Lo’”’ nnd bead. hrst thread arram -vnr wnn tainiy ajrree tna W 111 U C L I xvow as we said before, w> Uu«., U icu uJOfc b u n CUi.lt’oI, th e n moot beautiful wedding drd; 70rl: o-i it e v e f and I nm An Indvpendant N ew spaper have the material given us witl more knowledge. By this time th at was ever worn at a nuptial not a bit jealous euaer. in ta c t. PU B L ISH E D 5 EVERY THURSDAY which we will make our wedding ve fin ! we need a different feast. I am giving her all the help I dre >s, *nd it is C hrist’s robe ol thread entirely, so wo pick tin an to make her garm ent beauti- Let us look again a t our text CHAS. HALL ARD, E ditor righteousness, represented in the needle that is threaded with 14th verse. “ She shall bt ul, and «-he is helping me to E ntered as second-class m a tte r Oc­ our text as tine linen. patience. We see perhaps w here brought unto the King in rai nake mine beautiful, and we are tober d, lv l2 , a t the pvsto iiice a t H al­ The revised version of thh 45th we have made a mistake in fol mt-nt of needle work: the virgins- loing it for Christ in order th at sey, Oregon, under the A ct of M arch Psalm gives it that “ her clothing lowing the pattern* and we will her companions that follow he) ve will not cause him sorrow on s, ia<9. is of lNwrought gold. h»ve to pull out a thread here hall be brought unto thee.” iccount of our misdeeds. We are The authorized version say» and there and add a different Devoted to the m aterial upbuilding ol There is to be more than th< waiting as patiently as we can Halsey and surrounding country a iu wrought gold. The revised kind. We consider it so much bride at the wedding. The vir- or the greatest of all great wed- Linn County generally Subscription version is the correct one. Th< ime lost. We will have to tie * 1 gins, the bride’s maids, her corn- lingdays, when Christ is ready ra le $l.oU per y ear in advance. d ess is not made of one heavy, very «areful that we do not get panions, are to be taken into the to take to himself his bride. -umbersome, unattractive piece mpaiient and give up the whole palace with the bride, and in But so n e one may ask, "W hat THE FURNITURE HOSPITAL of gold from the neck to the feet, thing. It were better to ru s Rev. 7: 9, we read concerning tbout that man th at came w ith­ Renovates and makes feather but it is made of fine linen in- that we hadn’t begun on the these bride’s maids, or virgins out a wedding garm ent on?” I In othei wedding garm ent than to begin taa t are with the bride, and i lon’t know. He evidently did mattresses, old furniture anti vrought with gold. vords, the body of the dress is on it and get discouraged and says: “ A fter this I beheld, ant lot expect to be part of the mattresses made like new. Bring them in or phone 261-K, made ot linen, while it is made .abandon the robe altogether. Io a great multitude, which ni iride class, if he had he would specially attractive by beautiful We hud better pick out every man could number, of all nations, lot have neglected so im portant 123-130 Ferry St, Albany. Ore. figures embroidered into the robt thread that we ever put in it. and kindreds, and people, ant t feature. The Bible speaks of with threads of gold. which, by the way. some of u.- tongues, stood before the throne, iim as being a guest, but even 'T h e letters which the king have had to do, and do the work an I before the Lamb, clothec hen he should have had on the •as given to the elect bride,’’ all over, than to lose our patience with white robes, and pnlms it robe, for the great company are DR. R. H. HARRIS says one ol God’s consecrated and throw the robe aside. their hands ” ¡escribed as having washed vorkmen, “ instruct her that she A fter working in considerable Those that accompany th< heir robes and made them white must put in all her time and a t­ patience we find we need more bride must have white robes on n the blood of the Lamb. I re­ C u s ic k B a n k U l i i . u i n i . A l b a n i tention upon this particular work knowledge and so we pick up as well as the bride. There wil dly don’t know how th at man of putting the golden embroidery thread number two again, and be nothing impure that will en tot in there at ail. The servants in its proper position, and weave then we run across an entire j ter heaven. Their robes ma) C. C. B R Y A N T vere not supposed to admit any it into the places that he hasdes- | change in the pattern and we not have as much fine needh A TTORNEY AT LAW me without a wedding garm ent ignated. so that a beautiful orna- find we have to work in a thread woik embroidered into them a- eousness of the saints) and erri Now we come to the fifth p art is represented in the develop- be embroidered into the robe. \ broidered with gold, (ty p e o fth t >f the oriental type of this great ncnt of the ornamentation upon Then love. More Godliness, Divine nature), but it must bt wedding. A fter the groom and the garm ent to make it a wed- more patience, more fortitude, kent clean. »ride are espoused, at the proper ling robe, I think you and I will more love, more self control, Jam es says: 1. 