THE ARRIVAL OF THAT BOX OF CANDY i, aUtvays i.-.te an cvvi.t; bi. now the enthusiasm dampens if the confectionery falls short of wha* the appreciati e one has a right to expect. If you send a box of eur delicious confections they’ll be everything she dreamed of and more. Of course our confectionery is pure, and it surely cannot be called high in price. CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. Buy Now! Buy at home and keep the money going. We have reduced prices on granite ware, aluminum ware etc. Start the year aright and buy now. Cross & White / $ /h $ M/ $ Will chop Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satudays. C P K iser and wife and H C Albany Friday. ' Mrs W D Porter and Mrs J Dun- Kizer attended grange in Browns- ,.an were Alban» •hi>nn»n> F rid sv . m o to ri kid v .. le Saturday and assisted iu in- ‘Th- •> v e r.,g Mr anil Mrs Aiorgau J E Baleley, D isirict Sates M ana- Bta liiu g officers. and 0 W T hom pson were A lb an y ger of the S tandard Oil Com nany. Miss Lme H am pton, teacher of callers S atu rd ay . "know s .'ie should have his crank t |,e B randon school, serves her pu- C C arlson has been selected to caae cleansed ever so oft- n, hut he pfjg with a hot dish in the shap e solicit for mem bers for the F arm d o esn't know exactly why. ft's w, „oup, cocoa, rfce, etc. Bureau from Scio, S h elb u rn , and not the m ost pleasant job, and he Little Paul Quinby has been suf- lets it go, usually as long as he | er,„g w ith rheum atism . T h e 1 Mt P leasant. ew t < can. A lter all, the reasons for doctor says the cause is p ro b a b ly ! by Win Sell meric rom a» keeping an autom obile crankcase a diseased tonsil. - ington county, d e a n are sim ple, and m ighty con- Mr and Mrs Pence of H a rris -' ( The fol.ow ing item s are c ipp from th e Shedd V isitor.) v o ic in g . burg, and Mr M J Philpott and F H Block has bought th e old Oil Becomes D irty. Elw yn Pence were visitors lately H aw thorn place and moved onto ‘•L ubricating system s of a u to - l&t t he home of W It Pence. mobiles are alm ost universally of | L A McKern of Halsey, was a it. Last F rid a y th e C E of the the circulating type. The am ount ' visitor at the literary and singing P resbyterian ch u rch m et a t W H of oil pumped alw ays exceeds the school S aturday night. McConnell’s aud had a social tim e actual am ouut required for lu b ri-! There were several very inter- and elected officers as follows: cation by the bearing surfaces. e#ting num bers giveu a t th e litsr- E thel M cCorm ick, pres; E la in Da­ The surplus Hows back to the ' ury i igl g a lu n ja y night, vis, vice pres; F lorence M iller, main reservoir to I k - agaiu circu­ The siuging school is getting treas. along nicely. W hile there have » c ; G eraldine H am ilto n , lated by the pum p. As the oil only bden three sess.oos, the d a s . ¡ There was a large crow d in a ten- circnlates, and as it rests in the crankcase, it becomes contam i- u learning one or two fo u r-p art d »uee “ ud » Kood U,ne Rev M cGill, re c e n tly a m ission­ nated by fuel th a t work-1 past the pieces each lesson aud th ey sing pi-ton, by carbon th a t forms on them by note too. A ud while it ary in E gypt, gave a talk to the and falls from the under side of ia reported th a t the -teacher has Shedd school W ednesday a fte r­ the piston beads, bv road (hist ialM {Feth , tha do re m i’s as th e y ! noon, and an illu stra te , d lecture that IS sucked in through t h e lf a || jr0lu the lipe of the pupils, on E 8 JP l in the ev en in K 81 1 ® breather pipe, by w ater, a product ra ttle more th a n the teacher « P resbyterian ch u rch . These lec­ tu res were interestin g , and gave of com bustion, which may work false teeth. I those bearing them an idea of