.♦e-SMfsK-w*«»« r No. 1 Red and Alsike Claver THE HALSEY NEWS NOTES HALSEY STATE BANK EVERYW HERE H ALSEY. O REG O N Capital and Surplus $34,000 Brownsville and Drifted Snow flour a t D H S tu rtev an t’s. R T A Y L O R . Vice-Pres. B. M. BOND, Cashier PREPAYMENT FARM LOANS Tears Y esterday m orning when t H Koontz cam e dowu to the store he bany callers M onday. Mrs R L W innilord returned fouud th a t some th in g s had hem Monday from Newberg where she taken from the store, nam ely. 7 had been visiting p ith her sister. pocket knives, a pair of high top For Sale— A lo u r hundred ped boots, a 'U a c k in a w coat a id H e euspii o ted a pound sow w ith eight pigs tor >0 two sh irts. young m an nam ed \\ lissom, who dollars. W A C um m ings. G W R u iter from Roseburg, was in tow n, and he had Mr W a' visited T uesday w ith his sister, ton go and search him . N othing was found on him however but Mrs W F C arter. 1 I have full blooded P ekin duck '■oine loose change, hut he was or- eggs for sale at 11.25 per setting ' dered out of to w n . A short tim e after th fs less Mrs II W Steinke. 1-13 2-3 _ For Dental Work —Dr. E. W. ¡Cross was cleaning nut a freight Barnum, H arrisburg, Oregon. 'c a r preparatory to loading it with Wassom cam e over and Phone or write for appointment. hay. For Sale— B uckw heat flour and helped him clean out the ear and augur cured bacon and bam s. R pointed out a gunny sack in one The sack was found to B M iller, H alsey, Phoue 2X5. corner. .o n ta in the m issing articles excep' 1- 2 KO Messrs been appointed to solicit m em bers W alton, Moore, anil Armstrong for the F arm B ureau from Shedd, l()o|. nftPr hint ami finally caught Ash Swale, and F ay ettev ille. him . W hen Mr K endall arrived No commission mortgage, ao !-*» msur w. to pay on the principal ananally. See J. M. and H. M. Hawkins, Albany, Oregon T he First Saving! Bank of Albany .Oregon ‘W H ER E SAVING S ARE S A F E ’ »avines. * perceut intereston savings month» or a year. in t e r .., paid »cun-annually. W anted—Sheep pasture ati'l gome feeder hogs. 1 still have three fresh cows for sale. R B Mayberry. Lower Prices! Mrs N T Sneed, who has been quite sick for a long tim e has ts- , a rovi«inn dow nw ard o f prices has Uen achangeu i t,cr,,.>1. A revision UOW “ y K reported m uch im prove I now i n n o wav affected th e high stanaara A11 per3ons knowing tum o f quality m erchandise in all that w e wive«‘^ ’^ hite.gEndsettie sell - We have kept them up to w here .t r thpv helonsr and will continue to do so Ben s„(lt(.n. formerly of ti,.s no m atter w hat m ay happen. W e are! 'the Fam buying m erchandise for Spring a n d |= hplieve v o u m a y safely buy you. w ants,, j will be |)rvl)!irei t.. furnish oeiievc chicks at any tim e m the as we do y not . , look for lower «trinod prices this th is baby Spring. Any one w ishing chick- season. The follow in g w ill show the tread o f new prices. SHOES ginghams 35 cents reduced to 45 cent» reduced to 50 cents reduced V» PERCALES .20 13.50 reduced to ,25 12.50 reduced to .30 8.50 reduced to 30 cents reduced to 40 cents reduced to 50 cents reduced to .20 25 35 cents reduced to 40 cents reduced to 55 cent Devonshire 4.00 Taffata .30 1 60 Amisilk MUSLINS 45 cents a yard reduced to 60 cent Tubing 1 25 Sheeting .40 5 pound Red Label 10 pound Red Label 1 pint Mizola M. V. KOONTZ CO. E Y E S T R A IN 1» the Cause of tlany HUMAN ILL« If your eyea g ive you trouble, your glaaaca are annoying . l ’S. We ea» Ret»«»« »•* Bancroft