before sdlournm ent un til Monaay was ’’■e ¿ d tp u o n o! s Jolct 'ts a lt.l u a a ...o Instance of Governor Oleott to An Independent Newspaper _ x *_________________________ hold a Joint session Monday afternoon PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY t0 rw-lve a special meaaage from the _ govei or. The govern ,r gave no In | t lm a t .o n as to what his special m e s ­ CHAS. BALLARD, Editor sage was about, and there was much E n tered as second-class m a tte r Oc- speculation among legislators over Its tuber 3, 1U12, a t the postoffice a t Hal- , contents. se>, O regon, under the Act of March During ihe present week It Is ex 9, shin. pected th at many of the more Import- w ■ j ■1 ........ — ■ i ; ant measures to come before the sea Devoted to the m a te ria l upbuilding o f, g|on w m p,, into the legists liu isc j and surrounding country and t, ve hopper and the various commit- Linn County generally. S u b sarip tio n ; , eeg will begin serious work. The ru le <1.60 per year in advance. Joint ways and means comm ittee will —— — — — ——— hOi FURNITURE HOSPITAL ' i “ *‘,r‘'fi,‘n,a,‘*e <)ordon Live Stocx Census Asked Provision for ecm njr’e r’ iL J c a ou iLe num ber anti Minus ot livestock grown in Oregon, to be sub­ m itted to the various oouuty asa.seors of the si. e, Is provided in a bill of­ fered In the house by Rep, sentative Weacutt of W ashington county. The bill requires th at the county as­ sessor m ust obtain from any person, firm or corpoiation, owning, leasing n r operating land, or livestock, in his county, a statem ent getting out in detail the num ber of acres of laud used Thompson’s Best Flour $2.25 sx i Whole Corn in a comm ercial way for agriculture Bluestem Hard Wheat :Ground Corn and h o rticu ltu ral products, and the flour 2.50 s x ' Cracked Corn num ber and kind of livestock owned, Flavo Flour 2.25 sx Ground Barley leased or managed by such person, Graham or Whole Wheat .80 sx Wheat Chop firm or corporation. Germ Meal or Buckwheat .65 sx Ground Cheat & Oats Auto T ran sport Regulation Propped. Automobile transportation corpora White or Yellow corn meal .50 sx Recleaned Gray Oats lions carrying pet cons or property for Cream Rolled Oats .65 sx Recleaned W heat compensation over public highways of Self Vising Pancake Flour .75 sx Small Wheat th is state will be subject to regulation Bran 1.50 sx E astern Shell by the Oregon public service commis­ 1.75 sx Meat Scraps sion should a bill Introduced in the Mill Run 3.00 sx Egg Maker senate by S enator Moser become a law. Middlings Under th e provision of the act these Rolled Barley 2.25 sx Fish Meal tran sp o rtation corporations before Rolled Oats 1.50 sx Scratch Feed startin g operations must first obtain A lfalfa Molasses 2.00 sx Half Ground Salt from the public service commission a Molas-O-Meal 2.75 sx Chicken Grit certificate declaring th at public con­ 4.50 sx venience and necessity require such Oil Meal Potatoes operation. No certificate shall be re­ Soya Bean 4.50 sx Onions quired for any transportation company Cotton Seed Meal 4.25 sx as to th e fixed term inals between Calf Meal 1.50 sx Rye Grass Seed which or th e route over which It is .75 sx Vetch Seed operating in good faith at the time Dairy Salt th e act becomes effective. Cocoa N ut Meal 2.40 sx Seed Buckwheat J o iiy Fiour and Feed of Thompson’s Mill or Warehouse at Shedd, be­ fore prices advance; the fol­ lowing prices will be maintained until February 1st. $2.40 cwt 2.50 cwt 3.00 cw t 2.60 cw t 2.60 cwt 2.00 cwt 3.00 cwt 3.50 cwt 3.00 cwt 2.25 cwt 6.50 cwt 3.90 cwt 6.75 cwt 3.00 cwt 1.10 cwt 1.50 cwt 1.50 cwt 3.00 cwt 5.00 cwt 6.00 cwt 4.00 cwt j alternating as chairm an. .Members ol Renovates and makes feather! this committee seem to be in an eco- mattresses, old furniture and j som lcal fram e of mind and inclined to hold the budget w ithin reasonable m attresses made like new. limits. A ppropriations are scheduled Bring them in or phor.e 