Amor A. Tusningj Ha Lay Items LAV, YE& AND NOTARY B bownbvillb . O bbgon Leave uruera for land plaster at th« lumber yard. lOtf Honey—Reduced 20 per cent while it lasts. Also some fine male calves fpr sale. N T Sneed Two doors north of the total. Halsey. 1-27 tf. Am prepared to do all kind« of While in Halsey call on the •ho« repairing. Satisfaction Raw ley man for extracts, spices guaranteed. all medicines Btock tonics and JEWETT the COBBLER. worm destroyer. Mail orders promptly filled. Or phone 1615. H S Winkleman, Pawley man. J A McCnllongh of Albany, transacted business in Halsey G L A S S E S F IT T E D ■v Tuesday. GRADUATE Frank Kirk, R L Winniford, O P T O M E T R IS T Prof English, Mrs D Taylor. Mabie McKern and Mrs Brown P R IV A T E O F F IC E F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S were Albany callers Saturday. Mrs Brown stopped of at Shedd P R IC E S R E A S O N A B U a •nd spent the week end with her r . M. f r e n c h a S ons folks. , ALBANY OREO. Geo Alford transacted business in Shedd last Saturday. Lyle Grimes is reported on the THE HALSEY ENTERPRISE sick list last week and this and the week. Jaa Rector jr, has been on the OREGON FARMER sie)t list for a few days. _____ one year for $1.65. ____ For Sale—Registered Short to ACEES On- the PACIP1C HIGH­ Horo bull three years old past, WAY. perfectly gentle, never broke a A. H. Quinby. All under cultivation except 2 acre* o( fence. oak timber, good 5-roon» houie, Urge For Sale—Fine, large, White barn and all neceaaary ontbnilthag., a Rose potatoes one dollar per hun­ good well at the house, family orchard dred. A. H. Quinby. and berriea. woven wire fences. Thia Here is a Bargain—C-roomed place ia between Albany and Tangent and ia a good buy at $9500.00. Terms. house and four lots in the west WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO. part of Halsey for $275. Lum­ 403 1st National Bank Building. ber in the house is worth al­ Albany, Oregon most that to tear down and use on your farm; or just the place to fix up for your High School chil­ C. c . B R Y A N T dren to batch in. See Phib Starr. ATTORNEY A T LAW Don't forget the Senior play. 201 New First N a t’l Bank Bldg. "The Prince of Liars." Albany. Oregon. Mrs Harry Leeper of Alpine, visited thia week with her hus­ band’s father.a Frank Leeper. J W Drinkard was on the Bick ist for a few days this week. H E Gormley is at home sick this week and Mr Kimbrell is ta­ king his place in the store. C H Koontz, M E Gardner and C E Guliford were Albany call­ ers Friday. Of course they took in the auto show. Jas McMahan shipped a load of hogs Tuesday. Blanche Forster from Eugene spent the week end with her par­ ents. Mrs Ida Cummings visited the sehool the fore part of this week. Frans and Mayberry shipped a car of hogs Wednesday. Married, at the home of the bride’s father, last Sunday, Miss Alta Walter, of Portland, and Harrold E. Disamore, of Amity. Rev.C.T.Cook officiated. We have uot been able to learn any ot the particulars. Mrs J A Stevenson returned Fri­ day after a short visit at Eugene. Clifford Cary was a Salem call­ er Tuesday. i . Shoe Repair Shop YOU, as a customer o f ours, are not asked and are not expected to buy from the BLAIN CLOTHING COMPANY unless we can Sell you merchan­ dise of a quality that satisfies and pleases you at pri­ ces that mean a saving. W e feel that our 56 years in the buying and selling of men’s and boys’ clothing will en­ able us to do just this. The Prince of Liara. I Gilbert Hay*» is reported to h ’ im p ro v in g . teaching at Rowland school I day, M oo-1 Paul Bierley, and Hazel, Irene, Miss Cleona Smith, from W il­ lamette Ueiveraity, spent the week aud Cecil Q uinby went over to Corvallis Saturday to attend the end in Halsey. They returned Mrs. G. W . Mornhinweg returned , C E convention. home Friday from a visit t» her Sunday evening. There w h s a valeu 'in e social a t. daughter in Newberg. Mrs. Jess Salley, accotnpauitd the Brandon school house last by her mother, Mrs. Maxwell, re­ i Friday night. A la ir crowd e n ­ jo y e d a jolly good time u n til a turned from Albany Friday. Adrian Goodbrod was a passen­ very lute hour. Born to Clinton Morris last ger on the north-bound train Sun­ T hursday, a son. day. T he W O W met Tuei-duy night Tne Shedd band is to furnish the music for the draiuu Friday of last week and rehearsed their night. 