School Notes CONFEt’TIOERY FOR THE AFFECTION-APY We I . des iii ruor.n f e ; A ’ I* Liin a Lj ¿u a mt..« u ,«¿111*1 iw I lurough hia stomach, as the old tilg t) School and grade pupil- were ^15 saying goes, then surely the called t'> a rueetm g in th e uraein- rigl t road to a woman’s good 'ly rooms. There they eujoye- during Com m encem ent. O nly three week» until the final Ä day to your bestest. Zb sem ester exam inalion-. A gam e is to be played this week f a (LARK’S CONFECTIONERY. « K I Jeating Stoves and Stove Boards at re­ duced prices. A real assortment of Granite Roasters for the holiday dinner. 'I «So 4Z $ \IZ O. W . F R C M Ï ... o ld ...T HighSchool Reporter. At the regular meeting ,w. G W M O R M rIIN /V Z G IM 3 u Z M £ ,N T S T O R E t^T N im issaB a a a Farmers--Get Together Now! tion a » K r'hW° rk t0^ ether and j° in A e t h e r in a state and na- ÌÌ THE LINN COUNTY FARM BUREAU ' md I ? ,lh erp ,19 " nly or‘e way to get into the State and Na- AND THE t .ml I .deration of Farm Bureaus, and that way is through the OREGON STATE FARM BUREAU Lounij aim Bureau. Every unit must be organized HAVE AGREED unanimously th at the G reater Farm Bureau in iz-im A h»!’ h T h,ad ° PP° rtUnity t0 belong to a farm er organ- iz. ion that had a local county body to work through and a state ■county, state, ami nation is worth $10 00 per year for each family, body and a national body? If so. was th at bodv strong in mini or it isn’t worth anything. And, furtherm ore, no one is taken for s and -strong in finance, so that it was really capable of getting a member for ju -t one Y ear.' If it is worth anything it is worth results? Be serious with yourself now. Is there today J e h ™ supporting for a period of yeais. as the S rm " " *° Here in the Blank You Will Be Asked to Sign. MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT Its Winning Farmers Literally By Thousands. Wili you be one to join or will you stay out and continue to sa y that farm ers will not organize? While you are knocking, they a, e 000 inHT* " 7 neVCr haVval from the county, or a fte r 1921, upon w rit­ ten request t • the Seer vary of the Linn County Farm Bu­ reau ,irior te ilie date payment becomes due. Uste...... .same __ Pest < Iffl, V Solicitor H l UB Read it carefully. I t is all there. I t ’s right. I t ’s fair end square. By s .ru in g it you join a great host of American farm pxi- pie, who ;.re arnestly and honestly seeking to solve the fi.rm problems in fu* da mentally sound ways. WATCH I OR )A T rS AND PLACES OF PUBLIC M EETING] A?H) ATTEND. ACT NOW. January 24-29, 1321 «■I farm LINN COUNTY FARM BUREAU «“ The Jnn County Farm Bureau and The Oregon State Farm Bureau ■. rasEKsg^csua I 'cZ?/ j I