! » E. L. STIFF and SON Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Ree .under the burdens. She stood for principles which were then mvu FURNITURE DEALERS- scr, a giil, luat Saturday. W P W«Jil transacted hue mess F u r a ik u ^ Word has been received at the very unpopular out are now m- Carrie8 avervthlBK in Albany Saturday. B m w m b v il l b . O regon corpora ted in law and practice, n , n «T « . « • « M ) « u t P » A county clerk’s office th at Belle Please return my woverj wire »'•» P lV tL W B Bemford has been paroled from •nil to those of her type i , the stretcher.»’G W Mornhinweg. credit largely due. She was a tho state hospital for insane to The RAMONA MACHINE • «■ . Brown Leghorn eggs for hatch­ her brother at Harrisburg. She consistent follower of her great Two doors aorth of the botsl. ing >1.00 per 16. Maude Ren was committed to the asylum on Master. "Blessed are the dead plays all makes of resords. Am prepared to do all kinds of ninger. L—_ November, 12, liM>5 from Halsey, w h o d ie in th e j.o r d .” A lso W H IT E SEW ! shoe repairing. Satisfaction Gilbert Hayes was reported on where she then resided. Christian Church Mutes M A C H IN E S . guaranteed. the sick list the fore part of the Some time next week the Sen­ JEWETT the COBBLER. week. „ Raymond C Smith has accept- 215-217 L y o n S tr e e t, A lb a n y , ior elass will give their play “The A good second hand De Laval ed a call to the pastorate ot the — ■ ■ ■ ■ 111 Prince of Liars’’. Considerable separator, also a new Primrose. Ohristian church until Oct 1st, time has been spent in practicing rod 304-305 IM Nu- G W Mornhinweg. the play, which is one of the and b ‘gan his work last Sunday. O G L A S S E S F IT T E D Leave orders for land plaster at choice bits of modem comedy. He stated last Sunday th at his tioual BavU BtnltUn, ■v tbs lumber yard. 2 lOtf. Come and prepare to enjoy an first imt ressions of Halsey and W ithout pain. Late G R AD U ATE J W Moore was sick last week evening of r i o t o u s laughter. its people are very favorable and blocking method. O P T O M E T R IS T ith TonsiUtis but is able to re­ Watch the hand bills for the da'e he is taking hold of the work P R IV A T E O F F I C E sume business thia Week. Remember “ The Prince of L iars" with enthusiasm. Especially is F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S Mr* |'rank Ackerman visited Lebanon Couple M arried—Ar­ he interested in the activities of KARL A. BRAMWELL. fr®u. PRICES R IA JO N A B L I over Sunday, .with her aunt, Mrs thur V. Holgate and Wifnifred and for young people, and ex-1 Zimmerman. F . M . F R E N C H A S o n s B Chance, of Lebanon, were u- Pressed his opinion that Halsey s | ALBANY OREO. L hi Penland. of Pendleton, nited in m arriage at the court yo™K folks *re ° f the *>’P« that I Suits Cleaned And Pressed. and stayed until after the funer­ tnuse this morning, Judge W R accomplish great things in the I i.AVNDRY sent away on moniia T al of Mrs Quick. Bilyeu officiating at the cere­ world. Mrs R 0 Caves, of Corvallis, a mony in the county court room. THE , »ALSEY ENTERPRISE Brother Smith is a very able Deice of Mrs Quick, came over Mr and Mrs Holgate will make young man and a cordial invita­ and tbe W1LIIEY 1.01MÎE NO. « . Saturday to attend the funeral. their home a t Lebanon. Mr Hol­ tion is extended to the public to Regular meetiDg next 8atu>- OREGON FARMER H C Davis received a car of gate is an automobile salesman. worship with us and get ac­ dav night. gravel Monday which is being Mrs. C EG ulliford was hostess quainted _j _ _ one year f ° r t i es. put on the road north of Halsey. at a very enjoyable meeting cf All church services Sunday as M) A 0E 8S Oai the PACIFIC HIGH­ Tuesday night The Halsey Ath­ the Woman’s S t u d y Club on usual, beginning with the Bible' WAY. letics played the Peoria basket Thursday afternoon. Mrs G. T. schoo’ at 10 o’clock. The High Electric H aircutting. M assagisg All under cultivation except 2 acre» of ball team. The score was 32 to Kitchen and Mrs Sidney J Smith School class is getting along and Shampooing. _. . . 1 _ . in ■ 4 their 1, . . . m study I , . J », of » the 1 » New AT «» * timber, good 5-room honee, large 18 in favor of Halsey.J nicely very ably presented the lesson Laundry, Cleaning and Pressing fry™ and all necessary outbuilding«, a Miss N Spencer from Yoncalla, onlModern Methods in the House. testam ent. good well at tbe home, family orchard E. C. M IL L E R Plans for the enlarging of the and berrie», woven wire fences. Tbit came down last Friday after Mrs Miss Isabelle Gulliford and Mi-s place is between Albany and Tangeut Quick had passed away—She will Pearl Pehrsson served. Tte next Bible school are under considera­ and is a good buy at »9500.00. Term. probably be here two weeks. meeting of the Club will be at tion with a view to “ 101 by WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO. We understand that a man by the home of Mrs B M Bond; Mrs E aster.’’ ♦03 1st National Bank Building. in Real Estate. At 11 o’clock the sermon sub Dealer the name of Petrie has bought Drinkard will have charge of the Albany, Oregon Handles Tow»» *■1 k t • • • If* ly purchased from W H Camp­ Roll call io be answered by a line followed by communion. Endeavor meeting a t 6:30. you up. bell. C .C . B R Y A N T of an American Folk Song. Subject, The Sacrifice of Christ, Honey—Reduced 20 per cent ATTO RNEY A T LA W MethoditU Church N ot eg Genevieve Wells, Leader. 201 New First N at’l Bank Bldg, while it lasts. Also some fine 7:30 song service. Sermon mala calves for sale. N T Sneed Albany, Oregon. SUNDAY SCHOOL topic, “ No Room in the In n .” Halsey. 1-27 tf. Lessons on Citizenship. ' C E business meeting was held R L Winniford, who had been And he said unto him, Thou 304 Broadalbin Bk. Albaay. at the home o f W ilmetta Forster on a business trip to Salem and s h .lt love the Lord thy God w ith , Our wonderful roets aad herbs Newberg, returned home Satur­ all thy h a rt and with all thy o|. the Endaavorer, are are found in the China prepara­ » u l and with all J h v mind. for the State c E tions and have stood the teat ef a day. Mr and Mrs Chas Standish ,Mrs This .a the great and first com- #t theuaand year» to cere Catarrh, Mary Kobaett, Johnny Davis and mandment. An a secon< 1 u state conventions are always Asthma, Lung Trouble, Caaoai'. wife, and Wm Davis and wife unto this, Thou shalt love thy “ mountain top’’ events for the Rheumatism, Blood Poieen. N er­ of Brownaville were here Satur­ neighbor as thyself. Matt 23: 37-1 Christian Endeavorers. vousness, Stomach, Liver and day to attend the funeral. 39. Kidney trouble., also grieate ail­ School N otes This is one of the great lessons There was a goat riding and ments of raea a id wbeaen. Goa- banquet at the Rebekah lodge of the year. Until the time sultation free. I k e Hing Wo A basket ball game has been last night. Halsey put on the com»s when the provisions of Chinese Medicine Cq. F O Boa, team work and a good delegation thi3 tex t comes to be the belief scheduled with Lebanon next 247, Albany, Oregon. and practices of men and na-1 Saturday night at Lebanon. It from Shedd and Harrisburg tions, wars and rumors of wars is to be a double header, both lodges were present Those true to boys and girls. Come along and 0. W Frum, was called to Port­ will continue. land. Monday, by the serious ill- God will be loyal to human gov- toot for your school team. 1 he DR. A. IL PINNBY __ “ W hatever makes players are going in cars, neaa his sister, Mrs. Irvin Tucker ernm ent. Electrical equipped oflica men good Christians will make | Quite a number of the High of Moulton, Ore. Kootn 401 First Nsliim aF Soak Bull Ÿ /Z Mrs. Lloyd Byerley. who was them good citizens.” —D Web- School students drove to Albany | Albaay Ore. _____ Tuesday evening to hear tho mu- Albany for about a week on ater. It’s all in getting used to it. account of a aargical operation, Many of the friends were glad sical concert given a t t h e l i r s t „ » « . p u u - u - & p tc L fe Said the foreman in the glue returned to har home the fore to greet Bro Gre" i Sunday morn- Presbyterian church. I factory, “ i don’t see how these part of this week. The teachers training class are UC1WSBD evn RRAI IHRECTOW8 „ „ ing a fter his strong sermon. fellows over in the Tannery LEBANON uakki . s bi 'RO Mr and ,MrS Rogers, of Port- His force an 1 earnestness were taking a special correspondence Pknaa Iti itand i t ” equal if not greater than in for- course in Palmer method writing, , Hu*» lead, are visiting Mra Roger’s Branche« at Said the foreman in the Tan brother, G T Kitchen raer years. Last week the school was. Brownaville, Win T Y ew pletuo. M«e. nary, “ How on earth the fellows Mr and Mrs A M W right of pleased to be addressed bv Mrs Ilaltey, IMioue 1U. Prank Kirk. M10 to Mrs W Fraoois, of Albany, Rep Heralds m eetings were postponed us a few ¡t(;rng from Leb- >20 difference in the price of a Wright and wife of Moro, were ja9t wee|[ until the same time gnQn m ight be of interest to A rtis tic Piano T u n in g suit or overcoat will have to keep here to attend the funeral of Mrs thig week Ha) ,ey peop)e A KT II PR COLE A iteuy, Or», on going into somebody else • Quick. They returned to then Rro jitl,e son Claude is j h e Wm Curtis family are lr. She was Mrs Georgia Bierfcy in an Alba­ ny hospital. Mrs Bierley is re- a pioneer in early church and W »01 1 ’irut N«Uooxl Bxu.il R1 knK AMD NOTARY B«1 m ; II n m * »VMIÀCW. Shop Shoe Repair F AS QFMTISTRY D‘ “ U“L BARBER - SHOP. I. O. O. F. BARBER SHOP 9 W. J. Ribelin The Hing Wo Chi­ nese Medicine Co. COWER PRICES. —— ■ ■ Chiropractor__ IS C( • for J gh Ha tb® con .he Pacil •liu it. t In Shedd. • be an f o r cona ■ n o w b< itr a e ts ( dge in t , Irav« Brow nsi >oia a im in g I w h e n th n ia h v d ro g ra m , i th e no i c o rre s f to r e jn ia he b ru t , a b ly w ill RAGR^ re 5 te Drifted t e v a n t ’ e. u rn , deni ’ Tuesdi il.” a I f lo v e , hi m en e| o th e u tl B. Haul io f Zane ed b y t p o r a tio n ;e c a s t o i j r e t th e i 'Kim, Ki is D e L u I ’hurch , 10 fo rw a rd e v e ry a ■r w i l l I ot E tige a b o th ml : "t 7, I luhject, i duti. 6: d |y , 2- m t e ve r! a p p o in t I oner toes i 1)1« J 11 be F. M. GRAY, Drayman. c hiropractor X-RAY Vice- kl