1 new ritual. Paul Bierly motored down from Seym our Bowman left T hursdav G ray's 'Station Wednesday ic a t­ for P ortland to get him self a wife. tend a sale. I 'p to last Saturday night he had O. W. Frum and Redmond ' not brought her home. Pearl have been drawn for jury At the L iterary S atu rd ay night duty fortbecom ing team of court. Ed Kizer -prung 11 considerable of O. W. Frum returned from a surprise to some a t least of Portland last Friday, but returned those present, in the shape of a Wednesday to attend the funeral dem onstration of an egg tester. of hie sister, who ¡passed away on . It looked lika an ordinary ball Tuesday morn ing. wrapped in gold tinted paper aud DREW LAUGHTER FROM GRANT Witty Remarks of Mark Twain Broke Down Reserve Characteristic of the Famous Soldier. Responding to the toast of “Babies" at the memorable Chicago banquet In honor of Ge». Grant In 187®, Mnrk Twain conclndod with a sentence that set the gathering In an uproar. In hla Inimitable drawling voice tiu said “In his cradle, somewhere under the flag, the future Ulus.rlous com mander-ln-chlef of the American armies Is ao little burdened with bis approaching grandeurs and responsi­ bilities as te be giving his whole strategic mind, at this moment, to trying to find some way to get Ills own big toe Into his mouth, an achieve meat which (meaning no disrespect) the Illustrious guest of this evening alao turned his attention to some flfty-alx years ago. And If the child la but the father of die man, there are mighty few who will doubt tiny he succeeded " At that conclusion tb s sudlence broke Into cheers, and roars of Inngb ter lu which even the reserved Grant Joined. hung on a string. The claim is made for it th a t when some person holds th at hall over an egg, if the hall swings with a rotary motion the egg will hatch a p a rtic u la r one of the sexes ( I d o n ’t remember which one), and if the hall swings with a backward and forward m o­ tion the egg will h atch a bird of the opposite sex, and if the hall rem ains still th a t the egg would : he in fe rtile . It was demon strated by holding the hall O ver the hands of two 11 en and two ladies and th e hall vibra­ ted differently with them . Brandon Center E. L. STIFF and SON FURNITURE. DEALERS Carries everything in Furniture, also PIPELESS FURNACE». The RAMONA MACHINE plays all makes of records. Also WHITE SEWING MACHINES. 215-217 Lyon Street, Albany. Da ItARULB IS J ack - 304-305 1st Na­ tional liank Buildia. AB mov . Vreguu . m > o Without pain. blocking method. ■ 1... L ■ ■ Late nerve­ a.". 1 ■gFCTg»ffg— BARBER - SHOP. KARL A. BUAMW1LL. Proa Suits Cleaned And Pressed. I.AVNDRV SENT AWAY on MONDAY I. (). 0. F. W1LDEY L0D SE NO. Hfc Regular meeting next Satur­ day night. BARBER SHOP Electric H aircutting. U a u a ffin g and Shampooing. Laundry, Cleaning and Preasinff E. C . M IL L E R W. J. Ribelin Dealer in Real Estate. Handlet Town and Country Property, (iive hltu a call and tee il he tau 4* you up. All friends and patrons of th< Brandon school wer invited to n valentine party at the school house tv here they enjoyed a so­ 304 Broadalbin St. Albany. cial evening and were treated to Our wonderful roots aud herb« Lome made candy and valentines, made by the teacher, Miss Lois are found in the China prepara­ tions and have stood the teat of a Hampton, and her pupils. Mr Seymore Bowman went to thousand years to cure C atarih. Have Broad Matrimonial Views. Present-day Maoris are nominally Portland last week where he Asthma. Lung Trouble, Cane« r, Christians, but there are many old met a friend of his youth in Ten-1 Rheumatism, Blood Poison, N er­ ehlefs who are still fond of their an clent totem poles. Their religion Is nessee and brought her home' vousness, Stomach, Liver and Mr Bow-j Kidney troubles, also private ail­ that of namroworvfdp combined with with him as his bride. the veneration of ancestors. A peen man has been o n