Amor A. Tuseing LAWYER AND NOTARY Halaey I Lama The Harrisburg M E preacher WAS ABLE TO DIG EST STONES E. L. STIFF and SON and evangelist were in Halsey to­ F U R N IT U R E D E A L E R S . French F’ :j».orl«n H a , L e ft Deacrip- day attending church. Carries everything; in Furniture, tlen of Man W ith a Stomach J E True has taken out the That W as Remarkable. also PIPELESS FURNACES. pantry on the north side of his Tin» •plille B enoit. it F re n c h w riter house and added the space to the h isto ria n , gives th e follow ing de­ porch. He is also making some and scrip tio n of a tru e lithoplm ttua or interior improvements to the sto n e-eater, whom he e n co u n tere d in Ute n o rth e rn p a r t o f F ra n c e . “T h is house. Albany. Ulan," sta te s B enoit, “ w ho an sw e red to 215-217 Lyon Street. the nam e of H ruuda, not only sw al­ Blain Clothing Co Celebrates Brownsville and Drifted Snow flour at D H Sturtevant’s. Roland Marks was an Albany caller Monday. For Sale—Rye grass hay, bal­ Two doors north of the hotel. ed, $15 per ton. J W Moore. Am prepared to do all kinds of Mrs Brown was an Albany call­ shoe repairing. Satisfaction er Saturday. guaranteed. Watkin’s goods for sale at Mrs lowed Hints a n inch a n d a hu lf long, JEWETT the COBBLER. N E Taylor’s. 3-3 to 3-31 We are in receipt of a souvenir a full Inch broad a n d h a lf a n Inch h u t any sto n es like m arb le Miss Lillian Sneed came up booklet from the Blain C’othing w thick, hich he could re d u ce to pow der. I from Portland Saturday evening. Co. It is neatly gotten up and ex am in ed th is m an w ith all th e a tte n ­ tion 1 (sissihly could. Hulling his gullet Profs Patterson and English a thing of beauty. large, his te e th exceedingly were Eugene callers Saturday. In this book is a condensed very strong, his sa liv a very co rro siv e and J S McMahan shipped * car of history of the Company from its his sto m ac h low er th a n u su a l— a fact hogs Tuesday. first inception with pictures of which I Im puted to th e vast num ber Mr and Mrs Wm Grimes were those who are connected with of Hints w hich he had sw allow ed. “U pon In te rro g a tin g one of the Albany callers Monday. the store. sto n e -e a te r’s frie n d s I w as told th a t W RK irk transacted business The Company was established Itru n d a had been fo und th re e y ears In a n o rth e rn u n in h a b ite d Is­ in Brownsville Monday. in 1865 with L E Blain, S E before land, by th e erew of a B u tch ship. ‘I Mrs Umstead returned last Young, and John Barrows in the can m ake him c a t raw flesh w ith the week from a visit in Portland. firm. Mr Barrows was only con­ sto n es,’ said th e m an w ho wits acting Lost—A fountain pen. Finder nected with the company one ns Ills keeper, ‘hut I could n e v er In­ duce him to sw allow b read . H e will THE HALSEY ENTERPRISE return it to the Enterprise office. year when the other two bought drin k w ater, w ine and b ra n d y , anil a p ­ C L Carey was an Albany call­ him out. p e a rs to he very fond of th e la tte r. and the H e sle ep s 12 hours a day, but alw ay s er Wednesday. For ten years Mr Blain and In OREGON FARMER a te d po stu re, w ith his chin r e s t­ Leave orders for 16 inch slab Mr Young ran the business and ing a on se Ills knees. H e sm okes a lm o st all one year for $1.65. wood at the lumber yard. tf then Mr Blain took the clothing th e tim e th a t he Is not a slee p or e atin g .’ " Willamina Corcoran is report­ department and ran it alone. C .C . B R Y A N T ed sick with tonsilitis. From that day to this it has ATTORNEY AT LAW 20 White Leghorn hens, gold steadily increased, until now it RUGS USED IN A LL AGES 201 New First Nat’l Bank Bldg, layers, and 1 rooster, yearlings. ranks with the best clothing Ancient Chroniclers Have L e ft Ac­ J W Moore. counts of Various Remarkable Albany, Oregon. companies of the state. Products of the Loom, Mrs Kimbrell took sick Monday On Jan 22, 1892. the L E Bla n and had to go home from her Clothing Company was organized In nil ages ru g s h ave lipen used fo r school. with Messrs Blain, Hammer, and religious purposes. U p to th e presen t H W Chance, accompanied by Elkins stockholders. Since that tim e each m em ber of th e P e rsia n and oham m edan fam ily c a rrie s a sm all Profs Patterson and English time they have allowed their em­ M rug fo r p ra y er. T h e M oham m edan, drove to Albany