Halsey Items vere fracturre of the right le: of these opportunities and show E. L. STIFF and LON Tuesday afternoon when he was th e ir in te re s t m th e im portant , F U R N IT U R F D F A L E R S LA WYE?. AND L’C'IARY L e a v e -r leru for land pla ' r r t ei.UL-i" K il k l u o r S t e p p e d Oli L. V’V Cut ¿J Vk/tA W *a C s u k j eh tiv iin i.g in tnU iiL-.e, tho lumber yard. 2 lOtf. B rownsvillr . O kkoon the horse he had been riding. Bro Bernard, the evangelist W R K i^t made a business tri p also PIPE L E SS FURNACES. The horse, a spirited animal, was who will conduct our revival to BrownsyUle Monday, f in the act of rearing when the meeting is from Chicago, came Th(? R A M 0 N A M ACHINE G W Lauj^ner was an Albany boy sought to dismount in front West and held a meeting with a Two doors north of the hotel. caller Wednesday. of his home. His left foot was large number of conversions at plays all makes of records. A bi prepared to do all kinds of Lewis Skirvin had busines" caught in the stirrup and threw Wenatchee, Wash. Then to Kla­ ahoe rep air» g . Satisfaction calling him to Shedd Monday. Also WHITE SEWING him under the horse. The bones math Falls with another large Dr. E. W. 'Barnum, Dentist, si guaranteed. MACHINES. of the right leg below the knee ingathering arid now at Ashland, JEWETT the COBBLER. Hotel lla lsn j every Tuesday am were badly crushed, but hope k- Or. The record speaks for it’s 215-217 l.\o n Street, A lbany. Thursday. • entertained of saving the leg. self. Watch and pray. R B Mayberry is confined to his ----- -• • — Letters received by friends, r H arold It J ack - Christian Church N otes home with an attack of tonsil ton »UM-J05 l»t Na- who have been attending Evan itia. In spite of the steady down­ gelist Bernard’s m eetings all say tiotial Batik Butlilin, Albany, Oregon, E S M antera shipped a car th a t we shall he very fortunati j W ithout pain, Late nerve- load of hay to Summit the firstol" pour of rain Sunday morning to get him a t Halsey. These there was a fine attendance i t the week. blocking method. Thi statem ents are emphasized by ' For S a le -F in e , large, White the Christian church. Wildcat-Gunpowder contest in the fact that “ C entenary,” or.e Rose potatoes one dollar per hun­ of the largest churches in P o it-| thé Bible school is off in fuli dred. * . A. H. Quinby. swHng with Miss Helen Moore, land, was anxious for him to j KARL A. BRAMWELL. Proo. Ciaron Gormley was a pass captain of the Wildcats, a rt come there from Ashland. But ‘ en g er; for H arrisburg Friday Miss Helen Armstrong, captain it is HALSEY next! How are j Suits Cleaned And Pressed. w here he visited the dentist. ot (t he Gunpowders. The con we citizens going to show our I.AI NURY SENT AWAY on MONHAT Hopey—Reduced 20 per cent test will close on Easter Sunday, appreciation of this special favor?| THE HALSEY ENTERPRISE while! it lasts. Also «orne fine March 27, and points will be Watch for posters. and the male calves for sale. N T Sneed counted for each person present OREGON FARMER School N otes Halsey. 1-27 tf. WILDEY LODGE NO. 65. and on time and fcr each new one year for $1.65. W J Ribelin has a Jersey heif­ Regular meeting next S a tu r­ member. The winning side will The fifth and sixth grade stu ­ er jtor sale from a thoroughbred 40 ACEES On- the PACIFIC HIGH­ be banqueted by the losers, 'flu dents have purchased a pair ol day night. sirq, and her m other gives a lit­ WAY. goal for tne school has been | Indian dubs eaeh and they are All under cultivation except 2 acres of tle better than 6 per cent test. 101 by Easter. specia pio- |earning to handle them Fbr S a le —Registered Short oak timber, food 5-room house, large gram in commemoration of oui . y Electric H aircutting. M assaging barn and all necessary outbuildings, a Horn