REVIEW OF WORK O F ' OREGON LEGISLATURE of all of the taxpayers, instead of fro Jbany a selected list, as at present, was d An Independent Newspaper feated An effort to amend the Oregon stet PUBLISHElT* EVERY THURSDAY utea to require all women seeking t< obtain m arriage licenses in th is stat ' " CHAS’” BALLARD,* Editor Final Week of Session Com­ to subm it to a physical exam ination j as Is required of men was defeated In Entered as second-class matter Oc­ mences With Usual Jam of . the house. tober U, 1012, at the postoffice at Hal­ Organized labor won its first battle Unfinished Business. sey, Oregon, under the Act of March of the prsaent legislative session when .35 FLOUR and GEREALS I 45c Del Monte pineapples >. 1879. . It succeeded In Indefinitely postponing 25c Del Monte pineapples Proposed Special Election June 7. : R epresentativo H osford’s bill r, pealing Devoted to the material upbuilding of V iiftperfazk $2.60 i 2 for .45 A bill providing for a special state the “lawful picketing act,” passed by Halsey and surrounding country and 2 cans of trilk /isc h e r’s Best per sack 2.251 .25 Lins County generally. Subscription election on Ju n e 7 was introduced in th e 1519 legislature. the senate. The election would afford No 10 oats .60 2 cans of peaches .35 rate fl.&O per year in advance. the voters an opportunity to pass up­ No 10 corn meal .35j 2 cans of apricots .35 on th e several constitutional amend No 10 Graham .55 j 2 cans of hominy .35 THE FURNITURE HOSPITAL m ents which have been and a re yet to 2 can? of shrimp Jo 10 wheat hearts .75 ,48 be referred to the voters by the pres­ Renovates and makes feather ent legislative session. Among these No 10 pancake .751 2 cans of pork and beans .25 mattresses, old furniture and problems a re soldlera' bonus, the de­ 3ream of Wheat .28 partm ent of hydro-electric power and SHORTENING m attresses made like new. Roman meal .35 Nurse Writes That extension of the legislative session to Oregon Bring them in or phone 261-R, 60 days. t Kellogg’s No 10 lard 1.85 Misery Stalks Through 128-130 Ferry St, Albany. Ore. ’ Post Toasties Oregon's delegation in congress was No 5 lard 90 memorialized by th e legislature to pro­ .arge package pancake North China. No 10 shortening 1.40 cure the enactm ent of legislation Large package wheat No 5 shortening .75 which will provide ships o r cargo T hat a Bteady diet of ground-up corn 2 puffed wheat 13 pounds Crisco space for supplies for the sufferers in cobs and sw eet potato vines is not .65 ? puffed rice C hina and the n ear east. 6 pounds Crisco conducive to an Ideal physical condi 1.25 1 Grape nuts Logged-Off Land Bill Passes House. tlou is attested by Miss Marie R jstin 9 pounds Crisco 1.85 2 pounds crackers Development of logged-off lands In jra d u a te nurse, well known in Oregon 4 pounds net Cottolene .90 who is now In charge of the Taylor Oregon through the creation of logged- 1 dollar box of crackers If you fix your own 8 pounds net Cottolene 1.75 off land districts, sim ilar In ch aracter Memorial hospital, under the m anage­ 22 pounds «mall white beans 1.00 m ent of tho American Presbyterian shoes try a pair of to Irrigation districts, is provided in COFFEE and TEA mission a t Paotlngfu, China. 18 pounds head rice 1.00 a bill which was passed by the house In a letter w ritten by Mls3 Rustin 10 pounds of Lima beans .90 with but one dissenting vote. 1 pound M J B less than eight weeks ago to the mem .45 { poufids Nucoa .90 Members of the bouse from roost bers of the S angrael Christian En 3 pounds M J B 1.20 A wonderful wearing leath­ counties championed the bill when It deavor society of the First P resbyter­ 2 pounds cocoa .35 5 pounds M J B 2.00 ian church in Portland, Mies Rustin » pounds peanut butter reached the house. It was asserted .45 er— in fact it wears like iron. th a t through the passage of th is bill tells of the appalling conditions 3 pounds Royal Club 1.20 1 pounds tapioca , .25 Bent to auv addrens by parcel post thousands of acres of land now use­ throughout North China, wiiere 45, 1 pound Royal Club .45 .25 less could be transform ed Into pro­ 000,000 men, women und children are 1 pounds sago Price 75 cents, Heavy, $ 1 00 3 pounds American Club 1.10 confronted with starvation ami where Matches .05 ductive ag ricu ltu ral le . ds, Increasing 15,000 are dying dally. Miss Rustin 1 pound Wadco coffee .35 SHOE HOSPITAL, th e value of such lands and also the has been at Paotlngfu for about three 2 pounds dried apples .25 1 pound D W coffee .38 tax value, which would bring addition­ years and for many months past, like 2 pounds dried peaches .45 Fifth & Lyons Streets. 