w us as a ments of men and women: Con­ liar and Interesting detail of their re bachelor a good many years and sultation Tree. The Hing Wo llgton Is the belief that th" voul dwells we congratulate him upon the Chinese Medicine Co. P O Box, In each human being's left eye. The Maoris were enthusiastic can 1 forsaking of a single life and act 247, Albany, Oregon. nlhala In by-gone days, their favorite ing wisely at last. dish being rousted hearts. Eating the Our wood choppers are having hearts of their enemies was supposed to give them strength, especially In a lay off while the location of the pursuit of war time activities. I)R. A. R. PiNNEY their labor is covered with snow, As for the Maoris' marriage laws, i Mr and Mrs Clinton Morse are 1 Electrical equipped office they seem to have none. But they be Iteve very strongly that aian should 'rejoicing over the arrival ( f a Room 401 Firat Naboaal Baak Mail«*«* Albany Ore. have absolute power over woman. j new son on Wednesday, Feb 9 ! Even today the> ha re very broad views Mr Morse bought the place oc. on the subject o f n.utrlmony. and each tnsn generally lak'R unto hlms'df ns cupied by Mr Sickels for some W R I G H T & P O O L E many wives us lie ''an afford to main 'years and moved onto it last LICENSED FUNERAL DIRH CTO t« tain. ¡Fall. HARRISBURG LEBANON Mr arid Mrs Byrd W aegener Rhone 35 Rhane IS . Embryo Ruak.n. 1 took a flying trip to Halsey by­ liraachea at The following composition on “Tti B row nville, Wm T Templeton, M«r. Angelos" was wrltlen by a New York way of Brownsville Saturday and Miss Annie Laurie | Italxey, Phone 166, Prank Kirk, Mgr. schoolboy: "I lie picture was painted brought by Malay. It contains .1 man and u Smi'h home with them fora visit. woman, a pit'hfork, wheelbarrow mid Clarence W aggener of H arris­ a church »te< plo. The innn mid the woman are very poor and they have burg, made a trip ' back home" j been digging potatoes because the? Tuesday. The Hing Wo Chi­ nese Medicine Co. Chiropractor need them to live on. The potatoes look quite small. Just at sunset they bear t bell ring: It Is the Angelus. It means they must pray. So they bow their heads and pray for bigger pota­ t o e s '—Boston Transcript. Reading the "Arabian Nights" so stimulated the pent up imagi­ nation of Arthur Hummingtop, hen-pecked-by his-motner-in-law, Charity Grange Items. that he imagined himself Calif Haroun al Raschid of Bagdad, Quite a num ber from our vicin­ and sallied off to London in quest ity attended the “ Brown Jubilee Make our store your of adventure. He didn’t know Singers" concert Wednesday he had found it when he met a night of last week. They gave a headquarters when you cold chorus girl in the park and good program to a crowded house wrapped his pocket handkerchief are in Albany. The High School students of about her neck to keep her warm Rowland and their invited friends but he had. He realized it when attended a valentine paity at H ar­ YOU ARE the girl followed the address on risburg Friday night. A pro­ the handkerchief and came with gram, refreshm ents, and an enjoy­ W ELCOM E. it to his home. Then to the able time is reported. mother-in-law. wife, and painter Mrs Geo Fanning of Homestead, friend, the intruder was intro­ Ore, ia a guest of Mr and Mrs G eo duced as Hummingtop’s niece Belts, from America. But at the crucial i Jack Green, Miss Ethel Green, moment the rightful niece ar­ and Beryl Kiser took in the auto­ rived. A hilariously enjoyable mobile show Saturday. Mrs Robinson ol E igene began ALBANY, OREGON unraveling followed. F. M. GRAY, Drayman. " RIALTO All work done promptly and reasonably. Phone No. 26f. Thursday, February 17th. Artistic Piano Tuning Shipwrecked Among Cannibals. Rig Special Feature and ARTHUR COLE, Albany, Ore. Leave orlera with Woodworth Drug Cw. Albany. Oregon. $5. Town or Country FOURTH EPISODE. Chiropractor "LOST CITY.” DR. R. H. HARRIS W X RAY Thursday, February 24th Ceaica B ank Bnn.uiw* At.«*«». Frank Keenan in D R . E. S . D O N N E L L Y Dollar for Dollar. FIFTH EPISODE “ LOST CITY.” Surgical diwaaaa •» Eye, Ear. None aad Threat ol A ia ta eirr a o SOI Firat National Sank Klkg Albany.