q axo ty A C H IL D M A Y EAT OUR C AN D Y v . any ., juriouc eilccts, for n is all made o f the purest ma­ terials. and is fresh every day. The p u rity and freshness o f our confectionery has always teen our strong point, andi i t has al ways found ready favor w ith the candy eating public, Just try a box and be convinc­ ed it is the best candv made CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. THE PRINCE OF LIARS Buy Now! A sparkling, roaring farce in three acts. Buy at home and keep the money going. TIME, 8:15, February 18th We have reduced prices on granite City Hall, ware, aluminum ware etc. Start the PLACE, HALSEY year aright and buy now. CAST OF CHARACTERS . Cross & White Mr. ARTHUR HUMMINGTOP, very much married, Lewis Skirvin Ralph Omerod, Hummingtop’s friend William Corcoran Smith Bros.’ Market Mrs. Hummingtop, Hummingtop’s wife Nora Pehrsson Fresh and Cured Meats Always On Mrs. Gillibrand, his mether-in-law Bertha Walker Ercell Sneed Hand. Also Other Meats in Season. Joshua Gillibrand, Mrs. Gillibrand’s son Daisy Mateland, Hummingtop’s niece Donna Robertsor Rosa Colombier, an Actress Helen Armstrong 4? Dobson, Hummingtop’s man servant Lawrence Welk Barbara, Mrs. Hummingtop’s maid Pearl Pehrssor Writ chop Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satudays. w « w w Given by the Senior Class of the Halsey High School. W Admission: Reserved seats fru m Adults Children Reserved seats on sale at Clark’s Confectionery Store harrows, Disc harrows, Spring o. w. i I Plows, Pog tooth toolh harrows. ’ Hollers, both kinds. Cultivators. 2-horse and a 7-tooth 1-horse. Manure spreaders, the best there is bv test. Tin- i itan 10-20 tractor. Examine now on my floor. L 1-2 i p engines and eream separators. Come in and look them over and we will swap with von \\ e have on hand 1 second hand 1-h p engine, also o-h Stover engine and 1 grimier. Will sell cheap T h o s e a r e h o iu o o f t h e t h i n g s / o X o w M O R N H IN W E G Z w i i X » Shedd Rev Stanly Van Winkle and wife and child visited Saturday with Mr Van Winkle'» parent» in Albany. Mis» Mabelle M Jnneg and Mies Blanche Epperly were guegts The b isket ball game here la » t; Neighbor. Friday night between Lebanon Alva Croft was an Albany vtsi nnd Shedd resulted in a score ofi or last T h u rsd ay . 29 to 19 in favor of Shedd. (T aken from the Shedd Visitor, Stanley H enry’s little »on, who Mr an d Mrs Freerksen have r has been sick with pneum onia is ceived word th a t Mrs Freerksen getting better. brother, Dick Peters, who hi P, C Morgason, and Mrs Kate been sick for some time was dyiai Croft and her sister, Tempa Brock, Mrs Freerksen had been with hli were Albany callers last Thursday. u n til called home by sickness. C J Shedd attended the aut > Mr Connor, one of the Shedd Thom pson Bros shipped tw »how in Albany Saturday, mail carrier», had the iniefortnne cars of bay, one of flour, and ot S B Power» died at At-hlnnd, to break his car while in front of of feed last week. Ore, Monday night after a long ('laud Thompson’» farm one day C alls Circle Neighbors of Wotx illness. Mr Powers was C4 yeaig lust week and was not able to get craft will celebrate nheir 23rd at old and was born on the farm of) home until a late hour at night nivervary, Feb 22, from 3 to 5 p « bis parents, Mr and Mrs Wm Pow- M m t>.. Price . has moved j onto the d th e W O W hsll. rrs near oncuci where H r input v . i Frank Maxwell farm near Haleay. The basket ball gam e bet wee practically all of his life exreht . . . . On necount of the high water in Halsey and Shedd t h a t was ached 'for a brief trip on account of his J health. Mr» Il L Sprenger, his the Callapoo a the Tangent mail uteri for Saturday night. Feb 5tb jonlv sister, was on h e r w av to hi» carrier. sometimes fails to com­ bad to be called off due to the fao th a t Hill and Simons were at Hal ¡bedside when he died. Beeid-8» plete his route. l h 'd r a m a . The Prairie Rore. «y with the dram a, and the nigh widow, he is sinvived by a hrotl. ’•r, J M Powers of Missouri, ’ *** "h0**1 a* T « 'g e n t Wednesday re fore Harold Pugh had the mis Hprenger of Albany, aadVevsral of la*1 « »*k, and on S ator- fo rtin e to h u rt bis wrist vary bad lay n ght it »¡is given at Alpine. ly. We will play Corvallis hsn nieces and nephews. The funeral Home limn io the Bear future. M to be held at Albany Th ursday Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Curer afternoon. Mis» Maud McDaniels of Alba, .............'> • •». a , they c a a a o t r . . , . ' •« d ...« a , ■ portion of t h . c a r T h .“ „ ny, has been secured as the assis­ Mr and Mrs II J Farwell an i liV . W ” CU’ " c* !* r r h *l S«ai»oS. ^ irrh li V * « • n .tltu O o n a l r . m . J , tant teacher in the High School, smiling over the advent of a 9 l-‘. 'b e is taking the English and the lh son that came Monday nigh history. I- make its home with them. j f w S i" » Next M onday Shedd is to lose h.ar?na J«»e Pngb has been lifting to. • i'll* ’7 . • '. i t r , 'L d " " r r n “ ' c # :,Î J U o " «»w u s. . c , -» ro v -j f o ra v .r C M . o, bard on sacks of wheat and »» ,, ) I " n î ? m ' . T ' b v , r » ’ »rrl> - W h i c h * . one of her valued citiiens. Nevin McC irmicl., who - goes - to Waterloo *1* J. .t», , * rrh M W H In . asta ih r» consequence is suffering from i 1 ' ' — - • ' <-■'*, mail ,.„ .riHr ,,ut „f th a t place, ' strained back. S B Powers, who is spending the H any of the citizens of Shed,* win er at Ashland. Oregon, is re­ * ’• J. C H E N E Y * c o . Toledo. a with had ported to be some better and able The Calla Circle had vwy to sit up, but it will be several S P Brock is improving his farm » . IM P L E M E N T S T O R E “In E v e r y R e sp e c t *ayi the Good Judge Y o u get m ore genuine chew­ ing satisfaction fro m the Real T obacco C hew than you ever got fro m the o rd in a ry k in d . T h e good to b a c c o taste lasts so long a sm all chew o f this class o f tobacco lasts m uch longer than a big chew of the old k in d . T h a t’s w h y it costs less to use. A n y man w ho has used both kin d s w ill te ll you that. A v / up in two styles W - C C L 1 is a long fine-cut tobacco R I C H f C l IT is a sh o rt-cu t tobacco Ntw York City Look for some _ special V club « «.« . / I rates d le » at we hope to have for you before that very long. I by putting a fence around it. n» e mt «ting l.,t Tuesday night. L sebs before be is able to Neilia batchwell was Guardian moved.