H alsey enterprïsî .... r . i . n . HALSfeY, LINN VOL. 8, NO. a« COUNTY, OREGON, FEBRUARY 21 H»?1 $1.50 PER T R A I X ¿> ***-******«*« THE No. 1 Red and Alsilte HALSEY NEWS NOTES H awed for sale at lowest Clever price HALSEY STATE BANK T . J. Skirvm . H A LSEY . O REG O N ALSQ ITEM S L « u Taxes and Mure Erononi’ . I n te r e s t paid on tiiaa tartileatos of deposit H. KOONTZ, Prea. D. TAYLOR, V ice-Pro B. M. BOND. Cashier PREPAYMENT FARM LOANS ’P R E ’ ' to psyw eel ta d w ill lean yea ataaey for tea or No eomnueeiea asortgagv, bo L if t laearaace tweaty Voe eaa, bat do sot have ts pay oa the p naeipal aaaaalty. See J. M, and H. M. Hawkins, Albany, Oregon. The First Saving, Bank of Albany,Oregon ba a gwod place to depant year taviage. ♦ perceat ia te r n t oa n v ia g a aeeeaala that ran three neatUe. ms taoatfca ar a year, fatereet paid a a n i-a o a a a U y . OYAU ^WORCESTER aCORSETl Guaranteed by Us You need corsets for Style but you buy them for Ser­ vice and nothing can take the place o f long wear. We have spent years getting acquainted with practically ev­ ery corset and when we offer you ROYAL WORCES­ TER corsets, we know we are giv- urh l e k does p a t e n te d Brownsville and D rifted Snow Hour at D H S tu rte v a n t's . W k I "~5 a t i . EVERY TB1N« ©FTICAk E Y E S T R A IN 1, the Cante of Many HYMAN ILLS our e y e , giv e yeu troaMe, your glasses are annoying SEE VS. We can Relieve Xaa Bancroft Optical Co. 313 1st St. \Y. Albany. P boae 441 Dr and Mrs G arnjohst were Brownsville visitors Tuesday. Mr and Mrs I E T rue moved hack to tow n' from th e ir ranch last F riday. T hey g >t buck in lim e to tak e in the H igh School play. REAL ESTATE ! ^1 /jx /ix You can see their Style—you can feel J their Fit—and their service is guaranteed by us. tk a Clover iVareheese. ‘NMBlaewu»*»: burdens. Incom petence and ex ­ travagance in public office m ust be elim inated. Not a dollar should ba . ta k e i from taxpayers above if y o n w ant to sell y o u r place now is th e tim e to jth a t required to m aintain the gov- s ta r t so m eth in g , by listin g it with m e. e ra m e n t of the m unicipality, conn- I am a sso c iatin g with d e alers in th e larg e r eities ‘ty, sta te and nation honestly and j econom ically adm inistered. of th e V alley and w ill tliend'oro have a line oil th e I ■ Those inveet d w ith public a u ­ b u y ers com ing in. It m ight also be p o ssib le to t h o r i t y from governor to road s u - ' tra d e v o u r p re s e n t h o ld in g s for a place ■ o r* to per visor tb oul i b<* m ace to realize y o u r liking. L et’s get to g eth er. th a t th is is no tin e for increased : Ofhce at Halsey Drug Store J yy M O O R E hardens, hut rath>-r th a t they will be held to stric t account for fail-1 ure to avail of every o p p o rtu n ity ’ to increase efficiency ami reduce th« cost of governm ent. T he dem and of the hoar is not increased ta x a tio n hut retrench laent in publ c expenditures. Miss Skirvin ing you the best wearing and most economical corsets made. u iit/i EV ER Y W H ER E T h ere were twelve of our young people went out to the H L S tra- W anted—Sheen p a stu re and ley home last Monday n ig h t and public u tility taxes he increased some feeder hogs. I still have made candy and had a general the burden is shifted bark on the three fresh cows for sale. It {J good time uutil a late h o u r. people by an increase in freight or M ayberry. A Mr Davis and fam ily from passenger rates or charges for Mrs Brown, M r, Veda Bramwell C anada arrived here last F riday, service. It is passing stran g e t h i t nt a and the Misses L iu lie- R ilmett Mr Davis is a half brother to C C lim e when tax atio n is a burden on and A nna H einrich were A linin' Jackson ami is well known in this com m unity, huving lived here ten everyone, a t a tim e when public '•allers I nesdav. Darymen League M em bers of years ago. expenses should be cut to th e q u ic k Profs Patterson and E n g lish , and extravagance wiped out, some Hal-iey Local wishing feed can leave orders w ith T J 'rikirvi n at I d id n 't begin wilh askings, ‘ 1 took the job and I stuck, j And I to ik the chance /y '/W /P /A ’ ■ , /A ’■ ' /hl wouldn’t And now they’re calling it lock. Dr. H ess Stock T onic S up p tie a th e T o n ic a — L m ra tr^ a a — i b a r d ice ¡ ¡ ¡ - l » ; ; - n- df.-f from w.-rm.. If kr< i* th« appefito and dte4