Thursday. ployees to take stock in the by m eans of a sm all com pass, places Mrs D Taylor and son Lawrence company, until now the company th e ru g w here th e n ich e p o in ts to w ard w here th e body o f M oham med and Misses Dorothy Shirling and is composed of L E Blain, pres; Mecca, lies. l i e then s trip s h im self o f all Helen Moore drove to Albany A W Hammer, vice pres and his jew els, com bs his h e a rd carefu lly , n , w ith h a n d s o u tstre tc h e d on Thursday. manager since 1911; L M Pal a m i t h e side, he p r o s tr a te s him self and. Mr. Leighton E. Blain, W F Moore and family, who mer, J Deo McClain, sec-treas, e w ith ith e r head on th e e a rth , p e rfo rm s his have been living between Halsey and he has charge of the boys’ devotions. our President, conceived and Brownsville, are moving to department: Roy Nutting, who In E gypt C leo p a tra had loom s set a l a c e s fo r th e w eaving of an idea several years ago Salem this w eek.______ has charge of the shoes and part b u e p n u In tlfn h e lly r p designed ta p e strie s. W hen of the men’s furnishings; C H C leo p atra w ished a u d ien ce w ith C a e ­ which has in the last few MILLINERY who has charge of the sar, sh e hail a b a le of ru g s shipped years become quite pop­ Ready to wear and trimmed Jessee, via M e d ite rran e a n . W hen th is w as hats on display Friday and Sat­ hat department; A W Metzgar, opened before th e Roman em peror, a ular among the big men urday, March 17th and 18th at the advertising manager, and m ost su p e rb ru g w as unrolled, and to head of the underwear depart­ th e a sto n is h m e n t of th e co u rt, th e r e ­ of our country. Koontz’ store. ned E gypt Inn queen rolled out ment; and Miss Edith Vanace, now Tycer & Elmore. w ith It. This was the idea ci the stenographer and assistant Virgil m ak es m ention o f w onderful Mrs Eldon Cross spent the book keeper. ru g s w oven by wom en, ru g s to he selling stock to the em­ week end in Hillsboro and Port­ At this store you always get sp re ad u n d e r th e th ro n es of kings S li d ployees. That everyone land. She returned Sunday courteous un d er the knees of c o u rtie rs, uml laid treatment and you are upon th e h a ck s o f h o rse s and In the who so wished might be­ evening. made to feel that you are at c h a rio ts o f con q u ero rs and generals. come a stockholder, he The Halsey High School put home. their drama at Shedd Friday The Roman Sestertius. They have in thei show win­ made arrangements to on S e ste rtiu s is th e L atin nam e fo r a night. It was fairly well patron­ dow this week a mammoth cake coin ineanlng h alf of the tttlrd, turn over stock to the ized and seemed to take quite with 56 candles on top of it, rep­ th Roman a t Is, tw o and half, from "sem i" resenting the 56 years they have m eaning h a lf and “ te r tlu s ” tficnnlng employees allowing the well. There have been several cases been in business. On Saturday th ird . earnings to pay on the of measles in the neighborhood, this cake is to be cut and distrib­ W hen silv e r coinage w as Introduced in Rom e lit 2dK It. ( ’., w ith th e copper principal. but they are about all well now uted among the patrons of the a s n u n it, th e silv e r s e s te rtiu s w as v alued a t 2*4 asses. T h e stlin d a rd as and those who were in school are store as far as it will go. re ta in e d only o n e-fo u rth o f Its original No fairer method could starting again. Methodist Church Notes w eight. T h e s e s te rtiu s w as equiva­ le n t to th e original llliral a s ; a n d , as be conceived, and the fact The Rebekah lodge from here a cc o u n ts had fo rm erly been m ade In SUNDAY SCHOOL that this is appreciated is went to Brownsville Tuesday te rm s o f th e llh ral as, th ey w ere now evening and put on the initiatory The Cross and its meaning m ad e In term s of th e se ste rtii. A fter ¿shown by the number of team work tor the lodge at that today. th e first P a n ic w ar. w hich cadisl 241 R. C., th e s e s te rtiu s censed to be years that his men have place. God commendeth his love to coined. T he w eight o f th e ns w ns m any remained in his employ. A D Smith went to Portland us, in that, while we were yet tim es rtslueed. In 217 B. O. th e d e on business and return­ sinners, Christ^died for us. Ro­ n n rlu s w as m ade eq u al to lit a sse s If you have wondered why Saturday and th e s e