bull three years old p a st Lord’s resurrection is being pre- j l, ast Tuesday was George good well at the house, family orchard perfectly gentle, never broke a and Shampooing. pared E aster met Sundry. and berries, woven wire fences. This fence. The for Juniors lar“t Sunda, ' I lau n d ry . C le a n ™ and_Pr«»i»K A. H. Quinby. place is between Albany and Tangent literary society gave its program I will have my regular Spring E. C . M IL L E R and ia a good buy at »9500.00. Terms. afternoon for their first meeting th at day. 1’here were several opening on Tuesday, March 1st. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO. and will meet again next Sunday , viajtorg we wen; glad to Ladies of Halsey and vicinity are 403 1st National Bank Building. a t 3 o’clock in the church. see. The program was as fo-1 invited to attend. Brownsville Albany, Oregon________ The prayer meeting held in lows: Office 1st door south ol school him»» Milliner. H alsey, Oregon. the church last week was very America, Orchestra. Dr E W Barnum of H arris­ C .c . B R Y A N T successful and these meetings Dealer in Heal Estate. Address by president. burg, has equipped a dental of­ ATTORNEY AT LAW Handle» l'onn an, 1 Country Property. will be continued from week to Roll call. fice at the Hotel Halsey and has Give him a call and see if he can 6x 201 New First N a t’l Bank Bldg, made arrangem ents to be here week. Prayer is the gi eat ave­ Marjorie, piano solo by Doro­ you up. a. nue thru which we receive the Albany, Oregon. every Tuesday and Thursday. thy Sherling. power so necessary to ot.r spirit W ashington’s boyhood, Alber­ While in Halsey call on the ual and moral development and Raw ley man for extracts, spices ta Koontz. growth. Let us not forget the W ashington's name, Clarice all medicines stuck tonics and prayer meeting Friday at 2.00. worm destroyer. Mail orders Gourley. We are glad to welcome Broth­ promptly filled. Or phone 1615. Barcarsele, violin solo, Helen 304 Broadalbin St. Albany. er and Sister True back to town H S Winkleman, Hawley man. Cook. Our wonderful roots and herbs and their many friends are de­ Dr E W Barnum and family of W ashington’s service to hi- lighted to see them agtin in their are found in the China prepara­ Harrisburg were Halsey visitors country, Lewis Skirvin. places in the Lord’s house. tions and have stood the test of a Monday. Dr Barnum is fitting High School Paper, Wayi e Brother John Pitman very ably thousand years to cure C atarrh, up an office in the hotel and ex­ Robertson. led the Senior C E m eeting Sun­ Asthma, Lung Trouble, Cancer, pects to make professional visits Beautiful Ohio. Orchestra. day night. The topic next Sun Rheumatism, Blood Poison, N er­ to our city in the near future. Our modern public school, Ila-1 day will be “ The M rrcle of tl e vousness, Stomach, Liver and Mrs D F Dean of Coquille was zel Gulliford. R esurrection.” Kidney troubles, also private ail­ a guest of her daughter Sunday Why we commemorate Georg» The regular services next ments of men and women. Con­ and Monday of this week. While W ashington’s birthday, Law­ Lord’s d ay : 10 a m, S S. 11:00, sultation free. The Hing Wo here she purchased the H H Kirk rence Wells. preaching and communion: 3:(0, Chinese Medicine Co. P O Box, residence on north Second Stree'. One legged goose, Mr English. and she and Mr Dean will Junior C E; 6:30, Senior C E; Burning of Rome, piano soit, 247, Albany, Oregon. again make their home in Halsey 7:30, song service and sermon; Grace Kirk. Sermon topic, “ Repent m ce.’ in the near future. The history of our flag, M n- The young people’s chorus will To say th a t the people of Hal­ sing a specially prepared anthem nie Gourley. DR. A. R. PIN NEY Come where my love liés sey. were surprised, would ex­ Electrical equipped