3 pounds Peaberry Blend al revenue to the state. .90 all oth er mission attaches and relief Pepper in bulk per pound .25 The bill provides for th e creation of w orkers In China, has been concentrat 1 pound Folgers tea .50 2 Jello .25 logged-off land d istricts in Oregon lng all efforts on the task of lessening 1 pound Tree tea .55 Fresh ginger snaps per pound .25 through petition to th e county courts the suffering of the famine victims 1-2 pound Tree tea While Paotlngfu is on the outskirts .30 and the bolding of elections, at which 1-2 pound Lipton tea CANNED GOODS S C W LEG H O R N S .42 auth o rity can be granted not alone of the great drouth ruined famine dis trlct. ju st south of Pekin, Miss Rustin 1 pound Lipton tea for the creation of districts, but also w rites th at even there nl! the missions .80 O. A. C. and TANCRED Strain 2 can* of corn .25 for the Issuance of bonds. and relief stations are literally swamp B P ROCKS 9 cans of corn 1.00 State Aid For Power Plants. SOAPS & WASHING POWDER ed with the supplications of many O. A. C. and McDonald. San Jose, Cal .25 Amendment of the constitution so thousand men, women and children 2 cans of peas z *16.00 per hundred. as to allow the state to lend Its credit who are half clad in thin rags, weak 9 cans of peas 1.00 22 Royal White 1.00 und Incur Indebtedness In an am ount fram undernourlshm -nt and struggling 2 cans of tomatoes Please place your orders early. 22 White Wonder . .25 1.00 not to exceed four per cent of the desperately to keep alive on roots, 9 cans of tomatoes ' .95 3 Creme Oil Mrs H. C. ARMSTRONG, bark or anything th a t offers susten­ .25 valuation of all assessable property ance. Tho situation in the h eart of R. 1, Halsey, Oregon. .35 3 Palm olive .25 for the purpose of providing funds the fam ine section, she says, is simply 2 cans Del Monte tomatoes 6 cans Del Monte tomatoes 1.00 2 Citrus with which to acquire, construct und beyond the imagination. .55 develop hydro-electric power plants, .45 2 Golden Rod "W e are doing all we can,” w rites 2 cans of Monojiole com .45 ahd generate and tran sm it the power Miss Rustin, “here tn our hospital try ­ 5 cans of Monopole corn 1.00 100 pounds pure cane sugar 8.75 for use at a reasonable rate, 1 b pro­ ing to build up the weakened bodies 5 cans of Festival peas 1.00 2 pounds powdered sugar .25 Fine Dress Shoes a Specialty vided In a senate Joint resolution In­ of famine sufferers who come to us 11 pounds sugar 1 pound can of sweet spuds .10 In frightful condition. We are getting 1.00 troduced by Senators Joseph and Nor- 501 Lyon Street, Albany, Oregon, .25 blad and R epresentatives Bean and patients who have been trying to live 1 pound can of apple b u tte r on ground-up corn cobs and sweet po­ Woodson. 1 gallon of apple butter 1.40 We Sell SK IN N ER ’S tato vines. We have all been asked Provision la made In the resolution to give until It hurts, and now th at it 1 gallon of sauer kiaut 6d .ACRES On the PACIFIC HIGH- .65 the highest grade of Macaroni, th a t any plant so constructed under has grown so cold we do not dare to WAY. 25 cent can oysters, 5 for 1.00 Spaghetti, Egg Noodles and the term s of the am endm ent shall be think of freezing, starving thousands .35 other Macaroni Products. All under cultivation except 2 acres of sold at such price as will tend to pro­ r.gld at our door. In going to a soup 2 cans of clams oak timber, good 6. room house, large mote the in dustrial development of kitchen where we feed 670 people barn and all necessary outbuildings, a the state, and with a view to u lti­ twice a day, I was surrounded so by good well at the house, family orchard mately repay to the state all moneys the poor creatures that I thought they would crush the life out of me before and berries, woven Wire fences. This Invested In such development. I could get in and coming out It was place is lietween Albany and Tangent F or the purpose of handling the the sam e way. They are so hungry and is a good buy at $9500.00. Terms. bonds necessary to carry out th e In­ and cold they arc desperate. Person­ I he U. S. Postal Departm ent lias discontinued furnish­ W ILLAM ETTE VALLEY LAND CO. ten t of the act, there Is provided a ally I have gone w ithout $3 worth of ing I'ost Oflices with G overnm ent Stam ped Envelopes 40J 1st National Hank Building. hydro-electric power commission to milk a month th at I ua-d to use, do ivitlil-ost Office and .lei,very address printed upon them Albany Oregon be composed of the state engineer, a t­ not eat bu tter at all and have only except in lots of 500 or more. torney-general and the superintendent e ite n bread once a day for the last three months, in order to give to the of banks. C A R L E. R O D G E R S