J fi were strengthened by the passage c a bill am ending the code in sever, p articulars, with special reference ti the validity of the m arketing agree a X ...P .P . menta. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Several im portant bills affecting th e preservation of the tim ber In Ore­ CHAS. BALLAKL, Editor Thirty • first Assembly Com­ gon and the development of the tim ber Industry were enaetd by the leg E n u re d a i le c o n d -clau m a tte r Oc­ pletes Labors By Holding Islature. Among the most Im portant tober S, 1F12, a t the postoffice a t H al­ Over Five Days. were those relating to the eradication sey, O reg es, under th e A ct of M arch of insect pests, opening up of tran s », 197». Some Good Legislation E nacted— Road portation lines by means of condein- Devoted to the material upbuilding of Bills Probably Most Im portant—Two n ation of prop r a n d the bills and Halsey and surrounding country and Cent Tax on Gasoline—Co-operative ri soln: ions n lu in s to the conserva Linn County generally. Subscription tion of the state's interests in the You O*t A U . POUX T t» M S tatotee Strengthened—T im ber De­ sate ,1.50 per year in advance. Oregon and California laud grants velopment Encouraged—S alaries Are Salary In cr-x set Granted Raised—Senate Kills C e n s o rs h ip - A num ber of bills providing for THE FURNITURE HOSPITAL People to Vote on Veto Power. salary inereases were enacted. Renovates and makes feather f H i a E X C E P T IO N A L O F F E R I S P O O P F O R A S H O R T T I M E O N L V S tate superintendent of schools. In mattresses, old furniture and e n d e d fu » < creased from $.1000 to $4000; attorney Suit »on prions m ay fcx n ew o r renew al. A ll re n e w a l subscriptions w ill b e i Salem.—The 31st assembly of the year fro m present date v f • a p ir a tio a . general. $3600 to $4000; state engi­ m attresses mode like new. state legislature completed its labors Bring them in or phone 261-R, a fter a session which extended five neer, $3000 to $3600; insurance com­ missioner, $3000 to $3600; governor. days over the 40-day constitutional 128-130 Ferry St, Albany. Ore. Salem $5000 to $75o0; state tax comm ission­ period. By holding over a few days er, $2400 to $3000; corporation com­ th e session closed w ithout th e cub - EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF HEARING tornary m idnight confusion and tu r­ missioner. $3000 to $3600; superin­ tendent of banks, $4000 to $6000. O F FINAL ACCOUNT. moil. with m easures being killed and Be ides these Increases, the fixing Notice is hereby given that the final passed while many m em bers were so F ir s t D o o r W e s t o f St F ra n c is H o te l. of the salary of the state veterinarian account of Frank Kirk and W. R Kirk tired they were unable to fully ap­ is placed In the hands of the state P hone C O D O rd e rs 77 ae Co-Executor« of the last Will and p reciate w hat was going on. livestock sanitary board: the salaries Usually th ere is m ore or less c riti­ Testam ent of Isabell C. Kirk, deceased, of the state prison warden and his R E T A IL E R S A T W H O L E S A L E P R IC E S has been tie d in the County Court of cism of a legislature a fte r th e ses­ deputies and the p role officer are to LINN C ount,, State of Oregon, and sion closes, but the sentim ent seems 22 pounds small white beans 1,00 No 5 pure lard .96 be fixed by the governor; salaries of that the 14tb day of March, 1921 at the to be th at the 31st session, while it the heads of other sta te institutions 15 pounds best head rice 1.00 No 10 pure lard 1.90 hour of 10 o'clock A. M. has been duly did not have before It as much big are to be fixed by the board of con­ 100 pounnds good spuds 1.25 Pint Wesson oil .35 appointed by said Court lor the hearing legislation as some previous sessions trol, and the salary of the clerk of 3 pounds sago .25 Quart Wesson oil .66 o f objections to said final account and considerable of the business tran sact the state land board will be fixed by .25 H alf gallon Wesson oil 1.26 the 'settlem ent thereof, at which tune td was of some im portance to the in the land board. Tills ultim ately means 3 pounds tapioca 2 pounds bulk cocoa .35 Shortening in bulk, pound any person interested iu said estate may terest of the state at large. .16 increases for these officials. Before th e house adjourned a reso­ appear and file objections thereto in .75 Lard in bulk Revisions in the salaries of a num ­ 5 pounds bulk cocoa .20 lution was passed expressing appreci­ w riting and contest th e same. b er of d istrict attorneys of the state 5 pounds peanut butter .45 Bring your pails. Dated and first published Feb. 10. ation of the m anner in which Speak­ were granted. 