125886 DR. H. G A R N J O S S T ;; p h y s ic ia n and Telephone 145. surgeob Halsey, Oregon Amor A. Tussing LAWYER AND NOIARY B ro w n sville . O regon Shoe Repair Shop Two doors north of the hotel. A.n prepared to do all kinds of shoe repairing. Satisfaction guaranteed. JEWETT the COBBLER. G L A S S E S F IT T E D BY GRADUATE O P T O M E T R IS T P R IV A T E O F F I C E F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S P R IC E S REASO NABLE F . m . f r e n c h & S o n s ALBANY OREG. THE HALSEY ENTERPRISE and the OREGON FARMER one year for $1.65. 235 ACRES, >60 PER ACRE. 35 acres tim ber, balance uniter cu lti­ vation. Very old set of farm buildings, »ell at the house aud barn, family or- hard, woven wire fences. 1 his is the lest buy in the state for the money and ocated rig h t on the Pacific Highway »etween flalsey and Albany. VILLAMETTE VAI.I.EY LAND CO. 403 1st N ational B ulk Building. Albany, Oregon R E C O N S T R U C T IO N — P R IC E 5 ------ New Spring Prices M en’s and young m e n ’s S u its a t Item s SHEILA’S FRIEND $35.00 M any as low as $22.50 T h e above g rad e o f Suits sold last Fall from $37.50 . TO $60.00 MEN’S SHOES ALBANY, we were Honored to oe aaseu to one of Iter Hue parties, but now she's plum) alone. P olaa alt died off, and Worthy R B Miller was in town Tuesday W ren's got queer living alone. Some with a meat wagon. used to say she was lu love with the man h er sister m arried. I don't know, Brownsville and Drifted *Snow but Worthy and Beu Temple were friends from childhood mid when flour a t D H S tu rtev an t’s. Becky Wren came hack all bright and For Dental W ork—Dr. E. W snappy from hoarding school—seemed Barnum, H arrisburg, Oregon. she’d grown up all a t once and her Phone or write for appointment. ways Just turned Beu’s head. "H e m arried Becky suddenly, and 1 W anted—Sheep pasture and guess Worthy never beard from either some feeder hogs. I still have of 'em a fte r they weut off somewhere* three fresh cows for sale. R B to live.” Sheila thought the story over as she M ayberry. started up the hill. Miss Wreu was Bert Minkley shipped a car of In her springtim e garden wlteu she got hay Wednesday. there. “So you would like to see my flow­ Roll Templeton was a Browns ers?” she said. “Come right iu, you ville calle” Wednesday. will be most welcome; pleutlng visi­ J C Bramwell and wife were tors are a rarity w ith me.” Sheila returned to the farm house Albany callers Friday. laden w ith spring blooms, and a happy W A Carey was au Albany friendship also came to bloom between caller last Thursday. the lonely old woman, and the young. The Boy Scouts took a two The girl found most of her comfort at sum m er upon the pillared veran­ mile hike last night out east of th das of Miss Wreu'B home. town. As fall came and fallen leaves A new walk has lieen laid in crackled beneath h er feet In Miss W ren’s garden, Sheila was loath to front of the north half of the go back to the prison of Aunt Gweu's school yard. close apartm ent. W orthy Wren I.ud L W Byerly and Frank Kirk profited, too, by the girl's companion­ made a business trip to Albany ship. She often laughed softly In an echo of alm ost forgotten laughter. Wednesday. "Why don’t you,” Sheila suggested, Frum & Mayberry shipped a “leave this big place and go down to car of hogs Tuesday and expect the village? It m ust take a g reat deni to keep It up." to ship another one tomorrow. It w as then th at h er first realization E B McKinney of Albany, came of her frien d 's reul need. "It transacted business in Halsey does take a good deal," Miss Wor­ thy reluctantly adm itted, "but the Wednesday. money I have may be made with care Mr and Mrs Alex Power of to last my lifetime. I live alm ost In Lebanon, spent New Year’s day oup room during the w inter." Sheila took to bringing certain dona and Sunday as guests a t the D S tlons for mutual luncheon parties ufter McWilliams home. th a t All persons knowing them ­ "I wish,” w rote Aunt Gwen, “that selves indebted to me will please you would hurry hack for the fall house cleaning, S h eila; everything Is call at Cross & W hite’s and settle in a |ierfect m esa." their account at the earliest pos­ “Your progress," w rote the doctor back in the city, “1» satisfactory. I sible date. O. W. Frum. know your needs and advise you to F H Forter and his daughter stay w here you are for ano th er month." Miss Amy left Wednesday for In the glory of an October moon. Portland. Mrs Porter and Miss Shelia went up the hill with h er offer­ ings for a festive