HALSEY VOL. 9, NO. 28 HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH in l'.»?l THE- X HALSEY NEWS NOTES HALSEY STATE BANK HALSEY. OREGON ALSO ITEMS C. H. KOONTZ, Pres. D. TAYLOR, Vice-Pres. B. M. BOND, Cashier PREPAYMENT FARM LOANS No commiaaion mortgage, no Life Insurance. twenty Yen can, bnt do not have to pay on the principal annually. See J. M. and H. M. Hawkins, Albany, Oregon. The First Savings Bank of A lbany .Oregon ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ la a good place to deposit your savings. 4 percent interest on savings accounts that run three months, sir months or a year. Interest paid semi-annually. OYAL. ^WORCESTER .CORSETS, Guaranteed by Us' You need corsets for Style but you buy them for Ser­ vice and nothing cgn take the place of long wear. We have spent years getting acquainted with practically ev­ ery corset and when we offer you ROYAL WORCES­ TER corsets, we know we are giv­ the- p a te n te r / ialsey Loses to Crabtree in Stirring Game of Bas­ ket Ball. a - • • » ¿ » » M i» * )# Brownsville and D rifted Soo flour at D H S tu rtev an t's. Miss Minnie Gourley left for W e H ave . week end visit with her parents. EVERY THING For Sale—Seed corn. R B Mil­ O l’ TIG AL ler Phone 2X5. Halsey. 3 1 0 tf E Y E S T R A IN O W From shipped a car of hay Is the Cause of Many Tuesday. H U M A N IL L S Redmond Pearl is in Albany •our eyes give y o u tro u b le , your glasses are annoying this week serving on the jury. SUU 1 S, We can Relieve You. Wm Grimes left Monday even Bancroft Optical Co ¡ng for Heppner on business A 3 t J 1st St. \V Albany. Phone 461 Mr and Mrs Brown moved into 'he Gulliford house last T h u rsd ay ,! ~—• Stanley Stevenson and family of Geo M ixm ell was an Albany Eugene, were Sunday visitors nt ' caller F n la y . b« J A R B Ma M n y it abl« to attend Mr p A l’eln.-on, wlm mid dc.-i,h0 business again after being laid in Bellingham , Wa h, for some up for atUTtlay to undergo A live y ears, a n d h « berom e kn o w n a s tiia -urg cnl operation. Mr S turtevant m ost reliab le rem ed y fo r C a ta rr h . H u ll’» C a ta rrh M edicine n ets th r u th e Hlond on went over Monday to be present Crabtree High School last F ri­ day night defeated the Halsey High school at basket ball by a score of 24 to 18 in an exciting game played in the Crabtree gym ­ nasium. This was the third and deciding game between the two teams, each having won a game earlier in the season. The lino-up of the teams was as follows; Crabtree— Kind and Bilyeti, for­ wards: G erhart, center; Poweli and Sum pter, guards. H alsey—Corcoran and Robert­ th e M ucous su rface» . ex p ellin g th e Pol* i , ., , , .. . . son, forwards: McKern, center; son fro m th e Blood an d h e a i.n r th e dis d l r ! ” £ , , i e o r t> e « L H e r e t u r n e d ea re d portion«. Monday evening and reported Skirvin and Clark, guards. A fte r you h av e ta k e n II;«li’r C a ta rrh M edicine fo r a sh o rt time. j ou will r e a that the surgeon was successful in Before the Crabtree— Halsey g re a t Im provem ent In yo u r » .n e r a l h e a lth S ta r t t a k l n r Hull*« C a ta rr h M edi­ his work and that prospects are game the Crabtree High School cin e at on< e and get rid of c a ta r r h . Hand o n ial; free. good for Mrs S tu rtev an t’s speedy girls defeated a team of town g ills fo F r testim J. C H E N F* & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold bv n il D ruggist». 75c. recovery. by a score of 18 to 13. A game between the Halsey and Crabtree high school girls had been p la n ­ ned, but the Halsey girls were u n ­ able to make the trip and a team of girls from Crabtree was substi­ tuted. My list is now complete. If you are in the Those attending from here were Delos Clark, Wayne Robertson, market for a good Farm, see me before you Clarence McKern, Wm Corcoran, buy. Several real bargains. Harold Mueller, Albert Heinricl Lewis Skirvin, Lawrence Wells, Office at Halsey Drug Store. J W M OORE. Glenn Chance and Profs Patterson and English, After the game the visitors were entertained at supper and a social time was enjoyed. lex Davis Takes a Position in an Albany Bank. You can see their Style—you can feel their Fit—and their service is guaranteed by us. w ith At the regular annual meeting of the Linn county Holstein Cattle Club in H arrisburg, Saturday. Feb 26th, the following office-s were elected to serve the following year. Pres, Clyde E Woods; vice pres, W C W hite; sec.v-treap, Geo A McCart; Directors, C K Ev­ ans, L R Grimes, J P Stearns, J M P hilpott aud Wm Elliott. The regular routine business war transacted previous to the election of officers, one particular project yeing the adoption of a plan t employ a paid state field secretary. This is an up-to-the-m inute mov, which every Holsteiner in th state is signiDg up to. C R Evans was appointed to solicit those in Linn county. No. 1 Red and Alsike Clover cd for sale at lowest price T. J. Skirvin, Clover Warehouse. REAL ESTATE ing you the best wearing and most economical corsets made. ^ la c /r INTEREST FROM EVERY) IE .RE Linn Holstein Men Elect. In terest paid on time certificates of deposit W e invite your banking business We added the “ P R E " to payment and w ill loan yon money (or ten or OF X Capital and Surplus $34,000 year,. $1.51) PER YEAR G -J -G w h ic h t/o es n o t p in c h , b re a k , t w i s t o r c /a s p stju e a k a n / i t a / w a p s t a y s fla t. M. V. KOONTZ CO. Try an Ad in the Enterp rise Rex W Davis of Harrisburg, and well known in Halsey, presi­ dent of the Linn county good road.- ssociation and for many years manager of the May and Senders nerchandise store in Harrisburg, h.is accepted a position in the F irs t National Bank of'A lbany as one ot the cashiers and will as­ sume ibis position as soon as he can be relieved of his services as a Federal court juror in Portland. Mr Davie has long been regard­ ed as one of Linn coonty’s most progressive men and has been for many years one of the active mem­ bers of business and social life at Harrisburg. His family will move to A lbany as soon as the school closes at Harrisburg this year. Dr. E. W . Barnum, Dentist, at Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and Thursday. / ba new and attractive line oH 4s 4s Fancy Dress Ginghams. & A Spcialty of Small Oranges. ^Garden Seeds of all sorts. hothX 4S rtanlraoro iin rl bulk. L u ll/ A lust SI/ package and Also 4s /«S a fine lot of Onion 4s 4s * Sets. $Our purpose is to merit your pa­ tronage by deserving it. /is /IS /IS /IS I). H. STURTEVANT. ^Highest Market Price Paid '¡¡¡ Farm Produce. fo r S Jjj • $