3 pounds Nucoa .95 2 cans pepper er Bean presided. P resident R ltn er .15 1«1. The legislature refused to increase 2 pounds Tru Blue crackers of the senate, before adjournm ent, .32 2 cans nutm eg Frank Kirk, .26 the pay of jurors, and also refused to was presented with a beautiful ring. Bulk pepper per pound W. R. Kirk, .25 2 cans cinnamon .26 increase the salaries of the public Road Legislation Im portant. Baecutors of the Estate, 3 pounds macaroni .25 2 cans ginger service commissioners. .26 Amor A. T attin g . Probably the most Im portant legis­ 2 pounds onion sets .25 2 cans m ustard Motion Picture Censorship Falls. .26 Atty for Bare. lation enacted was passage of several Fresh ginger snaps .25 The senate refused to concur in tho 1 gallon Pearl oil .22 2-10 to 3-10. bills relatin g to the sta te ’s highways. 5 gallons Pearl oil The principal highway bill passed action of the house and disapproved 1.06 the bill introduced by the com m ittee SOAPS NOTICE OF APPOINTM ENT OF AD­ was the bond measure authorizing ad­ on health and public inorals providing BREAKFAST FOOD ditional bond issues to talin g $7,000,- MINISTRATOR 3 Creme oil .25 000 which, with the other bonds au- for the censorship of all motion pic­ 12 Creme oil tu res in this state. .95 Cream of W heat .28 Notice is hereby given that the nn- thorized, will bring the total to w ith­ A senate jo in t resolution was adopt­ 2 Shredded W heat 3 Palm olive .25 .28 Aarsigned by an order of the County in $2,500,000 of the am ount available ed. providing th a t there shall be sub­ 3 Fairbanks tar .25 Wheat H earts .30 C eart of LINN C ouut), Oregon, lias under the constitutional lim itation of m itted to a vote of the people a t the 4 per cent of the state's assessed Pancake 25 No Rub Naptha 1.00 .30 been appointed adm inistrator of the es­ property valuation. next general election the question of 25 Royal White 1.00 Grape N uts .16 tate of H enrietta G ulliiord deceased. A nother highway bill designated am ending the sta te constitution relat­ Large package oats ing to the special veto pow er of the 25 Easy Day All persons having claims against said 1.00 .30 the proposed Roosevelt highway along estate are required topreaent them w ith­ the coast as a state highway and au­ governor. Large package wheat .35 The proposed am endm ent provides CANNED GOODS in six m onths from the date of this no­ thorized the highway commission to No 10 oats .55 tice, with the proper vouchers, to the apply state road funds to its con­ th at the governor shall have power to 1.001 N ° 10 corn meal .38 undersigned at his office at Brownsville struction on condition th at the money veto single Items in appropriation bills 5 cans Del Monte Corn 1.00 N ° 10 hominy 5 cans Festival peas and any provision in m w bills declar­ .45 in Linn County, Oregon. bo matched dollar for dollar by fed­ ing an emergency, w ithout thereby af- 5 cans Del Monte peas Dated and first published this 3rd day eral funds. .75 1.00 No 10 pancake of February, 1921. t -cting any other provisions of such No 10 W heat H earts 5 Monopole corn The state highway commission and .75 1.10 Amor A. Tussing, bills. slate board of control were empow 6 Standard corn .55 .75 No 10 Graham A dm inistrator aforesaid. No anti .Japanese legislation was en­ ered to issue sh o rt term bonds for No 10 Whole W heat 6 Standard tomatoes i - i to 3 3 .55 .65 acted. although the house did Its best. highway purposes. The general sen tlm -n t was that tills 45c Del Monte pineapple .35 .35 Roman meal Two bills enacted as part of the was a subject which should be left to 5 Del Monte tomatoes .90 highway program will afreet owner congress to handle. BAKING POWDER of m otor vehlclea. One hill revised 5 cans 2 1-2 size apricots 1.00 k o r the soldiers, the legislature re­ the state m otor vehicle code and 1.00 Crescent ferred to tile people the proposed 4 cans 2 1-2 size peaches .25 Fine Dress Shoes a Specialty places the license fee on a weight Calumet bonus. The m atter is to be settled at .25 basis, so that owners of large auto­ FLOUR *01 Lyon Street, Albany, Oregon, 25c K C mobiles are required to pay higher a special election to be called In the .22 spring. It is the only m easure which license fees and motor truck owners $2.60 .45 VIM $2.60 50c K C will ap p ear on the ballot. are taxed according to width of tires. 