DR. Z-» « • a» F H '.'S ! G A R N J Û 9 S T ,. A .4 D Farm Bureau Speaking Itale«. SURG EO t M onay, Jan 17th, 1 p ui, Prov- Telephone 145. Halsey, Oregon ¡d eu ce and Shedd. Amor ATTussing " i30 P ,n * C rabtree and Tangent. I lie-day. Ja n 18th, 1:00 p m, LAWYER AND NOTARY Jordun, H ulsey, K ictiuidson’» G ap B rownsville . O regon 7:30 p in, Scio, H arrisburg and S helburn. W ednesday, Jan 19th, 1 ;0ù p n. C raw fo rd sv ille, Lake Creek, and T w o doors n o r h o f th e hotel. Tlionnig. A ir. prepu e i io d o a ll kin d s o l 7;3O p ui, Brow nsville, and shoe repairing. Satisfaction H arm ony and Peoria. g ua ra ntee d. T h u rsd ay , Jan 20th, L3O p in. JEWETT the COBBLER. 1 Sweet Home, O akville, 'len n eisv , and Crowfoot. 7:30 p 111, Fairview , O rleans. R iverside, and Berlin. G L A S S E S F IT T E D F rid a y . Jan 21st, 1 ;00 p ni, I.n BY com b, G rand Pruirie, Sand Ridge, GRADUATE 7;30 p 111, Ro ‘k H ill, M orning O P T O M E T R IS T S tar, C h arity , and Ash Swale. P R IV A T E O F F IC E S atu rd ay , Ja n 22, a t A lbany, » F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S in on banquet will close the sneak- P R IC E S R E A S O N A B L E iug iu a liual rally of all t i e F M. F r e n c h & S o n s workers. ALBANY OREG. Geo A M ansfield, president ot the Oregon S ta te F arm Buteuu. Geo L G ray , representing the THE HALSEY EN 1 ERFRISE A merican Federation, and other and the speakers will address the meetings. No so licitation for m em berahip O REG O N FA R M E R at the meetings. Men and women all invited as one year for SI.iff». the Farm Bureau is an organiza­ 235 ACRES, $60 l ’ER ACRE. tion for alt the fam ily. M em bership caiiuipaigii J a n 35 acre« tim b e r, b a la n c e u n d e r c u lti­ vation. V ery old set ol farm b u ild in g s, 24 to 29. Smith Brcs E. L. STIFF and SON • lll< X £ t J L 1 .V Carries everything ia Puraiture, also FIFELE SS FURNACES. Fresh and Cured M eats Always On H and. Also O ther Meati in Season. Shoe R epair Si. p 5? /j\ fa \V E E v s t m ’R n W A R astbom n 2 i 2 W est Piasr. '«> FURNITURE. D E A L E R S Two S t o r e -, The RAMON I MACHINE plays all makes ef records. Aho WHITE SEWING MACHINES. » 215 217 Lyon Street, \W V/ W DENTISTRY C "XT W lio n a l Bank Buildin, Albany, Without pain. Late $ blocking method. 136 L V O N S T R E E T Eastbu rn Bros. Albany. L J5" «KegtMi nerve- \\f Í Phone C. C. D. D eliveries 56 and 58. M ontana F lo u r, S ap p h ire B rand, sack 2.85, Barrel 11 s5 W hite L oaf F lour, Crown P a te n t, sack 2.65, Barrel 10.50 KARL A. BRAMWELL, Prop. V aliev Blend F lour, Baker G irl, s k 2.25, Barrel 8 75 Suits Cleaned And Pressed. 'm a ll w hite Beans 20 pounds l.(X> Fancy Jap lice I t pounds 1.4X1 Cream Boiled O ats 16 pounds 1 00 E astern Corn meal 9 pounds .45 LAUNDRY S ENT AWAY on MUNDAY .30 flood bacon 35c lb, 3 pounds 1.04» Rolled O ats, large package L .30 W heat hearts, package .30 Pancake F lour, package Fancy dried prunes, 7 pounds 1.00 1.00 Choice dried prunes, 11 lbs 1 (X) e’ancy dried figs, 8 pounds well a t th e ho u se and barn, fam ily o r ­ chard, w oven w ire fences. U n s is the best buy in tile sta te for the m oney and located r ig h t on the Pacific H ighw ay betw een H alsey a n d Albany. In Memoriam. BARBER - SHOP. Bulk dates lb 30c, 4 pounds A BARGAIN EVENT YOU MUST ATTEND The opportunity beckons you, the clothes are here for you a t th e low p ri­ ces you’ve been w aiting for ihe last two years. Suits and over­ coats featured a t a g re a t Discount. Form erly priced $35.00 now $20.00 Form erly priced * $45.00 now $27.50 Form erly priced $55.00 now $35.00 ALBANY, OREGON. Royal Club cuff.