past the pistons aud mix with th e oil and m etallic particles wltich Head of F am ily G ets a n E x em p- E g y p t th a t opened th e ir eyes. tion of $2000 From are the result of the wear and tear Methodist Church Notea Income Tax. of operation. W ith the first movement of the engine the pro SUNDAY SCHOOL ees« of oil contam ination begin* T w o H undred Dollar Exemption Jesua greeted as King. and it incrases as operation cot - Alowed for Dependents Under 18, Blessed is he th a t cometh in Modem Crank Case Service. tinues u n til the c il becomes or Incapable o f self’support. the name of the Lord. M att charged with d irt and loans its lu- i M arch 15 Last Filing Date, 21: 9. This lesson shows how hrication value. ~Net Incomes o f $1,000 or O ver if Jesus as the Messiah King enter­ Single and $2,000 or over if M a r­ ed Jerusalem the Jew ish capital. Change Oil at Frequent In te r­ ried Must Be Reported. val». The m ultitudes had tried to make persons, though required him temporal king but he came “ To keep the engine ru n n in g at it» best, change the oil in the to file a return if th eir net income as th e King of Peace to reign in crank case as often a» the m a n u ­ or 1920 waa 11,000 or more or if righteousness in th e hearts of facturers instruction book says t they are the head» of fam ilies men. The aim of the lesson is ought to be changed. Howevtr, granted a special exem ption u n d e r to realize the m taning ir our it is not- sufficient to sim ply drain th e revenue laws. Such a person lives of the Ixrrdship of Jesus. out the old oil, for th a t leaves de­ is defined by Treasury regulations Nearly nineteen hundred years posits of d irt and badly contam i­ us “ a person who a c tu a lly have passed and millions are fol­ nated oil in the crankcase to im ­ su pports aod m ain tain s in one lowing him as King th a t never pair im m ediately the efficiency of household one or more in d iv fd u a ls owned allegiance to any earthly •he new supply of oil when it is who are closely connected w ith monarch, and we can see the poured info the crankcase. The him by bio id relationship, relatiotx- time is surely coming when all whole operation m ust be must sh ip by m arriage or by a d o p tio n , the world will crown him Lord thorough. and whose right to ex-rci»e ily of Erda and King of kings. Modern Crankcase C leaning Ser­ control and provide for th e se de­ We are giad to report th at fif­ vice pendent individuals is b a s e d 1 upon teen of our young people from “ Cleaning the crankcase is a some moral or legal o b lig a tio n ” . the two Sunday schools took the iroublesotue job to the average Such persons are allow ed the state High School examination motorist. For this rer son regular e x e m p tim of $2,000 g ra n te d a on the Old Testam ent L ibh Ätudy leaning of the crankcase was of­ m arried person. In a d d itio n , they |ast week. We are anxicut th at ten neglected. are allowed a cred it of $200» for ! each shall pass with an t xcedent “ To remedy th is condition at d i-ach dependent under 18 yes.r* of I g rade and get their credit. •o add to the efficiency and life of •gn or in capable of self-« opporf | ß ro Cook has taken up the lutom obile engines, the Standard because m entuily or phyeici.H y d e ­ work as instructor of this class til Com pany is sponsoring a new fective. in the S S and began the courss 'rankcase cleaning set vice, co-op­ hvsraxd and wife on the New Testam ent last week. erating witli high class garages A m arried person liv in g w ith I Mrs Dr L A Bollman with her hm ughout the Pacific Coast. husband and wife can no*, claim I1 1 little sen from Dallas, attended this new service ia indicated on I an additional $2,000 e x e m p tio n aa both services last Sunday. he sign th at