1 pound Folgers .35 Among the Im portant bills passed Gasoline Tax Increased. ¿ pounds Folgers were the following:^ COFFEE .85 A m easure which plgMs bond com The second bill levies an additional S C W LEGHORNS 50c Instant postum .42 tax of 1 cent per gallon ou all ga .35 25c plain postum P inies under the supervision of the 1 pound Wadco O. A. C. and TANCRED Strain .22 line used, so th at gasoline will now state corporation com m issioner and 3 pounds Wadco 2 packages raisins B P ROCKS be taxed 2 cents per gallon. Tile nev. adds tn w teeth to the blue sky law to 5 pounds Wadco .46 1.60 5 pound box macaroni O. A. C. and McDonald. San Jose. Cal bill exempts gasoline used for trie .55 perm it the com m issioner to exercise 3 pounds Royal Club 1.20 2 packages jello tors, m otorboats and other Industrial control. . IIB.UU per hundred. .25 2 1-2 pounds Schillings purposes. 1.10 Flease piece your orders early. A ppropriations approxim ating $6, state to the 3 pounds American Club 1.05 TOBACCO Mre H. C. ARMSTRONG. la kes of the k 5 pounds American Club 1.70 It affects particu- R 1, Halsey, Oregon. larly Malheur 1 pound Star and is expected to .85 bring about $: 1 pound Horseshoe SHORTENING .85 satlon for many district attorneys n the » ?hool fun 1 pound Climax Oregon and release of many other .85 The bond co nm lssion hill m akes the 3 pounds Crisco .65 •ta te departm ents and Institution state treasure: the state superintend- 5 pounds Crisco We sell SK IN N ER ’S 1.25 heads from definite revenues fixed , .. ent of banks . 1,1 n miier of the 19 pounds Crisco statute, were some of the financial 1.85 the highest grade m acaroni, ' NO S h o r te n in g bills passed ■ o 5 snortening .75 spaghetti, egg noodles and o th er - c im m lsslon s investm ents. In the absence of definite figures, No 10 Shortenin g A sta te bn .get system was approved 1.40 macaroni products. state officials said that the appr , r under v hi, n there will be compiled a atlons authorized by the legislature mass of information which will reduce s e r.u .... j , . , . . , . tu o Priv..ugtf O{ were larger In the aggregate than th at of any biennial gathering of tie j form and w 111* h ' ' ’ " 8im ple,t jury service, however. Is only optional DR- E. s . D O N N E L L Y ghten the task of the with the membors of the gentler sez law m akers ways and meg com m ittee in future who may refuse to serve In this oa- Surgical diseases of Innum erable so-called bills In crrnt sessions of the legislature. * Th« Importance of Optical Ser­ Pacify if they so choose, giving only Eye, Ear, Nose and T hroat Ing the salaries of county offh rs ihelr sex as the reason for such re- vice. also were presed during the » « I o n . ‘° OLASSCS FITTX4J fusal. sources 501 F irst National Bank Bldg, Atbesy. Whother it i l K rv n tn lr« v a n “ Wer" * number of "''•»««rf» fixing of rev, „„ Tho ommisslon will look A logged off lands bill, under the ...........'.F ? k . ? ° U nm ,,t of t‘vlt’r iand ’' “ ich is now alm ost less ’ A RTH U R COLE. Albany Ore fully rttted to your face. The took one representative from Linn. ,fcp Internal revenue than w Wort hl AU IS because Rxn,< -A .. "• than orthless of the stum ps . Leave orders with Woodworth Drug C«, The fish and Rame tnattere hâve utmost accuracy must be used one from Marlon and one from tin Automobiles using the state high­ Joint Douglas Jackson d istrict, and been divorc d ad the comm ercial flsh- Albany, Oregon. way for the transportation of freight in the fitting of glasses. gives one additional to Multnomah tng laws bn h put tnto the hands of the $5. Town or passengers are placed under th s or Country 5 one to th e tw enty-first district, con fish o mmi ’*• whlle the gaine flsh supervision and csntrol of the state slsttng of Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson, and gam e | -ation ami régulation public service commission. K lamath and Lake, and one to Mai have been put In the hands of the The co-operative m arketing assocls- heur county alone. No changes « , game comm ' i’n.n ratlve Uon me«»ure was »mended so as to made In the present classification of law under two commie- make 11 more effective, j t wU, r#. the state senate. slons must i DR. R. H. HAR’x jq I '•* of years ' The co-operative organization stat Into a distil I separate flsh how It will work w i »••», r .s n e c t'to Harold Aibro, utee, passed In 1»1S for the partlcu and a game lnr' UIVO'—-“is. lu j U*iu 4 U $ » W « U d U 4 LU . M anufacturing Optician. Inr benefit of farm ers and producers, omen of Oregon will be perm itted KwVSlCK B an » Be 4 I A lb a a V, T h e Halsey Enterprise , RESUME OF WORK OF OREGON LEGISLATURE 3 IG SUBSCRIPTION OFFER MAGAZINES and OUR NEWSPAPER F0R $ 2 -2 5 Order Now A Albany BUSICK’S \ I * . Peterson “ Baby Chicks A rtistic P ia n o Tuning f O p to m e trist. Chiropractor X- -R.A.'f 9 I a