The Halsey Enterprise rr”rTTT>7> XTMTT A T AAAJÎAAÏy C * llV lx Uxì.A-2 Au Iiid»p*od«oi Naw»p*p*r K A r u Ü iD ^ ïV E B Y THURSDAY CHAS. BALLARD, Editor *x.t«r»d aa MCond-cl*M mutter Oc­ tober I , 1912, a t the pv» toff ice a t H a l- a « j, Orvguc, under the A ct of March I. ir 1 - — * - . Mf l R T 11 T J ~ j s — ■w Dwreted to the material upbuilding uf Halaey and anrrwunding country and in.». County geueiaiiy. Subscription rate 60 per year in advance ALBANY ARMORY THE FURNITURE HOSPITAL Renovates and makes feather mattresses, old furniture and ■Mttresees made like new. Bring them in or phone 261-R, 128-130 Ferry St, Albany. Ore. C. C. BR Y A N T ATTORNEY A T LAW 201 New First N a t’l Bank Bldg, Albany, Oregon. S O T IC K O F A F 1 *O IN T M E N T O F AD- M IN IS T R A T O R Notice ie hereby given that the tin Aentgurd by an order of the County Court of L IN N Couut), Oregon, ha» been appointed administrator of the es­ tate of H enrietta G nlliford deceased AU peraons having claims against said aatatc are required to present them with in t ia months from tbe date of this no­ tice, with tbe proper vouchers, to the ■ndersignrd at b it office at Brownsville la Linn County, Oregon. Dated and first published this 3rd day of February, 1921. Amor A. Tuttin g, Adm inistrator afuresaid. 2-3 to 3 3 FRIDAY, February 11th and SATURDAY, February 12th. The greatest array of Standard makes of Automobiles ever exhibited in the Willamette Valley. Music Afternoons and Evenings. Dancing EVenings. Hospitality all of the time. I IF IT’S A S T A N D A R D CAR T H A T Y O U W A N T , Y O U W IL L S E E IT A T THE AUTOMOBILE SHOW. The Auto Show is absolutely Free Albany’s Auto Dealers’ association. Chiropractor dep itation team from A lbm y ,in g and extending the Great In ­ College on Saturday night and vitation. Matt 22: 1-14. UR. R H. HARRIS Sunday w ill bring good results. I Preaching service both morn­ W A E astbvrn W B E astbcrm . j The team was composed of Har­ ing and evening'conducted by 212 W est F irst T w o S torks 136 L von s t r ik t < X -R A Y old Irvine, Edward Sox. Walter Raymond E Smith of Eugene. £ 4> Cosies <*»< B bildimg . A lbahv Brown, Juuia Marked, Marian Choir practice at the church 4> Patterson, Mary Travis a n i Pres at 7:30 Saturdav evening. 4S Williams. Endeavor topic, Proof that Je­ 4S DR. E. S. D O N N E L L Y The luncheon Saturday even­ sus is the son of God. Leader, 4> Surgical diseases of Read this list carefully, as every day is bargain day at S ing at which our High School Paul Bierly. Bye. Mar, Note and Throat 45 our stores. Remember the place. young people entertained the A l­ Members of the C W B M w ill 45 •L A S B K S F IT T fO Svi First National Bank Bldp, Albany bany visitors was a happy event. meet at the home of Miss Mary Prof H F English presided as La ------ /j\ White Wonder ---- Soap 24 bars 1.00, box 100 bars Rue, Tuesday, Feb 8th ------------,,, .------------av« 4.16 toast master with some well cho­ Mrs Clara G Esson, State Bi f\\ Pearline, medium pekg, 8 for 1.00. Ooncentrated lye 9 1.00 i A. Peterson Repairing sen remarks into which he mixed hie e S Shool Suni. visited »t the the 45 /Ä hairy Soap a 6 bars C__ c___ ... bars « \ hool Supt, visited at for m 50 cents, Toilet soap 6 .25 equal parts of w it and fun ano aome of W H Robertson, Sunday Fine l i r e « Shoes a Specialty 4> Bottle blueing 3 for 25 cents, Keen Cleaner 3 cans .25 5 was followed up by others from afternoon, being on her way to 45 « SV1 Lyon Street, Albany, Oregon, both Bides, along with some tine Eugene, having conducted morn­ music by our home girls. All 01 ing services at Brownsville. /^Dependable coffee 1 pound can 40c. 3s 1.10, 5s 1.90 which was very much enjoyed /V food bulk coffee 6 pounds l.UO, Chicory, pound .20 $100 Reward, $100 by those present. T h e readers o f th ia paper w ill h« 45 Good Gunpowder Tea 5 pounds l . ‘<5, Black pepper 4 Iba 1.00 S c w . LEG HO RNS Sunday morning at 11 o’clock pleased to learn th a t th e re la a t leas, < one dreaded disease t h a t science has O. A C. and T A N C R E D Strain to cu re In , the union service brought out a been been able able to cure In a a ll ll Its its stages stages and and / { 'i XT , , / 5 Nobles canned peaches in 8yrup 2 1 2 size 6 cans B P ROCKS large crowd. The three young 1.25 ■ 1.25 