gen la In the ttiroea or a senotx beea a j e s ie u o .u a — in beyond the constitutional period tru st and th at th is bill offers a si in pis brq to a c!ny* H s r i r c c - ¿1 way out of the g-sap jrderiy and bunuiwiui like m auu^r wnu- of the tru at. >ut the confusion and turm oil certain A ppropriations Will Exceed M.000,000. o prevail If an attem p t waa made to At th e com pletion of Ita labor» thh« -include w ithin th e 40-day period. jojnt ways und m eans eem m it’.t-e ait* .¡ember will receive no pay for th e ir i nounce put it is believed .sources to trodueed in the house and 379 in the meet the excess am ount will appear senate. T he exceaa of $142,603.02 lepras»ata According to the records the gover­ special appropriations, m easures ap­ nor had signed 66 measure» orlginst- proved by th e com m ittee not Included ng in the senate and 74 house bills. In the budget and also request» pre-4 Renovated and makes feather river, and the game bill creates a com ■ mission of five m em bers to be ap- Few Big Measures Passed. wonted In person to the com m ittee at mattresses, old turniture and pointed by the governor. The license Aside from the road »bills, the 31st Its hearings by the representative» of ! schedule provides For hunting wild m attresses made like new -sUon will have little to Its cred it th e various departm ent» or ldstlta- Bring them in or phone 261-R. I anim als or birds. $3 for residents of in the way of really big m easures of tlons. , the state, >10 for non-residents; for vital in terest to the sla te at large M arriag e T est Bill Pates«. 128-130 Ferry St, Albany. Ore. ! fishing with hook and line, $3 for resi­ The port developm ent bills and the j The people are to have th e oppor- dents. or, if non resident and a higher teacher’s tenure bills, which caused tu n ity to say by th e ir ballots at the EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF HEARING rate is required by his own state, then much friction during the session, w ere next general election w hether or not the sam e rate as he would have to OF FINAL ACCOUNT. of special in te re st to M ultnom ah coun- exam inations shall be required of ail Notice I. hereby given that the final Pay In hl» own sta te ; for com bination applicants for m arria g e licenses as to Among the m easures of general In­ health and m ental fitness of such ap­ account ol Frank Kirk and W. k Kirk licenses. $5. Woman Ju ro r Bill Fails. terest passed may be m entioned as Co-Executor» of the last Will and plicants to e n te r Into the marriage Oregon women will not be forced The new sta te fish com m ission and contract. The house passed senate bill Testam ent of IsabellC Kirk, deceased, has been filed in tlie County Court ot against th eir wills to serve on Juries new s ta te game com m ission and the 174 w ith only eight negative votes. LINN County, state of O r.gon, and , for the house defeated the woman fish and game codes. T he act provides th a t it shall be ua- . ,, . ,„ n .».. Juror hill introduced by Mrs. Kinney, The budget bill which directs th at law ful for any official of Oregon ta th a t the 14th day of March, V’. l at tile l . l n r l . r . n p . a . n l u l l V . ' III .I I m r I ’ l l " “ .J Astoria representative every tax levying body m ust have a Issue a m arriage license to any person h our ot 10 o’clock A. M. ha» lieen duly , The Roosevelt m ilitary highway bill. budget law applies to every tax levy until a fte r the ap p lican ts shall have appo in ted by said C ourt lor the hearing Legislative Brevities. fathered by S enators Norblad and o l objection» to said filial account and ; The Ellis bill providing for the mark- zens who shall look a fte r the budget subm itted to and passed an examina­ 1,1 ............. T ', . h tunc ! Hall, passed the senate w ith only four *“ '= ul" ‘” u , ‘" “*B 1‘" ' ““ rB' the « thereof. * ‘ n e g ativ e votes, but th e bill w as vigor- ! ing of b o u n d a rl' 8 ° f » »fenced lands items and hold public hearings. This tion by a regularly licensed physician, builgl law applies to every tax levy- com petent to exam ine auch applicants, any pc mon »ntcre»te*l ill estate iua> $ u »» < r» «» . • » .» • » » .* « . a p , ^ and file objections thereto ... ; ouBly denounced by R. A. Booth, chair- was killed in the senate as to th e ir health, in regard to contag­ The bill providing for punishm ent of ng body in Oregon. P1 man of the sta te highway commission Of more than local im portance was ious or com m unicable venereal dis­ w ritin g and contest th e same habitual crim inals passed the house. ' in an argum ent before the house com D ated and first published Feb. 10, | Members of the state legislature in­ the decision of th e legislature to abol eases, and m entality, as show n by tbs m ittee on roads and highw ays and iah forever the purse seines and the physician's certificate. 