27, “ Pure re­ ¡me the groom comes for his Interesting To Note. »gree that a woman could never more patience, more knowledge, We have customers on oui e able to do another thing but more patience, more love, more ligion and undefiled before Got bride and conducts her to his hooks to day who started wit) rnament that one robe for that Godliness, more fortitude, mon- and the Father is this. To visi own home. Jesus has been away a long Horious occasion, and that if she patience. more knowledge, more the fatherless and the widow ii us when we commenced busines their affliction, and to keep him ime, but the time is a t hand for 1 hey must be satislied, why not •ft that work to attem pt to do love. self unspotted from the w orld.’ him to take his bride home, the you? something else she would lose It is a wonderful» garm ent. Yes, th at garm ent must b< real m arriage will soon take Work T h it Satisfies Is Our Ait: uch valuable time that the work Are you surprised that the King kept unspotted. And th a t is no olac«, and there will arise a great would likely never be finished.” should greatly desire her beauty? ¡an easy task either. We are of l -hout of trium ph from the great What are the ornamentations But while we are embroider- necessity thrown in contact with ompany, and from the heavenly that are to be worked into the mg these lovely figures into o u r¡th e world, and the first thing w< hosts, “ As it were a great rrul- • be? The apostle tells us to robe, our thoughts are to be un­ know, our garm ent is dirty. W< itude, and as it were the voice Add to your faith, virtue, der the control of our head and lon’t want it th at way and i )f many waters, and as the A L B A N Y OBCG <"owledge, temperance. pa- "aster, and Paul tells us in Phil. sieves us very much to see out voice of mighty tnunderings, Harold Albro. ience, Godliness, broth'rly kind­ 4: 3, that we are to think on the •eautiful garm ent stained, anc saying Alleluia, for the Lord God Manufacturing Optician. ness and love.” thing-* that are true, honest, we say. “ Oh dear, there is c »mnipotent reigneth. lh e Emphatic Diagloit gives just, pure, lovely and of good spot on my robe.” We wash it, The Pre; «ration of the Bride. Let us be glad and rejoice, he translation, super-add these Psalms. 45: 10-15 and Rev lifferent characteristics. In oth- report. but the first thing we know ind give honor to Him; for the 19: 7. 8. If our mind is busy thinking "<* see another spot, and we look m arriage of the Lamb ig come, words, instead of attain:ng about (he things that are true, down and we see another one md his wife hath made h-rself (A Sermor bv Chas. Ballard)’ til the virtue you will have at we will not be embroidering and it is a spot here and a spoi r.a d y .” Amen. ne time, and then adding to (Third Installment.) falsehood into our robe. If our there, and it is a spot, a spot, r -hat all the knowledge you will H alsey Item s Now having accepted the invi- thoughts are in accord with jus- •' pot, a spot, and we have to pul need, and when you get your tatix , to run for the prize of lUota of knowledge you must tice there will be no unjust -uspi- j in a great part of our time wash Brownsville and Drifted Snow the high calling, ’having given tdd temperance enough to carry cions or thoughts embroidered ng and brushing the spots wf dour at D H S tu rtev an t’s. up her own people, and her you to the end of the race, then into our robe. If our thoughts \ '>ur robes. It is the precious 1. E \\ alton got in a car of father’s house, and her name, add patience enough to carry are pure, there will be no impure blood of Christ th at cleanseth vood this week. the next step to he taken is to o.i through, then add enough pictures to shock the eyes of our Irom all sin, and when we find a W anted—Sheep pasture and make herself ready. G idliness to enable you to pr. - King when he sees our robe. If spot on our robe, we call out at some feeder hogs. I still have We will look again to the terve a good character until our thoughts are in harmony once. F ather forgive me, and he three fresh cows for sale. R B words of our text, 13th verse. leath, th<*n add brotherly kind- with honesty, there will be no >■’ faithful and ju st to forgive us •Mayberry. The kings daughter is all less to j mi le.