________ Halsey, Oregon. her voice slightly at last, and the Ils the meetings w ill be open to all tening lady could hear ’Then jim will farmers o f the county and it will Everybody come EAR LY at 10 sight. 2 Cor 5: he wel' worth anyone ■ . ■ 1 ' ' '" " r ■" w orm while to nnv in to krvptoks (.ieverlv Conceal the f |,T th “ « >->« trusted him so |,,„g , , , 4 o clock Sunday morning for the -----— - H V V V II’ I For by grace are we savec Fact that the Wearer Needs •n ”,r m anager." s PER (ENT (¡OLD NOTES ..I Mountain States Power Com­ pany purchased at the price now available yield the investor a cash return of S per rent a t ear. Interest coupons are payable twice a year, August 1st and February 1st. '1HIS INVESTMENT is backed by ample assets and a successful, steadily growing business founded mi the supplying of necessary ser­ vices to people, towns and industries. 4 4 CHROME HALF SOLES. I IT SHARING INVESTORS. Their money has been put to work in pubic service in extensions and improvements. They share in the earnings by clipping their coupons twice a year and cashing them at their bank. 4 4 4 4 I his d ep en d ab le investm ent in properties 4 4 4 4 Our Chrome Half Soles you can see m ay be pu rch ased for cash o r by convenient m onthly paym ents. 4 I POW­ $ I I Baby Chicks ER COMPANY. I I A. f 4 1 H . M . B yllesby & C o m p a n y Fiscal A g e n ts 1 Peterson 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 444x4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 ^ HALSEY AUCTIONEER " Mr (' ( is ls considered one of the evangelistic service conducted by through fa ith : and tha t not ol Kro Bernard, which w ill be con­ ' ■ • u l l r j , xperts in ....... th e coun e your selves, it is the g ift o f God; In improving the appearance- »n« »">•» woman, »» h» tinued in an afternoon meeting. try anti what he has to say on th* not o f works lest any man should and conserving eyesight. Krvn- '*'? . , And m an , w eek, after this oemr- subject may be considered as au A ll the'people from the country boast. Eph 2. 8, 9. toks are a priceless possession, ' fence, D ulde came. .11 roey and shm- thority. ary requ ested to bring tneir lunch Paul’s obedience to the call of ' ,,s e.ved. •” her aunt. baikets "or dinner in the Ladies’ UT^T ? . 1 " m KO|" K ,u ‘»»rry Jim llarfo n l," God. See Acts 26: 15-19. M elhodi-l Church Notes Aid room . And then come back 1 S ’* S n n n " n n " 'l “ T o i l Me.- I 1, VI- I . I he Pollster S S class met at fo r a g r at rally at 7:20. This / . Z Z y "rtfl •» VT Emperor V m" ' h 1° J "P-rnr SUNDAY SCHOOL j Mrs Momhinweg’s home on the - * 1» a valuable dog. and " i l l proba bly be the close o f th Y afternoon of March 16th, w ith '¿ J & l& m C c S 'lst 1 rr,’"v h*v'* no Ms ' 1,1 The Sunday school hour w ill be » r ic . h ut th , revival. Wt , , ieh. o t t h , g ir!, > * harbor another m an's pr>>|a*rty, (aken up by Bin l: nnanl. why — -’* •lie n praying r . i n n ir earnestly i a I , - . . their . that ___ our conducted r . ” H y n e n k u • They I tonoucted their regular business. the meetings are going o n .1 . ,r | , „ , i .. ,n ........... Hamid Albro. "Drilcle. Dulcie." niurmureil the l ,ng |, m „ „ - . a g - o rd .r,,| some class pins plaved much tried aunt, then tenderly »hv , with increased interest and Manufacturing Optician. at- t » manv unsaved peope in this games, and had so m e 'n ice 're ­ k taxed her. tendance. Evangelist Kennard com m unity freshments. is preaching a gospel that w ill WANTED -T h e address of nil _____ _ - I* w j confess our sins, he is Some o f the friends are and s*ve a man for all time. farmers who desire name* for, F(Ur Poultrv Demonstrations at fa ith fu l' and ju s t to forgive us have been quite sick’ among Ho not fail to hear Bro F E th -ir farms. Star Envelope Ser- ~ I ’« ul ‘ i , Farms. from them are S l,v ,n ,„ „ M r! Bro»n in his vice, Halsey, Oregon. Double Vision Glasses , ' laus,‘*‘d' “Evidently th. mar. ' ". Hub,,. E cotb., e ' ' • I;" - A Ä For we walk by faith, not by ( Mrs Sturtevant. -