Charity Grange Hems’ SW EET THOUGHTS When yeu pass Clark’a, think of how appreciative your sweet­ heart or wife, mother or sister, would be if you sent her a box of strictly fresh chocolates or a mixed assortment of fruity sweetmeats. You’ll have cause to thank us for this suggestion because we know „how it has worked in other cases. t CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. Buy Now! Buy at home and keep^the money going. We have reduced prices on granite ware, aluminum wire etc. Start the year aright and buy now. Mr and Mrs Henrv Apel trom Worthington. Minn, visited Satur­ day with the C P Kizer family. They are «pending the winter on the coast. Mrs Robinson spent the week end at her home in Eugene. C M Kizer was in Albany Sat­ urday and brought home one of the county trucks. Mr and Mrs W C Sickels were Albany visitors Saturday. Mrs A II Quinby was a visitor at Corvallis Friday and Saturday. Mr ami Mrs C D Huff were vis- itora at A D Waggoner’s Sunday; also Mr and Mrs W R Pence, and Mr and Mrs W C Sickels visited J B Waggener and wife. Hazel Quinby was home from school from Wednesday until F ri­ day. A Mr Templeton has been vis­ iting his son, J P Templeton. RtlES [XMBÂSï The Halsey Enterprise has made arrangem ents with The Crowley Publishing Company to club the Enterprise with their Magazines where any of our rentiers may want two o fth e Magazines These Magazines are all standard publications anti well known and in each com bination be­ low von will actually get both M agazinesand the Enterprise for less than the régulai pu ce i.a /v \ l utr'V/l n o « . Shedd Mr and Mrs Geo H Dannen vis­ ited at the C A Starnes houe Sunday. The Sbedd-Brownsville high­ way is now in pretty good shape for traffic. W W Poland, P I Troutman, and Geo Dannen haul­ Below we give the num ber of each combination, ed the gravel for the repair work. the regular subscription price ot the publica­ Mr and MrB Ed Farwell and Mr tion named in the combination and our price and Mrs L R Wilson attended the for both and the Enterprise one year. funeral of Alexander Maxwell Monday. H / iis Q f f e r fb x p ire s » f i r s t . Mabelle Jones and Blanche Ep- perley spent the week end in Al­ No. 1 Good Housekeeping $3.(Ml Pictorial Review $3.00 Both with E n te rp rise $5.90 » I 1 » » . - ... ’ 4.00 . zwx .» ■ »._2.1 n Review .. . : __ 3.00 T lut »• » »’ 6.40 ” Pictorial bany. No. 2 Cosmopolitan 6.40 . 4.0!) Pictorial Review 3.0!) „ Alexander Maxwell died at his No. 3 H e a r s t's ...........■ » » » » 6.40 3.00 ” 4.00 M o t o r Boating 4 H e a rs t's ............... No. home in Shedd last Friday even­ 1* 6.40 . 4.00 Good Housekeepng 3.00 ' 5 Cosmopolitan ing. He was 85 years old and No. 6.40 4.00 Good H ousekeeping 3.00 No. i> H earst.s............... 1 > had been a resident of Shedd for No. 7 C osm opolitan...... 4.00 H e a rst's................. 4.00 •’ 7.00 7.65 many years. He was a member No. 8 Good H ousekeeping 3.00 H arper s Bazar---- 6.00 ” »* 7.6 5 . 6.00 Pictorial Review. '»•Harper’s Bazar. No. of the McPherson Post of the G A Will chop.Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satudays.W 8.00 It of Albany. The funeral wa- No. • » 8.00 . 4.00 H arper's Bazar.. . . . 6.00 ’’ held from the Presbyterian church No. 11 Cosmopolitan 8,00 . 6.00 ” I . 