THE A R R IV A L OF THAT BOX OF CANDY u a lw ay s at. «.vent; be how the enthusiasm dampen« it the confectionery falls short o wb it the appreciative one has right to expect. I f you send t box of eur delicious confection; they’ ll be everything sh« dreamed of and more. Of cours« our confectionery is pure, and it purely cannot be called high it price. CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. Cross & White Heating Stoves and Stove Boards at re­ duced prices. A real assortment of Granite Roasters for the holiday dinner. Shedd ZeZ ‘a p a c k u p a n d g o t o W Y Sheerer «» an Albat'V -uiier last 1 hursday. W W Sheregeu wur an Albany tiler I i ¡day. file basket ball gum» game be- >veen Shedd ali i the Albany ■ dethodn-tn W ednesday evening ol a«t week resulted m a ecure of I ¿9 to 26 in favor of A lbany. W H Shearer was an Albany .•alter Friday. Lost F riday night the High School banket ball team went to »'rabtree to m atch th e ir skill with ibe Crabtree quintet. I t wan a .-lotelv contested game but Crab- re»- won by a score of 28 to 21. Mm W 11 .McConnell and ton were Albany shopper« S aturday. The U F S u n d a y achool and En- Jeavor will give a p a riy F iid ay night at W H McConnell'«. CALIFORNIA Mrs Jones was uuable to attend to her school dutie» last T hursday ou account of her six-year old daughter C harlotte, suffering from lousilitis. ‘Winter’s Summer Garden », Sooner or later everyone goes to California where the bright warm sunshine greets you; where the delightful climate, the sweet scented flowers and the lure of the sea welcomes you to this land o f beauty and charm. Four Daily Trains ‘The Shasta’ “ Oregonian” Pi “ California Express “ San Francisco Express” rtland to San Francisco and • • New Through Sleeping Car Service Seattle, Tacoma find Portland to San Francisco and Los Angeles P ro v id e co m fo rta b le account).idations and e x c e lle n t service. Winter Excursion Tickets are on sale to Southern California V o u r copy o f o u r new b o o k le t • ■‘ C a lifo rn ia fo r th e T o n r is t’ w ill be n a ile d F R E E on request. In q u ire of Local T ic k e t A g e n t fo r p irtic a la rs as to fare», rontes, sle e p in g car reservation« am! tra in service, o r w rite Geo C Coon was the guest of A lbany friends over S u nday, About 60 persons atte n d e d the Many other articles in keeping with tin* season. public in sta lla tio n of the N eigh­ bors of W oodcraft T uesday night JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. f last week, Mrs M cM urphy of Eugene, being the in stallin g offi­ cer, A feast followed the services. F H Brock has moved into the house lately vacated by W illiam Price. Mr Price has moved into Mz G randpa M argason’g bouse. C C P u rd y 's infant dau g h ter, Louise, is ill w ith to n silitis. W ill chop Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satudays. W L ast F rid ay night the 7th and \»Z 8th grade pupils gave a p arty and invited the Freshm en to meet wi'b •do ft them . T here were ubout 60 in ft a tten d an ce. T here was a c a r of hogs shipped Irotn Shedd last week, ft Mrs M 15 McClane was called to Fortv head of purebreds and grades. Twen- M arlon sta tio n to atten d to her m other, Mrs C atilinan, who is ^ t v head registered Jerseys, cows, bred heifers, very sick. herd bull, and calves both sexes. Rich in th e W Mrs L ym an Pennell and her two ■j\St Lambert and Stoke Pogis breeding, every w children were shopping in A lbany Z0oiio is a uselul animal, many capable of m a -M? last F riday, kipg excellent rt*<:orUR of Members of the church have lakeu t Albany for »urglcal