Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, February 24, 1921, Image 4

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    C A tíT T Y
'••■•.out tr ., : .¿ rí.-s c .T .c ü , fot
it ib all made o f the purest me­
teríais, and is fresh every day
The purity and fre-hness o f our
coniectionery has always been
our strong point, and it has al
ways found ready favor with the
candy eating public.
Just try a box and be convine
ed it is the best candv made.
- / . * to employees r v e i Jot D«.dua-
ible from Employers Rett rns-
No Guesswork Allowed
Tax M ay Be Paid in Full or Divded
i»to Four installments-
Only slugle persons whose net in ­
come for 1920 was le-. than »1,000
and married persons living with
husband or wife whose net income
was lass than »2,000 »re exempt
You Ost ALL FOUR of Thooo
from the requirement to hie an in­
come tax return.
The obligation ts consider hi»
own case and to file an income tax I Ht3
ua e x c e p t i o n a l o s f c r io g o o d f o r a s h o r t t i m e o n l 'F
if one is due, is t^ b o w r tp a o o s
return on time, H
cur.T o r renew al. A i! ren ew al mi harrtp tiv a a w ill b«
Y * - r fro ta presen, date o f a a p ir atavo.
resident of the United
Guesswork is barred. submerged; finally with the aid of >ey has been improved by bavin
The returns are sworn statements, old Dobbin and some of the neigh- gravel dumped in some of th
and accuracy is essential. Sala­ hors and Lorena's advice, the worst holes.
ried persons and wage earners thing was brought to light once
Mrs Kate Croft is with D
must iec?rtain the actual compen- more and __
Ed ____
and __.....
Lorena were1 Bridgewater in Albany, undergo
setion received. Bonuses, shares soon on their wav rejoicing,
ing the rest cure.
in the profits of a business, values
There is considerable excitement
Watch out
for the '•’fli
of quarters and board furnished in Charity Grange neighborhood Horn Tooter,” the coining Higl
by an employer, and other items about Mrs Miller's having to give School paper, which will make it
of compensation for services U j U f I 1 up
11,1 her school
c / i L am I beca :se -I.—
i i - to
she r_
appearance soon, with Cliffor
be included
answer some theoretical question Coon as its editor.
about Civil goverment and current
The Boy Scouts met one nigh
Returns must show both gross events. She had had years of
last week and held au initiatioi
and net income.
Gross income training in another state, she
of new members.
includes practically every dollar was a good teacher, the child-
The Epworth League is plannin
received by the taxpayer during ren were learning and’ she was
to hold a basket social at the V
the year 1920. The net income is giving good satisfaction, at z
O W hall on March 4th. Wornei
letermiued by subtracting from reasonable salary
are requested to bring baskets.
¡ Z . ' Z ' J T k “ ' . “ " " "
Tl” '« b « ~ I » . . » 0
« ...
(Taken from the Shedd Viaito
l„d , T
1“ ch' " b«d lo «'»' up II,.ir of Feb 16th )
fully explained in ins.nic- jobs this vear on account of not
Out at McCormick’s Mondaj
tious on forms 1040—A and Win
account oi not
for filing returns.
‘h* "U te « » “ ¡»»tions evening there was a party givet
teachers are really not comne in honor of tbs birthday of Faj
Bu.tnes. expenw.
are the prin-itent,
they should not be allowed
r --— ...W
Hamilton. It was a sort of joini
cipal allowable deductions io eom-
to teach, but no person knows the affair as the McCormicks are leav
ing thia week for Waterloo, but ii
¿ “
h'»1"0"- “ « Juüuvl.,.0 Ol h .. I,„„ , , Ue,|. T„
\\_tu Chop Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satudays.
was a surprise on Fay. at hi
household and living expenses.
personal knowledge, a County Su­ thought it was for the others.
Typical deductible business ex­
perintendent of Schools asked an
Next week we play Corvaliii
penses are for salaries, labor, coet
applicant for a certificate what High School on Thursday, Feb
o raw material, merchandise and
was the difference between the 24tb. On the 25th we go to Laba-
supplies, lent, repairs, light, pow­
monkeys of .Mexico and those of non for our last game, unless wa
er, delivery, selling cost, advertis­
South America (the answer to tfie should get a gams here with the
ing, and insurance. Doctors, law-
question was that one of them had Albany High School.
yers, aud like professional men
one more tooth than the other.)
Raymond Jones, the ex-agent,
may deduct from their gross so-
The same superintent, (time or has heeD in and about Shedd for
come dues paid to professional so­
place not mentioned, (asked an a few days as he has been having
cieties and subscriptions to pro.
epplira it “ who was president of
-ome removals about bia neck * a l
fessional journals, rent paid for
the United Stales when Nebuchad. throat;so far he has been deprived
offices, amount paid for light, Ju.
nezzar was king o f Babylon?”
of hie t mails and sundry chunks
el, water, and telephone used in
of bone, out of hia now. When
such offices, and the wages paid to
. the Eugvne doctors get through
office assistants.
Henry Fraerksen spent Monday with him he will feel like a new
This year, as last, the tax may afternoon in Albany looking after nun, at least he wont feel like
the same one.
TheT.tan lü-2,1 tractor. K, amino „„w on ,¿v floor be paid in fuil at the time of filing business matters.