s te rtiu s to 4 asses. W ith ed Monday evening. R M Barn- mans 5: 8. th e re o rg a n iza tio n o f th e coinage sy s­ yoi i have received such ford kept the Meat Market dur­ Who his own self bare our tem u n d e r A ugust us ((13 It. C. to 14 sins in his own body on the tree; A. I».) a c o p p e r n e ste rtlu s of 4 asse s courteous treatment in ing his abserce. coined u n d e r (lie control of the Wm Grimei has exchanged his that we being dead to sins, w sen as ate. h is w as a b o u t 4 c e n ts In our store, possibly the place for a place in Heppner, should live unto righteousness. U n ited S T ltilcs money. above explains it; no mat­ Cregon. He will have a sale on 1 Peter 2; 24, ter wlun wafts on you, the the 30th. The man who gets The revival is on, God help us store busine?8 *8. their the place is Arthur Dykstra, to read his word, and to pray, not only when the 10 o’clock business and yo.’1 " hnd from Heppner. Thursday, March 17th. Mrs G H Doust of Anacorte, bell rings but every hour of our them, willing and ready William Desmond Wash, who had been visiting her wakeful moments that our dear in to pbease you. father, W M Stafford, at San Savior may open our eyes to the Diego, stopped off for a short wonderful truths of his blessed TI iis week is our birtl?" visit this week with her cousin, gospel—that he will lead us by day and Saturday, March C P Stafford, on her way home. faith and the witness of the Ho­ l'Jtl l, we are going to cut A For Sale—152 acres all stocked ly Spirit. EIGHTH EPISODE. a 1 jig birthday cake and an(j equipped. Must sell within To those who have not heard we , invite you to our 30 day ’• Price $15,000, $3,000 Evangelist Bennard. we firm y down. b ? ance hme. Reason for believe you are missing a treat. ore. Thursday, March 24th. selling, ill health. Owner C L Not only that he is an orator and singer of exceptional ability, but Blanche Sweet Carey. De Lora We'll® from Junction he has a message for you. which in City came sever«.'1 davs ago for a if carried out, will fill your soul with a song of love, joy, and visit with her grandmother, Mrs Pray. Her mother also came peace forevermore. This meet­ BLAIN II ÍGCO the fore part of the week and ing is not for the praise or exal­ NINTH EPISODE her father came Wednesday tation of any man or set of men, but for the glory of God, and evening and returned Thursday sal vgtion through Christ. . ALBANY. OKE( JON. •n the 11:30 train. B rownsville . O regon Shoe Repair Shop W edgewood Stoves and Ranges. DENTISTRY ™ Without pain. blocking method. “A Broadway Cowboy.” < LOST CITY.” CLOTH “Help Wanted, M ale” “ LOST CITY.” Late nerve- BARBER - SHOP. KARL A BRAMWELL. Prop. Suits Cleaned And Pressed. LAUNDRY SENT AWAY on MONDAY I. O. O. F. WILDEY LODGE NO. 65. Regular meeting next Satur­ day night. BARBER SHOP Electric Haircutting. Massaging and Shampooing. Cleaning and Pressing E. C . M IL L E R W. J. Ribelin Office 1st door south of school house Halsey, Oregon. The Store of F air Play. RIALTO ‘ tional Bank Ilutldin, ABj.tuy, Oregon, Dealer in Real Estate. Handles Towtti ami Country Property. Give him a call and see if he can fix yon up. The Hing Wo Chi­ nese Medicine Co. 304 Broadalbin St, Albany. Our wonderful roots and herbs are found in the China prepara­ tions and have stood the test of a thousand years to cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lung Trouble. Cancer, Rheumatism, Blood Poison, Ner­ vousness, Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles, also private ail­ ments of men and womeq, Con­ sultation free. The Hing Wo Chinese Medicine Co. P 0 Box, 247, Albany, Oregon. Chiropractor DR. A. R. PINNEY Electrical equipped office Room 401 First National Bank Building Albany Ore, THE YOUTHS’ COMPANION and the ENTERPRISE For 13.75 per year. W R IG H T & POOLE LICENSED FINEK AL DIRBCTOBS II Alt KISKURG LEBANON Phone .15 Phone 15 Branches at Brownsville, Win T Templeton, Mgr. Halsey, Phone 166, Frank Kirk, Mgr. E. M. GRAY, Drayman. All work done promptly and reasonably. Phone No. 269. DR- E. S. D O N N ELL Y Surgical diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat O L A S S e S F IT T K O 5ol F irs t N a tio n a l Batik Artistic i P ia n o Rldg, A lb a n y . Tuning ARTHUR COLE. Albany, Oft. Leave orders with Woodworth Drug Cn. Albany. Oregon. $5. Town or Country $5 Chiropractor DR. R. H. HARRIS X-RAY Cusic« B am « B u ii . p i »«« A zbai K .