SWEET THOUGHTS Isn 't (bat a great name for con- When you pass C lark’s, think of how appreciative your wcet- ! e«lants for a goal, lo be assumed heart or wife, mother or sister, oy the iolloners of the meek ami would be if you sent her a box low ly Jesus? W ildcat! The na­ of strictly fresh chocolates or a ture of a wildcat is to scratch, mixed assortment o f fru itv bite, k ill, and eat. Gunpowder! sweetmeats. You’ll have cause The natuie o f gunpowder ia to to thank us for this suggestion make a noise and supply the force because we know „how it has behind the instruments of destruc­ tion. worked in other cases. Tin* Hals >y E nterprise-has made arrangem onts with The Crowley Publishing Company to club th e Enterprise with their Magazines where any of our readers may want two of the Magazines * These Magazines are all standard publications and well known and in each com bination be­ low you will actually got both Magazinosand the Enterprise for less than the regular price of the two Magazines. W hat is it the W ildcats want to bite, scratch, k ill, and eat? Is it the com m unity at large, the other church, or is it just the young peo­ ple? W hatever it may be it seems lik e the instinct ol sell pres­ ervation would be to keep away - — — A from them. \\ hat is it the Gunpowders want to destroy w ith a great noise? The same elements per­ haps. 'I lie churches adopt the ways of ie world ami then wonder why ere are not more become Chris­ tians. W hat is the use? I f the world won t go to the church then the church w ill go to the world and they w ill get together some way or other. Last year the Methodist S S had the same kind of a contest but they were m ild er in th e ir use of Below we give the num ber of each combination, cognomens, for they styled them ­ selves the Blues and the Blacks, the regular subscription price of the publica­ hut the term ination of ttie contest tion named in the combination and our price resulted in a picnic and a big eat lor both and the Enterprise one year. furnished by the LOSERS. We are not c ritic iz in g the Methodist church on th e ir method of condlK tin g a contest, for, never having No. 1 Good Housekeeping $3.00 Pictorial Review $3.00 Both with E nterprise $5 ” ” 6. read their discipline, we do not No. 2 Cosmopolitan . . . . 4.00 Pictorial Review 3.00 " No. 3 H e a rs t's ................... 4.00 Pictorial Review 3.00 „ ” ” 6. know what th e ir official rules are No. 4 ll e a r s t 's ................... 4.00 M o t o r Boating 3.00 ” ” ’• 6. in such a case, hut we have rea< No. 5 Cosmopoli tan . . . . 4.00 Good Housekeepng 3.00 ' ” ” 6. ilie book which the C h r is lia i No. 6 Ilearst.s ................ 4 0'J Good H ousekeeping 3,00 " ’’ ” 6. •’ ” ” 7. church claims as its ' discipline, No. 7 Cosm opolitan........ 4 00 H ea rst's................ ..4 .0 0 NyiH.chop .Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satudays.M/ and the nearest we can find to it No. 8 Good Housekeeping 3.00 H arper's Bazar. . . 6.00 ” ’’ " 7 No. 9 H arper’s Bazar. .. 6.00 Pictorial Review. 3.00 ” " ” 7.i W is long removed from the W ildcat No. 10 H earst's ................. 4.00 M otor............. . 6.00 ” „ ” . 8 • ml Gunpowder phase. No. 11 Cosmopolitan 4.00 H arper s Bazar........6.00 ” ” ” 8 E m ulation in good works is No. 12 Heaff*ts ........... . 4.00 H arper's Bazar, . . . . 6.00 ” ” ” 8 taught, yes, clearly. But it seems _ St/ the incentive is at the other ¡ft M/ that rid o f the line. S o m e th iig lit h is: I f any man w ill he great among you let him he your m inis­ ter (servan t ) V/ Now it does really seem to us hat to he S criptural in applying ho final reward of the contest th a t it ought to he the w inner, Plows, Peg tooth harrows, Disc harrows, Spring nd not the losers that furnishes tooth harrows. Pollers, both kinds. lie eats. They ought to be si iappy that they succeeded in ac Cultivators, 2-horse and a 7-tooth 1-horse •omplistiing the most good (?) Manure spreaders, the best there is by test. hat they should want to treat th The Titan 10-20 tractor. Examine now on mv