DR. H. O A R N JO B S T .1 PH Y SICIA N AND E. L STIIT and SON SURGEOh F U R N IT U R E . D E A L E R S Telephone 145. Halsey, Oregoti Amor A. Tusalng Carries everything in Furniture,' also PIPELESS_PURNACES. LAWYER AND NOTARY The RAMONA MACHINE BROWN9VILLE. OREGON plays all makes of records. Also Shoe Repair Shop) Two doors north of the hotel. Ar.i prepared to do ul) kinds of shoe repairing. Satisfaction guaranteed. JEWETT the COBBLER. HAI.SEY, BY _ Thurbdav .Ian 20th GRADUATE O P T O M E T R IS T p r iv a t e ornee ¡The Fighting Shepherdess A play you don’t THE HALSEY ENTERPRISE | W and the OREGON FARMER one year for $1.65. 235 ACRES, JtR) PER ACRE. a n t tO IT lisS. L B a t ik B u i IU ib , Albany, O regeu. Late nerve­ KARL A. BRAMWELL. Prop. Constance Talrnadge in THE LOVE EXPERT.” IN GTlD F Ï A UIW A T in w i DENTISTRY ~ X « BARBER - SHOP. Thursday, Jan 27th Anita Stewart Albany. W ithout pain. blocking method. BIG SPECIAL SHOW G L A S S E S F IT T E D 215-217 Lyon Street, tioual OREGON WHITE "SEWING MACHINES. Suits Cleaned And Pressed. LAUNDRY SENT AWAY on MONDAY Y ou will find th is fam o u s s ta r a t h e r best in th is p ictu re. Larry Semon in “DULL CARE’” A G re at big two reel com edy g u a ra n te e d to m ake y o u laugh. T O . O. F. WILDEY LODGE NO. 65. Regular meeting next S a tu r­ day night. BARBER SHOP "‘THE LOST CITY” featuring "JUANITA HANSON ” The first Episode of this fa­ mous serial acknowledged by all who have seen it to be the greatest chapter plav ever filmed. Electric Haircutting, M assaging EXTRA SPECIAL. As a special inducement to get you out to see the class of shows we and Shampooing. are putting on in your city we will give to the person holding the lucky coupon 'o be given out that Laundrv. Cleaning and Pressing night an order on any business house in the city of Haisey for $5.00 in trade. Remember. 35 acre« timbe balance under culti­ vation. Very old set of (aria bnildings, well at the house and barn, family or­ chard, woven wire fences. Thia is the best bny in the state for the money and Mrs located right on the Pacific Highway | Qn between Halsey and Albany. A GREAT BIG 10 REEL SHOW. Starts at 8 p ni. Admission 15 and 30. LET S GO. Halsey Items E. C . M IL L E R I Born to Wayne Baker and wife IVith the experience gained in , near Peoria. Jan 14, a girl, this game they feel no doubt E E Ghormley is reported : & ¡.on of |h a sectjon foreman, concerning the result of Friday siCk list, I who is attending college in Alba- n ig h t’s game with Monroe. A nother ear of gravel was un- ny Spent the week en(j W1th his Halsey Station.' In the boys’ game immediate­ WILLAMETTE VALLEV LAND CO. loaded on the streets this week, j parents ly following, the locals took the 403 lat National Bank Building A new crossing has been put i! Double header! Big game! lead from the first whistle, fhe Albany, Oregon in south of the post office. game was worth seeing, giving Come and see your Ioys and C ash b u y e rs of Crewm Mrs 0 W Frum was an Albany girls win in the basket ball game plenty of thrills and lots of ex | caller the fore p art of the week. Eggs and P o u ltry , citement. It takes so much fight D II Sturtevant was an Alba- with Monroe Jan 21. The money m srket is _ a little ____ t0 w i" *n anV Pame- but Satur- | ny caller Monday. tight a t this time, but it is i.ot n ig h t’s game proved *n ex Mr Peterson, the garage man L .W . BYERLY, Agent I of Shedd was a Halspy visitor hard to raise tfie Dough if you (‘ePUon when L I aylor disylayed uie THOMPSON’S BEST ! fi* ht t' noi)Kh for the whole team Monday. FLOUR. which caused his removal on Prof Patterson left Wednesday I for Eugene for a between trains 1 W alter Johnson of Albany, personal fouls. Dealer in Real Batate. Clark and McKern were the I visit. , • , epresenting the National Life Handle» Town auJ Caantry r r a y « iy. stars, followed Give liiiu » cull a»4 »ee il Ileo«« fix C E Gulliford and wife went to Insurance Co of U S A , was as outstanding Portland Wednesday to be gone business caller in Halsey Mon­ closely by the wonderful team you up. i work displayed by L Taylor, Cor­ day. | unttl Friday. coran, and B Taylor. H L Straley and wife left Tues- Mr and Mr3 Kimbrell were ,, , . Scio showed a wonderful fight, I day for Summit for a three days callers in Ocrvalln £ue9 d ay .lan(J though thpy ww e beaten 1 visit with Rev J D Cain. The teachers tiaining «lass took they were always in the game. J F Salaih and Emma L PJow- charge of Mrs Kimbrell’s cksses The line up was: 304 Broadalbin St, Albaay. lers were married in All any w . ile she wa i gone. Girls Our wonderful roata aad kerb« I Tuesday. L ast Saturday afternoon we Scio Halsey are found in the China prépara- C L Falx jr had the mi.