4.00 H arper’s Bazar, No. 12 H e a rs'ts............... V Monday at 2 o’clock conducted by Mz I Rev Reid. Interm ent in the Pugh cemetery. Miss Maude Daniels, one of our * school teachers, left Friday morn­ ing for Albany to spend the week eud with her parents. J E Painter lately had a th rill­ ing experience with Charles Bar­ ton’s bull. As Mr Painter started to go through the lot whore the Plows, Peg tooth h.'irrows, Disc harrows, Spring bull was, the beast attacked him, knocking him down and breaking tooth harrows. Kollers, both kinds. several of his ribs and injuring his Cultivators, 2-horso and a 7-tooth 1-horse. lungs. It was a narrow escape Manure spreaders, the best there is by test. for him but at the last accounts i> The Titan 10-20 tractor. Exainino now on iny floor. was thought he would recover. L 1-2 h p engines ajid cream separators. Come in (Taken from the Shedd Visitor and look them over and we will swap with you. o( March 10th.) We have on hand 1 second hand 1-hp engine, also Glenn Hill is all stove up. It -teems that he had a round with a 5-h Stover engine and 1 grinder. Will sell cheap. big pump and the pump put him These are some o fth e thjngs. O rder repairs Now. over the car door and out. Any­ o . W M O R N H IM W iG . IM P L E M E N T S T O R E way he is much the worse for the encounter. If any one knows of .GnooSCTHS, ÏWMÀN similar cases please keep them to yourselves as Glenn is tired ot hearing how long he is to 1 e laid F* says the Go»xl Judge up. He is able to be up and around, but is not comfortablt ( H o w long a little of and needs assistance to get up and the R e a l T o b a c c o down. j Chew w ill last. The prayer circle of the mission- N o r how’ much gen You Cat ALL FOUR of These try society of the I’ P church uine chewing satisfac­ net at Mrs W I Dunlap’» tion the full, rich real Tuesday. A devotional meet tobacco taste will give. Y c 'r E a c h F ° R ng was held in the A s k any man who uses 1 H i -i e x L P T IO N A l O I-FI-. R J 9 G O O O F O R A S H O R T T I M E O N L Y uorning, a covered dish dinner - the Real Tobacco Qtcw. Sub». . . f u . i, n w y he n. v r , A ll I ■ ih». w ill be « x lr n d c d ( u r e o . ras had at noon, and the remain Vexr Ir- .i-n p r e m i date t-f exp iretto n . 5 H e w ill tell you that ler of the dav was spent in a so­ this class of tobacco la! way. About 18 ladies were w ill give more satisfac­ Joseph Li»ka, father of Mrs J l'he 'tangent High School will »resent. tion—and at less cost— Stanley Van W inkle, spent the bring their play to Shedd Satur­ Little Lucille McBride is im- ► than the ordinary kind. ’roving. Her fever was down 1« week end with his da' ghter at day night, March 19th. Pul ufi ht twit styles A union revival meeting will be­ ormal Tuesday, the first tune f.n She id, ami assisted in the install­ C U T is a long firn .-cut tohaoco ing ot two new windows in the wo w»ek«. She is about over an gin at Shedd Sunday, March 13. ^ i G W l ^ C U T is a short-cut tobacco -ttack of the inea«le-<. front of the parsonage. Th>se It m il be conducted by Rev Fred , I J Last Friday night the bask»- w> windows are the means of ae Schnell and will last a t least two N-w v C'»y .ocial of the Epworth Leagne wro curing for a nice large bed room weeks. 'e ll attended and profitable Tfu p le n tv o f lig h t. This room on the , I t >• reported th at E A Lytle, .eague cleared $72 and the Ladies fro n t o f th e bouae w Ms a lw a ys so formerly of Shedd, and now liv- kid took in som e on candy an- 1 ark that it w c used for a store ing at A lp ip e . ia ve ry sick w ith s effss besides. 160 ol this ws- n of tvphoid pneutnonis The second semester ot thej Mr» J C Dawson spent the week patd on the piano and $10 was set atidt to b* p purchsis sccg books. Shsdd school is on» third gone. *eud visiting relatives in Albany, Cross & White Smith Bros? Market Fresh and Cured Meats Always On Hand. Also Other Meats in Season. r V ï W. IIU M : BIG SUBSCRIPTION OFFER “Perhaps You Don’t Know” MAGAZINES end OUR NEWSPAPER $2-25 >-B Lsok for sonv? special club i that we hope to have for you bt very long. 1 1* Order NoW.