HALSEY ENTERPRISE $1.50 PER YEA* HALSEY NEWS NOTES HALSEY STATE BANK ALSO HALSEY. OREGON Capital and Surplus $34,000 * No. 1 Red and Alsik« seed for sale at tewant prie T. J. Skirriu Clover Warehouse. items of interest from everywhere Deputy Sheriff W alton An Arrest. Makes ■X "V«***»*»*»! F or Sale—Seed corn. R B Mil- | ler. Phone 2X5. Hulsey. S - l O t f j J '* Interest paid on time certificates of deposit W e invite your banking business L E W alton W i H ave . EVERY T H W « O ptical was an A lbany A m an giving hi» name as J A caller T hursday anil Friday. Russell broke into Mi»» H attie p r K \y Barnum, Dentist, at Dannen*» house near Shedd last 1Iotel Halsey every Tuesday and E Y E S T R A IN le the Cause of Many C. H. KOONTZ, Pres. D. TAYLOR, Vice-Pres. Thursday night and built a f*re I Thursday. HUMAN ILLS and cooked his supper, helped j Manrose and his aon John B. M. BOND, Cashier If your e y e . give you trouble. himself to a fine feather bed where from P ortland were Ilalsey callers your gla»kes are annoying SRli US. We can Relieve Vo« he slept all night; next m orning, last week. W anted to buy a good stout 1 Bancroft Optical Co. he got his breakfast and ransack­ PREPAYMENT FARM LOANS J13 1st St. W. Albany. Phone 4*1 hack; must be cheap. Enquire of, We added the “ PRE” to payment and will loan you money for ten or twenty ed the house from top to bottom, j year. No com m .,..on mortgaKe, no Life Insurance. Yon can, but do not hare pulling everything out of the bu­ the Rawley Man, Halsey. e It Mr Elmore of Brownsville, has reaus and cupboards, and making to pay on the principal annually. Rodell Stewart from Portland is himself perfectly at home. Ralph been working in t he bank here visiting with his Uncle R R Dannen happened to be going to during Mr Bond’s illness. See J. M. and H. M. Hawkins, Albany, Oregon. A 1»21 autom obile license tag Stewart and family. work in his field and saw a man walking around in the yard, and has been found ami h ft at this of­ Consult the Rawley m an in re ­ thinking something was wrong, fice. Ow ner can have th e sam e gard to sheep dip and disinfect­ ants. he can save you money and he started over towards the bouse. by paving for th is ad. q u a lity is g uaranteed. T he First Savings Bank of Albany .Oregon The man saw him coming am 11 Mrs R um p is keep’ng house for Mr S tu rtev an t while Mrs S tu rtev an t The Rawley Mau, H alsey, Ore. went back into the house and got is in Lebanon recovering from her Last Thursday the m arriage of his hat and started away across ‘W H E R E S A V IN G S A R E S A F E ’ the field in the direction of the recent operation. Everett Carey and Miss Rosa See- Dairymen League Members of feld, both of this place, took place H enry Zimmerman place. I . a good place to deposit your savings. 4 perceut interest on savings Halsey Local wishing feed can in the parsonage of the F irst Meth­ Mr Dannen, thinking the man account, that run three months. »1« m onth, or a year, h ttere.tp eid had broken the house open, went leave orders with T J Skirvin at odist church in Albany. Rev J C semi-annually. W A Carey, over and made an investigation his Clover House. J F Isom Sec. Spencer officiating. 2-l7-4t. the groom’s father, and Alice and found things as stated above. v IJ V W. * XZXZ U U W ■ w. w — — - , Mr Scoff Wesley and family, j oneg of Salem , siater of the bride, He then called up Deputy Sheriff W alton at Halsey. The deputy who bad been spending the winter wjtnessed the ceremony. notified him to keep an eye on the in California, arrived here last The High School student body man until he could get down week and spent a few days visit- gave a reception on last S aturday ing with A rthur Wesley evenj„g jn honor ol the foot ball there. brother, and Delos Wesley, his an(j basket ball coaches. Geo Ah After traveling some distance ^WORCESTER west in the difection of Mr Zini father. ' ford, Dr Garnjobat and Mrs Eldon X O R SE T S. m erm an’s and keeping a close The Harrisburg High School ^ross. The honored guests w ert watch to see if aay one was follow­ gave their play “ Assisted by Sa- each presented with a gift: Mr Al* ing him , the man started back in die." at the hall last Saturday for(1 receiVed a silver cigar case, an easternly direction towards night. The play was well re n -, j )r Garnjobat a gold pencil, and the railroad, and Mr Dannen dered and reflected great credit to! Mrg Cross a pyrex casserole. Af- W hile we , presentation the evening headed him off as he entered the the talent employed. public highway, and detained him were not privileged to he present, | wgg gpen t jn « social way aud at a u n til Deputy Sheriff W alton a r­ reports are th at general satisfac- late hour refreshments wereserved, —Albany Herald of March 10. tion was given. rived. Daring the investigation it was found th at one of the party had noticed him diacard a sm all bun­ dle in the wheat field some dis­ tance from the fence. After searching for sometime they found My list is now complete. If you are in a bone feather fan which he had taken from the Dannen house, market for a good Farm, see me Before you and after seeing that he was going to be caught be had broken the buy. Several real bargains. fan and thrown it into the wheat t OYAL. Guaranteed by Us You need corsets for Style but you buy them for Ser­ vice and nothing can take the place of long wear. We have spent years getting acquainted with practically ev­ ery corset and when we offer you ROYAL WORCES­ TER corsets, we know we are giv- REAL ESTATE the Office at Halsey Drug Store. field. He was taken to A lbany and h aled before District Atty Lewel- lin g and was held for larceny. J W MOORE $100 Reward. $100 T k . rea d er, o f th is paper w in M . a iea a .d to learn th a t there Is at laasi ’ ^ T d r « d « l d laeaa. th a t scien ce ha« Lble to cura In all Its sta g e s and t h a t Is catarrh. Catarrh being inflian^-ed by con stitution al condition« « o ^ fr e s constitutional treatm en t H all t rvSarrh M edicine I® taken internally anc o ? thh.‘ ® ym m °th«™ ‘>il , d i u o “ Un ; new and attractive line of Fancy Dress Ginghams. $ /IS t Spcialty of Small Oranges. ( to ing you the best wearing and most n s ? ¿I5 J S ? “ S , ’ S S ’ X 0 2 ^Garden Seeds of all sorts, both economical corsets made. package and bulk. Also tOa !T d S « V J CHENEY 4 CO . Toledo /K OwJ ^ 3*4 by SJ1 Dru«