-lopm ents, and dishonest d-alings to b- pulled T il our sins when we go to him All persons knowing them ­ glorious within and her clothing hen end the n u tte r by taking out of our garm ent i-efore we and ask for forgiveness, for ht selves indebted to me will please wear it in the presence of our does it on account of the blood of is of wrought gold. on a stock of love so as to push King. If our thoughts are about Christ th a t has been applied to c»ll at Cross & W hite’s and settle It is not until the Kings daugh­ yourself forward until you reach their account at the earliest pos­ ter gets within the pala •»>. that he goal. That is not the mean- lovely things, ugly characters make his prospective bride free sible date. o. W. Frum. will find no place in our robe of from all sin. ah e is glorious. While Taber- ng ...................... - . „ . u r , ™ at all. We super-add. or add righteousness, For Dental W ork—Dr. E. W and if our If you expect to get to heaven hading here on earth as pilgrims a little at a time, first of this and Barnum. H arrisburg, Oregon, and strangers, we a-e lar from I then of that, then more of the houghts are of Die things of and share the throne with Christ ¡’hone or write for appointm ent. rood report, evil communication? >o»r head, you must notallow glorious. While our enemies can irst, then some of the third, etc H ie Neighbor» o f W oodcraft will be entirely lacking from our any spots to stay on your wed- not say ought against us, yet net in regular session Jan 5. fh e Now we have before us our wedding garm ent. ding rone. our condition isn’t an enviable one. ' -nbe of pure white linen with a llo w in g officers were in s ta lle d ou see what beautiful designs It is not the bride alone that We are «n army of men and i eautiful designs outlined upon tor the ensuing year: I)e|Ja women who have been beheaded t. No* to properly work out the bride of Christ must embro must have a spotless garment, M ornhinw eg (G N ) ; E lizab e th J for Jesus' sake. Our wills are ¡these designs we have to use (er into her dress. But these but the great multitude are de W hite, a d iv o r; N ancy T a y lo r, are r ' ot scribed they com#- who have com«- lerk; E d ith Rohnett, banker; Ada ........ ..... --------- " m as v nave not our own, we have merged , om e of the golden thread of vir things 1 have mentioned >il that are to be worked into up through great tribulation and Corcoran, m agician; Sarah Rob­ them into the will of our espoused ie. or more properly rendered husband; our time is not our own, »rtitude. We work awhiie with hat fine linen. I look at the pat have washed their robes and ertson, m usician; Jess O Cross we have dedicated it tc our Lord; iat thread until we come to i tern and 1 see a flow er called made them white in the blood of >n i W II K irk managers; .Marcel, our talents are not our own, we hange in the pattern and wt ove, another called peace, and the Lam b.” la E K ir k , a tte n d a n t; Maggio M My wife and I lived far apart have set them apart for the ser­ pd that we must use a differ mother called joy. Here is a Br.-s«l..r, ca pta in of guards; D e lila ,nd v 't t T “ c" iW aflo'« 'r- « ’ carried on our courtship M ille r and Addie Leeper outer vice of Christ: our money is not nt thread, it is all gold hut a h- »„ " T ' “ * by ™ " '" l» " 'le u , e. and I hord,J our own, we have the use of jt afferent shade, so we pick A fte r the up he fluer ,s the bout,net. It is , , e r «ot a letter from her hot ind inn er sentinels. only as stewards of our master; ie thread of knowledge, •usiness m eeting a general good Wt- • ^ , r 7 h ‘a , I ' S'" r, ri k' »>■» reported what progress our bodies are not our own, we vork with that a while until we • our robe wont lx* complete she was making with her wed- itne WHS enjoyed by C ircle m em - h .ve presented them as living . ome to another change in 'srs and fam ilies. th. sacrifices unto God, Everything •utlineand we find we have ^"^e e r , % I.a 't riiu 's d a y there was Ivorn to t v ertd wit i.. Then I one too. Poor little woman, she we have has been c » y this time. But as pretty as not expect to tie glorious unti We then find that we need (or it he; is worse than a boy th a t we get into lhe palace of our nore fortitude so We pick up our hhrHinM r « ? ‘rmenl the lT'de ° f ' l WaS 'l was nothin* to ™™pare gets his first pair of pants with h r i s t M l b l wear, we will cer- w ith the robe she is preparing T h e Halsey Eitcrprisr Chiropractor X-RAY Optometrist. 1? hi" dr"" '» « ^ > pockets in.