V OL. 9, NO. 21 ____________ - THE * HALSEY NEWS NOTES i | HALSEY STATE BANK * * • also items HALSEY, O REG O N Capital and Surplus $34,000 _______ _____________________________! EVERYWHERE s ! { oe interest from Mr» H W Steinke. * T. J. Skirvia, Clover Warehouse. '¡X : I b a re full blooded P ekin «luck Something About The aggt for sale a t $1.26 per se ttin g Highway. Interest paid on time certificates of deposit We invite vour banking business » i. HUMAN ILLS B. M. BOND, Cashier F ru u i & M ayberry shipped a Court of I.inn C onntv, Oregon, If your eyes give you I rou ble, ear of hogs W ednesday. estim ate the Pacific H ighw ay .a n , your glasses are annoying SEE VS. We can Relieve You Ü D r T I M arks was an A lbany be graded from D river’s crossing PREPAYMENT EARM LOANS Bancroft Optical Co. <> caller the la tte r p a rt of the week, to H arrisb u rg for the sum of $73,- We added the "PRE” to payment and will loan yau money tor ten or twenty tlJ 1st St. \Y Albany. Phone 4*1 < > J E Salash was in A lbany last (XX).(X). year.. No commission mortgage, no Life Insurance. You c.n , but .to not hart ’■ J here rem ains in th e County F rid ay evening, and S aturday. to pay on the principal annually. Mrs F W Robison was a Salem T reasury unsold $76,000.00 of the get for th e ir money invested in visitor the la tte r p a rt of the bonds authorised by the people, See J. M. and IL M. Hawkins, Albany, Oregon. which is applicable to the Pacific other th a n road bonds. week. R ealising this condition •( a f­ Mr and Mrs H arry Leeper and H ighw ay. fa irs , the A lbany C ham ber af “ Il" these $75,000 (XI bonds are their son, F rancis, returned to A l­ Commerce h a s appointed J M sold this Spring, the whole of said pine T uesday. H aw kins, 1) O W oodw orth, L L Mrs K arl B ram w ell and c h il­ money, or such as is necessary, Sw an, Claude II M urphy, a»d dren were week end visitors with will during 1921 be applied to g ra ­ Lloyd T em pleton as a committee ding the said road and to no other Mis Settle in E ugene. to work with the C ounty C o urt'to- Geo McCart was in H arrisburg p urpose. wards the selling of sufficient “ The H ighw ay Commission Friday in the in terest of the Coun­ bonds to grade tb e l ’seitio H igh­ 1. a good plate to depowt your saving». 4 perceut interest on sarin g. agrees to rock all of said highway ty Farm Bureau. way to H arrisb u rg during 1921. MMennts that ran three months, sir m onth, or a year. Interest paid For Dental W ork—Dr. E. W. as soon as the proper grade is This com m ittee has been se- »enn-annually. Barnum, H arrisburg, Oregon. made. qu ain ted with the fact th a t there “ The H ighw ay Commission has Phone or write for appointment. R L W itiniford and Mr and Mrs agreed w ith our roadm aster, that are $76,(XX) of unissued bonds t h a t I he A ndrew Brown were A lbany call- if tin- Pacific H ighw ay is graded are applicable to this road. H ighw ay E ngineer, th e Road M as­ from D river's crossing to H arris era la st S aturday. ter, and the C ounty C ourt have License to wed wa» issued S atur- burg du rin g 1921, th a t the sector day to John F Salash and E m m a from A lbany in D river’s crossing estim ated th a t tha road from D ri­ will he paved during 1921. T he ver’s crossing to lla rrish n rg a a a L Blowers. Mrs L Pike was in Shedd a few H ig h w a y Commission says th be graded for $73,(XX). Now if th a t grading is dene i days the la tte r p art of last week, m oney is available to pave said nursing a t th e hom e of Mrs Joues road when it is ruady for paving, seems to be up to L inu county U * Mrs J C B ram w ell returned anil we assume if it is gotten ready buy the bonds. T he Bank a t this in no Sunday from 9hedd where she was in 1921 th a t it may be paved in place has been s, pointed to tsk ay nursing a t th e Geo D am ien home. 1922. subscriptions for these