OR. H G A R N JO B ST. P H Y S IC IA N AND E. L. STIFF sitd SOW S U ft$ S O h Telephone 145. F U R N IT U R E O E A L F R * Carrie« avsrvthisg in Puraitar«,' Haleey, Oregon Amor A. Tunninf also P 1P E L 1SS F U t M A C M . L A W Y E R A N D N O TA R Y The RAMONA MACHINE B rownsville . O regon play« all makes of records. Also Shoe Repair Shop Two doors north of the hotel. Am prepared to do all kinds of 6iioe repuirirg. Satisfaction guaranteed. WHITE SEWING MACHINES. 215-217 Lyon DENTISTRY JEWETT the COBBLER. Street, De. H iio w K. Jt ton jO4~SQg 1« f m . o rrice Suita THE F ren ch * S ons H A LS E Y ORE©. R. W. TRIPP, EN TER PR ISE and the OREGON FA R M ER _____ one year for $1.65._____ 6« ACEES o i th* PACIFIC HIGH­ WAY. All under cultivation except 1 acre* of oak timber, good 5-room house, large barn and all necessary outbuilding«, a good well at the house, family orchard and berries, woven wire fence« Thia place is between Albany and Tangent and ia a good buy at $9500.00. Term« WILLAMETIE VALLEY LAND CO. 403 1st National Bank Building. Albany, Oregon WORK SHOES Oldsmobile Distributors. Goodyear Servicestation Solid and Pneumatic RIALTO Thursday, February 3rd ANITA STEWART in THE FIGHTING SHEPHERDESS SECOND EPISODE. "LOST CITY.” Thursday, February 10th Conntance Talraadge in •The PERFECT WOMAN” T H IR D EPISO DE “ LOST CITY. »» Charity Grange Items. A ll sizes. Pad 9imooa from S «*ard , Oregon, ha« toured back J outo the.old hocra place. J B Wagg«u«r, A rthur Waggno- er and Chester Bickels war« H ar­ riaburg cellars laat week. Mr» J B Wagg«n«r and Mr« W 0 Siekals «peat Friday with their b i«bauda io (he bills where tbay war« cutting wood. Arthur Wigle baa bean laid U|> with tba measles the last taw day«. Monday night of last week J F Waggauar oacna to the hall and foetid a hot o cooking h it suppsr. Whan the Confederation meeting waa aaaauibliog M r Hobo cooslu- ded that abaauoa of body waa bat- tar than praaauce of mind and be took bia leave. Ha got tome of bis tapper at tba acbool houaa. Priced at Mita Hampton, teacher of the Brandon school, «pent the week aod at bar borne in Salam. M e n ’s shoes plain cher w o rk m ade of black ch ro m e ta n n e d plain soft Blu- tee, brass clinch n a ile d , h alt D o u b le oak sole, sm ooth le a th e r inner sole, w id e, ro o m y last $3.85 N e w prices all over our store. Owing to aorne kind of a tecep- tfion or party laat Saturday night conn-cted with the Harrisburg acbool, aerau of tba member« of tba tinging acbool were abaaut irooj their placet. We nra learn tog aorae Gua tonga at the tinging «ohool and the pupils oan ill af­ ford to miaa any of the leaaons. Halsey J l a in CLOTH ALBANY, Cleaned And Prtwsed. LAVNDRV SENT AWAVcn MONDAY R EASO N A B kB ALBANY uerve- KARL A. BRAUWMLL. Fren. F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S P R IC E S Late The Sensation of the Season. See it now BARBER - SHOP. on display at Salesroom and at the Auto Show Stall one. Also the Oldsmobile Famous 1. O. O. F. Eights and Sixes on display. BY GRADUATE O P T O M E T R IS T pr iv a te na­ tional B*nk Bnildia, Albany. k)i««cn. Without pain. blocking method. G L A S S E S P IT T E D Albany. Items Claron Gormley returned home Monday night from California where he had been a few months. Mrs Shaw, who had * not night quite Quite a w .v .‘7 **'“* been y " Last Saturday nigni in the beat of health for a long delegation - u e ieg B U o n went w e n t from ir u u i here n c r e to io v-xzill Gun/Iau . . . to take in the .« drama « time, took a bad o spell Sunday l i ghedd given night and went completely out by ^be band that place. « J W e« Q L m D of L her L head. M r Shaw tried t/% to 1 We understand that all the keep her quiet but she wanted road bonds are sold and the to go over to Mrs Umstead’s. Pacific Hi|rhwey tQ be graded but he told her »he had better . from Q Harri(| net go. and she quieted down thjg for a little, but she soon eluded .fhe baskgt ba|) at the Mrs G W Shaw Sent to Insane Asylum. the BARBER SHOP Electric Haircutting. Masaagiag and Shampooing. Laundry, Cleaning and Praasiug E. C . M IL L E R swin s co. H alsey S tation. a a w a n ne’ . , armory in Eugene Tuesday even- found in Eldon Croas basement b(?tween Company C> 0 N B 08?e‘ . . and the Halsey Athletic Club G W Mornhinweg ¡ « 1 ^ i r e 8 u lt id in a s w r e o f 2 2 to 2 0 in Walton stayed with M r Shaw , favor Qf H a,9ey the fore part of the night, and i R W Tripp, Oldsmobile decler E M