I imra cr tne session wirn ail rue ’ hy senator ’---- ”* u. n .ji...»« 1 . j j ., . avatlabto the su*-t of $2U,U0U,buu as u eltvt .mention While a number ot An Inavpericient Newspaper Important measures hare been Intro­ loan fund. The measur-e provide that the credit FUBL13H ED' EVERY THURSDAY duced no hill of statewide Importance of the state i. y be lent and indebted­ has reoe.. ad the sanction of both ness incurred to an amount not ex­ bouses. CHAS. BALLARD, Editor At the conclusion of the second week ceeding 3 per cent of the assessed valuation of the state for the creation Entered as second-class matter Oc­ of the session only seven bills had of the fund necessary to place the act tober 3, 1912, at the postoffice at Hal­ passed both houses. Four of the bills In operation. sey, Oregon, under the Act of March have been signed by the governor, If approved by the legislature this the first bill Introduced by the ways 3, 1373. and means committee appropriating measure will be referred to the voters Thompson’s Best Flour $2.25 sx i Whole Corn Devoted to the inutenal upbuilding o f , $40,001» for expenses of the session at the next general election. $2.40 cwt A bill having tor its purpose the Bluestem Hard W heat Halsey and surrounding country and • Ti,e governor also signed senate bills Ground Corn 2.50 cwt Linn County generally Subscription repealing the law creating the state more stringent enforcement of the pro­ flour 2.50 sx ’ Cracked Corn 3.00 cw t hibition law w«s Introduced In the rate $l.aU i«r year in advance. board* of automobile mechanics exam Flavo Flour 2.25 sx Ground Barley 2.60 cw t iners, the act authorizing county In­ senate by Senator Farrell of Mult­ Graham or Whole W heat .80 sx i Wheat Chop nomah county. 2.60 cwt debtedness up to not exceeding 2 per THE FURNITURE HOSPITAL cent of the assessed valuation for This bill provides for the creation of Germ Meal or Buckwheat .65 sx 'Ground Cheat i 2.00 cwt Renovate» and makes feather road purposes and a hou.a bill ap­ the office of prohibition commissioner White or Yellow corn meal .50 sx 3.00 cwt to be appointed by the governor, whose mattresses, old furniture and propriating $237,766 to cover deficien­ duty shall be to enforce the provisions (’ream Rolled Oats .65 sx Recleaned W heat 8.50 cwt cy appropriations authorized by the Self ris in g Pancake Flour .75 sx Small Wheat m attresses made like new. 3.00 cwt of the prohibition act. state emergency board during the past A companion bill relates to search Bran 1.50 sx Eastern Shell Bring them in or phone 261-R, ycar 2.25 cwt During the first two weeks of the and seizure. Under this bill officers Mill Run 1.75 sx Meat Scraps 128-130 Ferry St, Albany. Ore. 6.50 cw t session a total of 256 bills were in­ having personal knowledge or reason­ Middlings 3.00 sx Egg Maker 3.90 cwt troduced as against 271 bills during able information that intoxicating 11- Rolled Barley 2.25 sx Fish Meal 6.75 cwt quors are being unlawfully manufact­ the same period of the 1919 session. C . C. B R Y A N T Rolled Oats 1.50 sx 3.00 cw t The senate bills introduced numbered ured, held or kept in any building or ATTORNEY A T UAW A lfalfa Molasses premises or are being unlawfully car­ 2.00 sx i 1.10 cwt 135 and the bouse bills 121. ried or transported in any satchel, Molas-O-Meal 201 New First N at’l Bank Bldg, Salary Increases fo r State Officer«. 2.75 sxj 1.50 cwt Albany, Oregon. Increases In the salaries of ths state suitcase, grip, trunk, receptacle of any Oil Meal 4.50 sx Potatoes kind, or any fogon, truck, automo­ 1.50 cwt superintendent of schools from $3000 Soya Bean 4.50 sx bile, car, boat, airplane or other air Onions 3.00 cwt to $4000 per year, the attorney gen­ 4.25 sx craft, or in any other vehicle, may Cotton Seed Meal eral from $3600 to $4000 per year, 5.00 cw t Calf Meal 1.50 sx the corporation commissioner from search such containers or carriers DR. R. H. HARRIS without search warrant. Dairy Salt 6.00 cw t .75 sx $3000 to $3600 per year, and the clerk of the state land board from $2500 to Legislature Asks Tariff on Poultry. Cocoa N ut Meal 2.40 sx 4.00 cwt The legislature adopted a joint me­ $3000 per year, are recommended in CttolCK B ank U u il.n iN G . A l b a n y . the report of the special legislative morial urging congress to place a I committee on salaries of state and tariff on poultry and poultry products Special prices on ton lots. Will have a car of No 3 Yellow Corn Imported to American markets from in a few days, w ill sell for $40.00 per ton from the car; bring sacks. ! county officials. General increases are also recom- foreign countries. It was explained that approximately : mended for county superintendents of 60 carloads of Chinese eggs had arriv­ . schools. Although making no direct S C W LEG HO RNS | reeommendations for increases in ed In Seattle In one week recently, at O. A. C. and TANCKED Strain ) salaries of county Judges, assessors a cost not to exceed 7 cents a dozen. B P RO CKS and county commissioners, who, the ’With a continuation of these importa­ O. A. C. and McDonald. San