Optical Co. SB E 1st St. \\ Albany. Fhoae **1 » A ¡13 1st If you are the belle of the tow n, you d o n ’t really need to see this picture, but at th a t ft will in te r­ est you, and th e re m ight be some tricks in love m aking th a t you may not have heard ab o u t. Sea C onstance T alm adge as "T he Love I x p e r t ’’ at the R ialto th e ­ atre tonfgbt, Ja n 27tb. Notice Your account is past due, and wuile we are w illing to extend fa ­ vors as far as possible, we desire to im press upon you tha necessity of m eeting vour o b lig atio n ! prom ptly, and in asking th is we n ia n w as tu rn ed over to him are asking nothing more of you and he was taken to A lbany and th an our creditors ask of ue. landed in jail u n til bis case can be Please give this your im m ediate disposed of. a tte n tio u and oblige. H alsey O arage. J C S tandish left T uesday for Love Test Can Helfc Local H illsdale to visit, his son E verett. Bab’s Sweethearts. Mrs Brandon went to P ortland S a tu rd a y to visit her daughter. •'W hen you are in lova with * Mrs O sborn, who is sick. naan, ou ta k in g hie baud, you w ill We notice in the list of nam es blush, vour pulse w ill h*aa faater of teachers who applied for one- ami your h e a rt will p a lp ita te . !•„ year sta te certificates at a recon’ Thia is the Infallible teat o4 e x a m in a tio n , th e nam e of Miss Babs, the p a rt played by Coa- Helen Q Cook, teacher of the stance T alm ad g e in ‘T he Leya th ird and fouath grades ir a o e . in ,o Halsey the pjr#t National frid r . . . . hl n » - , 11 * * lr h o w ,‘* " r ” I t k ~ ps l b - s p o -iile snrf S .« - .ii„ n <~wl. __ It I l l U«r„w« l, T< » lv .iie I t h r to Kerv u» Ills «It* I l l .r r | , . | r « d . n a r a t lin r.» h l u» o n t h r i r u p p 'O t o It k s s s s h u ls b e ilth y . t h r lf ly f r r r ( m t , won»«. I t lu r ts » h es lth sn■ x i>e: im euls with a ham lsum u m ar. erv and ran acrose th e railroad » f » - 1 “ ’ ■' up hv Dr M arks’ residence . voting fellow th e fiancee o f ti«ft Delos W esley. who fell off the and young le i. •1 mint W ell, th e reeiilt. is very roof of his poich s o m e tim e ago ami then tu rn ed tow ards the r ill- . . i uos a n d h s s h e e n with h i. son sine« road, where they ............................ were c a u g 1 h t, pos live, viv<, and th a . t« when some tk a ttim e h a d ...f a r recovered from F ortl|natH v n<1 (1#mll(?e d „ „ . . 1 g r a n g e th in g , begin to h a p p e a . ; ' the effects of his fall th a t he re- ! tu rn ed to his own ho i.e to _ liv e j- 0.50 I ¡he la tte r part of last week._______ I SILKS OUTINGS W k H avk , L Newton nud fam ily were Al­ Interest paid on time certificates of deposit W e invite your banking business H. KOONTZ, Pre»? « seed for sale a t lowest price »* T. J. Skirvin. J Clover Warehouse. Sj •**» *♦****#*« For the b e n e fit of those who have an income tax to pay we an- n o u n c e th e itin e ra ry of the Deputy .85 C ollectors of In te rn a l Revenue fl\ .75 who will assist any one in fili' g ¡h is Income tax return f .r the ye„r 1920 who may need such assistance. Messrs Davis and D alrym ple w ilL ^ h Try an Ad in the Enterprise l.e at L ebanon Feb 28th to March 2 inclusive. The same men will he at the court house in A lbany; M a r c h 3d to 1 0 th in c lu s iv e . /I\ « •» Why Pay the Peddler Twice My Price? We art is w f dtultn ¡ t r Hit Dr. H t— H ot Call on ut D. H. STURTEVANT. TeK oa ho» m art ttock ro t hare. Dr.Hess Instant Louse Killer Kills Lu *