Amor A. Tussing LAWYER AND NOTARY B rownsville . O regon Shoe Repair Shop Miss Helen Moore made a visit Rev Cook went to Harrisburg between trains to Eugene Satur­ Tuesday evening to assist in a service in that city. day. John T McN il. who has been Homer Mornhinweg eame down from Eugene Saturday ¡n ill health for many month . 1. evening for week end visit with able to be wheeled out and to en­ joy the pleasant Spring sunshine. his parents Two doors north of the hotel. Mrs Pitman’s sister and a 0 W Frum shipped hogs from Am prepared to do all kinds of friend eame down from Eugene here this week. shoe repairing. Satisfaction Saturday to visit with Mra Pit- Mr and Mrs Andrew Brown, guarante. man. They returned Sunday. who have been residing in Mrs JEWETT the COBBLER. The Bov Seouts went to Shedd Rump’s home, moved this week las» Thursday night to help make to the Gulliford home, where double headed basket bail they will remain until the expi- game. The Corvallis High play­ ration of school. G L A S S E S F IT T E D Mrs M V Koontz is enjoying a ed the Shedd High and won. BY visit with her friend. Mrs Cling- Then the Shedd Boy Scouts play­ GRADUATE O P T O M E T R IS T man, near Peoria. ed the Halsey Boy Scouts and Mrs Walters and her son from won by a score of 17 to 16. P R IV A T E O F F IC E F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S We have individual and farmer Oklahoma, are visiting at the G income tax blanks. Any one W Mornhinweg home this week. P R IC E S R E A S O N A B L E Dr and Mrs Philo T Starr left wishing them can obtain them by F M. F r e n c h a S o n s Wednesday noon for their home calling at the Halsey Bank. ALBANY OREO. in Montana. C H Koontz and Mrs J as Grant Reynolds, who had been Drinkard attended the Haight working on the section, has been THE HALSEY ENTERPRISE funeral in Albany Monday. and the Mrs Oscar Bond and daughter promoted to the position of track from Albany came Friday night walker. OREGON FARMER Guy Merrien from Rogue Riv­ to visit with her! daughters. Mrs one year for SI.65. Chester Sickels, Mrs Elbert Isom, er where he is attending school, is M) ACRES On- the PACIFIC HIGH­ and son, Frank Bond, for a few here for a few days visiting his WAY. parsats. days. All under cultivation except 2 acre» of oak timber, good 5-room house, large barn and all necessary outbuildings, a good well at the bonse, family orchard and berries, woven wire fences. This place is between Albany and Tangent and is a good buy at »9500.00. Terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO 403 1st National Bank Building. Albany, Oregon ________ C .C . B R Y A N T A T T O R N E Y at law 201 New First N at’l Bank Bldg, Albany, Oregon. 23D YEAR CHROME HALF SOLES. Christian Church Notes If you fix your own shoes try a pair of ¿This y e a r m o to r is t» p r o s p e c tiv e a n d p r e s ­ Our Chrome Half Soles e n t a r e c r i ti c a l to an u n p r e c e d e n te d e r te n t A wonderful wearing leath- er—in fact it wears like iron. Sent to any address by parcel post Price 75 cents. Heavy, $ 1.00 SHOE HOSPITAL, F ifth & Lyons Streets. THE YOUTHS’ COMPANION and »ha enterprise For 13.76 per year. W R IG H T & POOLE LICENSED FUNERAL' DIRECTORS HARRISBURG I.RBAMOM phone 35 »« Branches at Brownsville, Wm T Templet»«. Mgr. Itelsey, Pbone 144. Frs«k Kirk, Mgr. F. M. GRAY, Drayman. Keenly they search for the great­ est worth at moderate prices. Ex- actingly they compare values dol- for dollar. Shrewdly they select for their enduring quality—that means the lowest ultimate cost, and they find this in the OLDSMOBILE LINE Ob FOURS, SIXES and EIGHTS—the most complete line of motor vehicles in America. A T A L L T IM E S W E H A V E A N U M B E R O F U S E D C A R B A R G A IN S AT PRSENT WE OFFER E B McKinney of Albany transacted business in Halsey Monday. 4 530 “ 195 “ 950 “ 260 S 650 Oldsmobile and Indian Tires R. W. TRIPP, ALBANY, ORE R lU iu Leave orders for land plaster at ;he lumber yard. 2 lOtf. While in Halsey call on the Rawley man for extracts, spices all medicines stock tonics and worm destroyer- Mail orders promptly filled. Or phone 1615 H S Winkleman, Pawley man. T F Gibson was an Albany caller Tuesday. J S McMahan left Tuesday to Portland with a car of hogs. C H Koontz was a Portlant caller the latter part of last week. For Sale—Rye grass hay. bal­ ed, 115 per ton. J W Moore. 1 Ford Bug, 1 Ford Touring Car 1 1920 Maxwell, 1 Ford Delivery, 1 1918 Oakland. 1 995 1 Late Buick Six. 1 1920 Chevrolet, ••580 1 Franklin Touring Klectrio Equipment, “ 760 1 1917 Chevrolet’ “ 295 work done promptly and r e a so n ^ !