261 R, to be bcld w ithin th e six per cent lim i­ 128-130 Ferry St, Albany, Ore. tation and it would not be surprising If a number of tentative item s would — ■ J " * g . a U . — be slashed. In fact, the comm ittee faces Ihe task of cu ttin g >800,000 from the budget of estim ated expenditures A TTO R N E Y AT LA W for the state governm ent if they are 201 New First N at’l Bank Bldg, lo be kept w ithin the six per cent tax lim itation law. Albany. Oregon. Cash Soldier Bonus Not Favored. I The question of a soldier bonus will J undoubttdly play an im portant part in the proceedings of thte session. A j cash bonus seems to meet with dis fijvor among members of the legist» Move to Boost Legislators' Pay. ture, principally owing to th e fact th at A Joint resolution providing for a I they cannot see w here the necessary Special prices on ton lots. Will have a car of No 3 Yellow Corn referendum vote on a m easure to in­ j money la to be raised. Many of the legislators, It was said, crease th e pay of legislators to >5 per in a few days, will sell for $40.00 per ton from the car; bring sacks. 1 have expressed them selves as opposed ' day, extend’ the session to sixty days | to assum ing th e responsibility for e re and lim it special sessions to tweuty Long experience lias taught Ui , aHng th is obligation, and are of the days, was introduced In the house by th# value of accur cy and thor opinloa th a t the en tire m atter should 1 R epresentative Lynn, of Multnomah. The resolution further provides Ilia! oughness in the fitting of glass­ be referred lo the voters lor final con j legislators will be paid >3 for every slderatlon. es. We welci me an opportunity Under suspension of the rules, the ; tw enty miles traveled to attend tb> to advise you in regard to your senate passed w ithout reference to a sessions. eyeglass needs. Legislative Brevities. comm ittee heuse Joint memorial No Use of dogs in hunting China pheas 2, m em orializing congress to pass the Fordney national bonus bill for ex an ts in th e state of Oregon will be service men. By the sam e procedure I prohibited if a bill presented to the the senate passed house Joint memorial house by Representative Belknap be No. 1, urging the national congress tc ' comes a law. O p to m e tr is t. Designation of the Salvation Army pass the McArthur-Chamberlaln fed ÂLHNY 0*1 o*to. cral aid road bill, appropriating >100. to m aintain chaplain service a t the Harold Alhro, | 000,000 for post roads and >10.000,001 state penitentiary and state training p ric e . 1 schools is made in a bill Introduced for forest roads. M anufacturing Optician. $2.6) in the bouse by R epresentative Hos Vim flour CANNED GOODS Road Legislation Stared. I lord No 10 Pancake .75 Road legislation appeared in both 2 cans Corn $ .25 V eterans of the world w ar will be .75 2 cans Peas j branches of the state legislature , adm itted to the state soldiers' home No 10 Wheat H earts .25 No 10 Rolled Oats ; through in'roductlon of a bill releas I .60 2 cans Tomatoes at Roseburg by the passage of a bill ,25 Ing the >2,500,000 Roosevelt highway Introduced I d the house by Represen No 10 Graham .55 2 cans Milk 25 bond Issue w ithout federal co-opera lative Hammond of Clackamas. No 10 Corn Meal .40 2 cans 2 1-2 Apricots tlon, decision by the roads and high .45 Control over all dealers In bonds, BREAKFAST FOOD ways com m ittees of both houses tc stocks, notes, w arrants and interim 2 c tn s Delmonte Corn .42 2 Puffed W heat .28 ! meet In Joint s.eslon In order to fa 2 cans Delnonte Peas certificates by the state superintendent .42 .33 Both Houses Organize and cllltate and expedite business, and of hanks is provided in a bill in tro 2 Puffed Rice 2 cans Delmonte Tomatoes .35 adoption of a house resolution m em or duced by R epresentative Korell. Crearn of Wheat .28 2 cans Hominy Settle Down to Work In .35 j Iallzlng congress to appropriate Inj The state is asked lo appropriate 2 Shtedded