The Shedd High School played
Mrs Elisabeth Robinaon, the
b 1-2 h J. engines and cream le n a m ,™ r
teacher, slipped and fell
an. loot t h e , ovo,.
„ n X p ^ h y o ^ " ’*1
the first of which is due on or 1 e- _■ basket bull last Wednesday night on the walk out back of the school
H e bave
hand 1 ,« •„ „ ,|
| . | , ,,
„,MO fore March 15. the ...........
second „„
on or an,i wo" * i‘h » »core of 14 to 8. bouse and bruise i herself up pret.
o-h Stover engin,. and J Kru,tlcr. H i l l , o l l . h e m ,
before June 16, the third on or I r- ’ nd °" Th«r s l«y night they play- ty badly, especially about the
These aro .,o,„a of the , h in g , O r d e r ^ Ä w fore September 15, and the fomth ' d Wlll‘ Cr*btree an] won to the eve*.
Little Charlotte Jonea, who Rail
on or before December 15.
tUDe ° ' ® « > G
I be return must he filed with', M h e t ! a t c 1 °f Coburg, has been staying with her gtandmeth.
the collector of internal revenue 7 " ’ ''
* ‘th ber “>«lher, j er in Jefferson since her siok spell,
for the district io which the tax-
“ , hpren'<er-
«« borne again and has re.umad
payers lives Heavy penalties are
. G* *'“rw#l1 of Portland, vis- her school work.
provided for failure , r willful r. -
pare,:ls laat week and in-
»ays the Good. Judge
Why the E ditor L e ft Towa.
fusal to make a return and
¡“ldenUl|y R°t an introduction to
That gives a man more f t
. »/
the tax when due.
, nPW brother.
p n u tn e chewing satis-J /
-jU l X 5
Someboily sent the editor of
Thursday night a party was
faction than he ever jfot
f I
given to the Shedd school 'young Pokstown Gas-tte « few boltlei
Charity Grange items.
out of the ordinary kind.
j people in whioh weenies and home brew. The same day he
.Mr and .Mrs Huffoflowa, who '""’’’hm.-tHows played a conspjeu- ceivsd for publication a wedd
Sniallcrchcw, lasts longer-
tiave been visiting thier son ant. 0UI Parl-
announcement and a notice of
~ s o ,t cost» less to chew
Mr and Mrs C D Huff, re-
“ The prairie Roge.. w„
auction sale. Here are the ratal
inis class of tobacco.
rued home last Monday.
at Harrisburg last Saturda y night
'Win Smith and Miss Lucy ‘
And the good, rich to-
"fence and Francis Long have , The Halsey High School will •leraon were disposed of at pub
bRccotaste gives a world
t i m b e ^ w L 0^ ‘D ‘he Da’ U,Or ;e.ndV, thel? pla>' ‘• , b* P" “<* «f auction at my farm one mile
« satisfaction.
"t a beautiful cluster of rosea
Chanty O r.ng, met last Satur- nigl". “
W-d,‘- d*T
n ? y . n?rn.who 09e«
her breast and two white calv,
day with a ■»rge number i„
• h
i.I o h a c c o C hetv
f Shedd lost to Scio |„ f Friday liefore a background of farm
tell yoU that.
1 he afternoon was giv- night in a score of 34 to 22 in an plernsnts too numerous to IDS
over to the Lecturer,
Put M0 in tv «
game of basket baT
*“ the pr,iSeoe«
ho had exciting
* very interesting program. A
W .B C U T » . b o g s ne ^ o t.,ofc« c o .
class of three were initiated in tic-
...............- ^
third and fourth degrees and two.'latelv -
’ ’U T UI. r ¡8 a short-cut tobacco
mor» applications were receive,! road.
Kd Kizer started to grange earl v
bridal couple left on one good Jo
Saturday morniag but barely ar „
'P 1 lonepr Mutual and Bell , Deere gang plow for
rive.l in »¡m r
“ « r e ly ar- Telephone people 0„ i;n„ ig ,
K»ng plow for an extent
the ba 1
d‘nn*r’ 0Wir'*
meeting last Fri 1 ‘
Ulf’ * ' tb terD‘, ‘° ,u il lba P°^l
O ./ L
"’• sb” U b.„k
n ''*> “
1h - f « " be . . h o . .
v” r eTch
Order Now
$ 2 -2 5
Huy at home and keen the
m e mnnAv
m one\ l,id *quar,ly 00 tbe ,boolder'
We have reduced prices on granite
ware, aluminum ware etc. Start the
year aright and buy now.
Cross & White
Smith Bros? Market
hresh and Cured M eats Always On
Also Other M eats in Season.
o . w . FRUM
H e re ’s Real Tobacco”
f h ! t >Uk n °r S° me sped:d club rates
hat we hope to have for you before
very long.
z: "
m ....... . H l
After digging several houn from
’m near
near Halsey, visit.,I - lti
* f' W kllchM> at-Q«
wtth a .hovel and the esr .inking Mrs F H M
•ft«r ten months from date of a
,dwper »nd d,ep.r unt„ . J bio , l Th,
responsible parties and — 0
lb« ruad between here and Hal
tiftj cbickans.” - E j Change