office a t 7:30. dreaming, Donna and Alberta. press it very mildly, when the Room 401 First National Bank H aihlia< Methodi-.t Church Notes news reached us th at a mistake How Betsy made the flag, Albany Ore. of 4.5 mills had been made in the Mearle. SUNDAY SCHOOL S tar Spangled Banner, all. tax assessment, and the mistake W R I G H T A. P O O I .K Rewards of I aithfulness. made in favor of the people too. Latest fad in Halsey A check­ I.ICEN SRI) FU N ER A L D IRECTORS Well done good ai d faith frl We havn’t heard of any one yet e r board painted on the side­ HARRISBURG LEBANON ¡dying from heart failure on ac- servant; thou hast been faithiui walk. See Walton 'h e druggist. Phone 35 Phone 1» over a few things, I will f»t ' count of. it, but we would cau- Branches at thee over many thi igs. Mat j lion officials to be careful about THE YOUTHS’ COMPANION Brownaville, Win T Templet««, Mgr. ; springing too much of th a t kind 25: 23. I Halsey, Phone 164, Frank Kirk, Mgr. and the Aim of the lesson. To em pha­ j jf stuff on us suddenly, for ENTERPRISE i there is a limit to human endu-i size the duty of faithfulness in rance, even on the joy side ol ! the use of all the resources in­ For 18.75 p«r year. trusted to us. Many people g«“t , life. Mrs B M Bond entertained the I the idea they never had a fair All work done promptly and 'jadíes of the Study Club at a chance or a fair start. This les­ son shows whether this is to or •usonably. Phone No. 2f». I very enjoyable meeting on J ¡ Thursday afternoon. Mrs Drin- not. Next Sunday morning the an­ kard and Mrs Stafford presented ¡Artistic Piamo Tuning Blanche Sweet ' the lesson on American Folk nual, public thank offering for ARTHUR COLF,. Albany. Ore, ; Songs, giving excerpts from the the W F M S will be taken. A in ■ Leave or3«r. with Woodworth Drug C«. life of Stephen C Foster and up­ missionary sermon will be deliv­ Albany. Oregon. on legendary Indian music; They ered by the pastor. The S ta r - r ,. Town or Country were assisted in the musical part j dard Bearers will have sc me of the program by Mrs Bond and . »pecial num b rs. The public is Miss Donna Robertson. The cordially invited. Preparatory to the revival hostess served delicious refresh­ DR. R. H. HARRIS meetings, th e twice-a-week ments, being assisted by Miss Leone Palmer. The next m eet­ prayer meetings began at the M ing will be at the home of Mrs E Gardner home Tut »lay even­ Cotrctf Bawx Bni, ultra A r» i« r 1 D Taylor, March 3d. Mrs D S ing with a meeting filled with McWilliams will present the les­ much interest and prayer. On son on Interior Decorations for Thursday evening it will he a t| D R E. S. D O N N E L L Y the Home. Roll call to be an-: B M Bond’s, next Tuesday even­ Surgical di m m sea of ing at J C S tanish,’ t nd the fol­ swered bv current events. Rye, Far, Noae end Threat Lawrence, the 14 year old son ■ lowing Thursday at Mrs E C Al­ G L A S S ? » F IT T BO of Mr and Mrs Frank M Max-J len’s. It is to be sincerely hoped I 301 FI rat National hank Bldg Albasjr. weT of Tangent, suffered a se-i that many will avail them re ves Amor A. Tussing i Shoe Repair Shop DENTISTRY BARBER - SHOP. I. (). O. F. BARBER SHOP W. J. Ribelin The Hing Wo Chi­ nese Medicine Co. Almost 56 Years ago Mr. Leigh­ ton E. Blain estab­ lished this busi­ ness. We have grown to be one of the leading Men’s Clothing stores in this part of the state. When we ask ourselves the cause of this growth, we are always forced to conclude that there is only one real cause and it can be expressed in only one way: Chiropractor RIALTO F. M. GRAY, Drayman. Thursday A Square Deal For Every Customer. THE VALUE FIRST STORE. BLAIN CLOTHING COMPANY. “ INFERIOR SEX” A drama of big emotions set in the big outdoors of the Norih M a in e Woods. also “LOST CITY.” $5 Chiropractor X RAY