I he Star Envelope Service, famine poor. Through this personal Would Revise Constitution. sacrifice I have the joy of knowing th at H ALSEY. OREGON A move to revise the constitution of three girls who might have been sold W ill fnrnigh envelopes o f g o o d q u a lity w ith Oregon has been begun through the have been saved from a life of sham e Introduction of a house bill by Repre­ and misery and th a t one man will be Box 141 name and addrote on the corner at the fo llo w in g sentative Sheldon, of Jackson county. kopt alive for five monthz. Cries sales at any time. Under the Sheldon bill, a committee "A friend sent me a check the other 100 size 61x31 65 cents of fifteen la to be appointed by the day and I was kble to save a girl from supreme court to prepare a revised bring cold and she will he' put In 50 •• •* 35 d raft of the state constitution. The school. Things a re being started to 25 “ “ 25 help these pour souls, but there Is a com m ittee Is Instructed to retain in long, hard pull until the harvest time ’ I lie above prices include postage in the first and second th e new constitution all provisions In You can all help bv giving to the zones Send Cash with your order. principle th at the people have, voted ) China fam ine fund and share In the Into the present constitution, and the great opportunities of saving life and Envelopes, name sice and q u a lity as quoted above m atters now In the constitution which opening the way for Christianity, for w ith busmesa card on the corner at prices given the com m ittee may deem more proper­ the Chinese people will surely be in­ b e l"w — For this m onth only. ly belonging In the state's statu tes are terested in w hat we have to tell them of th e gospel If we are good to them to be preserved as legislation. I rice for Business Envelopes Thia comm ittee would have four now in th eir great trouble." KMX) 15.25 500 <3.00 250 12.00 S tate M anager J J H andaaker, In years In which to complete Its work charge of the executive work for Ore­ Kryptoks Cleverly Conceal the seC((nil zoncs. ai!il ,.ic e n ts to Legislative Brevities. gon for the combined Chlna-N. jr.le rs for 1000, lo cents on 600, 7 cents on 2JO Fact that the Wearer Needs The house defeated the proposed E ist campaign. 606 Stock Exchange plan of a »(ate special agent and dep­ building. Portland, says the situation I Double Vision Glasses. The Star Envelope Service, In improving the appearance, uties to enforce the prohibition laws. la no less seftoua in the near east than I A house bill, Intended to prohibit in China, and liberal fund« m ust be 1 ________________ Halsey, Oregon. and conserving eyesight. Kr.vp- aliens or disloyal persons from leach­ raised for both cause» if wholesale toks are a priceless possession. d.-ath by starvation la to be prevented, ing In th e schools, failed to pass the thrvuigh the fam ine Innds are killing I I U O U l U l . O W t ’ U Cy or tv«n le»«pQoro, free text bosks In the elem entary Oemaelve» to the children, and ail ..... ''»helm ing alt i at inn. and are eav- ■ done must he done within the next M anufacturing Optician. schools of th e state. leaped Into a river The seven b.-do-s, ing some of these on the edge of the five months, yes, within the next two In case a bill Introduced by Senator a.l bound together, « e r r seen bv I, great famine district Surely every " « r z r * - o ,h e rw ,M n,ini8n- Hume becomes a law, phyalrtans will V Lewis of Portland, who recently re man. woman and child In Oregon will W a n te d — The a d d t. s of nil be compelled to w rite their prescrip tin te d from the ftvmine ae,tton ,n « a n t to give som ething tow ards the „ ,lp« h in ths ,ara|°« North China ch in a Famine Fund.” i n is estim ated at 15.000 dally, w ith farm ers who desire name* for ttons In the English language. er beginning their farms Star Envelope Ser-1 R epresentative R ich ard s bill tn "W ith 45JWWOOO starving, the altna B ishop W II laim huth. In c h a rg e m r ,'“‘ “ mt " 1° ,h n,y hOp,■ ° f ,he d e ,p ‘ "" My." said Mr rtf the M ethodist m issions In N orlh iTr m nn *“e» Uata d ra w s Senn. . ll „ I t M 10 a eolo-aal tv vice. Halley. Oregon. I nvla. and rath er than ,e e ih.-ir ch.l • h r i. where 45 nno/Mki arp fa,.p^ with Ing millions Is | n food supplies pro- “doug qusnlitlag by the * arvatinn aa the result of a dlsaztrnus people of the Untied States. T h e Halsey Enterprise BUSICK’S First Door West of St Francis Hotel. Phone C 0 I) Orders 77 RETAILERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES CORN CGBS ARE DIET OF HUNGRY CHINESE CHROME HALF SOLES. Our Chrome Half Soles Baby Chicks L Peterson 2 X “ ” B U S IC K ’S HALSEY AUCTIONEER G p to m e tris t.