Wheat .28 2 cans Shrimp ' mediately funds for use on road con .50 >25,000 for the purchase of bronze 2 Kelloggs Quick Time. .25 at ruction in Oregon and other weaterr bus's of Dr. John Mcixmghltn and 2 cans Salmon .45 2 Post Toasties .25 2 cans Soups stales. Jason Lee, pioneer settlers active is .25 Small Number of Bills Introduced— SHORTENING Another development concerning the early development of the state, io 2 cans Pork and Beans .25 Cash Bonus In Disfavor—Would Ex 3 pounds Crisco .70 2 cans Peaches road legislation was the decision of a joint resolution Introduced in the .65 pedite Read B usinssa—Would Refer 6 pounds Crisco L a .,ax, ha BosveoaoatatJ vo [tsve-V of Mar 1.30 the roads and highw ays comm ute« of To Be Continued Tax Resolutions— increase In Legis­ th e house to luvrte the state hlghwav COFFEE and TEA 9 pounds Crisco 2.10 lature Proposed—Would Enum erate commission lo come to Salem and con­ M ethodist C hurrh N otes No 5 Shortening .70 1 pound Wadco .35 Llua Stock — Regulate Automobile fer on vetoed road btlla now before No 10 Shortening 1.35 5 pounds Wadco 1.70 th at comm ittee for consideration. T ransportation— Raise Pay to 95. SUNDAY SCHOOL C. C. B R Y A N T THOMPSON BROS. MILLING Co. Albany Salem BUSICK’S F irst Door W est of St Francis Hotel. Phone C O D Orders 77 RETAILERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES \ \ e have 300 sacks of VIM Hour to sell at the old REVIEW OF WORK OF OREGON LEGISLATURE Repeal of L im itation Ta* Proposed. Greatness through service. The Son cf Man came not tc to min i be ministered --------w unto, n u n but - j i s t e r and give his life a ransom for many. Matt 20: 28. Pint Wesson Oil Quart Wesson jil SYRUP 10 pounds Light Karo 5 pounds Light Karo 10 pounds Dark Karo 5 pounds Dark Karo 5 pounds Marshmallow 10 pounds Marshmallow 5 pounds Maple Karo 10 pounds Maple Karo .37 .68 2.00 Referring to a vote of Ihe people 2.00 S.xiem Ju st as lu previous sessions, the question of repealing the « per cent 1 pound Hills, red can .45 the first week of the th irty -first sew- -----a(an lim itation lax law now 1U In effect in .90 2 1-2 pounds Hills, red can 1.15 slou passed with very little accom­ thia State, and lim iting the life of all .48 M J B Tree Tea one pound plished aside from organisation. .50 millage taxes lu Oregon to two year», Noue of the big bills over which an? proper« 1 in tw« reu d u tlo n i intro* ’ t u . i .80 M J B Tree Tea 1-2 pound .30 m«s( of the legislative battles occur duced by E .--mar fcmlth of Joa.phlaa I - T h ’S eS3° n * 7 * S 3 neTer f a i|- .45 16 bars Crystal White Soap 1.00 m aterlallitd la eith er senate or house, county. rule for becoming really .60 Citrus .28 and if the sla ts adm lnistratiuu — has -------------------- Both proposal», if approved bv the Streat. This definition of g reat­ 1.15 17 bBrs Bob White Soap er» im portant m easure. to p re « they le g l.l.iu ra , will go before «he vat. r . ! HeSS is entirely different from did not make th e eir----------------------------------------- ________ J I ru m .90 Golden Rod W»sh Fowd^r ir appearance. .25 at th e next general election, unlees a 1.75 j 2 Sun Brite Cleanser While nothing of im portance was special election should be called before what the selfish world gives. .15 accomplished during the first week of th at date. Provision is made In the Jam es and John were thinking the »vision. yet th e prompt m anner In resolutions for the appolntmen It of » of w positions they w arted. i Z . ,~7 ' ---------------- n t. in thev were wore _ 1 h ° ,now en8a?ed the next game which is Jan 21st. wLlch both house and »urate organ lied com m ittee to prepare argum ents la When When the the ten ten heard heard it it they sad settled down to btialne«» au g n rt favor of the measures. Come out and much displeased with Jam es and in meetings in S juthem Oregon, with Monroe. well for a successful se»slon If the ex­ R sapportlonm snt M easures Introduced He