The Halsey Enlerprist A b lu4*p«nd«nt Newipaper P V B L i S h ED EVERY THURSDAY CHAS. BALLARD, Editor Entered as second-class matter Oc- tebar I, 1912, at the postoffice at Hal­ sey, Oregon, under the Act of March 2, 1*7$. •var with th® spiritual •"a’ure i.. fact, the higher the type of human nature the fierecr the b’ ttle between the two. A good illustration of this found in a poem by Rebecca Fair Doney, entitled “ The Christian’s Battle.” It is a dialogue supposed to take place between the old creature or humanity and the new creature, the candid ate for the bride Christ. It reads as follows: Oseotad to the material upbuilding of Haisay and surrounding country and Linn County generally Suhacription (Old Creature) sate <1.50 per year in advance. Your brother has oflendeil you Must you forgiveness show When he hat not forgiveness asked? THE FURNITURE HOSPITAL 1 really do not know Renovates and makes feather That yon are called to go that far— He's very mnch to blame. mattresses, old furniture and Of course 1 would not slander him, mattresses made like new. Nor injure his good name; Bring them in or phone 261-R, Hut then, I think, I’d show him, too, 128-130 Ferry St, Albany. Ore. That he has quite offended you, Chiropractor DR. R. H. HARRIS X-RAY C dsick H ank B u il d in g . A lbany C .C . B R Y A N T (New Creature) How can 1 be a child of <-od Aud not forgiveness show? Why, he has covered all my tint, And 1 must surely grow In that sweet grace that from the heart Forgives by word and deed. 1 would be like the blessed Lord: For in his word 1 read That he left all the jovs of heaven, To die that 1 might be forgiven. (Old Creature) Your brother bat imposed on you; 201 New First N at'l Bank Bldg, Says: 'AU that's thine is mine;’ Albany, Oregon. It is not right, what shall you do? Where will you draw the line? Why should you share your earthly goods hi Which you by thrift acquired? I That which you toil for is your own; Aud you are not required lo give to every one who comes To seek your help, your bread your home, (New Creature) I've often wished that 1 had lived When my Lord left his throne, And trod this earth in human form, Interesting To Note. We have customers on our That I might then have shown My love to him in service sweet: books to day who started with Hut still the suffering Christ ua when we commenced business. Walks by my side each day and how They must be satisfied, why not Neglected, poor, despised, Still needing ministries of love— you! Work That Satisfies Is Our Aim Now here's the chance iliy love to prove. (Old Creature) Your brother shows no gratitude For all your kiudlv deeds. He surely should express some thanks, When you supply his needs. O a A c £ o . o You've loaned, you've given, you've Harold Albro, gone without; You’ve helped him all you canid; Manufacturing Optician. i really think in counting up, You’ve done more than you should The Preparation of the Bride. ,'d call a halt, till he has seen Psalms. 45: 10-15 and Rev. How very kind you’ve always been A TTO R N EY AT LA W 19: 7. 8. (A Sermor hy Chas. Ballard)' In the 10th verse, it : ays, "Hearken. Odaugh er, and con- aider, and incline thine ear; for­ get also thine own people, and thy father’s house.” This class is addressed as "daughter,” and that does not apply to the world at all. The world is at enmity with God, but the class called t3 be the bride is called "daughter.” Now the first step to be taken ia to believe on th" Lord Jesu Christ. In Galatians 3: 26, w, read, "For ye (the true church) are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus,” To exercise faith in Jesus Chris constitutes the individual a chili of God, Having exercised thi. faith they are in a proper condi tion to hear the call. But then is something else to do beside- hearkeu. They are to forget their owi people and their father’s house Their own people is the human race. The call is to somethin», higher than humanity. They an to be begotten to a spiritual na ture. But the human nature is ai w ar with the spiritual nature and ia holding the individual back. They know what the human nature is, but the spiritual natun they can only see by the e>e of faith, they see through a glass, daral,'. And even the highest typ* of human nature is «t S tirrin g T h in g s Up. G artrud«1 Is 4 y e a rs of njce. She f i r e s th e w orld fearlessly , looks ¡1 sq u arely In th e eye. m id If It doesn't truck exactly to suit h e r she tolls It things. H e r m am m a hail pone aw ay th e o th er day and loft G er­ tru d e In th e care o f h e r grandm a. ai»l, a f te r n clash o f wills, G erlru tle hail been p u t Into a room to rem ain 'o r a speclfted leng th of tim e. " I f von a tlr out of th a t room before I tell you von m ay." cau tio n ed grandm a severely, "I am going to spank you." G e rtru d e stood w ith arm * nkhnho for a m om ent and then re to