1921. ] the opposition of the state highway spected the Oregon A gricultural col­ lrollers, who have been operating for Frank K irk, P rovision is made in the bill for It lege at Corvallis Saturday. J commission caused a revulsion of sen W. R K irk. being referred to the voters of tbs The house killed R epresentative years along the Oregon coast. tlm ent and it is very doubtful If the A nother general bill of general In state a t th e next general election. E xecutors ol the r.siate. Hubbard's bill prohibiting the use of j m easure is passed by the house. terest is the one which provides for A m or A. T ossing. seine«, fish wheels, traps and other Bills P assed O ver Veto. The Roosevelt Highway was origin- ioubie election boardB, one board to Atty lor E a rs gear on the Columbia river. T he senate, by alm ost unanim ous , ally approved by the people and calls 2-10 to 3-10. The senate approved S enator Nlck- count the votes while the o th er board vote, passed bouse bills 38 sn d 66 over ; for $2,SCO,000 of state money to be s receiving the ballots. T here are th e veto of G overnor Olcott. Theee m atched by a like am ount of federal elson's bill providing th at n o ta rl.s N O T IC E O F A P1*O 1NTM ENT O F AD­ , money for a coast m ilitary and scenic ! shall not charge for the adm inistering •estrictions which will prevent any bills were passed d u rin g the special nform ation as to how the count is go­ M IN IS T R A T O R . I highway. This contingency was strick , of an oath of verification of any claim ing until a few m inutes a fter th e polls session of the leg islatu re in January, 1920, but w ere la te r rejected by the ' en out In the senate bill and In its ! against the state. A house liHl by R epresentative Well» close. Tlie principal advantage of this executive for th e reason th a t they Notice is hereby given that the u n ­ present shape It calls for setting taw will be th a t the result of elections were not considered em ergency legit dersigned by an order of the County aside of $2.500,000 for the road, to providing a penalty for any person' will be known alm ost im m ediately latlpn. who shall willfully m isrepresent his Court of LINN Couuty, Oregon, In s tie paid for by direct taxation. after the voting ceases. One of the bills gave to th e highw ay Road Com m ittees Make Progress. ' personal assets when seeking credit, been appo in ted a d m in istra to r of th e es­ Anti-A licn Land Law Killed. I was approved by the senate. comm ission power to fix the salary tate of H e irtietta G u llilo rd deceased. | The Joint road com m ittees have The anti-Japanese legislation ww of the sta te highw ay engineer, while The senate upheld the adverse re- All persons h a v in g claim s a za in st said made progress In whipping proposed I port of the Judiciary com m ittee and re- killed in the senate. Tha senate, aftst th e o th er m easure provided for an la- estate are required to presen t them w ith ­ legislation into shape and the bills will j fused to refer to the voters of Oregon the most spirited debate that has m ark crease in the em ergency fund of the in six m o n th s from the date ot tin s no­ receive attention this week. The com m ittees put the stam p of the question of repealing the 6 per ed the present session of the legisla­ state highw ay com m ission from $60,- tice, w ith the proper vouchers, to tlie cent lim itation am endm ent to the con ture, by a vote of 20 to 9 defeated the 000 to $70,000. u n d e rsig n ed at h is office at Brow nsville , disapproval upon the proposal of Gov­ stitutlon. bill. T his bill had strong support In Passage by the bouse of a bill pre­ ernor Olcott that the highway coinmls tu L inn C ounty. Oregon. Under a bill Introduced by Senator the house, but the belief th a t tha Jap viously passed by the senate repealing Dated and first published tin s 3rd day sion be given the power of em inent domain and authorized to purchase or Banks and approved by the senate, anese question is som ething for the the gasoline test law, wipes off the ot February, 1921. Am or A. T ussing, acquire parks and scenic beauty spots persons wishing to annul a m arriage federal governm ent to handle rath er sta tu te bocks a m easure enacted in A d m in i'tra to r aforesaid. along the highways, and to improve contract must have been residents of than the state p rerailed in the se n a te . 1907, enforcem ent of which contrib­ The bill was practically a duplicate uted largely to a gasoline fam ine la 2-3 to 3 3 and m aintain them out of the state the Btate for a period of one year prior to the commencement of the suit. of the California bill on the sam e sub the stato last year. C om panies r e ­ highway fund. A senate bill by Eberhard, providing je c t e n a c te d la s t year. fused to bring supplies into th e s ta ts Teacher»' Bill Defeated. The bill received S4 affirm ative until th e law, which required gasoline Practical Shoe An am endm ent to the requirem ents for the employment of a full-tim e Pro R epairing for elem entary teachers' training testan t chaplain and a part tim e C ath­ votes in the house, three more than to be of flfty-slx g rav ity teat, was sus­ course framed by S enator P atterson olic chaplain to officiate at the several required as a constitutional m ajority pended by G overnor O lco tt F ine Dress Shoes a Specialty state Institution» near Salem, was In Qpposed to passage of the bill wer» was defeated in the house. L egislstlvs Brevities. 