floor. other fellows. i . i 11,1,1 crenm leparators. Come in B ut that is n 't the program and look them over and we will swap with.von the world says le t the losers pay W e have on ham! 1 second hand 1-hp engine. aIso he b ill, ami the church says tin !i.S ° ei eI,K'ne and 1 g r im ie r . W i l l s e l l c h e a p same thing. And can you wonder These are some of the things. Order repairs Now hat “ O nly the Master who know- five immediate attention to thia go from Shedd wheu it went he agent may know how much Halsey, and it is no more than -th a ll can tell the two apart?” G W M O R N H IN W E G IM P LE M E N T STORE Strive to excel in good works poisoned material to order and should do, and go out and see th i iiat is all rig h t. We hope muel uow much grain to prepare for play when it comes here, for his purpose. ;ood may come from the content want them to know that we nut we are old fashioned enougl not have any hard feelings. Shedd o th in k that the Master’s way i* says the Good Judge J ’I ait, wife and child fre lie better way. We would like t< Rev and Mrs Reid were A lbany Grant Falls, Montana, have he •ee it tried a t any rate, b u t w» That you are getting full ihoppers M onday. visiting their aunt and uncle lever expect to. xalue lor your money H enry Freerksen was an A lb a ­ Shedd for ten days. when you use this class of ny caller Monday. The Tangent High school pla CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. Buy Now! - T ! H e ~ *S I s Buy at home and keep the money going. We have reduced prices on granite ware, aluminum ware etc. Start the*- year aright and buy now. Cross & White Smith Bros.’ Market Fresh and Cured Meats Always On Hand. Also Other Meats in Season. (^ ffe r (S retires ,f i r s t . w w S O. w . F R U M l P l en K ine 8 . You may be Sure7 Get Your Squirrels Now. tobacco. The good, rich, real to­ bacco taste lasts so long, Jou don t need a fresh chew nearly as often—nor do you need so big a chew as you did with the ordi­ nary kind. Any man who has used the Real I obacco Chew will tell you that. /'u/ ufi in two styles CU 1 is a long fine-cut tobacco RIG111 C U T is a short-cut tobacco ’’ ' ''A " C o m p a n y . .107 d r o , ^ ¥ o r„ . Lank for some special club rales that we hope to have for you before very long. Every farm er knows the neces «¡ty of protecting him self against he ravages o f the digger squhr. I his year as last the collective ef ort, which is always the most ef ective, w ill be made to é lim in a i "is pest th ru the use of poisone mrl'-y. A sufficient amount of oisoned grain w ill he prepared * he county agent’ s office and dir nhuie I toone ind ivid ua l in eacl whool d is tric t, who w ill f„ r t h , «¡«tribute it to the farmers want mg th is poison. The school dis. tr ic t d is trib u to r w ill also collect t the rate of tw e nty cents p n Itia rt for this poisoned grain. I «U are interested in self protec M r and Mrs H om er Simon ransacted business in Albany Monday. Mrs J C Dawson was an Albany aller Saturday. The mother o f Mrs J Suiker is cry ill w ith rheum atism and fell iot long ago and cut q u ite a gash n her head, hul is better uow. Ralph Matson, son of C arl M a l­ oti. is very i l l w ith w hat is sup 'osed to be the measles, (Taken from the .Shedd Visitor f March 3rd ) The Halsey High School will five their play in the local hall 0, he 11th of this month. 1 hi- ploy was a decided hit in their tome town and from all reports is b p «asn -make your want. veil worth seeing. And anothei il feed became stopped up ar failed to function and Chas bi now some burut out bearings an all the pistons became heated an will have to be replaced with ne ones. It was lucky they wei made of aluminum and hen< were softer than the sides of th .’ylinders, or it might have mean »spoiled engine. Miss Amy Liska, who had bee »ick at the home of her sister, ba recovered sufficiently to go to he home on the ranch above Scio. I t ¡ b reported that Gonld’a ca s so mulish that when it ranked that it backs up nn wmething stops it, but prefer« ieao on a telephone pole. ii