.)n n ry / pç nr is coin stuiwge lur mure «an 90 de’-v -—o b-f— f In- """r d sale cauil lx. Lraudvd or k.amp.d with the word "storage.’’ When eggs An Independent Newspaper are placed In refrigeration for the pur­ PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY pose of cold storage there shall be I H e re ’s genuine chewing ) tamped on each container the date Fourth W eek of S ession C om ­ when entered In refr« glasses. Ask to see the new regardless of whether his taxable In Mbs Hampton w ent Sales rltlz.-ns of th, l nl'»d S»a’«s. The hl 1 ?a 1,488 "P°" 'he question of fixing ___ to _______ Sheltex temples. come Is derived from property or bush provides for hearings on charges c f ,he of 'h<' legislative session for the Week end, to gee her ness located within or without the disloyalty In teachers and their di *’ *” d,y8 ond lnrr',a «'ng P«V of mom bran new brother who -iu.f •tats would be subject to the asses», charge. If found guilty, and the ca i er' ' froln W to »5 p«r day, an a neon»« arrived. This make« hur -jL.sk ment under the act. cellatlon of their certificates to tea. i ° 'nt rp*°'“tlon proposing these v __ ^er m ghth brother. Under the proposed law so per cent by the superintendent of public in- !n the gta,e constitution baas of the tax shall go to the state and 70 ««•««'on. 8 e?««” « of T o t o a I singing school is made up O x?Z '" Introduced In the house by w O L E A SO N , ' laid down at any freight depot -IS— tried to sing the round of 1 iba . - K... ------ . . . . _ — ' Notary Public. Ä D onkey. in Oregon, brings this luscious vldvd In a bill Introduced In the senate Representative Sheldon by Senator Porter of U nn county Repeal of the gravity teat law go-, t7re " ! l 7 e o « V r t .T « S 7 ^ fruit within the re ch of all. I nder the provision« of tbe bill cold gasoline disposed of tn Oregon ,or ’•“‘'"•on'ale, free "m 8*nd , " Eat more prunes. storage eggs shall lacjude e « i «gias '• provided in a bill introduced by Sk»i