J A. C. and McDonald. San Jow. Cal men, IrviiuR Sox, and Brown catarrh 4 5 NoWes canned apricots in syrup 2 1-2 siie 6 cans ------ . . . — In te rn a lly »no th ru ru th th e e B.ood Blood on the M M ucous lia.UV per hundred. c ls t . th on the u c o u . . S . u . . r­ . p j n e a p p le 8 N o 2 can> 3 f o r g f c , g ra te < J q j cang .50 spoke on the subject. The Stu­ a ai f a 1 es o f th e System th e reb y destroying the fou ndatio n o f the disease, g the F le a « place your orders early. dent and the Christian Life, in a p a tie n t s tre n g th by b u ild in g up g ivin th e con­ 45 Dried prunes medium 13 pounds 1.00, dried figs 8 lba 1.00 5 tio n and assisting n a tu re In doing 11« M rs n C A R M S T R O N G , convincing and impressive man­ s w titu ork T h e prop rieto rs have so -nurh the c u ra tiv e jh pow er in of I H 1 a ll's e.w luig.iic issn H II R ’ • R. I, Halsey, Oregon. ner, The young ladies from A l­ fa ith In » C a ta r rh M edicine th a t th e y offer One • 1 » » H u n d re d H o lla r« fo r a n y ca.Ms th a t it fa ll« /A Medium Weight bacon 3 pOUnd8 1.00, 10 y DOUnds bany spoke to a good meeting ol ■■“I 1 . 3.00 to c ure Send fo r list o f te stim o n ia ls ’• . . . . v u iiu s A ddress F J." C H e E n N f E . t T ’ * a ' co c a ,'“f t öiadtt young ladies in th • afternoon. Ohio. Address ch „ i - a „ /|\ Picnic hams, 6 to 8s pound 23c, C ountry lard pound .23 Sold f by j. all Druggists, 75c The subject, Flat ing l air. 45 Lard, No 5 pail, 95c, Shortening No 5 80c, No 10 1.50 A t the young men’s meeting the School Notes 45 work of the High Y was ex­ plained to our beys. We ate now beginning the new 45 M°nday °f each week wiH * to e ra l Ba^ i n Day. t h e ' The good people of onr town sem ster’s work, exan ¡nations $ ent‘ re list as above w ill be included. There w ill be other and community gave freely of are over and we have all resolv- 4 ' BARGAINS that w ill be marked plain in our stores every their eats and money and enter- ed to try to study ju s t a little 4>day. tainjnsnt to make this meet a harder. 4' sue jess, all for th« good of our Miss Moore, the t h ir l and E xtra special on Hardwheat F lour 2.50. Corn Flakes 10c. 5 you ig people. KRYPTOK fourth grade teacher, has taken 4 ^ Come early and save money. Bro Cook’s Sunday morning flaiS M . The invisible Bifocal» ....... II class. '4« the - English Bible class was attended by 27 45 Fresh Butternut Bread every day. Produce the smiles that never The teacher's Gaining class ' young people. wear off. The Epworth League met this have paused their examination ■ Wednesday evening in their reg­ on school law and they reieived ular meeting at the home of very good grades. Eastburn Bros. Baby Chicks N Lawrenc Taylor J he missionary society meets a l u a h y omrik Friday p m w ith Mre A rthur Harold Albro, Wesley. The leader is Mrs D Manufacturing Optician. Taylor. A ll ladies w ill be made welcome. Mathodlal Cftarch N ot« The King's Heralds will me-t for their usual good time and SUNDAY SCHOOL work with Ruth and Alice Stur­ The Great Invitation. tevant, Saturday at 2:30. Lome; for all thiDgi are now Christian Church N o t« rsady. Luk» 14; 7. We fee1 that the visit of the Sunday school lesson, Accept I O pt&m etrist. A game was scheduled w ith I Monroe for next Friday evening' bia" Nighte. I he staff for the new High but they are i nable to play on account of an tp id e n ic of mea- vhool annual and the members •les. .re planning to make a good 4 J toonist am 1 artist, Hrcell Sn3e< alumni rei .orter, William Core« ran; Jake- editor, Helen A m strohg; sp< »rt editors, captains o Miss Cook, the former tl ird reusing effort to make it worth and fourth grade teac ler. has while. The officers are. Editor- teams; fo, »tball captain, Dele g ven up her work as teacher to in ch ie f, Lewis S kirvin; assis- C lark: bas ket ball captain (boys 3ttend college. We are very t in t editor. Bertha Walker: bus- Byron Ta ylo r, (g irls! Berth sorry to see her go. iness manager and stenographer, Walker. We are now . practicing the \ ra Fehrsson; advertising man- Help us to make this annual i Seniot1 play which will be -........ given a'ier, Lawrence Taylor; society • success. - ............ W ill you? O f Cours Feb 18th. Don’t forget ti e A ra -1 ditor, Donna Robertson; car Y o u W i/J I /