Salora „r - c- - t. T i - r «r ♦-'tnVr ffi-f Saturday everting s ‘ 7 o’eloeV 1' Ib a n y 4nd witness the basket ba*i a stioit practice beiore Uie gunit A t . Independent Ne »»paper game between the Halsey Hi girls Mv'hodiat Church Note« PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY and hoys and the Lebanen Hi girls First Door West of St Francia Hotel. and : oys. Ih - «cores were girls SUNDAY SCHOOL CHAS. BALLARD, Editor 13 to 9 in favor of Halsey, and Phone C O D Orders 77 Christian Watchfulness. the boys score was 22 to 19 in Enured as aecocd-claa» matter Oc- Therefore be ye also ready; for RETAILERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES tobai 3, 1312, at the puatoffice at Hal favor o f Lebanon. in an hour that ye thihk not the Did you see the game between wy. Oregon, under the Act of March .15 2 Cans pepper Son of man cometh. Matt 24: 44 COFFEE and TEA 3, IS. J. C abtree and Halsey? The boys .26 2 Cans nutmeg In Bible times some of the peo­ .45 played a candy good game and 1 pound M J B coffee .25 Devoted to the material upbuilding o f ; 2 Cans cinnamon ple were thoughtful enough to 1.20 won with a score o f 28 to 16. i pounds M J B coffee Halsey and »urroundmg country ano .25 2 Cans alspice think in advance of the things 2. CO A fter the Crabtree game our Linn County generally Subscription 5 pounds M J B coffee .25 2 Cans cloves rate 11.50 per year in advance refreshment committee had pre­ they would need and get them or 1 pound Schillings coffee .47 .25 1 pound bulk pepper learn them. To ente.’ C hrist’t pared a very nice lunch which 2 1-2 pounds Schillings coffee 1.15 2 ounces Vanilla .25 kirgdom we must be ready and 2.15 5 pounds Schillings coffee THE FURNITURE HOSPITAL was served a fte r the showers watchful. .25 2 ounces Lemon 1.70 were used. Games were played 5 pounds Wadco coffee Renovates and makes feather Nine of the Booster g irls’ elass SHORTENING and a very good time was re­ .55 1 pound Tree tea mattresses, old furniture ana j met at the home of their teacher, .65 3 pounds Crisco ported. 1-2 pound Tree tea Mrs Mornhmweg, last Monday mattresses made like new. 1.26 6 pounds Crisco Last Friday we were veiy 1 pound Folgers tea Bring them in or phone 261-R please^ to be addressed by M r night in a real, bushels of fun, 9 pounds Crisco 1.85 1-2 pound Folgers tea valentine party, in which hearis 128-130 Ferry St, Albany. Ore. .75 No 5 shortening Skirvin. In his patriotic address .80 1 pound Lipton’s tea were shot for g irl partners at a No 10 shortening 1.40 he told of the life o f Lincoln, 1-2 pound Lipton’s tea fine lunch. The new president 1.00 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF HEARING w hose birthday anniversary was .42 No 5 pure lard 50 cent Instant postum OF FINAL ACCOUNT. 1.96 No 10 pure lard that dav. We enjoyed this and Cecil Mayberry, presided in a .5 cent plain postum .22 The rooms Notice it hereby given that the fin»' would like many more such vis­ gracious manner. .35 Pine Wesson oil .35 account of Frank Kirk and W. K Kirk were decorated in keeping with 2 pounds bulk cocoa Quart Wesson oil .65 its. 1 pounds bulk cocoa as Co-Executor« o( the last Will an- the occasion. 1-2 gallon Wesson oil 1.10 Are you coming? Where? .37 Testament of IsabellC. Kirk deceased Some thoughtful Epworth 1 lb Gbirardellis chocolate has been filed in the County Court ol Next Friday evening at the hall, 3 lbs Ghirardellis chocolate 1.05 SOAP •s a LINN County. State of Oregon, and the Senior class is going to give League members and friends re­ BAKIN G POWDER membered one o f their number, 4 Orystal White .25 that the 14th day of March, 1921 at the a play that w ill offer every one a Everett Standish, last week with 1 pound Folgers .35 5 White Wonder .26 hour ot 10 o'clock A. M. ha» been dull jo lly time anc an opportunity to appointed by »aid Court tor the hearing a big box of choice home maoe 2 1-2 pounds Folgers .80 21 White Wonder 1.00 see and hear the "Prince of Li- of objection» to »aid final account ano candy. .30 14 A B Naptha 1.00 I pound Cleveland Just think of i t You the settlem ent thereof, at which tune a-s.” We are very sorry to report J pounds Cleveland .85 1.00 25 Easy Day any person interested iu »aid estate uiay w. 1 see the stately English la­ 3.60 22 Clean Easy 1.00 appear and file objection» theieto in dies, the typical American girl, the severe sickness of our young 10 pounds Schillings friend, Ruth Sturtevant. But 10 pounds Crescent .25 1.90 3 Creme Oil writing and content the tame. and the shocking adventuress. Dated and first published Feb. 10 the latest reports are that she I pound Crescent .26 3 Palmolive .25 Come and see a man fall into a 1931. has taken a decided turn for the 25 cent K C 1,00 .20 4 Citrus lot of trouble, especially with an Frank Kirk, .40 5 Golden Rod washing pwdr 1.00 >0 cent K C austere and hawk-eved mother- better. W. X Kirk, The membership committee ol <0 cent K C 3 Crystal White soap flakes .25 Executors oi tbe t »Ute. in-law. It w ill pav you to come, I the W F M S reports eight new 1 pound Ca'umet .25 .25 4 small Fairy .Amor A. Tussing Friday night, Feb 18, at the hall members at their meeting last 12 ounce Royal Atty (or Exrs .40 3 large . airy .25 at 8 o’clock. Come. 2 1 0 to 3-10. week and a total of th irty six. CANNED GOODS SYRUPS This is equal to any enrollment Christian Church Notes NOTICE OF APPOINTM ENT OF AU 5 pounds Marshmallow .55 45c Del Monte pineapples 35 of former years. M lN lsT R A T o R 5 pounds Dark Karo .40 1.00 3 45c Del Monte pineapples Next Sunday w ill begin the The official board met Monday Notice is hereby given that tbe un S S contest at the Christian evening at the parsonage. Plans 10 pounds Dark Karo .75 25 cent pineappl* .20 dersigued by an order of tbe County .85 35 cent pineapple .28 church and at that time the two were made for something impor 10 pounds L ig h t Karo Court of LINN C ouut), Oregon, ha» .45 5 2 1-2 size apricots 1.00 sides w ill be chosen and captains tant, the coming reviva’ meeting. 5 pounds L ig h t Karo Oeeu appointed administrator of tbe es­ .70 4 2 1-2 size peaches 1.00 elected. All who are now mem­ First the preparatory work 5 pounds Maple Karo tate of H enrietta G ullilord deceased 10 pounds Maple Karo 1.25 25 2 cans good corn All person» having claim s a