-e pound G hirnrdelli chocolate, lb Bulk chocolate, pound 1.00 Pepper pound 25c, 5 pounds 1 00 Shortening No 5 pails CrisCo 1 1-2 lbs 40e, 3s .85 Salm on can 15c, 7 cans .80 I’oinatoes 8 cans Crisco (is 12 cans C ountry C lub Milk Nucoa pound 35c, 3 pounds 1 55, Corn, good grade 7 cans 1.60, Large cans peaches, 3 cans 1.00 String beans 7 cans .50 EGGS. .30 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 j 1.00 1.00 CASH or T R A D E . shop E. C . M IL L E R swin i to Halsey Station.* RIALTO THEATRE “SUN DOWN SLIM ” His new est and big g est picture. U niversal Special A ttraction T hursday, Ja n u a ry 20th. ANITA STEW ART “THE FIGHTING SH EPH ERD ESS.” BIG bUBSCRlPuuJ atFER W J. MAGAZäNES and OUR NEW SPAPER Y^-h F0R $ 2 - 2 S Order Now bling blok to the salvation of a -oul. As a w arning, the exam ple is given of a certain rich youne m an who refused to give up h it " barber .30 Electric H aircatting. Waswagiag and Shampooiug. .25 Laundry, Cleaning and Pre»»in< H arry Carey ,lhy«elf. M att 19: 19. T he high c >-i of living every th in g th a t 'm o n ey can buv has Been talked ab o u t for so long. Ib is le s s o u is 1 ¡.bout the high cost of immey. We are in danger of Iptting monev .o at us too m ic h . This lesson show* how w ealth is often a stum- l. O. o . F. WILDEY LODGE NO. «5. Regular meeting next hatwr- dav night. .40 Rebekah Lodge lias in HALSEY, OREGON. Sister T aylor lost one of its most worthy members, who, we are all Com ing. T h u rsd a y night. J a n 13. well aware (as fa r as linm an be­ ings can form a Judgm ent of the lives of their fellows) was in every IN act, deed, and word a true Chris tia n . B rother T ay lo r and fam ily Wt tru ly live in a world where sol- >m u shadow s are co n tin u ally fall­ ing upon our p ith , shadow s th a t leach u- the in secu rity of all tem ­ poral blessings', and warn us that here th ere is no abiding stay. But bow g rateful you m ust liavi fe lt to see her so resigned and h ap p y in th e th o u g h t th a t altin her loss would cast a shadow on your earth ly life, you would meet A th rillin g d ra m a o f tin- rugged west o f a girl who her h ereafter in th a t better world, fought single h a n d ed a g ain st b o rd er thioves, c attle where no trouble nor sorrow is t< p o iso n ers, an d c u t th ro a ts and a whole village o f be found. She was good in every accepta­ wom en g o ssips and won o u t. tion of th e te rm ; her charities s< u n o sten tatio usly dispensed, hei beerful w illingness to relieve any distress, her ta le n ts and charm s • udeared her to all. n a tu ra lly you ÇENTi£W\UJŸ í ' must deeply grieve for the loss of mo- so d ear, and ordained th a i Iime shall bring com fort and sooili- ing for all earth ly sorrow s, and t< .