rte d In a tone of f in a lity ; "W ell! W hen you spank me you will find th a t bu sin ess Is c e r­ tain ly beginning to pick up In th is neighborhood." T h e A rgonaut. (New Creature) What! work for thanks! then 1 should lose A future rich reward; Ml service to my brother, now, ts done to my dear Lord. -jich little sacrifice I make, Is precious in bis sight. t o see my love and zeal abound, I know is his delight. •or all the wealth beneath the sun. I would not miss his sweet "Well done. ’ * 3,000 Year-Old Story. Do you know w hich Is th e oldest w ork of fiction? It is th e “T ale o f T w o B ro th ers," w ritte n over th ree th o u sa n d y e a rs ago by th e lib ra ria n to K ing MerenptiWi, the supposw l P h arao h of tin- Exodus. T h e sto ry w as w ritte n for the a m usem ent of th e k in g 's son, who a f ­ terw a rd reigned as Setl the Second. He has signed his nam e In tw o places on th e m an u scrip t, end a re prol«- ahly th e only surviving a u to g ra p h s of a king of Egypt. T he ‘‘T ale of T w o B ro th e rs" Is w rit­ ten on nineteen sh e e ts of p a p y ru s In a 'void h ie ra tic hand. It was p u rch ased in 18.17 hy the B ritish m useum from a Mms. d ’O iltlnev. (Old Creature) »’our brother slandered you, I hear And tried n j ju to thro.» hispicions b,.»e to injure you: Told things that were not so; •urmised that you had evil done; Tells others of hts fears, Vith coolness meets vonr looks of love And eosts you many tears. «'ou do not owe him in return A love which he would only spurn. (New Creature) Ti s not niv brother you hold up; T is not his faults you show. i is tny brother's enemy. Like you, a deadly foe. 1 y brother does not do the things That you lay at his door; I is his old creature that one day Shall trouble him no more. , he New Creation is my km. I he New Creation does not sin (Old Creature) •ur brother claims he walks in love Then why it he so mean? u many people of the world There is more goodness seen ’. ban he shows in hit daily life; You know you're vexeJ w ith him. He has such ugly little ways. And such besetting sins; He sorelv lacks in Christian grace— Now, how can he win in the race? (New Creature) I he wav ts getting narrower, More sleep and rough it grows; t»J lewer they who walk therein Shedd J B Cornett was an Albany ■aller Monday. Geo Coon was an Albany visitor ’aturdsy. Geo Grume returned to Shedd •’riday a fter visiting friends in Irownsville. Mr and M rs E W Shedd spent ueaday in Albany. They have just got home from N ew port L O Coat-s. ou" local phone iperator. transacted business n Albany Tuesday. Mrs Rev Reid left Monday evening to visit over night in Al- I HALSEY, OREGON. Yes. the bride must forget her own people, and her father s house. What is meant by her father’s house. Adam was the father of the race. Anu the one called to be the bride is heir to ail that would fall to Adam. The principal thing that we inherit from him is death, and sorrow, at least, in the present time, and it ought not to be a hard thing to forget that part of our fath e r’s house, so fara s our willingness is concerned b u t even though we are willing to forget it, it is not to be forgotten, and that penalty foi Adam’s transgression must be met. W hat then is the hardship that is implied in leaving her fath ­ e r’s house? The fact, that Christ, by his sacrificial death purchased Adam and his race and proposes to restore them to the original perfection and glory that Adam enjoyed before he fell, and we now are heirs to the blessings of the times of restitu­ tion. We have a glorious home here on earth to be assured to us when the great antitypical jubi­ lee, the times of restitution, re­ turns the ransomed sinners to their F ather’s house. The bride class is to realize that she has an everlasting home in hap­ piness here on the earth, which she is heir to, but when she ac­ cepts the invitation to be the bride of Christ, she must give that all up. She must leave her fath er’s house, and leave it for ever. She signs a quit claim deed to all her earthly rights and titles, in order th at she may dwell with her husband in the mansion th at he has gone to pre­ pare for her, and to which he will come and take her in his own good time. (Continued next week.) O p to m e tr is t ALBAMV RIALTO THEATRE I/jrd, I would be of those o l.o walk ou lo Ute tciy cud Through good report or ill— My chief desire to know and do Thy bles- d holy will. Complete iu me thy work of grace. That I may see thee face to face. Thursday, January 6th. WILLIAM S. HAR1’ IN “THE MONEY CORRAL Coming, Thursday n ig h t, Jan 13. Harry Carey IN ‘SUN DOWN SLIM” His newest and biggest picture. Universal Special Attraction Commencing Thursday, January 6th, show will -tart at 8 p. nt. One show only. bany with her mother, Mrs Bal­ played and acted by the upper timore. From there she went to grade pupils. The