/- Phone No. 26». Halsey Tuesday night the Crabtree about us and loves us just th* Boy Scouts came over and played same ----- ’’ Love the good in every the H f I. m y Boy Scouts a game o f , one and rebuke the evil, basket ball. The score was I : ” Greater love hath no man than to 17 in favor of Crabtree. Af­ he who is willing to lay down his ter the game was over they all life for his friends. That is went to the Council room and what Jesus did for us. What partook of a lunch prepared by are we willing to do for Him? The annual Thank Offering the local. Lyle Standish trom Portland last Sunday for the missionary arrived Monday. He expects to society amounted to $8.20 with more to come. Their meeting work here for awhile. Louise Robnett went to Tan­ will be held this Friday p m with gent last Thursday returning Sun­ Mrs Laubner. The lesson leader will be Mrs McWilliams. day. Mrs E C Miller and son Gilbert The King’s Heralds will meet went to Albany Friday and stop on Saturday at 2:30 with Keith ped at Tangent on her way back Hayes. Besides their regular and Mr Miller and Thomas went work Keith has asked his young friends to help him celebrate his down to meet her Sunday. Mr and Mrs C E Gulliford. birthday. Mrs J A Stevenson is not able who left today for Portland to be out this week on account where they will make their fu­ of sickness. ture home, were very pleasantly surprised on T uesday evening by May all our members and a number of their friends who friends he much in prayer and dropped in upon them unexpect­ attendance at the prayer meet­ edly. Afteran interestiitg even­ ings, this Thursdaay evening at ing of Five Hundred, baskets Mrs E C Allen’s and next Tues­ were opened and delicious con­ day evening at the McWilliams.’ tents served. Those partici­ These are days of preparation pating were: Messrs and Mes­ for the special meetings to open dames C E Gulliford, I, C Mer­ next Wednesday, March 9th un­ riam, J W Drinkard, T I Marks, der the direction of Evangelist C P Stafford and G W Laubner. Bennard. who is a preacher and Mr Gulliford has become inter­ song leader of reputation and ested with J P Wilbur in the ba­ success wherever he goes. He kery business in P irtland, and is the author and composer of his many friends wish him every the well known song “ The Rug- success in this venture. Misses ged Cros3,”______ ir sT iE P and SON " Hazel ard Isa’ elle will remain at the home in Halsey until the F U R N IT U R E D E A L E R S - close of the present school term t'arries everything in Furniture, after which they will join their parents in their new home in also PIPELESS FURNACES. Wedgewood Stoves and Ranges. Portland. Watkin’s goods for sale at Mrs N E Taylor’s. Q 3 to 3-31 215-217 Lyon Street, Albany. • *■ ’ I A L T O T H U R S D A Y , M A R , 3 d PASSERS B Y ” 6T H E P IS O D E “ L O S T C IT Y ”. T H U R S D A Y M A R IO, H. B. WARNER IN HIS NEWEST AND BEST PICTURE ‘When We Were 21’ D r . H a r o i . u B. son ,304-305 J àxsx - 1st “ L O S T C I T Y ”. “ A Broadway Cowboy" Na­ The Gunpowder-Wildcat con­ tional Hank Buildin. Albany. Or*tf»s. test was started with a ‘’whoop’’ Without pain, Late nerve- w ith the “ Wildcats’’ in the lead, but the “Gunpowders” not fat blocking method. behind. It is the aim of the school to enroll everyone in Hal­ sey in some department of the KARl. A. BRAMWELL. I'roo. Bible school. Last Sunday there were 52 in attendance, ju-t dou­ Suitt' Cleaned And Pressed. ble the number present the week before. We anticipate no diffi­ LAUNDRY S ENT AWAY on MONDAY culty in reaching our goal of “ 101 by Easter.” Everyone who is not already a member of W1LDEY LODGE NO. 65. the Bible missing some­ Regular meeting next Satur­ thing. U you have never been there before, start next Sunday. day night. The “ glad handers” will meet you at the door. The Junior Christian Endeav- Electric Haircutting. Massaging or society was organized last and Shampooinr. Sunday and the officers were Gleaning and Pressing elected as follows: president. E. C . M IL L E R Georgina Clark; vice president, Hazel Davis; secretary, Helen Williams; treasurer, Helen C»r These officers and other Office 1st door south of school ho««e Halsey, Oregon. members especially invite invite boys and girls to meet with Dealer in Real Estate. them next, Sunday at 3 o clock - t Handles Town and Country Property. the Church of Christ. A part of Give him a call amt see if bs a«» ___ . the work of this society of Hal­ you up. • _________ sey’s best boys and girls is to bring good cheer and g’adness to shut ins” and sick people. Remember the Christian En­ 304 Broadalbin St, Albany. deavor meeting at 6;30 for all of older young folks and all the Our wonderful roots and herbs younger old folks. ire found in the China prepara- The sermon Sunday morning lions and have stood the test of a ¡11 be “ Seeing Jesus.” Luke housand years to cure Catarrh. >: The evening sermon will bt Asthma, Lung Trouble. Cancer. i “Confession; when, why, and Rheumatism, Blood Poiaon. Ner­ to whom.” The choir will sing vousness, Stomach, Liver and in the evening. Kidney troubles, also private ail- Methodist Church Notes nents of men and women. Con­ sultation free. The King Wo SUNDAY SCHOOL Chinese Medicine Co. P O Box, The Lib -rality of Love. 247, Albany, Oregon. She hath done what she could Mark 14: 8 Where is there a mother whf DR. A. R. PINNEY would not lay down her life for Electrical equipped office he sat ing of her boy ? R./nn 401 First Nations! Bank Bulhtibg Someone has said, ‘‘ A friend Albany Or«, . n need is one w ho knows all BARBER - SHOP. I. 0 . O. F. BARBER SHOP W. J. Ribelin The Hing Wo Chi­ nese Medicine Co. Chiropractor 7T H E P I S O D E cs % on ® DENTISTRY I ♦