¡ ¿ j ts h> alin g influence we must 'e ive you. Resolved: T n a t a page be set a p a rt in the m inutes ot our order • 1 the m em ory of our departed You Cat A LL FOUR of Those -i-te r, and th a t a copy be fu rn is h ­ ed the fam ily and a copy be given to th e H alsey E n te rp rise tor p u b - 1 lication. T H I S O P E L f t J N A t O F F E R It» S O O U F O R A 6 H O H T T l M E C N L V E sth er Bond S ubscription* &< / Lo new o r renewal« A ll , • -w » ’ tu i»o nti« n« M ill be em endati fo r cn® y r t r / r m p r * ’ r n f U • n f r v • ' •«, C h a rity Clark V eda Bram w ell wealth in ordar to obtain eternal ing were elected. president, Nora Methodist Church Notes life. The lew-on offer« ihe op p o r­ I’c h rsso n ; vice pres. Hazel G ulli- fonl; rec sec, I’enrl Pi h r“-on; pur­ tu n ity to em phasize th a t -alvation ser, Isabel G ulliford. treas, Al­ S U N D A Y SC H O O L a w orth more th an all el«e. berta K oontz, The study course O ur all for the K ingdom . Thou sh alt love th y neighbor a s ' T he m issionary society spent a for the coming year was o u tlin 'd . P u rity “ 1.00 .45 Fancy bacon lb 35c, 3 pounds 1 00 G unpow der or J a p a n tea lb C ountry lard lb 22c, 5 pounds 1.00 Toasties or Corn Flakes. 2 W hereas: O ur beloved Sistei Creamery bi ter >ound l.aiira Taylor, h a s been called to her etern al hom e bv her m aster WILLAMETTE V U .’.EV LAND CO. | U vp 403 1st N a tio n a l B ank B uilding. A lbany, O regon Bulk coffee 20c lb, ii pounds Caraeoi coffee lb 35c, 3 lbs Cash buyers of Cre»m Eggs and Poultry. h. W. BYERLY, A gen t W. J. Ribelin Dealer in Real Estate. Handles Town and Coaatry Proper! Give him a call and aee if Be can 6« you up. T h e H in g W o Chi­ nese Medicine Co. 304 Broadalbin St, Albany. Our wonderful root« amd herb« are found in the Chin» preeara- Uona and havo stwad ths ***!> *1 * thousand years to o»r« Catarrh, Asthma. Lung Troablo. Gaaow. Rheumatism, Blood Faison. N e r ­ vousness, Stomach, Live» a«* Kidney troubles, also private ail ments of men and women. O » - sultation free. Ih e H in t We Chinese Medicine Co. F O Box, 247, Albany, Oregon. C hiropractor DR. A. R. PINNKY Electrical equipped office Room 401 First Nelional Baek S ail4i«t Albany Ore. V ;n i€ iH T ¿fe POOLM norm ' irsrtors and Licesied ___ Embalm*™........ BROWNSVILLE ta d WARRII- BURG. Branch«» at Halaey sad Sweet Home. Frank Kirk. Rep­ resentative for Halsey, F’ho*l«4 F. M. GRAY, D raym an. The m in " friends of our former Baraca J Paul F O re m of Bull- m an. W ash, will be milch g ra ti­ All work done promptly aad fied to learn of bi- decision to en ­ reasonably. Phoa* No »*• te r the foreign m issionary field, j Bro Cook was called to Ju nction City last Sunday m orning bv form er friends to conduct a funeral Artistic Piano Tuning service, in his absence Rev A S A K T H I R C O L E Alfcaay, O ra. The S tan d ard Bear.-ru held th eir M ulligan of Salem very kindly re g u la r election of officers w ith . cam e and filled the p u lp it in the Leave or lerà will» W«w4wertb Drag Ca A lban». O ragna. th e fr su p erin ten d en t, Mrs T a v lo r. ■ m orning and gave us a good Ber­ $3. Town or Country $3 ( on F rid a y eveuing. The follow -, mon. very d elig h tfu l afternoon last F ri- day with Mrs D Tavlor. Mrs S ta n d ish m ade th e le-son q u ite in te r-stin g and was fallowed by storm s of m issionary work by d if­ ferent ladies. Mrs M erriam was * a guest. guest. Delicious h o m e m ad e candy was served bv the hostess,