Jose, Csl report states, were found In most cases tions it was suggested that the Oregon $13.09 per hundred. to be capable men serving at Inade­ poultrymen would suffer serious finan­ HALSEY, ORKGON. quate pay, a warning is sounded to the cial loss, and that the industry Please place your orders early. eventually would be ruined. effect that "the good cltisena of the Mrs H. C. ARMSTRONG, Thursday, Jan 27th state should took well into the con­ New Emergency Board Created. R 1, llalsey, Oregon. duct and management of public af The governor, secretary of state, fairs if they desire to protect them­ president of the senate and speaker selves from waste and inefficiency and of the house of representatives and consequent higher taxes.” state treasurer would be removed from Home Owners’ Fund Proposed. membership on the state emergency One of the most Important pieces of board under the provisions of a bill legislation proposed so far this session introduced by Senator Bell. Bell's to a joint resolution Senator Bruce bill creates a new emergency board of Dennis of Union county which would seven members. Including the chair­ create a home owners' fund. This pro­ men of the house and senate ways and posal, if approved by the legislature, means committees, with five other will require an amendment to the seate members to be selected from the per­ constitution which will necessitate sonnel of the Joint ways and means submitting it to the people committee. These five members wouid If OUT investigation le.'enlsthe Ths resolution provides that the be elected by the ways and means fact you are enjoying a maxi- crpfMt of the state m y be lent and committee in joint session, with the mum of eyesight efficiency ycu ln,lpbtertnp|4!' Incurred to an amount president of the senate presiding The president of the board would be elect­ Will get a lot of satisfaction out ed by the board, and the secretary of knowing it. I RUtP of state would be constituted as the If some new correction is netd- ,Tn<,pr this grant the state land board secretary of the board. Church Schools Taxed. ed you'will be able to have the. which is to administer the home o era’ " fund, has power to Issue $5(1,. Much of the church, schools and hos­ fault remedied with u minimvm (100.000 “Oregon owners' credit bond,” loai of ne ve energy and health. these bonds to run 36 years and bear pital and other property In the state Wo h a v e positive a ssu ra n c e “The F ig h tin g S h e p ­ which Is now exempt from taxation 4 per cent Interest. will be made taxable if a measure in­ h e rd e ss" will ba on hand for th is date. From the proceeds of these bonds troduced by Senators Jones. Strayer the state land board can make loans and Hume get« by both houses and is on real estate from $200 to $5000, the signed by the governor. loan not to exceed 50 per cent of the O p t& m e lris t. The bill confines entirely to houses valuation of the property on which the of worship the buildings of church k i d a Nr Q oae *t& . loan Is made If y o u w ant to sell y .ju r place now is th e tim e to organization that shall be exempt, and Harold Albro, Anti-Alien Land Law Appears. adds church schools to the tag rolls. s ta r t som<‘thing, bv listing it with m e. M anufacturing Optician. An ¡va'I-Astattc land law has b«rt An added clause exempts from taxa I am a sso c ia tin g with d e a le rs in th e la rg e r c itie s Introduced, sponsored by representa­ tion all property of all honorably dis tives who are ex service men. which charged Civil war veterans, sailors, : o f th e V alley and will th e re fo re have a line on th e Legislature Proceeding i Con­ would prohlbf hr-ldln” resl property and marines to the amount of $1000. b u y e rs com ing in. It m ig h t also be p o ssib le to tinued From Last Week. by any perxou not ell lble to citizen- Legislative brevities. ship. tra d e v o u r p re se n t h o ld in g s for a place m o re to School teachers In Portland are The bill prohibits the holding of L et’s g e t to g e h e r maintaining a lobby in Salem to op J y o u r liking. Ion. The busts would be placed In real property by any company, asso­ the Oregon niches In the Hsll of Fain» ciation or corporation in which the pose any change in the tenure law. Office at Drug Store. J VV M O O R E Creation of a state board of aircraft at Washington, D. C, majority stock is owned by aliens not examiners to regulate and control fly­ Dishonest automobile mechanics and V V u i e m n u i p , excepting O A lT U llIJ K »U C I entitled . to citizenship, such ing is provided in a bill Introduced In S lvatioa army failed by a single voti Fair Association Will Meet Friday garage or repair shop operators art l . . . . . . . name as are obtained through treat «"e- a lively debate In which practical the house. targets of a bill Introduced by Senate! ; i les . . existing between _ ... the United States A bill providing for th> election of ly oneAhtrd of the house memberihlj Hare of Washington county which and the nations of which the major­ The stockholders of the Linn recorders In the couuttes of