bonds si/4 W anted -S h e ep pasture and "R esp e c tfu lly subm itted, W R it is hoped th a t enough pebl • some feeder hogs. I still have B ilyeu, D II Pierce, T J Butler, sp irite d men who have the c a p ita l to spare will buy th e bonds sad three fresh cows for sale. R B County C o u rt.’’ erry. I t appears th a t the state has is­ push this work to com pletion. O W Frtnn w ent to P ortland sued bonds for highw ay paving, W P W ahl had basins«* t bat S a tu rd a y to visit his sister, Mrs m d Linn county not having very called him to A lbany T uesday. in a m any roads th a t are icady for p a­ F rank Kirk was in P ortland th a ving it follows ill At she will not latter part of la st week atfan d iag get her ju s t proportion of lienefil f j *.<.<»»»■'«•.... | roe, visited S aturday and Sunday •ro.n such bonds, and the m irk e t the automohiIn show at the home of Mra A shton’s is such th a t moneyed men are no, At the basket hall game» last m other, Mra Bass. apt to buy them fog speculative Saturday ev ening th e H igh Sahaal O n S unday evening Ja n 16, purposes, it also follpws th a t boys o f Halsey dalaated the Bcia 1921, a son was born to Mr and bonds a rc sold for th is put pcs High School hoys to fhs ta n s a t Mrs R B M iller. R alph is cer­ th e y will have to be sold to local •21 to 9 and the Scio High Schaol ta in ly a pro id young m an. ' buyers along t he | ropoved h ig h ­ girls defeated the H alsey High M other and child are doing well. way who have the home road in ­ School girls w ith a scorn o f 24 tn All persona knowing them- te ........... re s ts .............. at h e a rt more th a n the few 22- They were both goad clean selves indebted to me will please p e r c e n t difference th a t thev SHOES games. > T he First Savings Bank of Albany »Oregon ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ Lower Prices! A revision downward of prices has affected the in HO wav W ttUWivia V high & standard of quality merchandise in all that we seil. We have kept them up to where __ they belong and will continue to do so no matter what may happen. We are buying merchandise for Spring and believe you may safely buy your wants, I as we do not look for lower prices this season. The following will show the tread of new prices. ginghams 35 cents reduced to 45 cents reduced to 50 cents reduced t o PERCALES .20 13.50 reduced to .25 12 50 reduced to .30 ■ 8.50 reduced to 30 cents reduced to 40 cents reduced to 50 cents reduced to OUTINGS .20 .25 .30 35 cents reduced to 40 cents reduced to 55 cent Devon shire .23 .40 SILKS i 3.50 Georgette 4.00 Taffata 1 60 Amisilk : call at Cross & W hite’» and settle their account a t the earliest pos- K.50 sible date. O. W. Frum, 5.50 W L S m ith is building a hous> 9.50 for Mrs F r a n c s G ray about two ' miles west of tow n. We u n d e r­ stand th a t th e frame work is about 1’75 all up. 2.50 j w Moore and wife and eon. 1.00 accom panied by Dr G a rn jo b sl, j drove to C orvallis S atu rd ay wbeie | the little boy’s tonsils were re MUSLINS 15 cents a yard reduced to 60 cent Tubing .4 0 1.25 Sheeting ✓J' Off Sum m er P astu res moved. .25 I will be prepared to furnish .45 baby chicks at any tim e in tin ,65 Spring. Any one wishing chicks will please give in th e ir orders Factory Special on Karo Products'“';;....... which we are passing on to our trade. *«- 5 pound Red Label 10 pound Red Label I pint M uz Ma .50 5 pound Blue Label .95 10 pound Blue Label 40 2 pints Mazola .45 t rip to C alifornia. They report a .86 p leasant trip and an enjoyable va-1 .75 ! catio n . M. V. KOONTZ CO. Try an Ad in the Enterprise B aby chicks for sale a t $18 00 ¡per hundred. S C W h ite Leghorns 0 A C and T ancred s tra in s . B I’ Rocks from G A C and McDonald San Jose, Cali, 3a their I h iw w I« open «nd regular. It hr eps the Appetite mid dlgc-ffUoQ gum! It r Li, ng« re f