Gardner god Geo Alford of Albany, announces the arrival stayed latter part . - i with u. nim »u the * .1«, J L . b , ( of his first consignment of Olds- of the night. Abou i mobile Fours, a new model just Monday mominjg «h* aacapefl. . . . . h„ thia . year by the Oldsmobile from them amt went over to D Company. Thia model was built Taylor’s where she was caught for those who wish the charac­ and taken home. teristics of the Eight and Six Sheriff Kendall was sent for models embodied in a lighter and and came Monday morning and less expensive car. See picture took her away. While they of car in another column. strapped her down yet she seem- < A t a public meeting at the ed to think it was all right that town hall Monday a m J D Mickle aha should be taken away and ¡organizer for the Ore, Dairymen’« leaked after. Association spoke to ourdsirymen / Che was taken to Albany and on the subjest of organizing a underwent an examinatioa and local branch. This was accom­ waa then tuken to Salem where plished and the following officer« she was committed to the asy­ elected. Pres W K McAllister; lum. sec J F Isom, directors E E Gour­ H er mind has been affected ley, H R Commons and F W Rob­ tor aorae time and she had a ma­ ins. A motor cream route has nia for burning up her clothes, been laid out from Harrisburg so that when ahe was taken thru Halsey, Brownsvdle. Shedd. away it was hard to fiad suitable Peoria and back to Harrisburg clothss for her, and yet she al­ This will be started at once. ways went well dressed. The T J Skirvin warehouse has Some time during the last been selected as a distributing year tome fortune teller bad point for the feed which the local told her that she would die in banch will ship in car lots. September and that worried her Humidity In Surgery. too. It is thougt that it is scarce I Investigation» mad.' In »»rnral Bos­ ly probable that ahe will ever be ton hospital» by Dr. Kllawnrth Hunt- any better. In It don w i n to Indicate that fsr mir- Cash buywrs of G n u i Eggs and Poultry. I ,W . BYERLY. Agnat W. J. Ribelin Dealer in Real Estate. Handle« Town «a J O u n lry Fra»wi.v Give hiu» • call »“< « w i f S a a ^ S « you ip. ■■J BB The Hing Wo Chi­ nese Medicine Co. 304 Broadalbin St. Albany. Our wonderful roots and harks are found in the China prepara­ tions and have stood the-Vast sf • thousand years to cure Catarrh, Asthma. Lung Trouble. Cancer. Rheumatism, Blood Poison. N er­ vousness, Storasrs, Liver and Kidney troubles, also private ail­ ments of men and women. Con­ sultation free. The Hing We Chinese Medicine Go. P O Box. 247. Albany, Oregon. Chiropractor __ DR. A. R. P IN N E Y Electrical equipped office kooui 401 First National Bank Bw ldinr Albany Ore. W R IG H T POOLE unerat i irectors and Licensed ........ Emhalmers......... R R O W N S V ILLE and H A R R IS ­ BURG. Branch«?« at Halsey and glcnl operation», the heat condition of 'Sweet Home. Frank K irk, Rep­ Please return my woven wire the »tmoaphere 1» high humidity. SO per rent or more, directly after o,*e- resentative for Halsey. PhoelAI stretcher. G W Momhinweg. , . s II m m . and moderate l>ueild1ty, about A good second hand De I Aval j q>, :,»r rent at a t»mper»mr«> kt S4 separator, also a new Primrose. Sagrane r»hi»o«et«, a f«w .lay» I n * F. M. GRAY. Drayman. Doctor Hunting!«» polar» out that. I f G W Mornhinwdg. 'hMw rW'Ul sva aoeprad. fb»re la oo Big Basket ball game Friday r » « t o n v h fhs opt lot a n cangiti«*« f tei*por»?"t| «ng humlSJ* ahoidg Might at i. Halsey Athletic Club • rot All work done promptly sad b* ptodocag ar’tfl'-Kliy Io boa Vg Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity ¡rtta'g. causing a prohahl« lro|'r«’ »- reasonably. Phone No. W» of O A C. Admission 25 cents. ■naat le not I o m the" W per cent la Honey— Reduced 20 per cent Bert M inkler Shipped a car of while it lsats. Also tome fine male calves for sale. N T Sneed hay last week. in g c o Halsey. 1-27 tf. ... M Banich shipped a car of hay B M Bond has been out of the this week. J S McMahan left Sunday for jank for a few days on the sick a busmens trip le Portland. OREGON iigL ] W 1LDEY LODGE NO. «6. Regular meeting next Satar- dav night. Ih» leault« of opersilon« A rtistic P ia n o I uning Clear Fwlg. ! AMTHL'M COL* Alhaay Ora, “Ah, harr H » Mtar fruui tb« uM Leave or ler« with WamwortS Drug C«. folk AllMoy. Oragoa "What does It « e g r “«Joio» hour your tailor la d«oA”— Fasraos a Wa*Ug. i$5. Town or Country • rza $5 in