25 representatives, with one me mi mi 501 Lyon Street, Albxny, Oregon. The bill proposed to extend the time definitely postponed by the senate. T he house passed a senate bill whlob T hirty officers of the National guard of the house absent. of the elem entary teachers training places bond houses u n d er the oontrol representing various branches of the Soldiers' Bonus Referred to Voter» of th e sta te corporation commissions». course from a term of 12 v eeks to a service, appeared before the Joint mill The senate by a vote of 28 t o 2 ap The senate passed a house b ill term of 36 weeks from January. 1923. tary com m ittee of tlie senate and house proved house Joint resolution No 12 which gives the governor contrsl. sf to January, 1925, and a fter th a t period when a hearing was held on the new S C W LEGHORNS referring to the voters of Oregon at the the tolls of the In te rs ta te bridge. it was proposed th at the course should Oregon m ilitary code. next general or s la te ulucxiou the S enator Ixichm und Introduced a bUI extend for 18 months. O A. C. and TANCRED Strain R epresentatives of the motion pic­ question of am ending th e constitution providing for an IncreaM In th« »alary The house also killed a proposed hill B P ROCKS ture industry of Oregon, Including the­ so th a t the sta te may lend Its credit of the governor from $6009 to $75M offered by R epresentative Shank O A. C. and M cDonald. San Jose. Cal which provided th at w here schools ater owners from Portland and many In an am ount not exceeding 3 per annually. of the cities and towns throughout the cen t based on the assessable property ilb .0 0 per hundred. A resolution providing for an In­ throughout the sta te were d o sed for state, appeared before the committee valuation to provide funds with which crease In the pay of m em bers of th» more than two w c;.;s teachers should Please place your o rd ers early. of public health and m orals to oppose to pay p articipants In the recent world not be pa’d. state leg islatu re to $5 a day, and not M is II. C. ARM STRO N G , three bills pertaining to the motion w ar a cash bonus of $15 a month for In excess of $300 for one session, was Would D ;p j.-t Alle i Public Charge». picture industry. R I, H alsey, Oregon. the tim e they actually servisd or a loan laid on the table by the house. The board of control, under a bill in­ not to exceed $4900. Tha legislature has adopted a Jo ist troduced by S enator Vinton, is au th ­ By the sam e vote th« sen ate also resolution calling for the display ef orized to use state funds for the de approved house bill 203 which pro the A m erican flag cn school houses, portation of n o n resid en t aliens and vldes for the creation of w hat will be churches and o th er public places on so-called public charges confined in known as the world war v e te ra n s M others' Day. the public institutions of this state. sta te aid fund and prescribes the man­ The legislature enacted a bill m a t­ For the purpose of facilitating the P e r io l Ends. But ner in which the bonuses shall be paid ing It a m isdem eanor to fall to support return of such persons, the board of F o rty -D a y and the loans executed. an Indigent p aren t and providing a control may en ter into a reciprocal Both Houses D ecide to fine to be used for such support. Emergency Board Bill Vetoed agreem ent with any oth er state or A fter considerable d lsc u u lo n tb s states for the mutual exchange of Governor Olcott vetoed the bill pro­ Continue S ession. such public charges. U nder the bill a viding th a t the state emergency board house approved a bill giving women person shall be deemed to be a real shall constat of the chairm an of the of the sta te of Oregon the rig h t tn Few M easures of General Interest dent of Oregon who shall have lived ways and m eans comm ittee of the se«-. serve on Juries, su b ject to the approval Passed — Anti-Japanese Legislation In the state continuously for a period ate. the chairm an of the ways and of the bill by the voters a t the next DO YOUR GLASSES TELL of two year». Defeated— Aid for Veterans Referred m eans commute«- of the house and special or general election. YOUR AGE? All motion pletures show s In tb s Any person who sh»ll bring or in to People— Free Textbooks Bill K ill five other members to be elM-ted from It w a l n o t u n til K ry p to k s , the *ny way uld in bringing any public the Joint ways and m eant com m ittee state mnsi lie approved by a stats ed— Over Six M illions in