identifies garages tha head of a fam ily, TVm or her N ext Saturday evening th e t here this s> rv h e i. to be h a d — («Xamplion is baaed u, -in th e young people of both churche» M.alern C rank Case G leaning Ser-1 m arital sta tu s, irrespecti ve of the o f th e Hjffh S choo| a g e w i|j eD. ice The service ia sim ple, but I-am e household. T he ad d itio n al I te r ta in lh e depuU tion team of .w o rd in g to onr lubrication e x - 1 $100 credit for d e p e n d e n ts does th e Christian association of Al- -e rts it is moat th o ro u g h and ex- not apply to tha h „abated or wife bany College at a 6 o’clock lunch, eed .ngly efficient. Ju st three op- of a tax p a y e r. For „ a rn tp le , if a a t which> short speeChes will be rations are i eces«ary to give this m arried m an support» a fath er made on interesting topics by ervice; d rain off the old, diluted who is incapab le ot »slf-Sfcpport, he both sides, some musical num ­ >iI, flush out the crankcase with fs entitled to t he $2,000 exem ption ber« rendered, ar-d a general ’alol F lushing Oil, and refill tb< allowed a m a rrie d p e rso n , but not get-together good time. This •rankcase with fresh oil of the eor- lo a $2-X) cred it fo r a d e p e n d e n t. will be over by 8 o’clocK, in time -•ct tr a d e for the engine. I t ’s A son whe lias * left home but for any who may wish to attend a while-ynu-wuit service, foe. who sends b is motlu r m ore th an th e basket ball game. ‘Modern C rank Case Cleaning one h a lt the sum r e q u ire d for her Sunday morning, Sunday Service h a uew step toward keep- su p p o rt is en title k t o the $200 school a t both churches a t 10 a 'ng engines fit for steady service credit, provided th e m o th e r can m. 1 1 a m everybody come to it m em «, obviously, better engim "ot support ?.,»r»elf. O therw ise, the Methodist church for the perform a o-e and longer engine the atim unt w a st he i ottk idered as union service. The Albany l'Ke- 1 IfiHi knd tt- „y.fore, th e credit ia 1 young people will have full , " * * " • not allowed. A son liv lu g at home . ... . , h ,, charge. We are anxious th a t ( harity Grange Items. and su p p ' , h jg fa th e r, m other everybidy, and especially the Mrs C layte Sm ith is spending n ,,r r rs lative u»ay claim the I young people, will turn out and week at th e j B W a r n e r home. -O exem p tio n allowed th e head , fill house ¡t w j„ w e„ T il len V\ tr len. the n e rc h e n to f , w a fa m ily , but not th e $309 cred- W orth y o u r w b j|e 2 30 it unless such relative h under 13 lh e re wj(1 b(? me(?tjn({ jn Ito w lan l, i» ih ■ happy father of new b .y th a t cam e Fri ia. Jr yea.» of age or in c a jm h l. o, ««If- ong Qf th y c h „ re h e s fo r th e ary 21, 1921. support. ___ ________ _ young ladies and the same for Mr an«l Mrs E A Ki» Shedd i young men in the other ■r were to vu calb-rs S a 'u rla y . J B C o rn e tt tra n sa c te d business church. These m eetings are all Several men of Q O’ ua have in A lbuov F riday. to help especially our young p«o- b > ! s h s g t a id r a t t i I : order, at prices that are right, j iVr sa get r '»dr* f »- i i t ki-i I -f i t i ' u i e y > i w a it if ordered u > v G -W M O R N H N /V E 3 IM P L E M E N T S T O R E Smith Bros.’ Market Fresh and Cured Meats Always On Hand. . Also Other Mi a; iin Season. BIG SUBSCRIP TION OFFER __,-«v You Cot ALL FOUR of These M A G A Z IN E S and O J R N E W S P A P E R Year Each FO R $2 25 o /s t-k Meay 1» > . r re n « w *L y « « t trust* IB Order Now Q , . JO T b w AU r. . »ai - i.l 4. 4 w f A sh o r t T lk IMI ONLY , i..n „ u a » S J ba a a ta u 4 . J l . . r t t.a Look for some special club rates that we hope to have for you before very long. J Richard, Blevins were shoppiug inland Go. ’ c/7/ 'I I ■■1