hopes to arrange a date with root for your school and show us John. Jesus talked to them peditious work la kept up. T here was The mem bership of tho senate would him to begin meetings here in that you want to help us o u t no contest for president of the senate be Increased from th irty to forty mem­ about greatness that every one the „ear future or speaker Cf the houaa. Roy Ritnar, bers and th at of the house of repre­ could have, to m inister,’’ "to _ A reception was given the Scio of Umatilla, president of tha senate, sentatives from sixty lo eighty mem be servant,” to do for others in­ teams after the game last Satur- and Lauls K. Bean, speaker of the here under a measure to be subm itted f f t offer O ne H undred D o lla r s Reware ^ a -v n 'g b t . A p e a s a n t tim e Was stead of getting for self. The hour«, were fleeted without opposition to tke people in accordance with a ...,w „ , one i,, who the most ur»d by Hsii'sfc»tarrhhMe g re a te s t. aerably proceeded to buslines so ,,a.uffh, ^ ^ - , k ; ,P?.;n, X " a better ehance 10 *ain a <• w>- The byH«;:r?h n sufferers fo r th e past t h ir t y - I « . " i prom ptly for both houses effected or- has boonms kn o w n as the ' ' e r S C O p e o f acquaintances and Cwntrol of the pregram m e for re m o re anyone forgets "self, Iv a years, I 1 and 1st r « m a , i w Z W r a a . .— L. w w - is ,. •«■■VO most re lia b le rem edy to r C a ta r rh H a ll e t n h o o n r w o C aoltatloa tke first day aud began apportionm ent of legislative d istricts M e, s n d M y," the more hi C a ta r rh M edicine acta th r u th e Blood on 1 OCCOme better acquainted rtvvlvia« bills. Legislators I m both aud m aking new congressional districts I ¡S able to add to his service foi the M ucous surfaces, e x p e llin g th e P o l­ i with our opponents. bouses stated th at »hen th« seoston .WJ i ‘7 f P?.n’i , o r son fro m th e B lood an d h e a lin g th e dis­ ? 10 me" ' ° t h e r s - T h i * *’ t r u e f e a t n e s . eased portions. adluiirned Thursday over Sunday more shower-3 which v'æ the «avu- Stu- I-vs. if sen ato r I p o r a a Joint reaolu ln t h e w n rl.I wAl ter y2u have taken Hair« C atarrh ! , The ------------- progress had beeu made thau during tlon Is adopted The reeolutlon calls ra*i Athletic Association have the saute period la pr -vlous legislative for a com m ittee of five from the senate ...... . aeeeia n K mimtlll lo our members and friends: installed are now ready for ser­ aoaqlona at on<«e and >?et rid o f c a ta rrh and five from the bouse, the president please do not forget to come tc cine fo r testim o nial», fr e * vice. This is an excellent im- F J C H E N E l > C O . Tulado, O hio, Eighty Three Bill« let-odueed and speaker being Included, to consld Sold b v a ll D r u « l i t » 74c prayer meeting on Thursday provement which will certainly Oae feature of the first week's sea er all proposed legislation along th at evening. The subject is Matl School Notes 6e enjoyed hy the students. atua was the ndatlvely small number lint*. of bills latrodueed. as compared with With several members of the senate 5: 6. The pastor is beginning a We are beginning the practice the previous »•••«Ions Forty-fly« bills and the hous« having am bitions to go series of topics on this wonderful The basket ball girls have re- for the senior play, the next play ware Introduced In ths senate and 3s to the national congress, this commit Sermon on the Mount and We ce.ved their new middies to ¡to be given. It is going to Z« In the house, or a total of S3 bills for ■ co, if the Upton resolution passes, is need to hear them discussed. which they have added red felt splendid. Begin plans for at both houses . ertaln to causv a lot of wtra pulling Foo How’s This? The last set of the »easts sod huuas Bro Cook is in communication H s. Did you see them at the t. ndance. The name o» the with a singing evangelist, Geo *ast game* You should come to play is "The Arabian Nights ” i '