Approprla in v is ib le fused b ifo c a l, were in - charge Into the state, except for T he senate approved Governor Ol­ board of th ree motion picture censors tio n s — M arriage Bill Referred — restinent for his or her ailm ent with- V • iit e il, th a t the w a r in g o f eve. cott's appointm ents of H. von dev Hel under the term s of s su b stitu te cen­ Gasoline Test Law Repealed. >ut first obtaining perm ission In w ru ­ len of tVellen, George W. Cornwall of sorship bill Introduced by the hones glasses I ec Hue a plea-ure to lien, ng from the state board of control, Portland and W alter L. Pierce of Ixi com m ittee on health and public mozals pie w ith fa u lty near and fa r shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. S a le m —The constitutional 40-day Grande, as members of the hoard of and passed by the house. viaioB. A bill Introduced by the com m ittee Meat Commissioner Proposed. period p-escrlbed for legislative ses­ regents of Oregon A gricultural college on ag ricu ltu re and forestry, providing Creation of the office of comm ission­ sions expired Saturday, but owing Free School Books Defeated for the organization of co o p erativ e er for the co-operative m arketing of to the fact th at many bills rem ained Following a prolonged debate In associations, passed t f e »«bate by a m eats is provided In a bill Introduced for attention, both houses deem ed it which all house rule« regulating length by Senator Upton. wise to extend the session over Into of oratorical display were stretched to vote of 2« to 4. Under the provisions of this m eas­ this week and adjournm ent was taken the lim it by nearly every member, the ure the com m issioner shall m aintain until Monday morning. Proving le house voted down Senator B anks’ free an office at any union stockyards in There were 288 measures when the school book bill. The flual vote was "8mltfc U a live w ire.” the state, and his compensation shr.ll two houses began proceedings Satur­ “I know IL He touched me this 29 In favor, not enough to pass the Harold Albrv, be fixed by the governor and be paid day. so it was qult9 evident th at a morning fo r tw enty dotlars and I measure, and 28 votes against. was shocked." but of a fund made up from tbs fees jam during the closing hours could 1 Manufacturing Optician. It waa charged repeatedly th a t Ors ' od both houses. *F’- » pgr'<»a 9« ..................... _ J . t & . —I ae-efc k An Independent Newspap r eed go days In duration of actual P U B L IS H E D E V E R Y ' THURSDAY , » o rk in g days.- and th at ‘ no bills ' shall be Introduced a fter the fortieth I day of the s -- on. except approprla CHAS. BALLAKD, Editor . ! tlon bills or bills pertaining to the de- . ___________ _____ Entoiwd as second-class m a tte r Oc- fense of the slate or nation, except by to p er 3, 1»12, a t the postolfice a t Hal- unanimous consent of the m em bers of s*y. Oregon, under tne Act of M arch the legislative assem bly oc rob « all.’ Game Code Passes. 3, ib id . The Rogue river fish and the gam e Devoted to the m aterial upbuilding of commission bills have passed both H alsey and surrounding country and houses. These bills w ere In accord- Linn County generally. Subscription ance with an agreem ent reached last lu te $1.50 per y ear in advance. [ November by the com m ercial Inter 11 * 1 ests and sportsm en. I ic c n im e i i Fishing through th e year with hook TH E FU R N ITU R E HOSPITAL and line is perm itted in the Rogue The Halsey Enterprise I per» of livestock to the »«id stool cards. A in -- • ,^u >.» kv. .¡ it io I— J proposed law would be: To g -th e r and d issem -iate im psr tlal In: rm atlon concerning supply demand, prevailing price and C j U mere la I m ovem ents of livestock and t( promote, assist and encourage 1th« orKanjz a tjon an(j co-operation of co operative and other associations fo im provem ent of the relations and serv . j^pg among grow ers and producers distrib u tors and consum ers of meal and meat products. And generally to . do any and all things necessary to i co-ordinate the livestock grow ers to th e end th at the speculator and prof! teer beiw een the grow ers and the con seiner can be elim inated. Meat P ackers Divided On Bills. ! Independent sm all packers and stockm en were arrayed against repre? j of the stockyards and tin big packers in the com m ittee on agri culture and forestry over the Upton bills. These m easures are calculated to work certain reform s in the hand ling of cattle in the stockyards to the benefit of the grow ers and lire strong ly opposed by the big packers. Indications point to a favorable re port by the Committee on the bill which requires statem ents of meat in cold storage, but the bill calling for carcasses to be stam ped as to grade ant g i r i c ce i will not receive the favor co m ittee, it Is expected. of ;ft- com Â. Petsrson Baby Chicks ’EVIEW CF WORK OF OREGON LEGISLATURE O p to m e tr is t r o*ca ot tie avoiuea.