Clackamas ji .rtiapatad. makes It punishable In slate prison ity stockholders are cltlsens. County Fair Association will hold Linn, Benton. Marion, Washington as a M«e pretense the presentation ol The bill provides drastic penalties First American Watchmaker, an adjourned session of their an­ Yamhill and Umatilla was approved by any statement known by the person for violations of the tow, and further the senate. l.uther Goddard, a Massachiitotfg presenting it to be fslse. whether the nual meeting in the circuit court provides penalties for conspiracy, Additional powers to county boards p( eacher. was the first to make room of the Linn conntv court statement It signed or not. which la construed to he an act of two w ’dies In America, hut foreign mny of equalization, whereby such boards or more persons to transfer real prop may require the attendance of wit-1 <* "*J”n fo rc e , I him to retire from (lie house Friday afternoon at 1:30 fl' id. and Luther went hack to preach- erty or an interest therein to aliens af Election of directors nesses, would be granted by a bill in j In.’ Then for a time the art lan- o clock. fectcd by the bill. for the ensuing year will be troduced hy Representative Beals c il'hed—to he revived hy Edwsrd Would Repeal Plokstin Law. Any state bank may lend not to ex Do yard, horn in Hingham In 1H13, A bill which to likely to precipitate ceed 25 per cent of its capital, sur I ’ ho was the M l founder of the Amer- held. Follewing the meeting of stockholders the newly elected a lively contest during this session 1s plus and commercial deposits upon! I -an watch Industry. A workman In S even B ills Pass Both Houses: one Introduced by Representative Hoe notes secured by mortgages or other I ’ (owsird's factory in Roxbury, I’. S. board of directors will meet «nd ford repealing the anti-injunction law form of real estate security, in case a I Hargett, who. when asked what he elect officers for the association. G o vern o r S ^jns F o u r passed after a bitter fight In 1919 The — ----- --- — bill Introduced by Senator Hall be j •vas doing, said. “I am working for a conviaiiy which makes seven complete law sought to be repealed legalises comes a law. of Them. $100 R ew ard, $100 uatv-lies a day." Great was »tie mer­ tlliketlng and organized labor to lined T h s r e a d .™ o f th is pnpsr v rfll M Following out the recommendations ( riment at this reply. “Where on ear’ll up to put up a strenuous fight to re e d to le a rn t h a t th e re le e t lnae« contained in the special message which | •'"it d you sell seven watches a day?" o P h i l a s dreaded Raises In 3 , ' a r i , , of state Officers disease t h a t eclenoe has Governor Olcott delivered last week! ’!wy shouted. b«en able to c u re Io a ll its stag es e n d Rscemmgeded — Stats Loans to tain It J*1 » 1 '» C a ta r r h being g r s s tlv S.nator Patterson Introduced a bill' In fl.jp n re d b y c o n s titu tio n a l conditions Hom e Owner« Rrgpoeed— t a Service Soldier bonus legislation Is still at under the provisions of which $300,806 ' c ^ V .r V ' tu t l? n <* tre a tm e n t. H a l l’s C a ta r r h M s d irin e is ta k e n in te r n a lly end T h e ir Business. Men tponeor Anti-Allen Law Fight uncertain stage and It is uncertain would be appropriated for the con a c ts th ru th e B lood on th e M ucous B u r- ? ? £** o f . ,h * S > ,t , ln th e re b y d e s tro y in g " I read about a m eeting o f d e a f and strucUon of a training school for boys Impends Over Picketing Law__ Just what the outcome will be at the th e fo u n d a tio n o f th s disease, g iv in g the Soldier Bonus Uncertain— Ory Law i ' '*?' Legislators seem to to replace the present Oregon Stats d u ;u h p a in te rs . H ow do you th in k they P s ’ lent s tre n g th by b u ild in g up th e ’ e o i- g o t a lo n g T ' • e r k '" ’" » “J “ 1 '» tu f, m doing” ?, 8 t r s n o t h e n .. i ' ‘ ChB ry “ b o u * c o m D ll» l n g th e m Training school. i 1 et p ro p rieto r» h»v® » q tnucb "Iz ought to be easy for painters to fc .th In th e c u ra tiv e po w er o f H a lt*» selvea. although the undercurrent ap- Efforts to limit chaplain service In I et along with the sign language." lgatMi r \ M edicin e th a t they o ffe r One ha stole penitentiary and the boys — p*,r * ,0 «gainst any cash bonus H u n d re d D o lla rs fo r a n y case th a t it fa lls 1 •** -a to- | g a le a —The toguisturs began ths • ^ a* '•umpsaaaUun act Intro to A uZ * ‘ iop M ,t testimonials The Halsey Ent erprise iiv Flour and Feed of ihompson’s Mill or Warehouse at Shedd, be­ fore prices advance; the fol­ lowing prices will be maintained until February 1st Chiropractor X-RAY Baby Chicks THOMPSON BROS. MILLING Co. RIALTO THEATRE Constance Talmadge in ‘THE LOVE EXPERT.” A Larry Semon in Comedy. The First episode of “THE LOST CITY.” A Great Big Special Show. COME. Thursday, Feb 3d. Anita Stewart in ‘THE FIGHTING SHEPHERDESS.” Also the second episode of “THE LOST CITY.” REAL ESTATE REVIEW OF WORK OF OREGON LEGISLATURE Address F J C H E N E Y A C O T i O h io Auld by a ll b r u r r U t a , He.* Toie^