supper. Miss Wor­ Gertrude will follow shortly but thy put logs on the fireplace and the at present Gertrude is sic k with tea table was draw n t»«fi>re It. The while head was bent < 'use to the gold a cold. Oliver Hargus of Eugene has en-brown one. when th e doorbell clanged. Shellu hastened to answer. been secured as pastor of the A young tnun stood there In the moon­ Christian Church and will preach light, a big young man with a good- here next Sunday morning and n atured face. am Jack Temple." he announced. evening. Mr Jones who had “I "I have come to see my nun»." received a call to the church “Come la," she Invited, "and have decided not to give up his work some tea." They talked it over later, the big at Sheridan. young man and she, as he escorted ------ --------------- her down hill. Big Basket Ball Game “M other re n t me.” he explained. "M other's not much like Aunt W orthy, At City Hall, Tuesday, Jan 11, I fancy, but aha w anted to m ake up Halsey Athletic Club vs Albany a fte r all the years." Jack Temple paused thoughtfully. Moose. “If you know of any one I could en­ This will be a hard, fast game gage to stay with Aunt W orthy through the w inter?" and one worth witnessing. The prom pt response of th e pretty Game called at 8:30 p m. Ad girl at his side brought from the young man an astonished stare. mission 25 cents. “I will stay with her," Sheila re­ plied, and when the snows of the fol­ lowing December were heaped about the great house doorway, Miss Wren admonished h er n phew concerning Ids frequent visits. o ------------------------------------- = “I'm afraid you aro taking too much By MILDRED W HITE. time from buslneaa. Jack d ear," «he said, “though, of course. Shelia and I love to have yon about." ((c). l t l f . W « « te r n N e w s p a p e r L 'n la n ) “Sheila,” th at young man answ ered Sheila hod been sen t to th e hill with satisfaction, "h as agreed to have country beeausv of poor health. Her me about for th e rest of h er n atu ral Aunt Gwendolen, In core-free pleasure life. T hat, of course Includes you. loving life, could not realise or sym­ Aunt W orthy." pathize with frailness, and the con­ . ’'iz->-ycjytv»yu sc -w, stantly added task s of the city a p a rt­ ment hud grown to he more than Sheila •wild hear. She m ust go away, the doctor said, and soon. P retty , fashion- ihle Aunt Gwen p etulantly objected. B ut the doctor was firm, and scrib­ By VIRGINIA KEYES. bled a certain country address on hla prescription pad. “Tell Mr». Saun­ ders I sent you," he ordered crisply, (© . 1910. b y M c C lu re N e w » p » p » r R y n d lc a t» ) "T hank goodness, the whole thing and Sheila had gone. The money question w as not a very will be done quietly,” Mrs. F rancis T al­ Im portant one: living expenses In the fourd m urm ured to herself us ohe stood far aw ay village were not those of the w atching the noonday crowd pouring i Ity. Aunt Gwen none too graciously Into the subway. H er gown of gray, volum eered assistance from her suffl- dinging m aterial, with Its wide, child­ , lent store. “It Is due you for your ish collar of delicate, white Ince w emed • ervlce»," the old doctor drily re­ strangely nut of plniv among the sm art tallorisl » tits of the working marked. Sheila was not unhappy In her girls hurrying past. A gray velvet hat Isolation. At first there was the novel with a single ornam ent of tw isted sil­ -ensatlon of freedom. Never had she ver ribbon fitted closely over her coiled been free to seek Joy or relaxation browu Lair. No, there would be no and then she found delight In planulng disgusting publicity. walks of exploration about the coun- Somewhere a clock struck the half- ry. High upon the hill side, she hour. Mra. Tulfourd hecumo (inpatient. -tew ed a g reat red house from her Strange, Francis was Intp. H e hail In­ sm all window in Mrs. Saunders' home. sisted th at she should meet him there Sheila wondered who bad selected and that they should go together on th at louely space for th e towered th e subway. How much easier to ubode. and went down a t last to ask have called for him at the office with her hostess. her little electric I “T h a t's the old Wren place." Mrs. In spite of herself she began to Saunders told her. “Used to be g rest think about the first tim e she had seen doings there when I was a girl aud I ra n d s . Then he had been a secre­ H im Wren » tu a girl too, Thought tary la her fa th e r's oOiQg, S h e re- Halsey OREGON. IN THE SUBWAY I »emnereq ms siraignr snoutoe’s uuu E. L. STIFF and SON he peculiar h abit he hn