-for- were very agreeably iurprs< d c Cook tions and have stoad the test af a j tu n e to r u n a nail into his foot when Mr Quinby came in and Showe s c I Gulliford thousand years to eure C atarrh. Friday. He is suffering consid brought us a large package of Sims C Thayer f Sherling Asthma, Lung Troable. Cancer, | erably frem it. spare ribs, back bones and sau- f H Gulliford Rheumatism. Blood Poison, N er­ The committee on soliciting sag", a trophy of his hog killing. Stoddard Barnes Heinrich vousness, Stomach, Liver and g I for the starving of the East b- ve We didn’t ne^d to fast for four Phillips Walker Kidney troubles, also private ail­ g ¡completed their canvass end I) whole days. B Thayer subs Robertson ments of men and women. Con­ |T ay'or reported th at $121 wag About 14 of the hoys from sultation free. The Hiag Wp Pehrsson raised in and around Haisey. Brownsville came over last Mon­ Chinese Medicine Ca. P O BoX, Boys At the meeting a t the city hall day evening and charivaried 247, Albany, Oregon. wife. Dinsmore (2) r f Corcoran (7) I Tuesday a fte r noon Mr Gray out­ Gordon Munkers and J f L laylor (4) lined the benefits to be derived They were married in October White (5) front membership in the Farm but they have been in Coos coun- Sims (2) c McKern (3> Bureau. There were only ab^ut ty all this time. Mr and Mrs Hirons Clark (7) r g DR. A. R. PINNEY : thirty pretent, and Em *st Gourly Munkers will make their home Neal B Taylor 1 g Electrical equipped office has been appointed the chairman near Brownsville^ Room 401 Eir»t National Sank BiêïTing City Council Appointments. of the committee that will solicit High School Boys Win: Girls Inferior quality ¡ h a Albany Ore. and the drive will Loae | n Double Header. The committees th at were ap­ dangerous thing to trifle membership, be carried on next week. ---------- with if y o u ’ve any con­ Word has been received at Great team work along with pointed among the city council- W R I G H T A P O O L E sideration for the safety Halaey of the death of Freder ck a curate shotting was the cause men the first of the year are as follows: nerm i ¡rector« and Licaasad Schepman which occurred at of a 21 to 9 score the local hoys o f your investm ent. Street and Public Property— ........ Em balm er«........ . Creswell yesterday. Mr Scher- scored over the Scio boys in last M E G irdner, Frank Gray and BROWNSVILLE and HARRIS* It IS our established ! man was a resident of Ha'eey Saturday n ight’s game. Geo Taylor. BURG. Branches a t Halsey and P o licj to sell on ly good four years and principal of cur The girls played a wonderful Ordinance W F White, 9 W Sweet Horae. Frank Kirk, Rep­ clothes, good safe values schxtl. The family have fhe game but were taken off th iir Frum and Geo Taylor. at a p price rice that you will sympathy of many friends n feet in the first half by the rough Finance -Geo Taylor, M E resentative for Halsey. PhoalM this community. and tumble style of attack dis- th in k fair. Mr and Mrs G W I^tubner de played bv the Scio girls. The G ardner and W F White. Fire and Water- -E E Gormley, light fully entertained a num ber local girls were outclassed when Men’s Suits ¥20 to $37» W F White and M E Gardner. Men’s Overcoats $17.50 of friends at their home on Tuei- it come to the "give and tak e ” Health and Police Frank day evening in honor of Mr and “ jum p part of the game. to $40 Gray, O W Frum and E E All work done promptly aad Laubner’s birthday. Five Hun- Although the girls lost 24 to 22, Gormley. reasonably. Phone No. 96U dred was the diversion and a it was considered by local fan? most enjoyable evening was as a victory for Halsey, Satur- spent, a t the close of which, day n ig h t’s game being their A rtis tic Piano T un ing dainty refreshm ents were serv- fir st of the season and played I DR. R. H. HARRIS AKTIH'K COLP., Alban». Oca. ed. The guests were Dr and against girls use! to playing Lea«r or 1er. « lib WooSwarib l»»«g Ca. Mri T I Marks, Messrs and Mes- bovP rules, and girls farther ad- Albany. Oregon. | dames C E Gulliford, Jam es vanced in the season, this being x i'iic x B ank B u il d in g . A lbany $5. Town or Country $5 ALBANY, OREGON Drinkard. and C P Stafford. their fifth game. SWIFT 8 CIL GOOD CLOTHES STAY GOOD W. J. Ribelin The Hing Wo Chi­ nese Medicine Co. Chiropractor F. M. GRAY. Drayman. Chiropractor X RAY