Christm as Portland for a visit with friends. tree yielded its many gifts to the Mr and Mrs Tom Hover spent distributors, who in turn gave Friday at the home of Mr and them to the owners with the ad­ Mrs Geo Dannen. mission of Santa Claus. ------------------- Mr and Mrs Henry Freerksen Is more Catarrh In this section have been ailing for the past few of There the country than all other diseases put together, and for years It was sup­ days. posed to be Incurable. Doctore prescribed remedies, and by constantly falling The infant daughter of Harold local to cure with local treatment, pronounced Couey has been quite sick, but is It Incurable. Catarrh ts a local disease, greatly Influenced by constitutional con­ doing nicely at the present. | ditions and therefore requires constitu­ tional treatment. H a ll’s Catarrh Medi­ Andy Shearer ’has ju st arrived cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Toledo, Ohio, Is a constitutional from eastern Oregon for a visit Co., remedy. Is taken Internally and acts thru Blood on the Mucous Surfaces with friends and relatives. He of the the System. One Hundred Dollars re­ ward is offered for any case that Hall'a' expects to return soon. Catarrh Medicine falls to cure. Send for Ralph Dannen and wife were circulars and testimonials. F. J. C H E N E Y A CO.. Toledo, Ohio. visitors at the Earl Oxford home Sold by Druggists, 76c. H a ll’s Family Pills for constipation. Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Mrs Oxford is a sister of Methodist Church Notes Mr Dannen. A D Elder spent Sunday with SUNDAY SCHOOL his family. Mr Elder is working Jesus teaching forgiveness. as bridge carpenter for the S P. If ye forgive men their tres­ H J Farwell had the misfor­ passes, your heavenly father tune to lose a fine yearling calf will also forgive you. Matt 6: 14. lately by her getting her neck D:d we ever store up thoughts broken under a wagon. in our minds like these? “ He Miss M argaret Dawson, who did me an evil trick and I ’ll get .had been spending the holidays even with him .” “ I ’ll never with hpr parents, has returned forgive him as long as I live.” to her school at Medford. Under such conditions, can we Robert, son of W alter M ’ore, pray the Lord’s prayer and feel is reported sick with bronchial th at we are forgiven for our pneumonia. trespasses? Three words will Janet Arnold has received a suggest to us the great tru th s of new Bible from the U P Sunday this lesson’s parable. school as a reward for bringing “ Debt!” We owe a great in the most new pupils in the debt to God—the love of our lato contest, hearts and the service of our Mr and Mrs F H Brock of Hos­ lives. kins, who had been visiting rela­ “ Grace!” God’s grace to tives here, have returned home. those who have confessed their A car of hogs was shipped debt to him. from here this week. “ Duty!” Since God has S P Brock has moved a small shown such great grace to us, house on his place for his tenant. we should show the same grace Mrs Robert Arnold and her to our debtors. Shall we take daughter Viola, and Alva Croft m an's way? No, God’s way. transacted business in Eugene 1 he Official Board met at the from Thursday until Saturday of parsonage on Monday evening. last week. Som>‘ plans were put in motion, The little son of Rev Van Win­ which if carried firw trd by the kle is reported quite ill. church supporters will mean much to the future success of School Notes the church. Will you lend a : hand? In the upper and lower class­ Mrs Geo Brand and Mrs Nellie men game played Dec 22, the Sawyer, sisters of W D and Ly­ lower classmen won. It was a man M arsters, were visitors at great victory as there wa3 much I the Sunday morning service. strife to determine which would About eighteen of the Epworth win. , Leaguers journeyed to the home w e have returned from a very of Merle and Leroy Straley on enjoyable vacation, anxious to Tuesday evening and had a very renew our work and begin the pleasant social time. new year with fresh determ ina­ Bro Cook will organize the tions and good resolutions. ; hoys of our town under twelve Mrs Cross has taken over the years into the Junior Scouts this Teachers Training class and has Wednesday evening. made plans to teach them some The W F M S will meet this very necessary methods. Friday at 2.30 a t the home of The basket ball girls had a Mrs I) Taylor; Mrs Standish is splendid practice last Monday the leader. All ladies are wel­ evening. come. The Christmas exercises prov-! The King’s Heralds will meet ed quite a success. The hall was Saturday p m at the parsonage, well Aided with people and also L et’s get busy for the new prettily decorated by the Sopho- year and be glad of life because more class. Thank You Sophi> s. it gives us a chance to love and The "B ird 's Christmas Carol" to work and to think every day by Charles Dickens, was well of Christ. '0 / »